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Concord is being taken offline on September 6, purchases refunded


I gift you a month of resetera gold if you can tell me what gender this thing is


Looks like a Latina in her late-30s to me 🤷‍♂️
Remedy community manager:

It's always the same excuse with these clowns. The immediate knee jerk reaction to their failure HAS to be due to bigotry of some kind.
Unfortunately that just means more failure for them because they refuse to learn the errors of their ways.

If you want the masses to buy your shit, you need to make content FOR the masses and not the niche. But you go on doing your thing, I will go on continuing to ignore it :)
Remedy community manager:

The clown squad is confirming they've learned absolutely nothing as per usual. Girl, there was no one to uplift. When you alienate every sane person leaving only the Twitter leftist audience, they don't even buy your products or they're very few in number.

Either way, you can't run a business like that for very long. This is how Remedy is losing money during release of Alan Wake 2 despite the game being sponsored by Epic. Madness.

Pretty good breakdown from a Halo content creator :)
And before you call him a shill, look at his vid history. He poops on 343 almost as much as he praises them


Have you seen the redfall cast tho?

That game was spreading the message like your average new yorker spread butter on their morning bagel :lollipop_grinning_sweat:

And i played both, redfall at least kept me occupied for 10 hours before bailing out, 3 matches with concord and i was done.
Yeah sorry I didnt see it ... so my bad making the comparison 😅


I'm glad people enjoyed the game, but the people coming out acting like it's much more than an okay or average game need a wake up call, lol.
Yeah, the game was definitely not amazing. It had many areas it could improve in. I hopped on it every other day and did enjoy it but it's got its flaws and I think they could have made better design choices (character wise).



Pretty good breakdown from a Halo content creator :)
And before you call him a shill, look at his vid history. He poops on 343 almost as much as he praises them

Well no1 knows how much it costs, but the developement team was not big all the years

In 2019 they were only still a small team, so I doubt all the info has been correct. I read nonsense like the game has bots officially. Not the case at all
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A piece of entertainment (movie/show) is experienced much more through characterization, themes, music, acting, composition (the list goes on) then I would say the gender of the person.

Is Ripley a badass woman? Hell yeah she is.
And that matters to me only in conversations which ask me to quantify such a thing.
It doesn't matter to me when watching the movie. She is awesome for her character. What she does, what she says. HOW she says it. How she reacts to things...
(and that goes for literally every spoken word, grain of sand on the screen that I am watching)
How do the writers/actors/directors/costumedesigners etc. make me believe their story.

I think a question (after a decade) for Disney is,
Why can't they do it?
Why can't they make Star Wars successful?
Why can't they write well.

I believe 'Targeted' does not simply mean a change in genders. (unless I missed a previous post)
You are correct, targeted does not just mean a gender swap. A game aimed at a mostly male audience doesn't mean it won't have women. Your Alien example is a good one. The movie was a horror movie and it wasn't pushing an agenda. You could have strong females without doing that. Look at Conan , and Red Sonia. She was sexy and a badass, guess what, that was male targeted. Sure some women will watch, but it's mostly a male targeted film. Not explicitly, but just by what guys like. Lara Croft is a great example too.

Also let women be traditionally women from time to time. A wife can be awesome raising children or being a working wife. This shouldn't be a bad thing. These are real life and relatable. They always want grounded, but not that type of grounded reality. A wife can be hot or normal looking, she don't need to look frumpy or always be a lesbian, she can love a man. Or an attractive single lady. You can also do bad ass and sexy. Men will like it all, what we won't like is being pushed political agendas, feminism, and woke ideology.

Thing is none of this shit mattered in the past. It was all a given, creatives knew this, and now they push to subvert reality.
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There's a funny catch 22 where these people can't admit what they actually stand for, so they can't admit why Concord failed.

As people have said in this very thread, no one has an issue with "diversity" or "representation" at their core. Overwatch and Street Fighter are great examples of games with hugely diverse casts that the mainstream audience loves.

