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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Been two weeks, we talk everyday, it's gotten pretty physical, and we both admitted we're catching feels.

But we also talked about the potential of it just being infatuation and we've both had pretty shitty relationships in the past, so it's simultaneously like... we're both crazy attracted to one another but also paranoid about one another.

It's also weird for me that the level of comfort has developed so fast re: emotional and physical intimacy. This is all very new to me (and possibly to her as well).

This is fine. Just don't overdo it on the daily talking/texting (save it for actual dates) and keep doing your own thing.

As long as the paranoia doesn't become overwhelming you're good.


Seems like every action you displayed to her indicated you weren't really interested. She tries to link arms, you pull away. She basically invites her to her place, you say no. Don't be surprised if another date doesn't happen.

If you're attracted to her, and you're getting along and enjoying her company, why does it matter if you don't share any major interests at this point in time? From your description of her, she sounds very cool.

I always enjoyed meeting people with different interests from mine, as it allowed for an opportunity to share and discuss each other's passions, and lead to interesting dates doing things I wouldn't normally do.

It was indeed genuinely refreshing to talk to someone totally different. And when I say totally different, I mean the other side of the spectrum different.

I guess I'm just confused?

Yeah, she probably wanted more than a peck (though not necessarily the D). Try to set up another date soon and be a bit more pro-active

Eh, it comes with more experience. Just learn from this encounter.

You know you better than any of us. If she's interesting to talk to, then go out a second time. It's not like you had a miserable time and she clearly had fun. Try going with the flow on this one and just have fun.

Yeah,my mind was going that way.



Neo Member
So give it to me straight, GAF. Am I being a creepy stalker?

I'm a bit late but this made me laugh. She probably was busy and you begun to overstep and she got a bit put off. It makes me sad that you never got to know what she thought of your pony pictures :(


I'm a bit late but this made me laugh. She probably was busy and you begun to overstep and she got a bit put off. It makes me sad that you never got to know what she thought of your pony pictures :(

Well I mean it's only been a day since I messaged her on linkedin so in my mind there's still a chance I'll hear back from her but judging by the responses here she probably thinks (realizes?) that I'm a total creep and isn't going to respond
Yeah, rjc's behaviour on the face if it looks creepy as fuck and it is for the most part, but I used to know someone who met her girlfriend through something similar, but different circumstances.

They hit it off at some spoken poetry nonsense and met each there a couple more times but only exchanged names. Other girl tracked her down through Facebook a few weeks later and the rest is history.

She told me she found it endearing someone put that much effort into finding her and reconnecting. So yeah, she might find it endearing too...People are into weird shit.
Person stalking you is hot/attractive = endearing
Person stalking you isn't hot/attractive = call the police

I believe that's the formula
Well I mean it's only been a day since I messaged her on linkedin so in my mind there's still a chance I'll hear back from her but judging by the responses here she probably thinks (realizes?) that I'm a total creep and isn't going to respond

I mean, I was with you... until the LinkedIn part.

I mean... LinkedIn...? Really?


Ahem, so I'm a little confused here lol. I (stupidly) tried to date a girl at work (rookie mistake, I know) but she let me know she wasn't interested. I later found out that she had a boyfriend. That was like 6 months ago. No biggie, life goes on.

Fast forward to today, I've resigned from my job and my last day at work is in a few days. She sends me a text today calling me immature and says she's disappointed that I gave her the cold attitude. I guess she does have a point? Since she turned me down I definitely put some distance between us as I didn't want to make things awkward in the office. Turns out it had the opposite effect?

She then suggests that we should hang out sometime and talk. I'm quite sure she's not interested in me but I guess she liked me as a friend? I dun goofed GAF.

I responded to her text, apologised and let her know that it wasn't my intention to upset her. I have no romantic hope with her but do you guys think I should try and mend our "friendship"?
Yeah, rjc's behaviour on the face if it looks creepy as fuck and it is for the most part, but I used to know someone who met her girlfriend through something similar, but different circumstances.

They hit it off at some spoken poetry nonsense and met each there a couple more times but only exchanged names. Other girl tracked her down through Facebook a few weeks later and the rest is history.

She told me she found it endearing someone put that much effort into finding her and reconnecting. So yeah, she might find it endearing too...People are into weird shit.

To be fair, girl-on-girl changes the rules a bit. I've noticed they are often reluctant to call out any behavior as creepy or whatever if coming from a fellow girl. For example, if a dude gets attached too soon, he is clingy, but if it's a girl bust out the U-Haul. See also the under-reporting of same-sex partner abuse.

To anyone who may be offended by this, I'm not complaining; it's just an observation. The point being I don't advise the beginners to look at the behavior of lesbians as a guide for men. Well, except maybe for sex stuff.

