If all the conditions are met for invading and your cracked orbs are grayed out it's just a server glitch. Exit and reload your save file and you should be able to use them again. Have had it happen to me a couple of timesCan anyone explain when it's possible to invade? I did it once (and got killed) but ever since, I can't use Cracked Red Eye Orbs. It's not that I want to to be a douche, but I assume the NPCs who won't talk to me because I don't have any darkness wants me to invade and kill innocent people.
Never really understood the blue orbs either, I joined the right covenant but still couldn't use it, then one time I suddenly could but nothing happened.
I'm not liking that the health gets reduced after each death. Why penalise when death is the way forward? They removed it in Dark Souls 1 coming from demon's and now it's back in a different format.
Plus there are some things near the start of the game that irk me, like I can only get one health refill from the estus flask, the enemies are quite powerful and more in line with what you fight 1-2 hours in Dark Souls 1 rather than the very first few enemies, the first boss fight is in a tiny area with a guy who does large sweep attacks that can push you back (yes I tried to strafe him but died anyway cause I was trying to recover my health).
oh shit I didn't know this was in the box too
Assuming you didn't start as a cleric?From the get go, where is the quickest place to find an object to cast miracles with?
I had this problem with Skyrim when it first released. I went to the local vitamin shop and picked up some ginger pills. If I took a few before my playing sessions; it would keep me from getting nauseated.
Can anyone explain when it's possible to invade? I did it once (and got killed) but ever since, I can't use Cracked Red Eye Orbs. It's not that I want to to be a douche, but I assume the NPCs who won't talk to me because I don't have any darkness wants me to invade and kill innocent people.
Never really understood the blue orbs either, I joined the right covenant but still couldn't use it, then one time I suddenly could but nothing happened.
Limited healing resources - you get very few Estus charges, gotta use Lifegems instead -, Undead form works more like Soul form now - you lose a bit of max HP every time you die plus how it works with multiplayer, invasions and helping people with bosses - fast travelling from the start so Bonfires work more like Archstones, gotta go to a specific NPC to level up. There's probably more but that's what I noticed so far.I'm picking this up in April on PC, but a few of my friends have said that it feels more like a sequel to Demon's Souls than Dark Souls. They were a little unclear though - can someone elaborate on this, if they agree?
Guys can you tell me how STR scales. Is it like DS where its 1.5 stat increase if you two hand and the scaling follows as well.
For instance a 40/40 Claymore has the same AR as a 40/28 claymore when two handed in DS.
Holding a weapon with 2 hands actually doubles your str instead of multiplying by 1.5 in this game.
scaling as well?
The meta game of....
Boss tactics spoiler
Of getting people to light the windmill on fire to drain the poison for the medusa boss without sending a message is really really frustrating
the health reduction thing isn't really a big deal. either turn human and refill your health or just get summoned a few times and you're back.
I think they added it as not just added difficulty but to get people to co-op more.
OK quick question, what"s the purpose of lightning a torch ?
A question: what is the location betweenandhuntsman corpse, and how do you get there? It seems I skipped that entire location, as it's about the only black box on the fast travel menu left.harvest valley
Got that card too.oh shit I didn't know this was in the box too
But it makes things a bit hard at start because you cannot turn to human just yet and nor can you get summoned or summon.
Considering past Souls games, I'd hold on to that soul.So I beat the first boss and got a soul. Should I use it for leveling up or is there a better use for it?
Point emote has really helped me there in getting people to light it.
Can someone tell me where the boss souls guy is after you originally meet him? He moves from his location. I'm innow, pretty close to the end I think.dragon country
You can turn human like 20 minutes into the game.
Negative, ghost rider.
You're aboutin!1/4th
oh wow. i figured there can only be about 5 more locations from the warp screen.
i still fell like i'm somehow way over levelled compared to how DS1 went, where i really struggled to make it past the undead burg. i'm like level 40 and 12 hours or so in.
i discovered 1 weird trick to beat 2 of the early bosses.constantly run into them and at the same time around clockwise, made cathedral blue guy and dragronrider really easy. like literally run into them so you are touching them. apart from the AOE attacks where you need to back off they can't hit you because you will have circled around them after they lock into the attack animation
I try to select burn but it tells me I can't.
There's more. You can scroll down.
I try to select burn but it tells me I can't.
There's a ballista in the room that you can fire at the boss. If you go solo it takes out 99% of his health, less if you have more phantoms since boss health increases. Unless you mean he did it with a weapon, in which case he has a (likely upgraded) avelyn crossbow, which fires 3 bolts successively.Stopped playing last night once I got to the Lost Bastille and the. I'm sure I can beat it alone if I focus more closely on the fight, their patterns are easy enough to understand.Three Sentinels
I have a question about one of the boss fights I was in. I summoned a phantom and a shade for The Pursuer. The shade did over a third of the bosses health in damage in one blow. Looked like it may have been a multi shot crossbow to the head. Anyone know what he could have done at that point?
i discovered 1 weird trick to beat 2 of the early bosses
so is it actually true that increasing adaptability makes raising shield/rolling quicker like in the previous souls games or is that a meme? i really can't tell
i'm thinking about re-speccing and taking all the points from faith into adaptability because i don't intend to use miracles (unless someones going to tell me thats a bad idea). is there any downside to respeccing or do i keep my soul level and souls?
There's a ballista in the room that you can fire at the boss. If you go solo it takes out 99% of his health, less if you have more phantoms since boss health increases. Unless you mean he did it with a weapon, in which case he has a (likely upgraded) avelyn crossbow, which fires 3 bolts successively.
it says dark souls 2 service not available
are the servers down or something ?
That's nuts, I fought the dude once as a phantom and then twice on my own world. Can't believe I never noticed a ballista in there.
I wish I was better at boos fights. Especially hearing that people beat bosses like the Sentinels with just the NPC.
There are two that come to mind:orEarthen Peak. I got to those two areas directly afterUndead Purgatoryin two different directions.Huntsman's
oh shit I didn't know this was in the box too