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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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So, my question is, why aren't we allowed to judge the peronalities of people we meet online? Why is that wrong or a taboo? If I'm looking For a partner, and I sense some dishonesty and flaws in their character, why am I not allow to call them out on it? Why should I let them get away with it with thier silent treatment? Is that okay? I mean they are using these muniplative techniques through technology to mess with me, (I can see right through it) to waste my time, my energy... and most likely continue on to do the same with the next person they meet online.
Since when is it okay to waste people's time and money in any way? Let alone try to control their emotions convineintly through the barrier of technology?

Why is it NOT okay to call out an asshole for being an asshole just because they think they can hide their shittiness behind technology?

The bigger question is, why waste all that time and energy over someone you've never met? You should have a quick mind toggle that goes 'this is not a person worth dating, or worth investing any sort of time/energy in anymore' and move on. And I mean, really actually MOVE ON. Completely out of mind. NOT "You weren't a catch anyway, I'm already going on my second date this weekend with this other girl I met on Tinder, (True story) and I may in fact be half an hour late for that date, because that's just me, and I am going to do me, and if she still accepts me after being late, that would be awesome, and if she doesn't, I hope she a decent enough human being to tell me to fuck off right away! Unlike some other child I met recently ;)"

You consider this closure? Closure is moving on.

In any case, all you've probably convinced her to do is to also block all communication venues of the next person she ghosts.


If your ultimate defence is "I don't need to respond to you" why bother with the the consolation of a friend excuse? Two very different reasons.
Because she didn't want to deal with this behavior you're displaying. Many guys, just like you're acting now, will go insane over simple rejection, so this was her way of letting you down easy. Not talking to you should have been answer enough honestly.

So, my question is, why aren't we allowed to judge the peronalities of people we meet online? Why is that wrong or a taboo? If I'm looking For a partner, and I sense some dishonesty and flaws in their character, why am I not allow to call them out on it?
What do you hope to gain from it? This girl didn't want to see you again. She should mean nothing to you, you haven't even met. Yet you launch into a tirade against her for pretty much no reason. You're acting very entitled. This girl owes you nothing, despite doing a kind of a shitty thing by canceling last minute.
I think you're generalizing with the bolded.

No, I very seriously mean that. Being entitled does not mean you are a terrible person. It holds a negative connotation here because of the extent of crazy shit we read here but a feeling of entitlement does not imply you're a terrible person. You are not entitled to things from people you barely know. You are not owed a right to closure. It is wonderful if people want to give it to you but you have no right to expect it. You have no right to push them to give it to you. Because you have not formed any kind of relationship or emotional connection that owes explanations for actions as benign as "I don't wanna text".

Assuming a person is sufficiently aware of themselves and open to learning, I think some amount of feedback should be provided if they ask for it because that's how people learn to become more socially adept.

It's not the responsibility of the girl you just met on Tinder to grow your social skills

The way I see it everyone goes through this learning process. Some are lucky enough to have it figured out by the time they start dating seriously - either because they had more opportunities for social interaction growing up, had older siblings they could learn from, better communication with their parents, etc.


But some, through little or no fault of their own reach dating age and have yet to master the social communication skills required to understand the ambiguous signaling that is part of the early stages of dating, and for those people I believe it is a matter of courtesy to make a small effort to communicate yourself a bit more clearly, provided it isn't a significant inconvenience.

You are arguing about why you shouldn't ghost. Buymt my point is that it is not random Tinder person you barely knows responsibility to make a fully grown adult aware of social cues. They do not owe you a text. And to feel that they do is entitlement. If it isn't entitlement what do you think it is?

You can think of it as similar to taking a minute to give someone directions if they're unfamiliar with the area, or letting a person make an emergency phone call from your device if they're out of a battery and there's no pay phone nearby.

These things are benign. Do you know why people ghost? Because of shit like what Johnny did. There is no emotional level with giving someone directions. There is when you tell them you are not interested. The thing is in the context of a week of texting there shouldn't be. If you do not wish to talk to someone you dont owe an explanation.

Mory Dunz

I stand by my somewhat controversial opinion earlier about it being fine to cancel a date if someone is somewhat late.

And now with the "big reveal" I feel vindicated ;)
What do you hope to gain from it? This girl didn't want to see you again. She should mean nothing to you, you haven't even met. Yet you launch into a tirade against her for pretty much no reason. You're acting very entitled. This girl owes you nothing, despite doing a kind of a shitty thing by canceling last minute.

