I thought it was supposed to, in addition to move speed, but there's been so many conflicting things out there I just don't know.Doesn't it?
It has to be the same class of weapons. The Swordsman starting weaps can't go into the power stance with each other because one is a curved sword and the other is a straight sword. If you find another curved sword or straight sword - or two daggers, two axes, etc - you can then equip both to go into the power stance by holding triangle.
You'll know you're in the stance because your character will raise both weapons a bit, and you get new moves on L1 and L2.
ok another question where is the orange soapstone at to write messages
Is it possible to buy another soul arrow magic so I can have up to 60 charges per run? Is it recommended? I find myself running out of charges a lot.
Theintrio of giant knightsare kicking my ass so hard as melee, and i'm out of arrows ;_;Heides
God, feels so good to be challenged by a game again
There's a vendor right next to thewho sells it for 1500 souls.first bonfire
It has to be the same class of weapons. The Swordsman starting weaps can't go into the power stance with each other because one is a curved sword and the other is a straight sword. If you find another curved sword or straight sword - or two daggers, two axes, etc - you can then equip both to go into the power stance by holding triangle.
You'll know you're in the stance because your character will raise both weapons a bit, and you get new moves on L1 and L2.
I feel so weak, here at the beginning. I've been playing a while now and haven't made my way to the first boss yet. The grunts in this game are no joke, right now anyway.
There's a vendor right next to thewho sells it for 1500 souls.first bonfire
I thought it was supposed to, in addition to move speed, but there's been so many conflicting things out there I just don't know.
Thanks for this, was getting confused![]()
Ok so I just got toand its gorgeous.Majula
However in terms of summoning fellow DSII players is there any person or item I need to get? I heard they switched up a little. I see messages and phantoms but no summon signs. Spoiler tags please.
What! I never saw a vendor there, do you mean inor the area before?Majula
Are torches one use items? Because I can't seem to relight mine.
I just wanted to ask if anyone knows... With the PSN pre-order will the bonus weapons be in the game by default? or is there a separate download for them?
I ask because I went to go download the game this morning, and there wasn't a separate set of items as a bonus DLC or anything like normal pre-order bonuses usually are.
(sorry if this has been answered, don't want to read through the thread and risk spoilers, and CTRL-F resulted in nothing)
What! I never saw a vendor there, do you mean inor the area before?Majula
Ah, my bad, first bonfire in theForest.
Ah, my bad, first bonfire in theForest.
Thanks for this, was getting confused
I'd like to know as well!
According to a post on reddit, the items will be available later today - you'll have to go to Account Management and then Downloads and then they will be there to download at some point. There's a Namco rep on there who mentioned that it was a problem on Sony's end.
Lmao there are kids in this thread talking about adp raising attack speed. No.
Look forbraziers
I think you missed one, the first one is to the right just a little ahead of where you enter the forest.
Man, one of my messages is getting rated quite a bit. I missed that feeling in Dark Souls.
stuck at 3rd bonfire ina little help? it feels like a dead endGiant forest
just found it my self
hit start and it's the 3rd colmn over, it's "messages" lol
He didnt reply anymore, so you were right...!You mean it has you....
BTW, where is the orange soapstone so that I can leave notes as well![]()
So what does it do?Lmao there are kids in this thread talking about adp raising attack speed. No.
ok another question where is the orange soapstone at to write messages
hey guys. you know that hole near majula at the start of the game?
I have questions.
I bought the cat ring and was able to make my way down. I found a couple bonfires but the only way to go ultimately seems to be this "boss encounter" but it's really just a horde of endless spawning rats. eventually a rat healthbar comes up, I suspect maybe it's a rat hidden in the crowd, but I can't make any headway. do I need to be here? can do I this yet?
So what does it do?
According to Aeana, from the guide:
"It raises HP, increases poison bonus, increases all resistances, raises agility and can boost poise if the stat is raised in tandem with endurance."
"For example, if you have 10 adaptability and 10 endurance, adding 1 point of endurance will not increase your poise. on the other hand, if you have 11 points of adaptability and 10 points of endurance, adding 1 more point of endurance will increase your poise."
"Agility boosts the ease of evasion and other actions. This allows you to do things like drink Estus faster. that's about all it says about agility except that it makes sure to point out that it does not improve parry speed"