Are you supposed to talk to someone for the online play items?
So I went back there to give him another try.....and he doesn't reappear. What the deuce? Please tell me the boss didn't bug out on me...
I Will get it in a few painful hours. T_T
Something that surprised me in Dark Souls 1 was how fun the "quality" build was. Thats no magic or miracles, stats channelled to having both high dex and high strength. I thought mixing in magic was more fun than just melee but the particular weapons you become good with when you have a quality build tend to be weapons that are really cool and different, like the Murakamo or dragonslayer greatbow. Give it some thought.
I'm also in this covenant and have never been summoned to help. Occasionally the covenant symbol in the top left starts faintly pulsating with light but I have no idea what that means. Invasions definitely work though. You get invaded instantly in (location spoiler)Is invading just turned off? I've played 20+ hours and have never been invaded. I'm also wearing the guardian ring to help people being invaded and nothing has happened yet. What's going on?
You get ALL your flasks back, even if you used them prior to being summoned. You also get ALL your durability restored, and sometimes (randomly?) reverse hollowing.if I'm right as long as you beat the boss of the host player, you get back your used healing items
I don't think we have divine weapons anymore? The sword I mentioned has lightning damage, but it specifically scales with faith now (whereas Fire damage scales with int and faith combined).
It's probably just as bad on the disc version, which I have. It does perform much worse than Dark Souls and Demon's Souls. In addition to choppy framerate (hovers in the 20s 90% of the time), sometimes the sounds do not play on time so it's hard to know if I actually hit something. I've also had problems where it takes about 5-8 seconds for the start menu to come up in game, and then I have to wait another 5 seconds for the item pictures to appear. The game also has trouble loading dialog sometimes. Talking to the level-up lady in Majula, I had to wait about 30 seconds for the voice to kick in and the dialog to advance. Weirdly enough, my PS3's fans almost never kick in full force (I have an old model), so it's not like my PS3 is being pushed to the limit trying to load everything.
You get ALL your flasks back, even if you used them prior to being summoned. You also get ALL your durability restored, and sometimes (randomly?) reverse hollowing.
So start with knight/warrior perhaps and pump everything into STR/DEX? I've never used a bow in a souls game, that might be neat to try...
Go down to the place with the contraption that doesn't move, ignore it. Keep going down further until you get to the water, there will be a lever you can pull in the room (to the left I believe) that will open the floodgates. Afterwards, you can go ahead to another area that will have a hallway to take you to the Heide's Tower.
Beat them today with a summon. It was rough. Take out the first on the platform, get on the ground and focus on the one without a shield. He may have to through it first, i can't remember if he starts with it.Lost Bastille:
So has anyone managed to beat the Sentinels without summoning? It seems like it would be impossible.
Once you have to fight two of them at once there are so little opportunities to attack. I think I'm going to check out the Tower of Flame before giving it another shot.
Having retrieved humanity more than a couple times on one boss and after probably 10-15 fights I can pretty much say it's either random or a %. Something around 25% would probably be correct.We need more data on this. There's got to be something that triggers it. Would be good to know.
Thanks dude!Just look for the type of bow to suit the stats. For example with a quality build in dark souls 1, if its not a greatbow situation you would use the composite bow. It scales "C" off both strength and dex, and if both are high (40 in the case of DS 1) it does a TON of damage, way more than a longbow with a "A" scaling in dex. This is just an idea, but I had a lot fun doing it...Remember to look out for weapons that scale off both str and dex to see which will be really powerful.
Btw, I'm talking from a lot of Dark Souls 1 experience. NFI how DS 2 works...yet.
Lost Bastille:
So has anyone managed to beat the Sentinels without summoning? It seems like it would be impossible.
Once you have to fight two of them at once there are so little opportunities to attack. I think I'm going to check out the Tower of Flame before giving it another shot.
Beat them today with a summon. It was rough. Take out the first on the platform, get on the ground and focus on the one without a shield. He may have to through it first, i can't remember if he starts with it.
Dat Pursuer. Pretty badass boss.
I've killed about 15 bosses, lit twoand have no clue where to go now. Where could I go after killingprimordial bonfires(spoilers about the aftermath)Duke's Dear Freja?Some special message appeared talking about a "great" demon defeated or something, but I check my inventory and it looks like I just got a regular boss soul. I returned to where I killed the spider boss and there's some giant crystal in the room that appears to do nothing.
As much as I hate to say it, I may be done with Dark Souls 2.
Can't get past Pursuer. I am out of effigies. Vendor is out of effigies. I am at 1/2 health and most of the enemies in the tower have stopped respawning. I am down to 3 Estus only. I honestly do not know what to do at this point.
Very very late game spoiler/hilarious thing:
I like that you need four got'damn souls to get into the Shrine of Winter, and there is literally just a pillar blocking the road to the castle that bypasses the Shrine entirely. Like...climb over the pillar, skip 90% of the game. Brilliant.
Edit: Oh, and make sure to leave signs. I've got like 300+ ratings, which has saved me in a lot of boss fights (getting rated gives you health).
So GAF, i killed the 4HELP ME.Old Ones and the Emerald Herald now says to go to the King Castle beyond the forest, but i can't find it
Kinda, but not really. Shit's like Undeadberg anywhere that's open or has fancy lighting.It's actually worse in the beginning, I think. Once you enter (and leave) Majula for other areas it's better. Or so it seemed to me. Ever since I started the(usually the first area), it has been fairly stable.Giant Fores
My 72k souls should say everything about how many times I had to do the fight.
any downside in killing the old hags at the beginning of the game?
After 5 or so hours of playing with the Knight, I came to the conclusion that I just don't like this strength oriented stuff in Souls games.
I really just need my Dex builds with bows or Sorcery builds. Too many times I would see an enemy and be like "Oh, I will just use the bow to lur-... oh..."
This is my 3rd time asking:
Do you have to talk to someone in particular to get the online play items?
Any help is appreciated.
I'd like to, but I haven't found the orange soapstone yet.