Her first response was, "I wasn't ghosting you, I was just busy consoling a friend" But it is okay you guys can keep defending her here and her lame excuses, and not be prejudice toward my side at all, Haha! There was no evidence of her not wanting to see me again since her last line of contact was "Let's postpone this date for a later time"

That's one thing, sure...But what about commutation? did she want to postpone that too for later time? What was SHE hoping to gain by contacting me say five days after ignoring my text? How did she think I will respond to that?

According to her "wasn't ghosting you comment" She was just basically putting me "on hold for further notice", how is that not an arrogant and selfish display of attitude?

None of you find any of this to be tad bit manipulative? really people?

In any case, all you've probably convinced her to do is to also block all communication venues of the next person she ghosts.

I tried to convince her to be a better communicator and more responsible with strangers she meets online, nothing more, nothing less, for her own safety and sake.


Her first response was, "I wasn't ghosting you, I was just busy consoling a friend" But it is okay you guys can keep defending her here and her lame excuses, and not be prejudice toward my side at all, Haha! There was no evidence of her not wanting to see me again since her last line of contact was "Let's postpone this date for a later time"

That's one thing, sure...But what about commutation? did she want to postpone that too for later time? What was SHE hoping to gain by contacting me say five days after ignoring my text? How did she think I will respond to that?

According to her "wasn't ghosting you comment" She was just basically putting me "on hold for further notice", how is that not an arrogant and selfish display of attitude?

None of you find any of this to be tad bit manipulative? really people?

I tried to convince her to be a better communicator and more responsible with strangers she meets online, nothing more, nothing less, for her own safety and sake.









I could repeat a lot of what others have said here, but I don't think it would be of much use to you since you don't seem willing to try to understand it.

What I will say, is that for me, a person doesn't really exist until I meet them for the first time. Even after that happens though, a person doesn't have an obligation to respond to my messages. A person can 'ghost' at any time.

If I was late for a date and she agreed to reschedule, the onus is on me to propose an alternative. I wouldn't be texting her the next day with 'how are you?' type shit. You said you sent a bunch of these types of texts in a row without a reply? Why? Do you think that pestering her with 'hey' messages is going to get you a reply from her?

Don't invest anything into dating in the early stages, especially before you've even met them. Analyzing someone's behaviour through their instagram or social media activity is borderline obsessive. Even weirder because you said you 'weren't even into this girl'.

If I were you, I'd try to take a huge step back and just chill out about the dating game.

I tried to convince her to be a better communicator and more responsible with strangers she meets online, nothing more, nothing less, for her own safety and sake.

Why do you care? Why are you trying to change her behaviour?


This is less about 'her behavior' (who cares about this stranger) and more about your response.
I tried to convince her to be a better communicator and more responsible with strangers she meets online, nothing more, nothing less, for her own safety and sake.
What, you mean with gems like:
"You weren't a catch anyway, I'm already going on my second date this weekend with this other girl I met on Tinder, (True story) and I may in fact be half an hour late for that date, because that's just me, and I am going to do me, and if she still accepts me after being late, that would be awesome, and if she doesn't, I hope she a decent enough human being to tell me to fuck off right away! Unlike some other child I met recently ;)"
You can't be honest with your outburst just like she can't be honest that she ghosted you. But congrats on the moral high ground.


Johnny you're sounding like a creep to be honest. If someone ghosts you that means they're not interested so just take the L and move on with your life.


Just wanted to peek at the dating age thread since I haven't been in here for awhile, and damn.


Mory Dunz

Her first response was, "I wasn't ghosting you, I was just busy consoling a friend" But it is okay you guys can keep defending her here and her lame excuses, and not be prejudice toward my side at all, Haha! There was no evidence of her not wanting to see me again since her last line of contact was "Let's postpone this date for a later time"

That's one thing, sure...But what about commutation? did she want to postpone that too for later time? What was SHE hoping to gain by contacting me say five days after ignoring my text? How did she think I will respond to that?

According to her "wasn't ghosting you comment" She was just basically putting me "on hold for further notice", how is that not an arrogant and selfish display of attitude?

None of you find any of this to be tad bit manipulative? really people?

