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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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And people wonder why women ghost...

I agree with efyu_lemonardo on this. There's no reason not send a polite message.

What I don't understand why people don't block/ignore people who can't handle rejection.

That's a bit much isn't it? Did you tell her you would be there in 5 minutes?

Yes but it wasn't so simple.

I work in a place where you can't use your phone so I lock it up and put it in airplane mode. On the day of, she texted to confirm the date again but no response from me all day. I replied after leaving work a little late but the mall we were meeting at has some real bad cell reception spots.

So she thought I wasn't going to show because I never replied earlier and never received my messages until she left the mall proper and got on the bus out of there.

We ended up meeting up and dated for the summer last year. It didn't work out but we're now friends.

Just apply the Brad Pitt rule. If Brad Pitt was late to your date by 5 minutes, would you chew him out?

I'm gonna ask her this next time we meet. That rule is a good at cutting B.S but I've found it falters with some people and situations.


We should make a catalogue of dating don'ts containing the worst examples of people in here, like JCITS above and Jason (a couple of my early posts could probably be included). I'm half serious.
Ok GAF! Now it's probably the time to come clean... If you guys noticed the last line of my original message, you'll see the initials "R.R." I was going to go back and edit that post, but figured it'll be better if I just leave a little, "hint" an Easter egg behind, if you will, instead.

Can anyone guess what the R.R. stands for?

Reversed Roles or Roles Reversed...

So basically I was the sucker that got ghosted, it was honestly the first time for me to be (properly) ghosted, and I've been on Tinder and dated a quite a few women for a while now, I didn't take this kindly, not a thing I'd appreciate.

To even be more clear, the only reason I made this posts is to get your honest responses and along with my post send them all to her. It's a bit fucked up, I know, but sure enough it brought her back to "life" and out of "Ghost" mode.
Boyyyy did she have a lot to text me after being completely silent for over 48 hours to my four text messages that are simply asking "how's your day?" "hi" "Hope you had a good day"
For reference, these would be the numerous daily greetings she was texting me every day for the last three weeks, and honestly her text response was timely and within the hour the latest.

I felt like you guys would be more honest if I took the role of the ghoster, since, I am sure lots of guys come here and talk about being ghosted... And I told the scenario as accurately as possible, down to the minute mark.

Anyway, without getting too much into details, what bothered me the most was (she has her instagram attached to Tinder) and during the last two days she kept posting pictures of her drinking with friends, "Watching TV and cuddling with my dog" and other stupid posts... She denied ghosting me, saying her friend's grandmother died and she was too busy consoling and comforting her friend the past two days, and she eventually was gonna get back to me... When I referenced the instagram photos, by saying "For someone who's consistently been messaging me every day, literally a few dozen times a day for the past two weeks, you couldn't take a break between drinking with your friends and watching Tv with your dog to text me a sentence saying "I am going through some stuff right now, I'll text you in a few days"?"

Her response was, "I am not obligated to text you anything"

My response was, "No, no you're not, that's correct, but you're obligated to be at least a decent person and not play games with me and bullshit me with lies, and you failed on all those accounts "

The whole thing ended with me telling her "You weren't a catch anyway, I'm already going on my second date this weekend with this other girl I met on Tinder, (True story) and I may in fact be half an hour late for that date, because that's just me, and I am going to do me, and if she still accepts me after being late, that would be awesome, and if she doesn't, I hope she a decent enough human being to tell me to fuck off right away! Unlike some other child I met recently ;)"

she replies "Good luck with your date"

Anyway, I feel quite relieved after telling her off to be honest, it's the kind of closure I needed... I am still laughing at how quickly she responded after I sent her screenshots of my post!

And fuck anyone who Ghosts!

This would've been fine, but it's always nice to communicate the reason you're cutting ties with someone.. "Hey you were quite late on our first day that didn't bode well with me as your first impression, nothing personal, but I hate people who are late"

This is mad petty. We all said that the type of ghosting you explained was douchey. We never ever implied that this was the correct response to it however. This is fucking pathetic man.

