I will admit, that was a shitty thing to say, but it is common knowledge for people on Tinder to be involved with multiple dates (conversations)
My point being I guess, I was just frustrated that she started all this two weeks ago, she engaged me, she asked for my number.. One of my so many flaws is I "play nice" too much when I am really not a nice guy, that's correct, I am more honest than nice... Honestly if we lived in Jim Carry's Liar Liar universe, after her first "Hi" on Tinder, my instinctive animal inside would've responded with "No! you're ugly, bye!"
There are actually guys who probably act that way on Tinder, and applaud their honesty and courage... Which I seem to lack.
Having said all the above, just because you have a higher moral ground, it does not mean you can't stoop low once in a while just to be an ass.