You are correct, there's no need to "boycott" something nobody cares about to begin with
But the issue is that if you're fighting an uphill battle to begin with to try and get someone to care about generic hero shooter #61 when the other 60 competitors in the genre are F2P, have appealing looking attractive sexy characters, have lots of maps and years of content, have a huge established player base, and have a functioning ecosystem for monetization, you can't launch with a $40 entry fee, ugly ass DEI wokeshit character design, a small amount of launch content, completely ignore the few people who actually tried the beta and tell everyone not to buy the game because they are racists and bigots, and expect you'll magically succeed
Basically doing everything the opposite of what others who are successful do and expecting to succeed is a baffling mindset and nobody knows what the fuck Sony was thinking when they were funding this studio and this game