Finished it on Heroine, 33 hours, searching everything after every event. About 10 or so of those were with the game on background. Good length, I loved the characters, the humor, the quests. It really felt like an older RPG. The maps are very detailed, lots of hidden secrets, and lots of cut-scenes, I can only imagine how much work was put on it all.
I had a few bugs at the start (the ones I said before the thread), but none after the first few hours. Even the bugs I got, don't really look like things that complicated - I can see how someone would miss those.
If there's one thing in this game that really deserves to be studied, it's the battle system. No MP, and every skill is usable from when you get it until the end of the game. Of course, there are ways of breaking the game, too, but finding those are part of the fun.
The trophies were also very well thought! Not sure if the recruits one is missable, but the two of them that I'm sure are, you can get replaying the first hour of the game. Some of them are from doing main quest things, others are for sub-quests, no grinding necessary.
Oh, yeah! No grinding necessary. You can grind a bit, if you want, but normally it's not necessary, and it becomes ineffective pretty fast. At the end of the game I felt I was a bit over-leveled (thanks to the secret bosses), but even then, some of the final enemies were a good challenge, and I needed more than one try to beat the final boss.
I hope to see more of this universe in the future, but it's understandable if they decide to do something else next. Anyway, if this had been released earlier or maybe a bit later, it would probably get a lot more attention. I hope people start to notice it now, after they are finishing Persona 5.
EDIT: Oh yeah, I loved the references! Lot's of them, like the clear Resident Evil one, the RPG jokes, or that one battle with the lamps lighting up as you walk, like the Magus fight on 600 A.D.
The game felt very inspired by CT, and did it right. I also loved the mission where you get the home base, reminded me a lot of the first Suikoden