Deprived + Company of Champions = Kill Me
Does anyone have an up-to-date, accurate list of what changes with the Company? It's damage AND poise damage, as far as I can tell from my playthroughs in CoC.
It's certainly a bad something. Either fix up the hitboxes to make the animation not look ridiculous or change the animation.
With DS1 they fixed up some wonky hitbox stuff. When I first got hit by the Pursuer with the shitty teleport I was sure they'd fix that.
They haven't really fixed screwy hit stuff. Collision, clipping, hit detection, and grabs are bad in all four games.
The "best" solution is to have variable hit boxes, so grabs only damage unless they hit your core, which triggers the animation. I doubt From will ever do this. They just don't spend time working on things like that.
The other good solution is to do away with grab animations in general. It's gotten worse and worse, with DkS2 being a jump from the first, and BB being even
worse. At this rate, Dark Souls 3 will have grab attacks on every other enemy.
oh snap, the dull ember is not only in the lost bastille like you guys said, but its straight up at the bonfire as soon as you land hah. thats pretty cool, nice change
also, those guys wailing on the dead giant / trees is new right?
Yeah, interviews leading up to the release called this closer to the game they originally wanted to make, with "improved AI". Things like patrols, Pursuer actually pursuing, and more enemy variety were apparently things that had to get cut due to resources and time and poor performance.
I really like that they remixed DLC content into the main game, made rare armor drops into normal treasures, revised the game flow so you can more easily choose which path to go early, and made zones feel more alive. I really like some the WTF changes to the place after the halfway point. Makes the place feel more "haunted".
ALSO: Blood pools. Awesome change. When was that created? This version, or a patch?