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COMICS! |OT| December 2015. Let's save the world, you and me, together. Ready?


Just got around to reading Daredevil #2 and Dark Knight Master Race #2. How do you guys feel about these books so far?

I'm really really digging th art on Daredevil but other than that I feel like the book does not have much to offer. I just came off reading the Bendis run recently and this book feels too simplistic in comparison. With that said its not bad by any means, just nothing special at the moment. I'm going to stick with it until the first arc is over at least. I'm liking Soule's Uncanny Inhumans more actually, which I would have never expected before picking these up.

As for Dark Knight. I felt like I was one of the few who loved the first issue even though not much actually happened. However this one I did not enjoy as much. Some of it I liked like the
Ray Palmer + Kandorians plot or the interrogation scene between Carrie and Yindel
. Yet the rest of it felt rushed to me
i honestly couldn't follow the car chase scene, maybe I need to reread it but I felt as though the art was unclear in that section. Was the Batmobile totaling cop cars left and right? Also did Carrie always talk the way she did in her internal monologue while she was in the squad car? It's been forever since I read DKR and I never read Strikes Again.
In any case, this book is not bad by any means either, it's certainly no DKR yet but still decent. Curious to see where they go from here.

Edit: list time

Batman and Robin Eternal
Omega Men
Justice League

Something about this cover kind of speaks to me. No idea why.

Sad that the inside of the book is probably not going to live up.


Ok now I jut read The Vision #2. Holy crap, is it safe to say that Tom King is the best writer of the 2015? I love how pleasantly dark this book is. I had zero interest in this when it was announced and I can honestly say I did not know much about the Vision before AoU. I decided to check out solely cause of Tom King and boy am I glad I did. Without a doubt my favorite ANAD Marvel book at the moment.
Ok now I jut read The Vision #2. Holy crap, is it safe to say that Tom King is the best writer of the 2015? I love how pleasantly dark this book is. I had zero interest in this when it was announced and I can honestly say I did not know much about the Vision before AoU. I decided to check out solely cause of Tom King and boy am I glad I did. Without a doubt my favorite ANAD Marvel book at the moment.

He's definitely the best new writer of 2015. Heading straight for superstar status, if there's any fairness in the world.
So my current comic reading has consisted in re-reading one of my favorite Dc series Starman. It's been a long time since I have read it but it's holding up really well. It's funny because when I first started to get into comics it's right when image started and the comics I read were all about who had cool powers or trendy art. I hated DC outside of batman as I thought they were all stiff, boring and silly. So a book like Starman would be the exact opposite of what I'd be interested in. A book about a guy with a rod that shoots beams and flys and focuses on DCs past? Booring!

But over the years as I was exposed to more and more books (and Internet message boards were a great help here) I realized the books that matter have nothing to do with the powers or name of the character. In the end it's the writer/artist and they could make any character interesting and worth reading. Also over the years I started to finally "get" DC. I think it started with Kingdom come. But the appeal of DC to me was its honoring and adhering to legacies. Unfortunately N52 really hurt this but at the time of 90s/2000s DC separated itself from Marvel by having this rich history and clear successions. Marvel would just shift timelines so it's always the same characters just a decade later than before. But for DC it wasn't always that way. There was the JSA that led to JLA that led to Titans. You had characters picking up the mantels of their parents like Canary, Wonder Woman, Wally, etc.

And no series personified this more than Starman. It's whole book is about looking back at the silly golden age and showing you why it mattered and why it's awesome. It doesn't do it by going grim dark but it also doesn't treat it as super silly either. It treats it with respect. The whole book is about family, legacy of the mantel and the roles it has in the hero/villain tales. Jack is the guide for the reader to explore this as he does to. He starts as someone like me that didn't want anything to do with silly Dc stuff. And he's completely changed by the end

We get early Tony Harris on the art. Who is rougher than later work but still unique and great. The shade becomes the breakout character but the series is full of great character (the odares could have their own book they got so much going on). Robinson puts in his best work ever. And the series is amazingly plotted. This really stands out during re-reads. He plots and foreshadows events that happen years later in the book from the get go. Even the structure of the book is bold. First he really takes his time getting things going. I'm not sure a book these days, especially from one of the big two could have this much of a leash to "get to it". Second he'd take breaks between arcs with his times past and talking with David issues. They fleshed out the world but I wonder how it would have been for the monthly readers back then. Regardless because he did it, and now they're all collected (first trades would skip these issues which was really frustrating) it produced a comic series unlike anything else out there.

Tldr; Starman good. Read Starman.
Something about this cover kind of speaks to me. No idea why.

Sad that the inside of the book is probably not going to live up.

I'm pretty sure it's riffing on a classic painting

See, I get that sense too, but I have no idea what it's riffing on.

Looks so familiar though...

Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Tulp. (Rembrandt)

Tldr; Starman good. Read Starman.

Read it for the first time last year and definitely in my favourite superhero runs. Will re-rrad it again next year.

That bit you mentioned about plotting is definitely true. And the brilliant thing is, it didn't feel like there were any loose threads. Every plot point had a satisfying conclusion.