Mory Dunz

Ahem, so I'm a little confused here lol. I (stupidly) tried to date a girl at work (rookie mistake, I know) but she let me know she wasn't interested. I later found out that she had a boyfriend. That was like 6 months ago. No biggie, life goes on.

Fast forward to today, I've resigned from my job and my last day at work is in a few days. She sends me a text today calling me immature and says she's disappointed that I gave her the cold attitude. I guess she does have a point? Since she turned me down I definitely put some distance between us as I didn't want to make things awkward in the office. Turns out it had the opposite effect?

She then suggests that we should hang out sometime and talk. I'm quite sure she's not interested in me but I guess she liked me as a friend? I dun goofed GAF.

I responded to her text, apologised and let her know that it wasn't my intention to upset her. I have no romantic hope with her but do you guys think I should try and mend our "friendship"?

If someone sends me a message out kf the blue starting off calling me immature that's where I stop reading. The heck?

Are you sure you're even "friends"? Seems like you wanted her in the beginning and now she wants some attention.

I'm also strongly against apologizing to someone if you don't feel you've done something wrong in general (unless you're in a relationship). Never been my thing but that's beside the point.

Haven't posted here in a bit


not me
Matched with a girl on Tinder last night. We messaged back and forth during the day, laughed at each others jokes etc, asked her to coffee and she said yes. Asked her about a day and she said, "Let me check my schedule and I'll get back to you?"

If she actually does, it'll be a first. Online dating gets you pretty cynical.


Matched with a girl on Tinder last night. We messaged back and forth during the day, laughed at each others jokes etc, asked her to coffee and she said yes. Asked her about a day and she said, "Let me check my schedule and I'll get back to you?"

If she actually does, it'll be a first. Online dating gets you pretty cynical.

until you actually are exclusive you should keep talking to other people and matching and so on.
She sends me a text today calling me immature and says she's disappointed that I gave her the cold attitude.

Because this text she sent you is just so much more adult right? 😒

You should not continue a friendship with this person. You shouldnt have even said sorry.
I mean, I was with you... until the LinkedIn part.

I mean... LinkedIn...? Really?

Linked in isnt a dating site, Alexander carter-silk found that out the hard way.

I once had a sales executive chase me round on every account online he could find me on. Even years old dead ones. It had the complete opposite effect of what he was trying to achieve.


not me
until you actually are exclusive you should keep talking to other people and matching and so on.

Oh, I am for sure. In my humble opinion if you're talking to one or even a few people at a time with online dating, you're setting yourself up for the same frustration spread out over a longer period of time.


Ahem, so I'm a little confused here lol. I (stupidly) tried to date a girl at work (rookie mistake, I know) but she let me know she wasn't interested. I later found out that she had a boyfriend. That was like 6 months ago. No biggie, life goes on.

Fast forward to today, I've resigned from my job and my last day at work is in a few days. She sends me a text today calling me immature and says she's disappointed that I gave her the cold attitude. I guess she does have a point? Since she turned me down I definitely put some distance between us as I didn't want to make things awkward in the office. Turns out it had the opposite effect?

She then suggests that we should hang out sometime and talk. I'm quite sure she's not interested in me but I guess she liked me as a friend? I dun goofed GAF.

I responded to her text, apologised and let her know that it wasn't my intention to upset her. I have no romantic hope with her but do you guys think I should try and mend our "friendship"?

Ask her if she's tryna get the pipe or what


If someone sends me a message out kf the blue starting off calling me immature that's where I stop reading. The heck?

Are you sure you're even "friends"? Seems like you wanted her in the beginning and now she wants some attention.

I'm also strongly against apologizing to someone if you don't feel you've done something wrong in general (unless you're in a relationship). Never been my thing but that's beside the point.

Haven't posted here in a bit
That text really came out of nowhere lol. Like I said, I put some distance between us so we've not had a conversation in months. It's surprising she wants to hang out now that I'm leaving the company.

Because this text she sent you is just so much more adult right? 😒

You should not continue a friendship with this person. You shouldnt have even said sorry.
I thought so... I just didn't want to leave in bad terms. I did like her a lot.

No forget her, her text to you tells you all you need to know about her personality.
Thought so, lol.

Ask her if she's tryna get the pipe or what
Lol. I wish more women would be straightforward in what they want, I'm too tired for the relationship game.
Looks like this girl wanted you to be her therapist... What did you decide to do with her? Are you going to ignore her? I have a situation similar to this with a guy from work and it creeps me out.

He is in my social group work-wise, I can't avoid him without coming across rude. With how he's spoke in the past, I feel if I ignored him/was rude, the situation would become a lot more drastic. Any other advice? How do you let a dude with depression and many other weird problems down?