But the ideology pushed by places like Era isn't just about supporting diversity. It's a very specific, borderline religious collection of weirdly specific beliefs, contradictions, and half-truths. It's blaming patriarchy and pushing men down. It's treating women as infants. It's seeing politics as a binary, with only "far left" on the good side and everything else being "alt right". It's pretending biological sex isn't real. It's ignoring October 7th. It's giving random anonymous Twitter accounts the power to end someone's professional career with a single tweet. The list could go on for days, and you have to be in lockstep with all of it.

In the same vein, people didn't hate Concord's characters because they're "diverse". Concord's characters are a melting pot of all these weird ideas. Women can't look like women. Everyone needs pronouns. Attractive characters are oppressive. Body positivity trumps realism. Hygiene is patriarchy. Men and masculinity are bad. White people are bad. Characters can't look threatening.

But since they can't admit what they actually stand for (it's just about fighting bigotry, chuds!), they can't admit how Concord's character designs look, or how the Concord team themselves look on social media. It's staring them in the face, but they'll be excommunicated if they admit it. So they have to pretend Concord failed because the evil alt right chuds won't play a game with women or minorities in it, all while games with more genuine diversity than Concord are eating its lunch.


Gold Member
There's a funny catch 22 where these people can't admit what they actually stand for, so they can't admit why Concord failed.

As people have said in this very thread, no one has an issue with "diversity" or "representation" at their core. Overwatch and Street Fighter are great examples of games with hugely diverse casts that the mainstream audience loves.

But the ideology pushed by places like Era isn't just about supporting diversity. It's a very specific, borderline religious collection of weirdly specific beliefs, contradictions, and half-truths. It's blaming patriarchy and pushing men down. It's treating women as infants. It's seeing politics as a binary, with only "far left" on the good side and everything else being "alt right". It's pretending biological sex isn't real. It's ignoring October 7th. It's giving random anonymous Twitter accounts the power to end someone's professional career with a single tweet. The list could go on for days, and you have to be in lockstep with all of it.

In the same vein, people didn't hate Concord's characters because they're "diverse". Concord's characters are a melting pot of all these weird ideas. Women can't look like women. Everyone needs pronouns. Attractive characters are oppressive. Body positivity trumps realism. Hygiene is patriarchy. Men and masculinity are bad. White people are bad. Characters can't look threatening.

But since they can't admit what they actually stand for (it's just about fighting bigotry, chuds!), they can't admit how Concord's character designs look, or how the Concord team themselves look on social media. It's staring them in the face, but they'll be excommunicated if they admit it. So they have to pretend Concord failed because the evil alt right chuds won't play a game with women or minorities in it, all while games with more genuine diversity than Concord are eating its lunch.
Its like what Asmongold said in one of his recent concord videos. The game is made by losers for losers. And no normal person wants to associate with those kinds of people and products.

And most people in life arent losers. Just average joes. The game (despite a ridiculous amount of dev time and budget) is actually catered to a tremendously small part of the gaming community. So small, that even all the pink haired weirdo people didn't even bother playing it. So it shows it goes even beyond that segment of gaming consumers. It made zero business sense to spend that much resources on a potential money pot which added up is enough to buy a one month bus pass.

But it somehow got greenlit and forged on to completion. The entire studio of bosses and workers (Sony too for buying them and releasing it) are all insane. But give them credit. They milked a shitty product into years of employment.
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Gold Member
These people would clap as you were led towards the gallows.

They are the most rancid cunts imaginable. People really need to wise up to Communists.
Indeed, ppl dont realise in communism citizens are not equal, top class is party higher ups and members of political police/top military officials, rest of the ppl are dirt poor, for example here in eastern europe-poland even professors(not gender studies professors, legit ones) were so poor that my grandma was able to bribe them with a turkey, back in the 70s ;)
Here quick vid, that can open westerners mind
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Remedy community manager:


When they say shit like "getting bigots out of your communities" and "modeling desired behaviors".... That right there is what's got so many people just COMPLETELY fed up and over this shit.

These delusional people think they are the virtuous authority, righteous majority and the ones who decide who's a "bigot" (in this case ANYONE who disagrees with them).