You are not owed anything from this girl. Not even the idea that she should be a "decent" person. Go away with this bullshit.


This is mad petty. We all said that the type of ghosting you explained was douchey. We never ever implied that this was the correct response to it however. This is fucking pathetic man.

You are not owed anything from this girl. Not even the idea that she should be a "decent" person. Go away with this bullshit.

I think feeling good about passive aggressively calling her a child for nothing is the worst part. Johnny, you really gotta reflect on why you felt good about saying that. It's telling of your character to be honest.


To even be more clear, the only reason I made this posts is to get your honest responses and along with my post send them all to her. It's a bit fucked up, I know, but sure enough it brought her back to "life" and out of "Ghost" mode.

The whole thing ended with me telling her "You weren't a catch anyway, I'm already going on my second date this weekend with this other girl I met on Tinder, (True story) and I may in fact be half an hour late for that date, because that's just me, and I am going to do me, and if she still accepts me after being late, that would be awesome, and if she doesn't, I hope she a decent enough human being to tell me to fuck off right away! Unlike some other child I met recently ;)"

she replies "Good luck with your date"
........Jesus Christ. You actually went with the "u ugly anyway" comeback.

Holy crap did she dodge a bullet. And you wonder why girls ghost?

Anyway, I feel quite relieved after telling her off to be honest, it's the kind of closure I needed... I am still laughing at how quickly she responded after I sent her screenshots of my post!
Did you send a link to this thread? I'm kinda hoping she's reading our responses since then.

Her bailing on the date while you were on your way was not cool. A normal response would've been to tell her that's not cool, block her, and move the fuck on.
The fact that you think you have the moral high ground after your little outburst is probably the most worrying part.


Her bailing on the date while you were on your way was not cool. A normal response would've been to tell her that's not cool, block her, and move the fuck on.
The fact that you think you have the moral high ground after your little outburst is probably the most worrying part.
I believe it was the other way around - Johnny bailed because she was 15 min late, even though she told him she was running late.


I believe it was the other way around - Johnny bailed because she was 15 min late, even though she told him she was running late.
No, as he explained in a later post, the roles were actually reversed in his story, because he wanted our honest opinions on the situation. He then sent screenshots of our responses to the girl to show how he was in the right...


I've let things fizzle out before, but I'd never ignore someones messages and ghost them as such.

Being stood up for a date sucks though (not that I've had to deal with it), even if Johnny overreacted massively.
That plot twist in Johnny's post is the reason why I have trust issues (before the first couple of dates). You can never trust a wall of text without knowing who is behind it!!

To reiterate on the point though, you wasted your breath for nothing man. Girl just wasn't that into you and your rant just empowered her decision. Best thing to have done would have been giving the silent treatment. If she came running back for you then, you would know that she regretted what she did. If she didn't... Well you would have moved on (hopefully) after a few days of silence.
I think feeling good about passive aggressively calling her a child for nothing is the worst part. Johnny, you really gotta reflect on why you felt good about saying that. It's telling of your character to be honest.

The whole thing is just so bitch made. He got stood up. No one ever said he shouldn't feel some type of way about it. We all clearly feel bad about that. But holy fucking shit, you can feel the venom this dude is harbouring in those texts and his posts here.

It takes a special kind of person to solicit advice from dating age and then screenshot it and send it to a girl with "you weren't shit anyway" just to appease their fragile ego. Dude needs to do some soul searching, no girl should have to date someone like this.

I don't agree with you that ghosting is acceptable unless you've been intimate/exclusive or going out a month.
There's usually no reason not to send a polite message after a single date saying "It's not it" if that's how you feel.

Naw b. This idea that people who you barely know owe you anything needs to die. You are not entitled to anything. People that hate being ghosted feel entitled.

You are not entitled to a response. You are not entitled to closure. You are not owed anything. Understand social cues and grasp that silence means "I don't want to talk". But people you don't know and who do not know you don't need to appease egos.