I hate being horrible to people, so we are in the same situation. I feel like if I confronted him that I don't want to talk to him, he would get over emotional - and if I flat out ignore him, he'll take it the wrong way and my friends will think I'm being rude. Have you spoken to her since you saw your therapist?

He is inappropriate at work - there have been many instances that he will actually wait 2/3 hours till I finish my shift so that he can give me a lift. I have declined but he'll stay regardless, pretend he's doing overtime, etc. If I was to report him to HR, where would be the best place to find out if I would have confidentiality or not? I'm scared that if I reported him, he'd be investigated, then I'd probably have to tell my social group that I reported him. It's likely he would be fired, or suspended, I don't want this coming back on me.

I am aware he has done this before with another female colleague, she has since left anyway.

I understand that. I am usually able to confront people. However, he is not mentally stable to the degree of the average person. I'm worried because I live with just my sister and he is aware of where I live. I'm not saying he'd hurt me to that extreme, it's still something that I need to be cautious of. Someone who is talking regularly about killing themselves is definitely not in the right mind to be called out by someone he believes he's in some kind of twisted relationship with.

Is there any way I can detach myself politely from this 'friend'?

I thought about a restraining order. I'm unsure about how it works in other countries, however, in the UK, you have to have evidence that can be presented to police/court that this particular person is harassing you in a threatening manor. I don't know how I would acquire this since majority of the harassment takes place during work. Would I have to rely on personal statements from other people - do you think?

I'm hesitant but I do need to think about mine and my sister's safety. I'll probably check out the confidentiality agreement within HR. Thanks for all your help though guys.

You have to remind yourself that the honeymoon period does not always equal love, it's purely lust. It's not something to base your relationship on. I would say just step it down a notch. You don't need to constantly be together, nor do you need to constantly be talking/texting one another. I know it's easy to get caught up with being with someone a lot during the honeymoon period. Take a step back. Enjoy space and free time still, and your honeymoon period will last longer - and help love develop.

Honestly, thank you. I'm going to check this out and see if there is anything here that can help with my situation.

Thanks for the advice, I didn't think, but the other woman may defiantly be able to help my situation if I report it to HR or the police.

Frankly, this dude deserves to be sectioned in a mental ward. You can call the police, give all the details of the stalking like waiting after work and his suicidal ideation, how you're worried that he might kill himself if you don't accept his advances, and that he knows whereabouts you live. You can mention the previous female colleague who left. This is serious enough where you're fearful for your safety and his, so you can escalate it. Best of wishes, keep safe.
I have a terrible time saying goodbye to women, does anyone have any tips to at least make my goodbyes seem authentic?
Why, is this your current technique?


Junior Member

In September I joined my local hiking group on Meetup and went on a hike where I met an attractive young woman. I'm extremely shy/introverted/possibly mildly autistic and inexperienced with women but I spent some time talking and joking around with her and got to know her a little. She had just moved to the area and I got the impression she was single (although I was too shy to ask).

I then signed up for the next three hikes she went on on Meetup (each two weeks apart). Each time I spent some time talking to her and got to know her a little better each time. I also sent her a few messages on Meetup, each of which she responded to. She expressed some interest when I told her I was taking off from work to go on a hiking/sightseeing trip. On the last hike I showed her some of the pictures I took on the trip and she seemed pretty impressed. At the end of the hike she said she was looking forward to seeing me again.

After the fourth hike I signed up for a hike the following weekend that she was signed up for. However, later in the week she cancelled. I began to monitor her Meetup profile more closely and saw that she went on a hike the following weekend, but I did not sign up for this hike. Since this time (Mid November), she has not visited the Meetup page for the hiking group. I sent her a message in early December asking if she was still going to participate with the group, and she responded (I guess through the email notification since she still hasn't visited the actual site since November) and said that she was still planning on it but she had been busy due to the Holidays.

I sent her another message on Meetup on January 1, in which I wished her a happy new year and sent her a link to an imgur album containing a small handful of pictures I took of wild ponies on a hike I went on over Christmas. I thought based on her previous interactions with me that she would be impressed and would message me back. However, she did not respond to this message. It's worth noting at this point that she had never given me her last name. However, she has a pretty unusual first name so I looked up her first name on linkedin and found her profile (along with her full name and a bunch of other information about her which she has posted in her resume).

At this point I started to feel I was overstepping my bounds a little bit, but I do like her a lot and wanted to reconnect with her so I sent her a linkedin invitation. She still hadn't responded to the invitation after a week and I was getting ready to give up on her, but she finally accepted the invitation this past weekend. Now that I had her full name, I also looked her up on social media and found her instagram account, and in her most recent picture she is standing with a guy. However, I think there is a good chance that the guy is her brother or cousin rather than her boyfriend because the picture was taken on New Years Eve when she was visiting her family 250 miles away, and also his face looks very similar to hers and she doesn't have any other pictures of him. (Of course, I realize I could be wrong about this.)