Also, such a long run and no damned event to interfere. (I guess there was one but it wasn't of any import).
He's definitely the best new writer of 2015. Heading straight for superstar status, if there's any fairness in the world.

love his work on grayson. seems like i should read vision too, i did not care for the character in the movie but that review sounds great.

was sheriff of babylon good? might buy the trade of that one when it's done.

edit: baghdad, lol.


He's definitely the best new writer of 2015. Heading straight for superstar status, if there's any fairness in the world.

If you want to get technical Grayson was a 2014 series, but I would put him up there as one of the better writers of the year and i expect it to continue in 2016.


I've requested an early copy of Wonder Woman for review, I'll let you guys know what I think should I get it. This seems as good a time as any to use some of the benefits of my profession.


List of I thought it was meant to be a quiet week.

Batman and Robin Eternal #13
Batman Europe #3
Black Canary #6
Harley Quinn Pee Gee #6
Omega Men #7

Jem and the holograms #10

Black Magick #3
Rat Queens #14
Ringside #2
Rumble #10

All New Wolverine #3
Amazing Spider-Man #6
Astonishing Ant Man #3
Chewbacca #5
Cable and Deadpool #1
Drax #2
Howard the duck #3
Howling Commandos of SHIELD #3
Nova #3
Rocket and Groot #1
Spider-Man 2099 #5
Spidey #2
Squadron Supreme #2

Jughead #3

Not a bad week. Nice.

I miss your old Avatar, and also your appearances in WrassleGAF. Unless that's a secret shame, in which case I've never seen you in a wrestling thread ever.

IMO yes, easily.

yes they are

Yeah, I was getting that impression from people in the thread, but also from where my interests were going. I seem to becoming more and more interested in Image releases than anything else at the moment.
I miss your old Avatar, and also your appearances in WrassleGAF. Unless that's a secret shame, in which case I've never seen you in a wrestling thread ever.

Yeah, I was getting that impression from people in the thread, but also from where my interests were going. I seem to becoming more and more interested in Image releases than anything else at the moment.

Oh. Not sure i posted there. I lurk sometimes..which avatar?


Why does he wear the mask!?
Would anybody like a mystery marvel digital code? I can promise that the book will be fun with great art and you will really enjoy it.

That or it will be a Bendis Guardians issue.


Hahahaha I'll play the game, send the code :p


I want a book written by Ann Nocenti and drawn by Greg Land.

My favorite pub this year was probably Marvel. This felt like an off year for image in terms of excitement.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
I want a book written by Ann Nocenti and drawn by Greg Land.

My favorite pub this year was probably Marvel. This felt like an off year for image in terms of excitement.

I bought the shit out of Secret Wars but as my Image list continued to grow my budget for overpriced Marvel titles shrank and shrank.

Plus I'm not getting the Runaways or Elsa Bloostone titles I was hoping for, the X-men books all look lame, and I don't really like where Duggan has taken Deadpool.


They are for me. Here is my series breakdown by publisher......

Image 24
Marvel 0
DC 0

Now see, this means you're either missing out on MTMTE or TMNT, so either way you need to get yourself some more IDW.

(Seriously though, IDW has been doing a great job lately, I really have been impressed with them.)
love his work on grayson. seems like i should read vision too, i did not care for the character in the movie but that review sounds great.

was sheriff of babylon good? might buy the trade of that one when it's done.

edit: baghdad, lol.

Naw, you got it right the first time. Set in Baghdad, but the title is Sheriff of Babylon.

First issue was EXTREMELY promising, but, you know, still one issue.

If you want to get technical Grayson was a 2014 series, but I would put him up there as one of the better writers of the year and i expect it to continue in 2016.

He's only cowriting Grayson, wasn't 'til 2015 that he got his own solo stuff.


My favorite writers of 2015 are

5. John Layman
4. Brian Michael Bendis
3. Terry Moore
2. Jason Aaron
1. Brian K Vaughn

I think John Layman deserves more credit than he gets tbh and I'll always believe Terry Moore deserves more love especially after seeing his sales figures for Rachel Rising.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
What are the IDW titles you're reading?


Now see, this means you're either missing out on MTMTE or TMNT, so either way you need to get yourself some more IDW.

(Seriously though, IDW has been doing a great job lately, I really have been impressed with them.)

Wouldn't mind starting up MTMTE but IDW is probably going to have to put them of sale before that happens. That means singles. Not the collection sales they usually do.

Also IDW pisses me off a little by not offering back ups. That is one of Image's big selling points for me.
Oh, I was just wondering yesterday if anyone was still reading GI Joe, Transformers, etc. I remember those being pretty big comics when I was a kid. I even have a whole box of GI Joe figures and stuff in the loft.


Why does he wear the mask!?
Now see, this means you're either missing out on MTMTE or TMNT, so either way you need to get yourself some more IDW.

(Seriously though, IDW has been doing a great job lately, I really have been impressed with them.)

The truth of this post is too damn high
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