I have none.
I was with you the whole time during that craziness, though. Surely you felt my presence?
It wasn't the same though ��
It was pretty amusing ya gotta admit.
fuck you guys, like I'm not even here.��
Online dating question. Is there a good hardfast rule as to when to ask to meet in person? How many messages? Or is it just the vibe? I always ask for coffee dates, 'cause I don't want to get murdered.
Of course you should see how the vibe is, after a decent amount of meshing and getting to know each other...and ask at a peak of a good conversation, when she's doing most of the texting/talking... Keep her hanging, don't ask when the convo has died down...
It may come off rude but, cut a good conversation short.."Hey listen I gotta get going right now but.. what do you say we meet up for a coffee this weekend, I'm free Sunday." (Granted you say this on a Friday, but not on a Monday)
Give her at least two days notice for a date so...
1) She doesn't think you're desperate and want to meet up immediately
2) You have a busy schedule and not some chump that could be available at any given time..
3) give her enough time to sleep on it, and mentally prepare to meet a stranger in person. (guess same as number 1...Don't make her feel rushed)
Having said that, don't give her like a week's notice, ie: Plan on Monday to meet upcoming Sunday... It's going to be five days of keeping her expectations of you high, and her wanting to talk to you via text (or phone) more than you care to chat.. leave all the interesting stuff for the in person date, if you chat with her every day for five days straight AFTER planning a date, the excitement and anticipation will not be as strong from her.
In a nutshell, the sooner you sit down and get to know each other in person, the sooner you'll know if it will work out for real, and the better for both of you.
Make sure you pick a day, you're free and available though, and a location where you can easily make it, (on time) local cafe.... I learned that lesson, I do cancel a lot, most of my date fails are for canceling or agreeing to meet them in their neck of the woods, which most often prove to be a little too far for me to venture to...