Anyway, I really want to know what she thought about the wild pony pictures I had sent her on Meetup (or if she had even seen them), so I messaged her on linkedin yesterday asking if she had seen the Meetup message. (However linkedin is really stupid and automatically sent my message when I pressed enter to insert a line break, and even though the message still basically says what I wanted to say to her, I'm worried that the tone isn't quite what I wanted it to be since I didn't get a chance to fully edit it.)

So give it to me straight, GAF. Am I being a creepy stalker?

Holy fuck, 100% creepy stalker mode.
So I never post here but fuck it, I've time to kill in work and I was browsing anyway.

Throughout 2016 I was seeing a girl from work (beautiful, kind complicated we had something real), it fizzled out at the of the year, we still talk and see each other around but I don't go out of my way to see her. In work she'd message me a bit, she did just now in fact, but it's just small talk. I'm open to actually meeting outside work for some real conversation and a drink and she knows it.

Anyway so I'm getting over this (sorta..), at the Christmas party last year some girl I don't know of got chatty with me, her friend (who I do know and I in fact hired into my old team) hits me up with the oh she's single lookingbl for a boyfriend spiele.

That was far too much for me, 0-60 in 2 secs. Tbh I wasn't that attracted to her (she wasn't ugly by any means actually is fairly attractive, but no spark like with the other girl)

I walk her (and her (other) friend most of the way home. No good alone period, nothing happens, I go home a little bit, but not too disappointed. Probably was the better outcome tbh.

Fast forward to this week. On the internal messaging system I suddenly from nowhere get a message pop up.
"I made a list, of my favourite blow job positions. We did 9 of them. And one is named after you."

It was a girl I had an affair with many years ago. I haven't spoken directly to her in 2 years. She no longer works for my company. However, we both work for companies working for a larger client and hence she had my IM details. This girl is super intelligent, interesting, intense, sex obsessed and a little unstable.

(BTW if here I sound like some ultimate pussy hound, or stud, let me assure you I am not unfortunately)

Anyway so we begin chatting over this last week, honestly it's always enjoyable with her, she's funny and dirty and prescient.

So what you don't know about me is what I do. I (currently) train people in work. So I'm in a room often with my laptop on the projector and 10 or 15 employees with me.

Yesterday I had a session. The girl from the Christmas party was there. We had texted a bit afterwards, just general chat, didn't go in too deep. Probably had said we'd get a drink "sometime".

Anyway half way through, due to me forgetting to use the do not disturb status I get a pop up on screen of the continuation of the convo I was having with girl from my past.
She also has a photo which is her wearing my hoody, naked underneath, only I know this detail but you can tell a bit TBH.
So this shoes up with the phrase "Angel of ecstasy" her response to the convo. It's her would be porn star name, (Her conversation idea) in the screen in the middle of my presentation.
While the other girl was in the room.
With the photo sorta showing her tits and posing proactively.

By the look on this girls face I don't think she will be texting me again.

In today's session I'll make sure do not disturb is on.
So I never post here but fuck it, I've time to kill in work and I was browsing anyway.

Throughout 2016 I was seeing a girl from work (beautiful, kind complicated we had something real), it fizzled out at the of the year, we still talk and see each other around but I don't go out of my way to see her. In work she'd message me a bit, she did just now in fact, but it's just small talk. I'm open to actually meeting outside work for some real conversation and a drink and she knows it.

Anyway so I'm getting over this (sorta..), at the Christmas party last year some girl I don't know of got chatty with me, her friend (who I do know and I in fact hired into my old team) hits me up with the oh she's single lookingbl for a boyfriend spiele.

That was far too much for me, 0-60 in 2 secs. Tbh I wasn't that attracted to her (she wasn't ugly by any means actually is fairly attractive, but no spark like with the other girl)

I walk her (and her (other) friend most of the way home. No good alone period, nothing happens, I go home a little bit, but not too disappointed. Probably was the better outcome tbh.

Fast forward to this week. On the internal messaging system I suddenly from nowhere get a message pop up.
"I made a list, of my favourite blow job positions. We did 9 of them. And one is named after you."

It was a girl I had an affair with many years ago. I haven't spoken directly to her in 2 years. She no longer works for my company. However, we both work for companies working for a larger client and hence she had my IM details. This girl is super intelligent, interesting, intense, sex obsessed and a little unstable.

(BTW if here I sound like some ultimate pussy hound, or stud, let me assure you I am not unfortunately)

Anyway so we begin chatting over this last week, honestly it's always enjoyable with her, she's funny and dirty and prescient.

So what you don't know about me is what I do. I (currently) train people in work. So I'm in a room often with my laptop on the projector and 10 or 15 employees with me.