If you do not wish to speak to someone you don't need to provide justification for it. Especially relationships that consist of texting for a few weeks and meeting a couple times.


Homeland Security Fail
Cage is probably the type of guy that thought he was doing the woman a favor by going out with her.



He is (nearly) risen.

Hope I did that right. I'm too stupid for image tags and whatnot.

Edit: Fuck

Edit 2: nailed it
Our lord and savior ZackieChan sent me a message from beyond the grave. He suggests we all ghost Johnny Cage due to his recent fuckery.
I bet Johnny Cage In The Shower gets off when he gets responses to his bullshit. He's a masochist for attention, going by all his other threads.
I just used this venue to get her out of "Ghost" mode and it worked apparently. There is just too much fuckery going on, on Tinder, to not have fun and socially experiment with people's behaviour: Especially after I've established an end of a connection, due to my lack of respect and real interest for them or vise versa.

I'm just a guy who wishes he pursued a career in psychology and human behaviour.

This particular woman had quite the dark family history, cancer, death, abandonment by siblings etc. It was quite tragic. I always try to link and find a connection of their current attitude and behaviour to thier family life etc. Sometimes It's very interesting to see the connection... Also to discover someone's public persona through thier social media posts vs thier very personal fears and demons. (The life they are pursuing or painting for themselves vs the life they are living)

In a way I guess I am a bit of a sadomasochist, since I still enjoy studying the minds, thought process and behaviour of people I may not even see eye to eye with.

Anyway, Enough about Dr. Johnny H. Lecter.

Who's going on any dates this long weekend?


Can a normal person post an advice inquiry so we can move on from this garbage?

I do, I do!
Though I might not be regarded as a normal person by all social standards.

So, there's this girl I've known for about 8 years, and recently we've been really close, like we text each other literally every few minutes close. Now, I've been on "dates" with the person a few times the past few weeks, and really hit it off, always making jokes, laughing, hugging each other, making eye contact all the time, you know, normal stuff. And we have cute nicknames for each other (which make no sense in english). So, my past experience (some dates, a years long relationship and a months-long other) tells me that either this person feels something strong for me (romantic-wise) or she is the best friend I could ever find. All alright till this point. Now this is where things start getting complicated. She has family issues, like, really strong ones. Her father tried to shoot to kill her several times when they were together, and other things of the same severity, and obviously this person has trust issues. I've spoken to her several times about it, but when talking about romance (something she never had, ever), she told me that while there could be people out there who would make her super happy, she's completely closed her doors to it, and is afraid of getting too involved and not being able to "control" things or her feelings. She already closed herself to any kind of emotional contact and thinks that it's better off that way.

So, while my opinion might be biased (I obviously want to be someone to her, in a romantic way too), I don't think a fully grown adult (not a late-teen, I'm way past that age) should be so closed with her feelings to the point she does not allow anyone in her life. How does GAF thinks I should deal with this? I've been with problematic people before, but not this much, and it's obviously a relationship I value, and I'm not open to waste it over impulsive passion.


I've spoken to her several times about it, but when talking about romance (something she never had, ever), she told me that while there could be people out there who would make her super happy, she's completely closed her doors to it, and is afraid of getting too involved and not being able to "control" things or her feelings. She already closed herself to any kind of emotional contact and thinks that it's better off that way.

So, while my opinion might be biased (I obviously want to be someone to her, in a romantic way too), I don't think a fully grown adult (not a late-teen, I'm way past that age) should be so closed with her feelings to the point she does not allow anyone in her life. How does GAF thinks I should deal with this? I've been with problematic people before, but not this much, and it's obviously a relationship I value, and I'm not open to waste it over impulsive passion.

It sounds like you've only approached the romance angle hypothetically. Have you actually expressed your feelings to her? Perhaps she'll be more receptive and open up to someone she's known for 8 years. It's one thing to open up to a stranger that you've only known for 8 months, it's another to evolve an 8 year friendship to something more. Obviously, this will move at her pace.
it's obviously a relationship I value, and I'm not open to waste it over impulsive passion.

