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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?


Here's the comic related stuff I got for Christmas (and Splatoon). Most of it was from my wife, except for Robin, and Superman Red Sun, which were from my mom and dad, and the Vintage DC Comics calendar, from my mother-in-law.

So much fun stuff to read. Can't believe I got all of this, tbh.


Also have the following coming in that I ordered from Christmas money:
-New Frontier Deluxe Edition
-Hawkeye Vol. 1 OHC
-Swamp Thing by Scott Snyder Deluxe Edition
-Black Canary and Zatanna Bloodspill TPB
-BPRD 1946-1948 HC
-Prometheus The Complete Fire and Stone Library Edition


I just finished Return of the Jedi. So I am finished with the original trilogy for the first time. Great movies of varying levels of great. Empire > new hope > Jedi. Have tickets for imax Force Awakens in 9 hours :p

Oh and Leia is my favorite then Han and Lando.
I just finished Return of the Jedi. So I am finished with the original trilogy for the first time. Great movies of varying levels of great. Empire > new hope > Jedi. Have tickets for imax Force Awakens in 9 hours :p

Oh and Leia is my favorite then Han and Lando.

Rey will be your new favorite.


Rey will be your new favorite.

For real

In comic stuff I finished reading: Just finished ASM #5. So good. I love Peter and I love that he's in charge and handling this current situation the best he can. I'm hoping that Peter doesn't get a big fat punch in the gut like he usually does near the climax of an upcoming crossover.


For real

In comic stuff I finished reading: Just finished ASM #5. So good. I love Peter and I love that he's in charge and handling this current situation the best he can. I'm hoping that Peter doesn't get a big fat punch in the gut like he usually does near the climax of an upcoming crossover.

Great issue with a great twist cliffhanger.


I've just started reading Harrow County. My God-what a book! Wow! It's like something I've been craving my entire life has finally appeared for me.
Here's the comic related stuff I got for Christmas (and Splatoon). Most of it was from my wife, except for Robin, and Superman Red Sun, which were from my mom and dad, and the Vintage DC Comics calendar, from my mother-in-law.

So much fun stuff to read. Can't believe I got all of this, tbh.


Also have the following coming in that I ordered from Christmas money:
-New Frontier Deluxe Edition
-Hawkeye Vol. 1 OHC
-Swamp Thing by Scott Snyder Deluxe Edition
-Black Canary and Zatanna Bloodspill TPB
-BPRD 1946-1948 HC
-Prometheus The Complete Fire and Stone Library Edition

Oooooooh what's that big old red Marvel book?


Marvel zombies is the best kind of pulp

For real

In comic stuff I finished reading: Just finished ASM #5. So good. I love Peter and I love that he's in charge and handling this current situation the best he can. I'm hoping that Peter doesn't get a big fat punch in the gut like he usually does near the climax of an upcoming crossover.
Oh you just know Sajani will fuck him over one way or another. I really hope Slott won't pull crap like that. It's his funnest mainline story in years.
In the theatre. Waiting for Star Wars to begin. Lifelong fan here. Hope it's good.

It's crazy how you've gone from seeing no Star Wars movies to soon having seen more than I have (with TFA). The wife and I are big fans, but can't get to the theater until Wednesday.


Okay, I hit volume 9 of BPRD: Hell on Earth,
Reign of the Black Flame
(the title of the book is honestly kind of a spoiler, so just to be safe), and it was really, really freaking good. Like, damn that was an awesome book. I mean, Liz pretty much
went full on super saiyan on the Black Flame
, which was super satisfying to see. Just a really good read.
The Walking Dead... omg wow. I keep telling myself I'll not buy any more issues, I'll wait for sales on them, but then I can't help myself - I'm hooked. The whole Alexandria story has been crazy, if only for how it sort of forces everyone to try and be a bit more 'normal' and human again. They way they're finding it hard to adjust to being safe, and normal again is interesting to read, and the situations end up being way more messed up because of it.

I'm going to spoiler these bits in case there are people like myself who are late to the party on The Walking Dead. It's just one of those comics where things shouldn't be spoiled for the late comers.

Rick falling in love, or perhaps just finding a bit of comfort with Jessie, out right opening up about how all of his decision he made for the group were based on what was best for him and his family - that was a great moment. For Rick to then follow it up with admitting he'd leave anyone behind who was a threat to his family's survival... it's nice to see him admit this stuff, as I'm sure it's what most of us have suspected for a while.

And then almost a few pages later... he's chopping Jessie's hand off to try and save Carl, leaving both Jessie and Ron for The Walkers so he can Carl can try and escape. Hearltess... and THEN what happens next holy shit, I wasn't expect that at all! BLAM! Carl's face is half blown off. The fuck.