Yesterday I had a session. The girl from the Christmas party was there. We had texted a bit afterwards, just general chat, didn't go in too deep. Probably had said we'd get a drink "sometime".

Anyway half way through, due to me forgetting to use the do not disturb status I get a pop up on screen of the continuation of the convo I was having with girl from my past.
She also has a photo which is her wearing my hoody, naked underneath, only I know this detail but you can tell a bit TBH.
So this shoes up with the phrase "Angel of ecstasy" her response to the convo. It's her would be porn star name, (Her conversation idea) in the screen in the middle of my presentation.
While the other girl was in the room.
With the photo sorta showing her tits and posing proactively.

By the look on this girls face I don't think she will be texting me again.

In today's session I'll make sure do not disturb is on.

Lolololol. Why are you using work IM to have these discussions though? Can't you just use your phone like everyone else? :p
Anyway half way through, due to me forgetting to use the do not disturb status I get a pop up on screen of the continuation of the convo I was having with girl from my past.
She also has a photo which is her wearing my hoody, naked underneath, only I know this detail but you can tell a bit TBH.
So this shoes up with the phrase "Angel of ecstasy" her response to the convo. It's her would be porn star name, (Her conversation idea) in the screen in the middle of my presentation.
While the other girl was in the room.
With the photo sorta showing her tits and posing proactively.

By the look on this girls face I don't think she will be texting me again.

In today's session I'll make sure do not disturb is on.
Wait, how does this show up on the projector? This conversation isn't happening on the phone? Weird.
Why anyone with the minimum care for their job would use their I'm to talk dirty is beyond me LOL. I mean, you know your company holds records of those convos right? Situations like those may sound funny, but imagine having a meeting with your boss, and that pops up. I can't be the only one scratching my head here.




I get that it's not easy for you to communicate with people, and bond with them subsequently, but one thing you might want to keep in mind is you can't force friendship or love on someone.
Just because you've found someone who gets you doesn't give you the right to demand anything out of them. Being new in town she was probably just looking for the safety of conversation with someone who shared her same interests.
Might have developed into something if you had given her room to breathe. But you insisted on the ponies pics as if it was the thing that would make or break the connection with her and you went on a detective spree on Linked in (of all places) showing that you don't respect her boundaries. Not respecting people's boundaries is disrespect, disrespecting people is insulting them: you don't get close to someone with insults.
So first of all get into therapy: it will smooth your social skills rapidly and effectively to the point that situations like these won't affect you as deeply anymore.
Second, for future reference. Any mistake you make with girls is virtually reparable by keeping yourself at a distance and giving them the time to realize how they feel about you. Unless they are the ones reinitiating contact, you shouldn't persist at all because you'll just keep feeding the loneliness and the frustration inside you while at the same time keeping the girl in the very state you left her the last time you interacted with her.
Once you pissed a girl off, for whatever reason, lack of trust, lack of boundaries, lack of communication and so on, any subsequent mistake you make is going to matter tenfold, while any good move you could ever make or any quality she may find out about you is going to matter next to nothing.
Let her go.

Ahem, so I'm a little confused here lol. I (stupidly) tried to date a girl at work (rookie mistake, I know) but she let me know she wasn't interested. I later found out that she had a boyfriend. That was like 6 months ago. No biggie, life goes on.
Fast forward to today, I've resigned from my job and my last day at work is in a few days. She sends me a text today calling me immature and says she's disappointed that I gave her the cold attitude. I guess she does have a point?

How about no, she doesn't?

Since she turned me down I definitely put some distance between us as I didn't want to make things awkward in the office. Turns out it had the opposite effect?

Yep. Hopefully rjc is still reading.

She then suggests that we should hang out sometime and talk. I'm quite sure she's not interested in me but I guess she liked me as a friend? I dun goofed GAF.

Might be she and her boyfriend aren't an item anymore. She is definitely interested in you.

I responded to her text, apologised


and let her know that it wasn't my intention to upset her. I have no romantic hope with her but do you guys think I should try and mend our "friendship"?

I don't think she is looking for friendship. I think 1- she didn't expect you to back off for real and that got her (more, if she was already) interested 2- it's not just you resigning that got her to make a move.
You shouldn't have apologized though.
Here's the rundown: when you made a move on her and she rejected you, once you handled it "like a boss" you ended up as the cool guy. She knew/felt this put her at a disadvantage so she brought you back to the starting point by guilt-tripping you, the most powerful most ancient way to passive-aggressively obtain something from anybody.
Basically she made it look like you backing off wasn't something that came to you naturally, but something you forced onto yourself in order to punish her. It makes no sense to apologize for something you didn't do: have you ever heard of someone accused of say, murder, going like "I didn't kill this guy but I'm sorry people think I did it"?


Linked in isnt a dating site, Alexander carter-silk found that out the hard way.

