The bracing knuckle ring is my favorite item so far. It slows down durability loss to a point where I don't need to carry around backup weapons.
Menu and contextual lag is seriously disappointing.
Apologies if this is the stupidest possibility that exists, but are you sure you have it ACTIVE. Meaning, you have it equipped, but have pressed left or right on the d-pad and equipped one of the blank slots (you have three for each hand) instead?
Keep in mind that the invasion covenant is found much later in the game. You're only able to use the cracked red orbs once you are in that covenant, I believe. So the only invasions you are really going to get early on is theand thebell covenant in Belfry Luna.rat covenant in Grave of the Saints
There's a lot more options for PVP besides invading. If you just want to gank people, they made it harder.
You are already dead.
I think my first Dark Souls run took me about 80 hours. You could speed through it and get done in maybe 30 or 40 I suppose.
WTF, thekicked my ass for like the past half hour.Ruin SentinelsI finally beat them, but only after using a NPC summon in the area. Even with the summon, it took me a few tries. I mostly used the NPC as a distraction while I "tanked" the other one and attacked the same one my NPC was attacking so it died quickly. Pretty crazy.
I forget, where is that ring again?
I figured something like that was happening.
Though I did get some cracked red orbs early, I don't remember where.
I guess people can't complain about the game being unfair with invasions anymore. ^_^
I do enjoy building my character around denying invaders, and I was getting lonely with no-one invading.
Found it behind a secret door in the Lost Bastille. Comes after the boss you mentioned.
God damn, I hated them.
Keep in mind that the invasion covenant is found much later in the game. You're only able to use the cracked red orbs once you are in that covenant, I believe. So the only invasions you are really going to get early on is theand thebell covenant in Belfry Luna.rat covenant in Grave of the Saints
God damn, I hated them.
The bracing knuckle ring is my favorite item so far. It slows down durability loss to a point where I don't need to carry around backup weapons.
I'm lost again.
I just beat the boss at the, now where to?"Black Gulch"
What does MUNDANE upgrade path do?
The bracing knuckle ring is my favorite item so far. It slows down durability loss to a point where I don't need to carry around backup weapons.
did you go to??huntsman copse
Remove other upgrade paths, like the Meltstone in Demon Souls
No, where is that?
I need this so much on my katana. I know it's in, but I don't know where.The Lost Bastille
Question about the Pharos lockstones and how to use them: will I get a prompt to use them or is there some special way to activate them? Because I think I found a place to use one but I don't seem to be able to.
if you exhausted the dialog options with the lady on Heide's Tower Of Flame (upstairs from where you fought the Dragonrider) go back to Majula and follow the path as if you were going to Heide's Ruins. she will be standing next to a contraption, give her 2000 souls and she will move it, that's the path to Hunstmans Copse
Would anyone on 360 mind helping me kill smelter demon in around 30 min??
I was wondering if this was because I was playing off a disc (PS3).
Would a digital copy have this issue addressed, or is it screwed for every version?
Question about the Pharos lockstones and how to use them: will I get a prompt to use them or is there some special way to activate them? Because I think I found a place to use one but I don't seem to be able to.
I would totally pay for a ps4 60fps version of this game.
Does your soul level matter? Im in that area now if you need some assistance.
Welcome to Dark Souls.Alright, I am brand new to this series so I just picked up Demon's Souls and the first Dark Souls for PS3.
Been playing the some Demon's Souls, killed some knights, made it to Vanguard, the tutorial boss, got my ass kicked.
Okay, I'm hooked and haven't even tried Dark Soul's yet but I'm starting to see why these games are so good. I wasn't sure if I was going to buy Dark Souls II, but now I certainly will.
Also, really cannot wait forDeep Down
It does I'm sl 63 We should be able to do it if your around that number I'll be home soon. Ill pm you
So has anyone figured out why you randomly turn human sometimes after being summoned?
Im 73.
Im a sun-bro so hopefully it works like DS1. Im not sure.
Forrest of Fallen giants spoiler?After beatng the boss you can unlock the gate that's across the bridge near the second bonfire with the merchant next to it. After you go through that gate and go straight you come across a chest. I hit it and broke it but then read a message on the floor and it said "ring ahead" or something along those lines. What was in that chest and did I screw myself over badly by destroying that chest?
The ring's properties:slow HP Regen