I tried to convince her to be a better communicator and more responsible with strangers she meets online, nothing more, nothing less, for her own safety and sake.

she doesnt like you

Does it really effin matter how she expresses it??
You don't know her and she owes you nothing

Slap me or punch me, I still get hit.

Ghost or lie to me, I still get rejected.

Goodness. This is getting stupid. And scary tbh
This is less about 'her behavior' (who cares about this stranger) and more about your response.

What, you mean with gems like:
You can't be honest with your outburst just like she can't be honest that she ghosted you. But congrats on the moral high ground.

I will admit, that was a shitty thing to say, but it is common knowledge for people on Tinder to be involved with multiple dates (conversations)

My point being I guess, I was just frustrated that she started all this two weeks ago, she engaged me, she asked for my number.. One of my so many flaws is I "play nice" too much when I am really not a nice guy, that's correct, I am more honest than nice... Honestly if we lived in Jim Carry's Liar Liar universe, after her first "Hi" on Tinder, my instinctive animal inside would've responded with "No! you're ugly, bye!"

There are actually guys who probably act that way on Tinder, and applaud their honesty and courage... Which I seem to lack.

Having said all the above, just because you have a higher moral ground, it does not mean you can't stoop low once in a while just to be an ass.


One of my so many flaws is I "play nice" too much when I am really not a nice guy, that's correct, I am more honest than nice... Honestly if we lived in Jim Carry's Liar Liar universe, after her first "Hi" on Tinder, my instinctive animal inside would've responded with "No! you're ugly, bye!"
So you are a self-admitted Nice Guy(tm) of Tinder...


This girl doesn't need a saviour. Nor does she need you to be a support beam if you have any ulterior motives. And I don't mean ulterior to be weird or sketchy. But rather that if you want something besides friendship it's hard to separate what is platonic from what is romantic. Now maybe you orbit and it all works out. I'm not ruling that out. But from what you have said you have a friend with issues and who knows when or if she sorts them. And who knows whether you will even be a relevant factor in her life if she does.

Thanks for all your input man, it really helped me clear some things in my mind. I think I will always have a presence in the few years to come, because even when she had to flee the country from fear, she gave me her location, something only another person had, and because in a platonic sense, she has admitted that she loves me like no one, and after some thinking, you know what, that is good enough for me, it's good to have this sort of close friendship. Feeling a lot lighter, I do see some potential in finding someone else that wants to be with me for some more intimate reason, nothing that I actively procure, but am now open to (my schedules are extremely tight and most of my time is spent at the Uni, teaching the kids how to be creative and defy expectations, and that also fills me enough not to think so much about my romantic life, so all's good :) )


So this is shallow but I think a not uncommon thought: have any of you ever downgraded in looks from one girlfriend to another? I keep having this thought that I want my next girlfriend to be at least as pretty as much ex if not prettier. Like I'd feel like I was being unsuccessful by getting involved with someone I thought was less physically attractive than my ex.


So this is shallow but I think a not uncommon thought: have any of you ever downgraded in looks from one girlfriend to another? I keep having this thought that I want my next girlfriend to be at least as pretty as much ex if not prettier. Like I'd feel like I was being unsuccessful by getting involved with someone I thought was less physically attractive than my ex.

that depends on the person and whether or not they measure success through physical beauty.

Me personally? Rather than looking at it on a scale that goes up and down my sights are more lateral. It's not ugly vs. pretty, it's just differences.

edit: Plus, if I thought about it like you I'd be fucked. My first girlfriend went on to become Mrs. Texas Teen in 2008.
The next day I sent her a text greeting her, and asking about her day. No response. This was basically a broken pattern from her usual, chatty, daily text messages. I was like ok... let's wait another day. Next day again, no response.

When I finally got her attention, her reasoning was "friend's grandmother's funeral, been consoling her the last two days, she's a very important friend to me, I've been busy"

I'm like okay that's fine, but I figured between your Instagram posts of you relaxing watching Tv with your dog, sipping on drinks the last two days, I though maybe you'd take a minute to reposnd to my text and let me know you wanted to be left alone. She got defensive "I don't need to respond to you"

Ok here is the issue with this picture. "I will accept "I don't need to respond to you" as an answer but I won't accept it after you feel cornered about me questioning your first reason and HOW MUCH OF YOU SAY IS AN HONEST ANSWER? If your ultimate defence is "I don't need to respond to you" why bother with the the consolation of a friend excuse? Two very different reasons. She just displayed me her true colours. Strip away the fat of social media and hiding behind her phone, she just demonstrated that she is inclined to use self pity, and pity for others to avoid being honest with people. That seemed like a natural extension of her character.