Well this says it all doesn't?

Read what you wrote and tell me if any of that is the basis for a healthy relationship.

Then read what I quoted.

Oh, and if she wants to gate herself off from romance or whatever so be it. That really isn't something you have a say in. Like at all.

Anyway, Enough about Dr. Johnny H. Lecter.

Yeah okay that's totally it. 🙄


It sounds like you've only approached the romance angle hypothetically. Have you actually expressed your feelings to her? Perhaps she'll be more receptive and open up to someone she's known for 8 years. It's one thing to open up to a stranger that you've only known for 8 months, it's another to evolve an 8 year friendship to something more. Obviously, this will move at her pace.

Oh, and if she wants to gate herself off from romance or whatever so be it. That really isn't something you have a say in. Like at all.

I am aware that is isn't about me, it's about how she feels with herself, and that's why no, I haven't explicitly expressed my feelings for her, and I might not, because as Gotdatmoney said, I don't have a say in it, and I prefer not to cause any instability in her emotions. I'll continue to support this person, and I'll be there IF someday she wants to open up, if not, I'm okay with that. Just wanted to know someone else's opinion.


Just wanna say I did it fam!
Just asked her last night to be my girlfriend and she said yes :) wooo!!

Congrats, man. That's really awesome.

I've been chatting with few girls quite some time, but none of them turned into something serious, probably I just wasn't interesting for them. I was kind of upset after all these failures but now I'm fine and decided to take a break.


Just wanna say I did it fam!
Just asked her last night to be my girlfriend and she said yes :) wooo!!
Congrats! May I ask how many girls you went out with until you hit on this one? I feel like my life is the first two seasons of Man Seeking Woman right now.
I am aware that is isn't about me, it's about how she feels with herself, and that's why no, I haven't explicitly expressed my feelings for her, and I might not, because as Gotdatmoney said, I don't have a say in it, and I prefer not to cause any instability in her emotions. I'll continue to support this person, and I'll be there IF someday she wants to open up, if not, I'm okay with that. Just wanted to know someone else's opinion.

I can tell you are a nice person and I don't sense any ill intention so don't take this the wrong way as it is meant to be constructive.

You've been close with this girl for 8 years and it at least imo, it would be odd if you didnt have any feelings for her for a good chunk of that time. If this is truly your friend then you need to drop the idea of something happening. That thought process is just going to hold you back from finding something. You need to go and meet new people and have experiences and build bonds and find someone who wants to be with you for you right now.

This girl doesn't need a saviour. Nor does she need you to be a support beam if you have any ulterior motives. And I don't mean ulterior to be weird or sketchy. But rather that if you want something besides friendship it's hard to separate what is platonic from what is romantic. Now maybe you orbit and it all works out. I'm not ruling that out. But from what you have said you have a friend with issues and who knows when or if she sorts them. And who knows whether you will even be a relevant factor in her life if she does.

I suooort you being a good friend andnit's obvious this person is valuable to you. But you both need to be selfish and self aware that if you are this invested, it's hard to believe that you can flip the button from romantic thoughts just like that.

And like I said, it is possible that you are ultimately who she would be most down to be with. But can you really walk away without feeling some type of way if it doesnt turn out like that?
Holy shit @ the last page. I don't even know where to begin with that.

Anyhow, I don't really post here much, but I do lurk from time to time and try to apply some of the advice given in the thread, and for the most part, it's going decently enough. I recently matched with someone on Tinder, exchanged numbers, and texted lightly for a bit. Both of us are busy this weekend, but next weekend might be better for us to meet up, so we're most likely going to shoot for then.

Whenever I do confirm a day, keeping the texting light until we meet up is the best way to go, right?


Holy shit @ the last page. I don't even know where to begin with that.