Still icing my neck from having to sit in those super close seats in the front of a theater for an IMAX showing of TFA. Not the greatest of experiences.

You will soon be Team Rey.

Still Team Finn, but Upon a second viewing Rey isn't as much of a Mary Sue as I initially thought.
Rick falling in love, or perhaps just finding a bit of comfort with Jessie, out right opening up about how all of his decision he made for the group were based on what was best for him and his family - that was a great moment. For Rick to then follow it up with admitting he'd leave anyone behind who was a threat to his family's survival... it's nice to see him admit this stuff, as I'm sure it's what most of us have suspected for a while.

And then almost a few pages later... he's chopping Jessie's hand off to try and save Carl, leaving both Jessie and Ron for The Walkers so he can Carl can try and escape. Hearltess... and THEN what happens next holy shit, I wasn't expect that at all! BLAM! Carl's face is half blown off. The fuck.

Yeah, the end of the Alexandria stuff is nuts.
As I recall, the way the events played out, Rick basically had no choice. Jessie's kid got caught. Despite being lost, Jessie wouldn't leave him. And she wouldn't let go of Carl, so if Rick hadn't chopped her, Carl would have been lost, too. It's one of those (few) times you do respect Rick because he's able to do what needs to be done to save his family. Carl getting shot in the head was intense. I remember staring at that splash page for ages. Wondering if he was going to die. Assessing.. How much of his brain did the shot take out? Could it have missed his brain? Will he bleed out? It was a pivotal moment in the series, to be sure.
Yeah, the end of the Alexandria stuff is nuts.
As I recall, the way the events played out, Rick basically had no choice. Jessie's kid got caught. Despite being lost, Jessie wouldn't leave him. And she wouldn't let go of Carl, so if Rick hadn't chopped her, Carl would have been lost, too. It's one of those (few) times you do respect Rick because he's able to do what needs to be done to save his family. Carl getting shot in the head was intense. I remember staring at that splash page for ages. Wondering if he was going to die. Assessing.. How much of his brain did the shot take out? Could it have missed his brain? Will he bleed out? It was a pivotal moment in the series, to be sure.

Oh yeah without a doubt he HAD to do it, like you say Ron was trapped and Jessie was freaking out while holding on to Carl (with Zombies grabbing her into the Horde). It was just mental it happened so soon after Rick finally opened up about what he had been doing and why.
Then when Carl caught that bullet with his head - damn. The images were crazy on an ipad, so I can only guess how good they might have been on paper. Like you said, I was just sitting there thinking 'whow'. I can't imagine the pain of having to wait an entire month or whatever for the next issue to come out! The letters pages are hilarious when people freak out over every decision/big event in the comics haha

Alexandria has so far been my favourite story in the comics, if only because people are finally breaking down emotionally, and you start to get a glimpse of who they are when they're not in survival mode. Abraham is a cold hearted sonofabith. Michonne is still the only character I can't get a read on, just when you think you're starting to understand her there's always a setback that reels her right back into her shell.

Yeah it was fantastic all around. Great movie.

Yeah, really fun film. I can do without all the NeoGAF uber analysis on it, those guys are nuts.
I feel really really really grateful that there's no prices in that screenshot.

P. sure the shock would kill me dead.

I was getting 10-12 books a week. That's like 30-35 a week. That's like $1700 a year in just single issues. Not counting trades and CMX deals. Now I'm down to 3-6 books a week.
Hot Toys are scary

Lobster Johnson: The Glass Mantis
Black Canary #6
Harley Quinn and Power Girl #6
Justice League #47
Rumble #10
Ant-Man #3
Also need to get Copra Round Three
Well, the Flex Pay is optional. But I imagine payments for some items will overlap, so it's not always quite that cheap.

Is it?

Under your account page, it gives you a calendar and shows you what days each item will be charged. I have a few months in 2016 where I have 3 payments in a month for the figures I have preordered. I am getting close to my limit though.


I'm unsure if this has been pointed out already,

but I'm trying to take advantage of the comixology / amazon joint account thing by buying comics from amazon instead of comixology so I can milk my credit card for more reward points.

as it turns out... pricing is inconsistent between the two stores!!

from the DC Sale, Batman Len Wein, and I Vampire volumes 1 and 3 are the same price on both stores ($5.99 each),

but I Vampire vol 2 and Planetary Crossing Worlds are more expensive on amazon.

Not included in the DC sale however is Batman RIP, which is $11.99 on comixology but $3.90 on amazon, which will still work with your comixology app.

gotta shop smart!
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