That's a major red flag to me, and I had to call her out on it immediately. She didn't like it that I did...So be it.

So, my question is, why aren't we allowed to judge the peronalities of people we meet online? Why is that wrong or a taboo? If I'm looking For a partner, and I sense some dishonesty and flaws in their character, why am I not allow to call them out on it? Why should I let them get away with it with thier silent treatment? Is that okay? I mean they are using these muniplative techniques through technology to mess with me, (I can see right through it) to waste my time, my energy... and most likely continue on to do the same with the next person they meet online.
Since when is it okay to waste people's time and money in any way? Let alone try to control their emotions convineintly through the barrier of technology?

Why is it NOT okay to call out an asshole for being an asshole just because they think they can hide their shittiness behind technology?

The podium is yours my friend.

Holy shit. Consoling a friend is time-consuming and exhausting. Is it so hard to believe that she would want to spend her free time doing stuff that brings her joy (posting on Instagram, etc.) rather than responding to a dude who is giving her numerous red flags? You really need to chill out and take a hard look at yourself. You claim you're interested in psychology, to the point that you wish you'd gone to school for it, yet you revel in making pity remarks to a girl who has had an admittedly difficult life? Also, I can't help but notice that your posts seem to include more and more spelling errors as you continue to rile yourself up. Please find a hobby or volunteer opportunity that fulfills you and gives you a sense of purpose. You will be better equipped to handle rejection, and more likely to attract higher quality individuals in the first place.


So this is shallow but I think a not uncommon thought: have any of you ever downgraded in looks from one girlfriend to another? I keep having this thought that I want my next girlfriend to be at least as pretty as much ex if not prettier. Like I'd feel like I was being unsuccessful by getting involved with someone I thought was less physically attractive than my ex.

Calling it a downgrade might be an exaggeration, but I can understand your point. Like a post above said, start looking at them as different people, each one pretty in its own way. Personally, I'm more of a "brains"guy, I tend to look for smarter people from one relationship to another, though smart might not be the right term, just different on how they understand and comprehend things.


So this is shallow but I think a not uncommon thought: have any of you ever downgraded in looks from one girlfriend to another? I keep having this thought that I want my next girlfriend to be at least as pretty as much ex if not prettier. Like I'd feel like I was being unsuccessful by getting involved with someone I thought was less physically attractive than my ex.

Eh I've thought about it but it's not a huge deal to me. None of my gf's have ever been bombshells or anything but my first was probably the most attractive. Ironically though she was the only one I broke up with myself. My gf now is really cute but not the absolute prettiest girl I've been with, she's just someone I like being with more.
Man, I wish I'd just asked this cute Chick-Fil-A cashier for her number last time I encountered her. I keep blowing my money there hoping I'll see her again lol (though I love CFA, so I'm not really complaining).

Dating Age |OT7| I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts
Dating Age |OT7| Ghostin' The Shell

Dating Age |OT7| If you're trying to teach her "communication skills," you might be a Nice Guy.

Dating Age |OT7| Nice Guise


Dating Age |OT7| I Ain't Afraid of No Ghosts
Dating Age |OT7| Ghostin' The Shell
Damn, I like this one too. lol

You weren't a catch anyway is killing me.

Also never ordain yourself as "nice".

Lol. Its such a crazy line to throw out there. Really gives the appearance of becoming embittered because of a rejection by someone he thought was beneath him

Sour grapes and all that

Dating Age |OT7| Nice Guise
I'm really liking these titles haha


Eh I've thought about it but it's not a huge deal to me. None of my gf's have ever been bombshells or anything but my first was probably the most attractive. Ironically though she was the only one I broke up with myself. My gf now is really cute but not the absolute prettiest girl I've been with, she's just someone I like being with more.

Yeah, don't get me wrong my standards aren't extraordinarily high but I am still immature enough to want to have a girlfriend pretty enough that she makes me look impressive to people at a party. This is probably my father's doing tbh.
not because I think you know what the fuck you're talking about
Hope you'll read my entire posts and fully address my questions.

