So I've finished the Forest of Fallen Giants. Treebeard and Pursuer have been elminated, and I have zero idea where I'm supposed to go next. Forest doesn't seem to lead anywhere so I went back to Majula. From there I can go to the place where the girl has been turned to stone in front of a switch. On the other end I can go down some stairs to an area of water, but the door is closed off. What am I missing?
You could buy one from the merchant if you haven't got that one yet.Where can I get lockstones? I haven't found any in a very long time.
Where can I get lockstones? I haven't found any in a very long time.
I waited for ages for a summon sign to pop up in front of the Lost Sinner boss but nothing showed up. Ended up failing yet again after only getting three hits in.
I know you have to be human to summon, but are there any other tricks? A specific covenant I should be in or something?
I waited for ages for a summon sign to pop up in front of the Lost Sinner boss but nothing showed up. Ended up failing yet again after only getting three hits in.
I know you have to be human to summon, but are there any other tricks? A specific covenant I should be in or something?
Heads up for anyone using an INT build, I found a really good headpiece that doesn't seem great at first glace. Thewearing red in Earthen Peak drop a hood calledfemale pyromancersthat increases your INT by 3. It doesn't say this anywhere in the item description, so I thought I'd mention it. I just discovered it by chance.Desert Sorceress Hood
I made the mistake of going at him early too. You need to be at least like SL 100 for him, for realsies.
I waited for ages for a summon sign to pop up in front of the Lost Sinner boss but nothing showed up. Ended up failing yet again after only getting three hits in.
I know you have to be human to summon, but are there any other tricks? A specific covenant I should be in or something?
a. lack of a direction - it's way too aimless in the beginning. There's no effort to guide the player at all; you have no clearly discernible objective (ring the bells! gather the lord souls!), and in its absence you just explore and fight through the world for the sake of it. There is something later on, but even that feels tenuous at best.
So it's generally agreed thatis absolute shit, right?The Gutter
Yeah. I haven't gotten to them yet, but I totally feel the lack of progression. One of the things that the first game did so brilliantly was make you feel like you were actually exploring an area and uncovering new shortcuts and stuff as you went along. I haven't really experienced that yet. I guess I unlocked that gate in the first area that linked me back, but that wasn't nearly the same. I remember in the first one when I got to the ladder that you could kick down to one of the first bonfires, it was such an AHA moment, and the whole game was filled with great stuff like that. It had a lot more hidden cool areas too. This one feels almost like a collection of stages so far. I wish it was more connected. Also, the goal of "get souls" as the main goal immediately is kinda like "eh...." I also hate that my life gets diminished when I die. I get what they're doing, and I understand it but when you combine that with the guard break ridiculousness it's pretty damn irritating.If anything, I'm having a lot of issues trying to enjoy the game. There's so much I can think of that I don't like in comparison to the other Souls games. I could easily go on a rant aboutand how the other Souls games did it much better. The biggest issue for me is that there's just absolutely no sense of progression for me because the game completely lacks any actual structure. Even something so simple as those inter medial goals in the original Dark Souls (ring bells, get vessel, etc.) does a lot for giving a sense of progression. There's honestly nothing that's given me any sense of achievement because all I can do is wonder what's next after exhausting what options I can find.Belfry Gargoyles
This game has honestly been pretty disappointing to me, and I don't know if I can muster the willpower to complete it. Maybe I'll just give it a little time and come back when I'm not so upset with it.
Totally agree with A. Especially as there's no connection to other areas. You just kinda... progress. Also agree with B so far too. C I can't comment on.3 things that stick out at me:
a. lack of a direction - it's way too aimless in the beginning. There's no effort to guide the player at all; you have no clearly discernible objective (ring the bells! gather the lord souls!), and in its absence you just explore and fight through the world for the sake of it. There is something later on, but even that feels tenuous at best.
b. lackluster enemy designs - this extends to the bosses, too. Too many enemies look the same; there's reused creatures from DkS1; almost all the bosses are visually and mechanically boring.
c. MLGS still scales with Int - c'mon FROM, you could have gone full Demon's with this. (
I agreed with you until you gave the "gather the lord souls" example. The equivalent to that is gather the four souls that the priest girl or whatever her name is tells you about after meeting her in Majula. There is a goal but it's just really stupid as to how you go about doing that.
I was told that I just needed thering to make the fall in the center of Majula but I'm dying to the first fall even with that ring on.silvercat![]()
join thecovenant so I we can do PvP and stuff like that, that the cool kids doblue sentinel
Eh. I put on both +HP rings I have but that's about all I can do without spending souls. Oh well..Try more HP!
So wait, (area spoiler)the second bonfire in forest of giants with a shit load of turtle kmights, is there really nothing else there other than the giant you can examine?
Does the old sun ring break when 'used'?
I was told that I just needed thering to make the fall in the center of Majula but I'm dying to the first fall even with that ring on.silvercat![]()
The game gives you a goal, but it seems to be a long-term goal compared to the bell goal. It's basically just "Seek bigger souls. Seek out the king." Sounds like stuff that will take way longer than ringing the bells in Dark Souls.
I managed to make the fall once and got a lockstone, which is all I really wanted anyway.I survived with like 1% health even after pumping quite a few levels into HP.
a. lack of a direction - it's way too aimless in the beginning. There's no effort to guide the player at all; you have no clearly discernible objective (ring the bells! gather the lord souls!), and in its absence you just explore and fight through the world for the sake of it. There is something later on, but even that feels tenuous at best.
Yeah I don't get the people who are saying there's no direction. The NPCs give you a pretty clear goal, even if that goal is pretty long-term relative to the one they give you in Dark Souls 1. It's pretty much the same as in 1. "This is the thing you have to do and this is the general direction you have to go in. Good luck."
I found one after the bit after Ruin Sentinels. I don't remember wear exactly thoughWhere can I get lockstones? I haven't found any in a very long time.
Very late game observation:Helped like ten people kill the dragon boss....almost all Vengarl set + A big sword/shield. No one is using magic
buying unlimited titanite shards:the merchant at harvest valley will go back to majula after you talk to her a bit. she also sells upgrade stones
The landscape of firelinkshrine makes it very clear as to which way you're supposed to go. They said there's a bell underground and one above. Firelink Shrine has a great deal of verticality so it's extremely easy to know where you're supposed to go. It's impossible to fuck up. This is not the case with Dark Souls 2. They just say gather souls. Granted, one of the NPCs say that you have to go to the forest regardless at first but there's no sense of direction as to which way leads to the forest. There is no implicit guidance in Dark Souls 2 compared to its predecessor.
She's not selling unlimited shards for me so uhhhh dunno what's up.