Go ahead, take your small steps and watch as the "bigots get out of your community" as you go bankrupt.
The devs should learn a lesson that the game wasn't up to par. I don't know what will happen with Firewalk as a whole because I can't see a relaunch for Concord being successful at all with how now it's known as the biggest Triple-A failure in gaming. Maybe something good comes out of this.
What I don't get is how the fuck did this game cost 200 million? It's a multiplayer game with 12 small maps where you run around in circles.
The audacity of these cunts is astonishing. If I worked on this piece of shit I'd be deeply embarrassed and trying my damnedest to downplay my role in it. Not celebrate 'the team' and 'the work'.

Delusional hylics.


Gold Member
The audacity of these cunts is astonishing. If I worked on this piece of shit I'd be deeply embarrassed and trying my damnedest to downplay my role in it. Not celebrate 'the team' and 'the work'.

Delusional hylics.
Thats video game studios for ya. Fragile people. Loud and obnoxious on social media when things are going good. But once the glass house shatters due to a shit game, they go AWOL. That's when the pity posts come out, drawn up by management and posted by the company's twitter handler.

And management knows that so they need all the positive reinforcement feedback, ping pong tables and bringing your dog to work days to boost morale.


Gold Member
If only was just the black chick...

I gift you a month of resetera gold if you can tell me what gender this thing is

I dont know what gender, but I'll take a crack at ethnicity.

First thing that came to mind is a video game character cosplaying as steampunk halfling.
Let's all be honest, the people gathering round the Concord devs, and their views, were always going to give the most painfully obvious replies.

It's not they made a bad game. Its not that some dev attacked the potential players by making it that we should have "white guilt" and they should basically get reparations in the form of game sales. It's not that being straight is like a crime to these fuckwits. Its not that they thought their loud , yet financially quiet , fellow brave heroes / modern audiences, would buy countless copies, but didnt show up at all. It's not that they thought making a video game shouldn't be a social and political statement with every single element of the game, while the entertainment / fun factor is an afterthought at best.
It is the fault of everyone else. Those of us who don't whip ourselves with each step we take in life. Who don't live life at the feet of these righteous few. Who, and how dare we btw, get insulted and targeted for no reason by devs and publishers, so we say fuck you right back and don't buy their slop. We shouldn't accept and build people up through respect and human decency, but through some guilt caused by something we had nothing to do with and even are completely against. Huh?

They are typical bullies. They shout and rant and try to control everyone, but when you simply point out truth and facts, or even better, vote with our wallet, they don't accept it and learn. Instead they make themselves a victim / martyr, and spin it like they are in a endless winless fight for the greater good against an enemy that's in their heads, and still blame us for it. 8 years and countless millions to last a matter of days is just impressive. Fuck em all.
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Gold Member
They are typical bullies. They shout and rant and try to control everyone, but when you simply point out truth and facts, or even better, vote with our wallet, they don't accept it and learn. Instead they make themselves a victim / martyr, and spin it like they are in a endless winless fight for the greater good against an enemy that's in their heads, and still blame us for it. 8 years and countless millions to last a matter of days is just impressive. Fuck em all.
For the first in their lives, they are able to smack talk back (safely from social media accounts) and purposely picked a career/industry where they can weave in their miserable home life into a product to spread to the masses. You cant do that at a company making patio furniture or smoke alarms. But you can in media related jobs where the product involves story and characters.

These kind of people are losers, weird, unhinged, and being an adult where it comes to family and careers (when you'd think a person should act more proper), it turns out they are bullies too. But this time as adults, and not kids ragging on each other in grade school for laughs. Most people grow out of it. They didnt. Thats why when it comes to how they conduct themselves at work, social media and appearance, they are often as immature as it gets. The person might be 44 years old, but acts like a 14 year old.
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“While we determine the best path ahead, Concord sales will cease immediately and we will begin to offer a full refund for all gamers who have purchased the game for PS5 or PC,” Ellis added. “If you purchased the game for PlayStation 5 from the PlayStation Store or PlayStation Direct, a refund will be issued back to your original payment method.”

Ironically, this announcement came after Weisnewski had informed PC Gamer that he and the Firewalk Studios team were “Strapped in and ready to push it for years to come.”
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