You already have done a good job of making me think you are well meaning


You seem to be so confident about what is okay and not okay when it comes to Ignoring people you meet online and talk to them for a while.

Naw, what I have said is you are not entitled to responses from people you never met and barely know. I never implied ghosting was nice or the cool thing to do.

On that regard, I have a few questions, hope you can explain and make me understand what's right or socially acceptable or not.

My argument is technology should only be used to communicate with people, and be a tool to display your true colours and personality, Not as a device to hide behind and play mind games. It shouldn't be a tool to allow you to be an inconsiderate jerk in saftey and privacy of a chat window on your phone, where no one is allowed or even capable of judging your immature, irresponsible actions and behaviours except the person you're fuckig with inside that chat window. Are you with me so far?

Tinder does not exist for one singular purpose so I already have an issue with you premise. And second, your behaviour across any communication channel is tailored to the context of your relationship with that person. Your relationship with a girl on tinder is not the same as your relationship with your sibling through text message for example.

I think when you're using the comfort and safety of the barrier of your phone to trick people into scenarios, (Ie: get them out of their house, shower, dress up, fill up thier tank with gas, to pick you up for a date and cancle last minute) to massively waste their time and energy on you, and ignore them like you don't exists, I'm sorry, but an expaliantion for such behaviour is on you.

You are not the first person to ever be stood up. So the extent to which you are victimizing yourself is unnecessary. I never implied what she did was not shitty or mean spirited. I said I feel for you. However my post also implied your reaction was disgusting. And it was.

And yes, dare I say it's a "childish" and immature behaviour. I think you're mixing up "fizzling out" like another (sensible) poster explained above with Ghosting. Those two are totally different things. I'm "guilty"of fizzling out on so many conversations on Tinder, and so are many women fizzling out on me, Ghosting is an entirely different kind of animal. But yet you seem to chalk it all as one stupid thing.

It's the same thing as far as how you should take it is concerned which is "not seriously".

So let's get back to the play by play of how I was treated by this individual. Here is the thing: I strongly believe you should be accountable for your words as much as your actions.

There is a reason why they say actions speak louder than words. You are gonna have a bad time if you buy into this shit. People need to be held accountable for their words in certain situations like "you said you would submit the project" or "you said you would pick me up so I wouldnt have to walk in the rain". These situations imply relationships that have built up levels of trust, friendship, reciprocitty and most importantly have been confirmed genuine.

This does not however apply for people you barely know. You dont know someone who you have never met. You can't gauge someone through 2 weeks of text. That's why dates are in person and not a text-a-thon. That's why you cant tell if you like someone genuinely u tol you meet them

After graduallly and naturally conversing with someone for two weeks, you developed a certain tone and understanding with that individual. You get their quirks, their patterns of behaviour etc. This person sold herself as a "humanitarian" someone who stood up for the minorities and people who needed to be heard etc etc. That was honestly one of the more appealing aspects of her personality. She sold me as a decent person who understood the struggle of voiceless people. She wasn't hesitant to show me how Nobel and self righteous her outlook on life is.

You were in way too deep man. 2 weeks. You shouldn't be analyzing the intrucacies of how they text. Or truly believeing the persona they give online. You are trying to get dste not go dunpster diving into the contents of her online soul.

Anyway, I was 15 minutes late to pick her up, she said she had to get up early in the morning, it was getting around 8:00pm. I apologized for being late. We decided to postpone the date. That was that.

Be on time next time.

The next day I sent her a text greeting her, and asking about her day. No response. This was basically a broken pattern from her usual, chatty, daily text messages. I was like ok... let's wait another day. Next day again, no response.

This was your clue that she was over it.

When I finally got her attention, her reasoning was "friend's grandmother's funeral, been consoling her the last two days, she's a very important friend to me, I've been busy"

Maybe an excuse. Maybe legit. But certainly a sign that she was over your talking to you.

I'm like okay that's fine, but I figured between your Instagram posts of you relaxing watching Tv with your dog, sipping on drinks the last two days, I though maybe you'd take a minute to reposnd to my text and let me know you wanted to be left alone. She got defensive "I don't need to respond to you"

She got defensive because you escalated for no reason. She wasn't down, whether her reasoning was true or not what she was doing was saying she just had other more relevant things in her life than texting you. And fair enough. You were late to the date and she has onlyntalked to you through text for 2 weeks. You called her a liar. Fine she is a liar. But you were not unaware that you were dropped. You just wanted her to come out and say it for w/e reason. And when she didnt you decided to be a dick about it and press more.

