Was just playing it Monday. This feels way better.It really, really doesn't. Play DS and DS2 back to back, the difference in performance is really striking.
Man,is making me feel like a bitch in the game. I know what to do, but I always fuck up somehow, its really annoying. The fight seems to take forever, which I think is my problem. I'm using pretty much all my starting gear and weapons, as a Swordsman, should I be going in there with some upgrades and higher level? I'm soul level 18. Think I'm just going to go human and summon some help.The Pursuer
Dude, I feel you.
I died 16 times and it finally broke me down and I summoned other players to help me.
Same here. I can deal with him except there's an occasional one or two sort-of cheap shots that he lands that take me out. I think I'm gonna go human and summon.
As much as I hate to say it, I may be done with Dark Souls 2.
Can't get past Pursuer. I am out of effigies. Vendor is out of effigies. I am at 1/2 health and most of the enemies in the tower have stopped respawning. I am down to 3 Estus only. I honestly do not know what to do at this point.
Ugh, I can't play this. I can't believe I am saying this, but I think I will have to wait for the PC version. Given that this is one of my most anticipated games of all time, so much so that I broke my usual standard of always buying the PC version of a multiplatform game first... I'll return this![]()
Really bummed by some of the changes.
Everything feels like it has lag now... I know this is supposedly tied to a stat or some shit, but it's really throwing me off.
Thanks FROM for basically killing 90% of the way I like to play SOULS.
The game is actually really cool in a lot of ways... but they completely ruined my dex playstyle with these pointless changes.
Ugh, I can't play this. I can't believe I am saying this, but I think I will have to wait for the PC version. Given that this is one of my most anticipated games of all time, so much so that I broke my usual standard of always buying the PC version of a multiplatform game first... I'll return this![]()
Really bummed by some of the changes.
Everything feels like it has lag now... I know this is supposedly tied to a stat or some shit, but it's really throwing me off.
But more than anything... taking away my parry has basically ruined most of the fun in game for me. You're forced into either two-handing or using a shield. Sorry, but this change is worse than any kind of noise we heard about fast travel or anything else... it's such a dumb decision. So now if you dual wield, you have NO DEFENSE AT ALL! You can't even get a %reduction block anymore! No parry, no block... unless you two-hand. Not worth the trade-off for getting reg R2 attack on the off-hand. And the dual wield power stance is retarded. Okay, so I get one strong attack that swings both weapons, but this costs me the ability to block attacks and parry? Yeah... fucking retarded.
Thanks FROM for basically killing 90% of the way I like to play SOULS.
The game is actually really cool in a lot of ways... but they completely ruined my dex playstyle with these pointless changes.
Was just playing it Monday. This feels way better.
Ugh, I can't play this. I can't believe I am saying this, but I think I will have to wait for the PC version. Given that this is one of my most anticipated games of all time, so much so that I broke my usual standard of always buying the PC version of a multiplatform game first... I'll return this![]()
Dark Souls PS3 runs like complete ass. I was playing it Sunday and Monday before DS2, I remember quite clearly.
Man, the Sentinel guys are not hard, it's just hard to keep your eye on them all. I can get one easy and nearly had another. Should not be too bad once I get their attacks down.
You know, you don't have to dual wield with dex play.
Summon help or come back to him, I skipped ahead.
You have a frame rate counter or are you eye balling?I played it today, immediately after playing DS2. The frame rate is much worse in DS2 than in DS.
Found this video on youtube: Dark Souls II - How to Dual Wield (no spoilers!)
With power stance, L1 attack does ~20% and L2 attack does ~100% more damage compared to L1 and L2 attacks without power stance.
Not that I could find. It seems pretty random and I went through the battle A LOT.It's there any trick to gettingto fall down?The Last Giant
Man, the Sentinel guys are not hard, it's just hard to keep your eye on them all. I can get one easy and nearly had another. Should not be too bad once I get their attacks down.
You have a frame rate counter or are you eye balling?
You're either in a no summon zone, or you may have been kicked off line. I've always had to go back to the title screen to get back on![]()
You know, you don't have to dual wield with dex play.
Really bummed by some of the changes.
Everything feels like it has lag now... I know this is supposedly tied to a stat or some shit, but it's really throwing me off.
But more than anything... taking away my parry has basically ruined most of the fun in game for me. You're forced into either two-handing or using a shield. Sorry, but this change is worse than any kind of noise we heard about fast travel or anything else... it's such a dumb decision. So now if you dual wield, you have NO DEFENSE AT ALL! You can't even get a %reduction block anymore! No parry, no block... unless you two-hand. Not worth the trade-off for getting reg R2 attack on the off-hand. And the dual wield power stance is retarded. Okay, so I get one strong attack that swings both weapons, but this costs me the ability to block attacks and parry? Yeah... fucking retarded.
Thanks FROM for basically killing 90% of the way I like to play SOULS.
The game is actually really cool in a lot of ways... but they completely ruined my dex playstyle with these pointless changes.
So I just joined someone's game to help, got killed mid level, and now I'm human. I don't understand.
Where the heck do ya get torches in this game? I'm 20 hours in and I used one once, and I have no idea where to get more.
Try not to take this the wrong way, moderator, but that's the kind of post I'd expect from a junior member.
Bye Gaf
You have a frame rate counter or are you eye balling?
That's really nitpicky.
Try not to take this the wrong way, moderator, but that's the kind of post I'd expect from a junior member.
Bye Gaf
Toggle with Triangle (PS3) or Y (360) at a bonfire. There's your torch m8. You can get extra torches as "items" in chests and whatnot to make it longer than 5 minute burnout.
edit: Also there's an item which I believe lets you indiscriminately light your torch. Something butterfly...
Thats great, again, I played the game immediately after playing DS2 because I thought I was misremembering. DS didn't have the greatest of frame rates after all. Believe me, DS2 is even worse.
I'm not sure even Tom Cruise can save me now. But yeah, skippingfor now and heading intoPursuerTower of Flames. Course, now the Dragonrider is giving me fits, but he seems more approachable. That place has a serious Anor Londo vibe going with the giant guardians and all.
I will admit that all my fears were unfounded. DSII is an amazing game. However, I'll have to quit. First, I snapped my Black Armor Edition disc in two while getting it out the case. I bought a digital copy on PSN, only to find a door permanently locked after opening it earlier in my playthrough, and confirming that it was a glitch.
Massive shame, because I fell in love with the game. Good luck to everyone having a great experience. It's an outstanding game. I also bought the Collector's Edition guide. It'll be useless to me now...but that a gorgeous tome. It's simply amazing.
Theat soul level 50. No bueno. Took me 7 tries to complete. That is 7 more than the other bosses!Triplets
I swear, I'm trying to do that and it doesn't work! It gives me no option to toggle. It just switches to two-handed as triangle would normally. I wonder if it's a bug...
I just rage quit there after my 5th death to him, how do you skip ahead? I don't see anywhere else to go. I've cleared thearea by theturtlesbonfire, did I miss a door somewhere?soldiers rest