I once had a sales executive chase me round on every account online he could find me on. Even years old dead ones. It had the complete opposite effect of what he was trying to achieve.

God, that reminds me of this time I unfollowed someone on Twitter because they were posting NSFW pictures (I browse Twitter a lot at work and I'm not going to get fired over an asshole that likes moving game cameras in odd ways for panty shots), and he flipped shit. Started messaging me on every account he could get to asking why I unfollowed (then blocked) him and shit. Like you really think you internet stalking me is going to have me re-add you?

People are fucking weird.

Wait, how does this show up on the projector? This conversation isn't happening on the phone? Weird.

Company IM.

I'm kinda thankful our IM records are saved for seven years and literally anyone can ask for them, it makes sure people are less likely to do weird crap like that >.>"
Company IM.

I'm kinda thankful our IM records are saved for seven years and literally anyone can ask for them, it makes sure people are less likely to do weird crap like that >.>"
What I don't get is, why would anyone keep hard proof of such personal stuff that can be used in investigations? LOL
Anyway half way through, due to me forgetting to use the do not disturb status I get a pop up on screen of the continuation of the convo I was having with girl from my past.
She also has a photo which is her wearing my hoody, naked underneath, only I know this detail but you can tell a bit TBH.
So this shoes up with the phrase "Angel of ecstasy" her response to the convo. It's her would be porn star name, (Her conversation idea) in the screen in the middle of my presentation.
While the other girl was in the room.
With the photo sorta showing her tits and posing proactively.

By the look on this girls face I don't think she will be texting me again.

In today's session I'll make sure do not disturb is on.

That is rough. Had a mildly similar thing happen to me. I was doing a presentation to some of our customers and I got Skype messaged by our Sales director. Skype does a preview of the message on the popup notification. "are "company name I was presenting to" still being cunts?"

Yes, they saw it. we didn't get any more business from them.
So after going on a dozen (mixed results) tinder/okc dates and getting laid a few times, I really feel like I've gotten a lot of "stuff" out of my system.

I'm not feeling as lonely or disconnected anymore. I feel sexually gratified, and desirable. It's nice!

Now though I feel like I see people for what they are with more clarity. I can distinguish things I like about them from things I don't much more easily without the sex goggles.

So to those that are having trouble with dates, it's still a worthwhile adventure. Don't worry about landing a winner so much as allowing yourself to learn and grow from these experiences.
So after going on a dozen (mixed results) tinder/okc dates and getting laid a few times, I really feel like I've gotten a lot of "stuff" out of my system.

I'm not feeling as lonely or disconnected anymore. I feel sexually gratified, and desirable. It's nice!

Now though I feel like I see people for what they are with more clarity. I can distinguish things I like about them from things I don't much more easily without the sex goggles.

So to those that are having trouble with dates, it's still a worthwhile adventure. Don't worry about landing a winner so much as allowing yourself to learn and grow from these experiences.

Excellent update, all the best for this year!
I remember someone was presenting on their browser and one of the tabs (truncated) said "Victoria". I don't think it was the city or the Queen.
What I don't get is, why would anyone keep hard proof of such personal stuff that can be used in investigations? LOL

I guess it's a European thing, no one gives a fuck here. Where I work everyone is fucking everyone else, the amount of stunning women is ridiculous. it's probably mad, but to be honest I'm used to the place after all these years

Once many many years ago I was in a HR meeting about sexual harassment. To be clear I was there as moral support for the girl, not the accused! And the IM messages were print and read out. It was cringy and painful. Beyond checking them in case of a complaint, no one is monitoring this stuff.

That is rough. Had a mildly similar thing happen to me. I was doing a presentation to some of our customers and I got Skype messaged by our Sales director. Skype does a preview of the message on the popup notification. "are "company name I was presenting to" still being cunts?"

Yes, they saw it. we didn't get any more business from them.

Oh god that is fucking savage. I don't know how you finished that presentation.
Or did you reply "No they are being lovely again" on the projector? :)
How opposed are people here to long posts? I finished typing something up and its fucking long, but I feel the details are relevant to my situation and while I don't include every detail, I think what I have typed is pretty necessary to give a good picture of the situation. I would like some outside opinions as its messing with my head and I dont have friends that I feel comfortable talking about this with and I'm honestly at a loss for what to do.


How opposed are people here to long posts? I finished typing something up and its fucking long, but I feel the details are relevant to my situation and while I don't include every detail, I think what I have typed is pretty necessary to give a good picture of the situation. I would like some outside opinions as its messing with my head and I dont have friends that I feel comfortable talking about this with and I'm honestly at a loss for what to do.

How long have you and this other person been dating?
How opposed are people here to long posts? I finished typing something up and its fucking long, but I feel the details are relevant to my situation and while I don't include every detail, I think what I have typed is pretty necessary to give a good picture of the situation. I would like some outside opinions as its messing with my head and I dont have friends that I feel comfortable talking about this with and I'm honestly at a loss for what to do.