Ok here is the issue with this picture. "I will accept "I don't need to respond to you" as an answer but I won't accept it after you feel cornered about me questioning your first reason and HOW MUCH OF YOU SAY IS AN HONEST ANSWER? If your ultimate defence is "I don't need to respond to you" why bother with the the consolation of a friend excuse? Two very different reasons. She just displayed me her true colours. Strip away the fat of social media and hiding behind her phone, she just demonstrated that she is inclined to use self pity, and pity for others to avoid being honest with people. That seemed like a natural extension of her character.

It could be that or maybe she just wanted to drop you and move on and when you wouldnt go away she didn't want to hurt your feelings with straight rejection. When you became a dick about it she just didnt see the point in being nice about it. Just another perspective for you to consider.

That's a major red flag to me, and I had to call her out on it immediately. She didn't like it that I did...So be it.

You didnt "need" to do anything. She bruised your ego and so you got petty. Came to gaf, screenshotted our responses, posted them to her as a "fuck you bitch" and then threw a tantrum just because she didnt really wanna talk anymore. And you dont even know why nor are you entitled too. You did not need be be like this.

So, my question is, why aren't we allowed to judge the peronalities of people we meet online? Why is that wrong or a taboo?

Dont get it twisted. No one said you cant judge. But what you did was so fucking petty and rude and that's why you are getting shit on.

If I'm looking For a partner, and I sense some dishonesty and flaws in their character, why am I not allow to call them out on it? Why should I let them get away with it with thier silent treatment? Is that okay?

She had already decided you weren't gonna be partners. You know when? When she gave you the silent treatment. You know why it isn't a big deal? Cause she only talked to you for 2 weeks and you never met in person. All this analysis you are pretending to give is irrelevant. She already decided yall were done.

I mean they are using these muniplative techniques through technology to mess with me, (I can see right through it)

You didnt see right through it when you were all pumped for your date so I dunno how you gon act like you're all that after the fact.

to waste my time, my energy... and most likely continue on to do the same with the next person they meet online.
Since when is it okay to waste people's time and money in any way? Let alone try to control their emotions convineintly through the barrier of technology?

It really is not good you took it this personally. You are acting like her life's purpose was to play you. Maybe she was down and she got cold feet and that is all it was? The reaction you gave over text, maybe she made the right choice not meeting you given how badly you reacted. You have it played up like this was malicious. But nothing you have said gives the impression she mislead you. The only thing I get was that she was shitty about the date. What about this situation justifies ending a discussion with "I can do better than you" after never meeting someone?

Why is it NOT okay to call out an asshole for being an asshole just because they think they can hide their shittiness behind technology?

I think they just wanted to disappear and you got petty because your ego was bruised. You think you've analyzed the depths of her soul over a few weeks of texts and no meet ups. That's bizarre. Further more, online dating has dead ends. That is par for course. Sometimes it sucks but you cant over react every time you are slighted. You were over invested and that is the problem. You think she went full bitch because you were in so deep when really she just was lame about canceling a date.

The podium is yours my friend.

You need to take a step back.


I don't want to touch this one with a 10 foot pole, but I will say that, no matter what the context, showing a girl screenshots of a gaming forum you post on, much less a gaming forum you posted on about her, is the quickest path imaginable to never getting laid.


Be on time next time.
Nah. He may in fact be half an hour late for his date next time, because that's just him, and he is going to do him (since no one else will), and if she still accepts him after being late, that would be awesome, and if she doesn't, he should hope she is a decent enough human being to tell him to fuck off right away ;)


I'm sick of meeting girls on Tinder or online. I simply don't have the patience anymore to chat with somebody I don't know only so that when we see in person, everything becomes awkward and never talk again. Wish I could meet them in person first, that way you can instantly know if there's some chemestry or not, if there's not, you easily move on and if there's chemestry, the anxiety will be less compared to when you meet someone online for the first time. My anxiety is always through the roof on those times because I'm overthinking: "What if she gets dissapointed once she sees me?" "What if I don't meet her expectations?" etc.

