I can't wait to get a whiff of the dark souls 2 manual.
about that
I can't wait to get a whiff of the dark souls 2 manual.
I can't wait to get a whiff of the dark souls 2 manual.
The month and a half for the PC version is going to be torture.
about that
The starting textures and level of detail in the intro level looks noticeably worse than in Dark Souls, why is that? Like, seriously, I am having difficulty playing this game right now after all of the anticipation... I understand it's not a game designed to visually impress anyone, but I feel like this is way worse than Dark Souls 1 even. I'm not sure what's going on, really. I know this shouldn't be normal.
Like it seriously looks awful on my television - on 720p... definitely worse than Dark Souls 1 for some reason.
about that
Juliet's 8½ Spirits;103901064 said:just got back from best buy
here we gooooooo
The starting textures and level of detail in the intro level looks noticeably worse than in Dark Souls, why is that? Like, seriously, I am having difficulty playing this game right now after all of the anticipation... I understand it's not a game designed to visually impress anyone, but I feel like this is way worse than Dark Souls 1 even. I'm not sure what's going on, really. I know this shouldn't be normal.
Like it seriously looks awful on my television - on 720p... definitely worse than Dark Souls 1 for some reason.
I found acoffin around those two giant monsters, I got in, it showed me a cutscene of me floating away in the coffin but then I appeared right back where I started. WTF. I guess that comes into play later? Dont answer me if its a spoiler.
You basically slash their back and then your hand just kind of plunges into them.
It's definitely a major downgrade. Not even just the graphics either, the aesthetics seem "off". It looks more like a King's Field game than either of the previous Souls games, and I'm not talking about atmosphere.
Also, the weapon attacks and feedback seem WAY OFF. There's no weight or impact with them and they feel super floaty. I also knew that the backstab was changed, but I never knew about the animation being the way that it is. You basically slash their back and then your hand just kind of plunges into them. I'm not sure that the PC version is going to correct much of any of this, since most of it's not even graphic related.
t-minus 20 min for psn...
So it's out at 12 Pacific? Glad I didn't rush home early from work to play this at 9, Lol.
Any reward for lighting all torches in the first area?
Backstab animation depends of the weapon you are using
downloads go live at 12am PST for those who preordered. this is according to the namco community organizer, who said they checked with sony.
For a non-American, 12 PST is in about ten minutes, right?
For a non-American, 12 PST is in about ten minutes, right?
HOLY FUCK THAT'S AWESOMEBackstab animation depends of the weapon you are using
2 more days. T_T
Don't expect the download to go live dead on 12:01am PST. Someone I know preordered Lightning Returns on PSN and it didn't even unlock for download until 12:30am.
2 more minutes ;D
PSN on PS3 is so bad it just froze my console