As long as it's not too vague post it and we'll try our best to help.
How long have you and this other person been dating?

Haven't dated, more like trying to figure out if she wants to date. I don't think I'm interpreting her signals correctly.

As long as it's not too vague post it and we'll try our best to help.

The opposite, I think it's pretty detailed but I have different choices on where to go from which is causing me distress. I'll post it soon, gonna try to edit it down so it's not such a slog.


Haven't dated, more like trying to figure out if she wants to date. I don't think I'm interpreting her signals correctly.

The opposite, I think it's pretty detailed but I have different choices on where to go from which is causing me distress. I'll post it soon, gonna try to edit it down so it's not such a slog.

Just ask her out already, easy

Justttttt askkkkk
Haven't dated, more like trying to figure out if she wants to date. I don't think I'm interpreting her signals correctly.

The opposite, I think it's pretty detailed but I have different choices on where to go from which is causing me distress. I'll post it soon, gonna try to edit it down so it's not such a slog.

Oh. Well post it and let's see but my immediate thought upon reading this is to read the title.

I just hope you're not tying yourself into knots over some stupid shit.
About a year ago, I met a girl through a mutual friend when we all went out to a bar. We made small talk, the kind of things you talk about when you meet somebody for the first time. Over the next few weeks I saw her more and more often. We very quickly hit it off. She was easy to talk to and interesting. I like to tease and give people shit when I feel comfortable. Don’t worry, its never mean or personal, if I see they took it the wrong way I apologize. Anyway that wasn’t a problem since she was able to deal with my teasing and wasn't afraid to give me shit back, she wasn’t demure or shy. I found it really endearing and admitted to myself I was attracted a little to her. One night we went out with some friends and she started asking me stuff like if I was single, and what I looked for in a girl. This got my attention, maybe shes interested? But I was seeing another girl at the time (just talking and a date or two, nothing serious and it eventually didnt go anywhere) and we were drinking, so I brushed it off as her just being drunk. Every time we hung out after I felt we had a connection, lots of flirting and teasing. I wasn't crazy about her, but I did note how fun it was to talk and hang with her. One night we had a big group of people composed of her and my friends all hanging out at a bar. There the flirting and teasing really ramped up, including subtle touching like a finger brushed across the leg, a lingering hand on the arm, touching her hand, etc. We were laughing and enjoying each other's company. It was pretty apparent there was something there, even my friends commented on it, asking what was up between me and her. That same night it all built up to the point I waited to find a good opportunity to go for a kiss, but I chickened out. I rationalized it by thinking there were too many of us all at the same table (there were) and that if I would have been able to get her alone (any tips on doing this in public setting surrounded by friends, let me know) I would have went for it, the opportunity just never presented itself.

Despite that, I i did manage to get her number and we texted a lot after that in the following weeks. I was working up the nerve to ask her out proper when she invites me to a see a movie one night. I think wow, she actually asked me out first, cool. So I go to pick her up, I dress up nice, but nothing too fancy. She gets into my car with a sweater on, long loose pants, no make up or anything like that. I immediately think this isn't a date and that I read the situation all wrong, but I wait and just see where it goes. The chemistry is there like it always is between us, we're having a good time just on the drive to the theater and I think maybe she dressed that way on our date cause she feels comfortable with me. Before the movie starts we're talking about valentines day plans and I start saying stuff like I'm working on it and that I'm talking to a girl right now who seems interesting blah blah blah, I was hinting really hard I was talking about her. Then she says she has a date with a guy, I'm thinking she's playing along and we're on the same page. She then says she's known him for a while and he's wanted to take her out for years (fuck, not the same page) so she decided to give him a chance. That threw me off, I recover and try to play it cool, like I don't just feel like an enormous idiot and we get through the movie, but I knew then I was friendzoned, shit. I take her home and as we pull up to her house she brings up a friend of mine who she is interested in (the mutual friend that introduced us) and I take note that she mentioned him a lot before in our previous convos, I just thought she was using it as an easy conversation point. She’s crushing hard but hes got a gf at this point. I sympathize lol. Anyway we keep texting throughout the next few days, decide to hang out just me and her. We head downtown, drink a bit and eventually the topic of dating comes up. I mention how I'm tired of looking for quick hookups and want something more significant, she literally says the opposite. However, now I'm tipsy enough where I admit to her I thought the night we saw the movie was her inviting me out on a date. She got really embarrassed and started apologizing but I told her it was fine, I misread the situation and that she didn't do anything wrong. I then tell her I like her, and asked her out for real. She said she wasn't interested. It makes sense as we just got done saying we're not looking for the same things, but I had to try. We both handle it well and I take her home a little later, I'm honestly glad I got a clear cut answer, I can stop worrying about it.