But then, I don't have friends to go to parties and meet girls and if I start talking politely with a random girl, let's say on the bus for example, I will instantly get seen as a creep :'((((

Just the other day for example, I went to the usual bus stop I take for work and there was this girl waiting too. Everything was normal and I was minding my own business, the bus was taking it's time to arrive more than usual so when I gave a look at the horizon and saw that the bus still wasn't coming I simply said to the girl: "Bus sure is taking it's time today isn'it??" and she didn't even answered to me just moved her head to the other side... seconds before she pulled her phone and 2 minutes later she hop into a car, probably an Uber............... Oh and th bus still took 10 more minutes to arrive.

Me at that moment was simply this:

I arrived late at work, I got seen probably as a creep for that girl for no reason and pretty much everything on that day went bad. siiiiiiGHHHHHHHHHHH...


I don't want to touch this one with a 10 foot pole, but I will say that, no matter what the context, showing a girl screenshots of a gaming forum you post on, much less a gaming forum you posted on about her, is the quickest path imaginable to never getting laid.

Not to mention the shittiness of tricking us and using our responses as a weapon.

I mean, fuck, Johnny Cage, you're a liar on GAF! You're an asshole to us! I can't imagine how you treat real people.
I'm sick of meeting girls on Tinder or online. I simply don't have the patience anymore to chat with somebody I don't know only so that when we see in person, everything becomes awkward and never talk again. Wish I could meet them in person first, that way you can instantly know if there's some chemestry or not, if there's not, you easily move on and if there's chemestry, the anxiety will be less compared to when you meet someone online for the first time. My anxiety is always through the roof on those times because I'm overthinking: "What if she gets dissapointed once she sees me?" "What if I don't meet her expectations?" etc.

This is why you don't waste time texting. It's for suckers.
So this is shallow but I think a not uncommon thought: have any of you ever downgraded in looks from one girlfriend to another? I keep having this thought that I want my next girlfriend to be at least as pretty as much ex if not prettier. Like I'd feel like I was being unsuccessful by getting involved with someone I thought was less physically attractive than my ex.

If you are attracted to the girl isn't that all that matters? If you dating a bombshell are you only ever gonna be satisfied with that level? It's fine to acknowledgebits a downgrade but that is different than whether you are happy with her looks wise or not.


If you are attracted to the girl isn't that all that matters? If you dating a bombshell are you only ever gonna be satisfied with that level? It's fine to acknowledgebits a downgrade but that is different than whether you are happy with her looks wise or not.

Yeah. Got a girl I'm seeing casually I was thinking about taking things to the next level with but the looks just ain't there. Shame.


Yeah, don't get me wrong my standards aren't extraordinarily high but I am still immature enough to want to have a girlfriend pretty enough that she makes me look impressive to people at a party. This is probably my father's doing tbh.

Eh who cares? I've thought the same as well so I get where you're coming from but at the end of the day she's gonna be your partner, not just a trophy. 🤷

My older sister called me the other day and asked about my gf since she saw her picture-

"Is that Native American girl in your picture your gf"
"She's Filipino but yeah"
"Oh. She's not pretty"
"Wow, thanks."
"Haha I mean I'm just being honest ya know?"

Only takeaway from that is "wow, my older sister is kind of a dick who I don't really feel like talking to" and not anything to do with who I'm dating because at the end of the day I'm attracted to her and she makes me happy.

Yeah. Got a girl I'm seeing casually I was thinking about taking things to the next level with but the looks just ain't there. Shame.

For what it's worth if you're not attracted to her then that can't be helped just don't be a dick about it
that depends on the person and whether or not they measure success through physical beauty.

Me personally? Rather than looking at it on a scale that goes up and down my sights are more lateral. It's not ugly vs. pretty, it's just differences.

edit: Plus, if I thought about it like you I'd be fucked. My first girlfriend went on to become Mrs. Texas Teen in 2008.

"Mrs." ... Teen?

Oh, it's Texas.

This is why you don't waste time texting. It's for suckers.

Yep. Exchange plans. Confirm plans. You don't exist as people until you meet. As soon as those of you that don't realize this start realizing it, your lives will be much easier. And it goes both ways: a girl who texts you constantly before meeting is the definition of a red flag or dating inexperience.

There are exceptions to the rule, but keep in mind - this is the rule.

I'm going to transcribe these rules for

Dating Age |OT7| Doubling Down like a Sean Spicer Press Conference
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