Anyhow, I don't really post here much, but I do lurk from time to time and try to apply some of the advice given in the thread, and for the most part, it's going decently enough. I recently matched with someone on Tinder, exchanged numbers, and texted lightly for a bit. Both of us are busy this weekend, but next weekend might be better for us to meet up, so we're most likely going to shoot for then.

Whenever I do confirm a day, keeping the texting light until we meet up is the best way to go, right?
Yes, there's simply no point in wasting your time.

I always keep it to a minimum before the date.

Good luck!


Yes, there's simply no point in wasting your time.

I always keep it to a minimum before the date.

Good luck!
I keep seeing this advice and I agree with it but I've yet to match with a girl and get her number that wasn't very interested in a lengthy text back and forth leading up to a date. If there's a match towards the end of the week it's fine but if it's early in the week then I can't not respond when they're looking to text all week leading up to the weekend.


I keep seeing this advice and I agree with it but I've yet to match with a girl and get her number that wasn't very interested in a lengthy text back and forth leading up to a date. If there's a match towards the end of the week it's fine but if it's early in the week then I can't not respond when they're looking to text all week leading up to the weekend.

You can do like I did and just spell it out after securing the date.

"Hey let's make this interesting and leave surprises for our first date! I'll see you then! :)"


I keep seeing this advice and I agree with it but I've yet to match with a girl and get her number that wasn't very interested in a lengthy text back and forth leading up to a date. If there's a match towards the end of the week it's fine but if it's early in the week then I can't not respond when they're looking to text all week leading up to the weekend.

It's just a balance of not getting too invested before the date and making sure you still have discussion topics when you meet up.


What No_Style and Makonero said, plus slowing down the conversation.

It also makes you look busy, which is a plus.


I'm super on and off with bring active in this thread so I hope at least some of the regulars remember me from a while ago lol. Wanted to chime in and update, things have been going awesome recently! :) I'm dating a really cool girl I met at a small get-together in December. She's the best friend of one of my really close friends' roommates and we hit it off when they stopped by - been officially together since last month. First time I actually happened to be dating someone on Valentine's Day lol.

I actually have a sex-related question but idk how kosher those are. 🤔 It's not embarrassing or anything, just a curiosity.

Holy shit @ the last page. I don't even know where to begin with that.

Anyhow, I don't really post here much, but I do lurk from time to time and try to apply some of the advice given in the thread, and for the most part, it's going decently enough. I recently matched with someone on Tinder, exchanged numbers, and texted lightly for a bit. Both of us are busy this weekend, but next weekend might be better for us to meet up, so we're most likely going to shoot for then.

Whenever I do confirm a day, keeping the texting light until we meet up is the best way to go, right?

For tinder for sure, yeah. Nothing wrong with letting the convo carry for a bit but "hey what's up" texts are kinda pointless before you meet in person imo.

Good luck man!
If she texts you, you kind of have to reply or she might think you ghosted. Take a day to respond to stretch things out, don't ask follow up questions etc.

The girl I went out most recently, we agreed last Saturday to set a date on Wednesday night, only exchanged 2-3 messages in the 4 days in between (and only to settle on time and location). As a previous poster mentioned, you already have the date set: you have the W, don't go looking for an L. More texting can't make anything better, only worse.
You can do like I did and just spell it out after securing the date.

"Hey let's make this interesting and leave surprises for our first date! I'll see you then! :)"

I matched with someone a while back. She goes to school and has 2 jobs (one is a placement for school credits, the other an actual job on the weekends) and we will occasionally talk throughout the week and leave it at that. Because of that schedule of hers we haven't had a day to actually go out.

She will occasionally send me a message or I will send her one, but I basically know very little about her. We both agreed to keep it light until the day we met. I'm going out with her next week, since it's reading week. So again, I still know very little which means I have a lot more to discover, and I wasn't tied down to her while there was that period of us not going out.


May I have a cookie?
Naw b. This idea that people who you barely know owe you anything needs to die. You are not entitled to anything. People that hate being ghosted feel entitled.