Here I have to admit that I was more interested in her than I thought. We text and hang out still, but its getting less and less frequent and then eventually communication just stops. I stopped going out as much (mostly due to money, but I was also going through some stuff and drinking every weekend wasn't as enjoyable) so I pretty much don't see her until months later or so when I go out for my birthday and she's at the same place with a friend. We say hi and I invite them to sit with our group. It honestly felt like no time had passed, we picked up right where we left off. The chemistry was automatic. I had a fun time, but that was it. No communication afterwards. I left it alone.

Months after this I go out to celebrate a friend's bday, she's there as well. Once again, it's like we had seen each other the day before, not even two sentences into our convo and we're already teasing and messing with one another. Over the course of the night she starts commentating a lot on how good I look (I've been losing weight and working out for the past few years) since she hasn't seen me in a while, I guess the progress is starting to become more noticeable. So she's dropping compliments, asking me how I did it and stuff, which honestly made me feel really good, and we're having a good time. We're interrupted when my friend decides to leave (he's my ride) and we say goodbye around midnight. Not too long after she texts me, informing me she's home, bored laying in bed, and that it was nice seeing me and that she always seems to have a good time when we hang out (ahh, she noticed it too?). She continues to text me throughout the night until she falls asleep.

Since then we've texted pretty regularly and have hung out once (where we're still flirting and teasing each other). The thing is, I don't really know whats going on now. I feel like there's some kind of connection between us, no matter how long its been, it never feels awkward or weird, we're always comfortable. I've made sure to tell her this too and she agrees. Right now, things feel the same as they did a year ago, but they also feel...different between us at the same time? The way we interact hasn't really changed from when I was friendzoned from before, but other things are different. For example, she texts me very often late night before going to bed, just asking what im up to (she does this throughout the day too sometimes) which wasn't so much the case when we texted before. She has also come out to the local park where my friends and I play basketball, something she's known about forever, but never made the effort (was there any reason to?) to come and say hi. She always comes out of her own volition; the last time I was texting her because I was sitting on the sidelines waiting to play, just trying to pass the time with some conversation and she said she'll come by to give me company. The thing is, she doesn't get anything out of it. She's just sitting on the bench with her phone or reading her kindle while we play. We only interact between games and when we walk home together as she leaves when I do, even though shes friends with the other people who go out there too.

This is where we are now and don't know what to do, or really what I want. I realized that when we stopped communicating and hanging out that I had made a mistake. I thought I was doing the right thing by me so I didn't continue having feelings for someone who wasnt interested in me, and it worked, but I realized that having a female friend that I regularly hang out with (I have some, but none I can call up to hang out) is a good thing for me. She has friends who could become potential interests and it'd be great to get a female perspective on certain things (such as this) as well as simply improve my social skills with women in general. I'm kinda stuck. I'm not even sure she's into me at all (I was a lot more confident about that a year ago and I was wrong), and i'm being friendzoned again. She already said no once, but things can change a lot in a years' time (she's gotten over that mutual friend of ours, I've changed physically and mentally and don't feel like a long term relationship is paramount in my life anymore) and since I've told her I've had feelings for her before, if things are different, the balls in her court, no?

Ideally, I would like to see if we really do have some sort of romantic potential, we honestly seem perfect for each other. We have similar interest in things like movies, anything sci-fi and nerdy stuff, to bond over, but different enough in other ways that things would be interesting. I've mentioned chemistry a million times, but it honestly baffles me how effortless our interactions are. I know the clearest way to find out is simply ask her, but if I’m wrong again, I don’t want to put myself out there like that a second time with her and it comes across that the only reason I’m still talking to her is because I’m looking for something more. I can say honestly that I’m alright with being just a friend, I genuinely think it would be a good thing. I just can’t help but think this time things have changed, I need some perspective that doesn’t come from my own biases and how I see our interactions.

Just ask her out already, easy

Justttttt askkkkk

Oh. Well post it and let's see but my immediate thought upon reading this is to read the title.

I just hope you're not tying yourself into knots over some stupid shit.

I don't think it's stupid or as simple as ask her out but you guys be the judge. Most girls I'd already be done with one way or another but its different here, or at least I feel it is.



Jesus. More tips and turns than a rollercoaster.

Anyways, to sum it up, she's your friend. That's it. There isn't anything more. Sounds like she's a good friend, so that's cool.

I'll humor you and throw something you said back at your face. If there is something there, the ball is in her court. You've already made your feelings known. Doing it again will just make you look stupid.

Your mindset: "She's still hanging with me.. maybe things have changed and she likes me."
Her mindset: "He's a good friend who was able to get past me turning him down. I think I'll stay good friends with him."
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