Shit. I don't know. Never feeling attractive enough.(I guess)
You're looks aren't going to magically change. If you are self conscious about your looks (who isn't btw?) you can only do 2 things. Work on your style and your body (gym/exercise, wardrobe do over) or leave things as is. If you do the former it may help with confidemce and attraction but it aint the end all be all. You still have to over come the fear of rejection. Even people that look like damn models get turned down. It isn't the end of the world. I have been shot down tons. You just have to learn to do what is in your power and let the rest flow as is.
Still awkward around girls I'm attracted to.
You only get better by doing. So you need to talk and figure out your strengths and weaknesses in maintaining conversation.
I feel like I'm being annoying to this girl even though she doesn't mind my presence and hangs around and talk to me. I'm sure it's obvious to her that I like her. Probably just being nice about it.
I mean w/e. This is irrelevant. All you do is if you like her ask her on a date. What else are you expecting to happen? She magically falls for you all of a sudden? Ask for what you want man.
Hell, she's socially awkward herself.
I dunno if this is projecting or w/e but doesn't really matter. You want a date just ask for it. Just ask for what you want.
I don't have my drivers license either...Not like I don't have a way to get around.
Depending on where you live this may or may not be a big deal. If you can get around though it's fine.
Let me get this rejection outta the way, bruh,
Taking an L is not a big deal. A lot of yall need to get to get the fuck over this. If you are so scared of rejection you just sit around lonely and you also bitch about being lonely, how the fuck can you solve your problem? Someone saying no is not a big deal. Now you know, you learn from it, you grow, you take a step to being better equiped for the next time. That is literally it.
Jesus, we're the same age :/
Being bad at sex the first time is going to happen btw. You are gonna suck at it. So if you are nervous or not it isn't going to matter. Everyone is terrible at it their first time. Instead of worrying so much about what the other person thinks be happy you got to the point where you got someone you like naked and comfortable enough to want to do it with you. Be proud in your game instead of being worried about not being enough.
As I said to someone else earlier today. Enjoy the motherfucking W instead of trying to find some L in the moment.