You are not entitled to a response. You are not entitled to closure. You are not owed anything. Understand social cues and grasp that silence means "I don't want to talk". But people you don't know and who do not know you don't need to appease egos.

If you do not wish to speak to someone you don't need to provide justification for it. Especially relationships that consist of texting for a few weeks and meeting a couple times.

I think you're generalizing with the bolded. But to be clear Johnny Cage here is not the type of case I had in mind when I said there's no reason not to leave a polite message. Thankfully most people are not so petty.

Assuming a person is sufficiently aware of themselves and open to learning, I think some amount of feedback should be provided if they ask for it because that's how people learn to become more socially adept. The way I see it everyone goes through this learning process. Some are lucky enough to have it figured out by the time they start dating seriously - either because they had more opportunities for social interaction growing up, had older siblings they could learn from, better communication with their parents, etc.

But some, through little or no fault of their own reach dating age and have yet to master the social communication skills required to understand the ambiguous signaling that is part of the early stages of dating, and for those people I believe it is a matter of courtesy to make a small effort to communicate yourself a bit more clearly, provided it isn't a significant inconvenience. You can think of it as similar to taking a minute to give someone directions if they're unfamiliar with the area, or letting a person make an emergency phone call from your device if they're out of a battery and there's no pay phone nearby.
The whole thing is just so bitch made. He got stood up. No one ever said he shouldn't feel some type of way about it. We all clearly feel bad about that. But holy fucking shit, you can feel the venom this dude is harbouring in those texts and his posts here.

It takes a special kind of person to solicit advice from dating age and then screenshot it and send it to a girl with "you weren't shit anyway" just to appease their fragile ego. Dude needs to do some soul searching, no girl should have to date someone like this.

Naw b. This idea that people who you barely know owe you anything needs to die. You are not entitled to anything. People that hate being ghosted feel entitled.

You are not entitled to a response. You are not entitled to closure. You are not owed anything. Understand social cues and grasp that silence means "I don't want to talk". But people you don't know and who do not know you don't need to appease egos.

If you do not wish to speak to someone you don't need to provide justification for it. Especially relationships that consist of texting for a few weeks and meeting a couple times.

Alright, I will bite this, not because I think you know what the fuck you're talking about, it's because I am really curious about what are the rules, laws and etiquette of using technology as a communication device in today's social/dating age.

Hope you'll read my entire posts and fully address my questions.

You seem to be so confident about what is okay and not okay when it comes to Ignoring people you meet online and talk to them for a while.

On that regard, I have a few questions, hope you can explain and make me understand what's right or socially acceptable or not.

My argument is technology should only be used to communicate with people, and be a tool to display your true colours and personality, Not as a device to hide behind and play mind games. It shouldn't be a tool to allow you to be an inconsiderate jerk in saftey and privacy of a chat window on your phone, where no one is allowed or even capable of judging your immature, irresponsible actions and behaviours except the person you're fuckig with inside that chat window. Are you with me so far?

I think when you're using the comfort and safety of the barrier of your phone to trick people into scenarios, (Ie: get them out of their house, shower, dress up, fill up thier tank with gas, to pick you up for a date and cancle last minute) to massively waste their time and energy on you, and ignore them like you don't exists, I'm sorry, but an expaliantion for such behaviour is on you. And yes, dare I say it's a "childish" and immature behaviour. I think you're mixing up "fizzling out" like another (sensible) poster explained above with Ghosting. Those two are totally different things. I'm "guilty"of fizzling out on so many conversations on Tinder, and so are many women fizzling out on me, Ghosting is an entirely different kind of animal. But yet you seem to chalk it all as one stupid thing.

A perfectly fine example of "fizzling out": I was casually chit chatting with a Brazillian tourist on Tinder. And to be honest, I kind of felt sorry for her, her English was quite broken through text, she wasn't exactly a looker, and she seemed very clueless and alone visiting the country. I thought I just share some pleasantries with her, talk to her about what are cool places to go and visit. Didn't want to get too personal. (A tourist guide if you will) After a week of causal chi chatting, our conversation just naturally fizzled off... but about two weeks later, out of the blue on Valentines night, she messaged me. Being Valentines and me having my own plans already, I decided to ignore her, (despite feeling guilty about how lonely this individual may feel on Valentines night in a foreign country, all by herself) I thought it would send her mixed messages if I started yapping with her on Valentines night, since I wasn't romantically interested in her; such actions will only misguide her and get her hopes up for nothing. This is not ghosting, this is simply being proactively considerate about someone's feelings. This scenario is vastly different than my scenario above.

So let's get back to the play by play of how I was treated by this individual. Here is the thing: I strongly believe you should be accountable for your words as much as your actions. After graduallly and naturally conversing with someone for two weeks, you developed a certain tone and understanding with that individual. You get their quirks, their patterns of behaviour etc. This person sold herself as a "humanitarian" someone who stood up for the minorities and people who needed to be heard etc etc. That was honestly one of the more appealing aspects of her personality. She sold me as a decent person who understood the struggle of voiceless people. She wasn't hesitant to show me how Nobel and self righteous her outlook on life is.

Anyway, I was 15 minutes late to pick her up, she said she had to get up early in the morning, it was getting around 8:00pm. I apologized for being late. We decided to postpone the date. That was that.

The next day I sent her a text greeting her, and asking about her day. No response. This was basically a broken pattern from her usual, chatty, daily text messages. I was like ok... let's wait another day. Next day again, no response.

When I finally got her attention, her reasoning was "friend's grandmother's funeral, been consoling her the last two days, she's a very important friend to me, I've been busy"

I'm like okay that's fine, but I figured between your Instagram posts of you relaxing watching Tv with your dog, sipping on drinks the last two days, I though maybe you'd take a minute to reposnd to my text and let me know you wanted to be left alone. She got defensive "I don't need to respond to you"

Ok here is the issue with this picture. "I will accept "I don't need to respond to you" as an answer but I won't accept it after you feel cornered about me questioning your first reason and HOW MUCH OF YOU SAY IS AN HONEST ANSWER? If your ultimate defence is "I don't need to respond to you" why bother with the the consolation of a friend excuse? Two very different reasons. She just displayed me her true colours. Strip away the fat of social media and hiding behind her phone, she just demonstrated that she is inclined to use self pity, and pity for others to avoid being honest with people. That seemed like a natural extension of her character.

That's a major red flag to me, and I had to call her out on it immediately. She didn't like it that I did...So be it.

So, my question is, why aren't we allowed to judge the peronalities of people we meet online? Why is that wrong or a taboo? If I'm looking For a partner, and I sense some dishonesty and flaws in their character, why am I not allow to call them out on it? Why should I let them get away with it with thier silent treatment? Is that okay? I mean they are using these muniplative techniques through technology to mess with me, (I can see right through it) to waste my time, my energy... and most likely continue on to do the same with the next person they meet online.
Since when is it okay to waste people's time and money in any way? Let alone try to control their emotions convineintly through the barrier of technology?

Why is it NOT okay to call out an asshole for being an asshole just because they think they can hide their shittiness behind technology?

The podium is yours my friend.


Holy wow, the pettiness (and denial of it) in the past 2 pages.

I don't personally ghost myself, I would just say a quick clear message (and then block if I had the slightest suspicion that the other person was somewhat unstable). But having seen enough examples of petty vindicative aggressive behavior online, I absolutely understand why people ghost and cannot fault them.
I just used this venue to get her out of "Ghost" mode and it worked apparently. There is just too much fuckery going on, on Tinder, to not have fun and socially experiment with people's behaviour:

SMH, "It's just a prank bro" level of defense for shitty behavior. The complete lack of self awareness is that people like you are exactly why ghosting is so prevalent in dating.
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