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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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What are the effective age ranges for the dog gif?
Kinda curious to try it on women in their late 20s/early 30s.
Sending it to women in the 20-26 years of age range and getting great results. 9/10 times they reply with another funny GIF and conversation takes place directly after.

It's revolutionary.

Haha, thanks, let's put this baby to a test
30 and over women test subjects

I feel like sending to an older woman is a good way to get instantly blocked
prefer someone else take the fall :p
Ha! I am playing it safe and only sending it to my "Middle of the road" matches, if a girl's too cute, I am not messing around with a Gif as a form of greeting. I'll get to those cuties on my best day (when I'm on my A game)

Having said this: the test isn't proving to be 100% reliable/accurate.... since some of these girls would probably still reply to me, if I greeted them with a photo of my hairy ass! Let alone a cute puppy with butterfly wings.

So within the first five minutes I got a "bite' and surprisingly from a decent looking girl, but she had a very somber and serious reply

"Hey Johnny, How was your weekend?" No "lol" no "cute" nothing...


I feel like Johnny's way of using and talking about the GIF is kinda sucking the fun out of it :p It ain't a science experiment yo, it's a puppy


Found out this girl I'm into is talking to this guy I work with. I had asked her out but she never countered. Everyone always seems to complain about him being so annoying since he's really young(18), just acts goofy and talks all the time. Just makes me feel like what the hell is wrong with me if this kid can just go and start hanging out with her no problem and I'm over here wondering what I'm doing wrong when I feel I got more going for me. Oh well. Just had to vent. Was pretty bummed out since I was pretty into her.

Mory Dunz

Found out this girl I'm into is talking to this guy I work with. I had asked her out but she never countered. Everyone always seems to complain about him being so annoying since he's really young(18), just acts goofy and talks all the time. Just makes me feel like what the hell is wrong with me if this kid can just go and start hanging out with her no problem and I'm over here wondering what I'm doing wrong when I feel I got more going for me. Oh well. Just had to vent. Was pretty bummed out since I was pretty into her.

You asked her out, you did the thread title.

Not much else there but to move on.
No need to ponder on "why X person likes Y person??".
Because even if you knew the answer....would it really make a difference?


Found out this girl I'm into is talking to this guy I work with. I had asked her out but she never countered. Everyone always seems to complain about him being so annoying since he's really young(18), just acts goofy and talks all the time. Just makes me feel like what the hell is wrong with me if this kid can just go and start hanging out with her no problem and I'm over here wondering what I'm doing wrong when I feel I got more going for me. Oh well. Just had to vent. Was pretty bummed out since I was pretty into her.
He properly carries himself confidently. And being goofy sometimes results in funny. Everyone like funny people


You asked her out, you did the thread title.

Not much else there but to move on.
No need to ponder on "why X person likes Y person??".
Because even if you knew the answer....would it really make a difference?

Yeah, you and Azerare are right. It just always bothers me wondering things like that when I shouldn't. Greatly appreciate the replies!
Found out this girl I'm into is talking to this guy I work with. I had asked her out but she never countered. Everyone always seems to complain about him being so annoying since he's really young(18), just acts goofy and talks all the time. Just makes me feel like what the hell is wrong with me if this kid can just go and start hanging out with her no problem and I'm over here wondering what I'm doing wrong when I feel I got more going for me. Oh well. Just had to vent. Was pretty bummed out since I was pretty into her.

In my experience, goofy people who talk a lot tend to be good at making others feel at ease, even if they can occasionally become annoying. The ability to make others feel calm and comfortable is a very desirable trait. If he happens to be even moderately physically attractive on top of that, then I can understand why this girl would have been drawn to him.
I feel like Johnny's way of using and talking about the GIF is kinda sucking the fun out of it :p It ain't a science experiment yo, it's a puppy

I sent it to two chicks and got responses, one ended up being a bore.. the other one ( quite the looker) knew one of my old friends really well, a guy I no longer stay in touch with, he is a local celebrity, a wedding singer... I shared some old soccer (we use to play in the same team/league) stories about him with her, she shared some recent Oktoberfest and soccer (she plays soccer with him now) stories about him,This dude is married with kids btw) we both just talked about the dude and how crazy he is and his cheesy songs on YouTube...

The whole thing was just awkward, only common interest was this guy we both mutually knew.

So scientific conclusion: the puppy works, but are you ready to handle it?
It should be this one:


This is fucking funny. Will try next time


Really didn't know where to ask this so I come here. I recently starting dating someone who I've known in passing for over a year. We hit it off instantly and I spent hours around her just talking and realizing that we have a lot in common , from music tastes, to religious beliefs, to general mindset. We have been intimate and we have spent a lot of time with each other over the past month. I'll get to my question but first some details.

She is a self confessed "damaged" woman who has low self esteem and has always picked the "wrong guys." She has two children who I've met and hit it off with immediately. I have two of my own and our kids share the same ages. She recently revealed to me that she believes I'm too nice. Which is a credit to her because I've never been a "nice guy". I'm extremely introverted and surly to most people. I constantly have what I believe women call "resting bitch face" and I have zero patience for dumb things or things not pertaining to my well being. I was extremely active as a single man with no regard for feelings or emotions , just sexual conquests and good vibes.

However with her I feel I smile often, I'm extremely gentler and I find myself often enamoured with her and I can't get mad or upset with her in anyway. She isn't used to this and consistently states that she needs time to get used to it which I'm completely fine with. However she just revealed to me that what attracted her to me in the first place was the surly asshole I portray to everyone else and she wants me to be mean to her sometimes.

I find this extremely confusing. I think her way is usually right and we agree on most things that someone will argue about. So I never feel the reason to argue against her or assert myself as dominant because I don't see myself any better than her. My goals all involve us growing together and I felt this way two days into our conversations. I'm dating her with a purpose.

She claims to love all of these things but the "too good to be true " nature of my actions seem to make her uncomfortable with our arrangement sometimes. I feel like she is the one. She softens me to the point that I'm putty. And while I still manage to be a dick to others , for her I am gentle. She says she is turned on by the fact that I'm a dick. That she really likes that side of me so with that I have a few questions.

Is there such a way to be a soft and hard with your partner without it seeming malicious or mean?

I truly believe she is the woman for me but is the mythical idea of "the one" indeed a myth? If not then how do you know.

I've never been in a relationship where I was the one with more feelings invested. Is it really possible to win someone over or will I always be at a disadvantage feelings wise because I fell for her before she fell for me?

Kind of a long post but any help or insight would be appreciated
That's a lot to go through but some of your answers are already there. I've know women just like this, repeated behavior through several relationships.

She is a self confessed "damaged" woman who has low self esteem and has always picked the "wrong guys."

This woman likes the attention of playing the victim, she's not at fault for the failed relationships, it's those wrong guys. Her bad behavior, not her fault because she's self-diagnosed "damaged".

She recently revealed to me that she believes I'm too nice. Which is a credit to her because

"Too nice" isn't a compliment, it's a criticism you're not dominant enough wrapped up as a compliment.

I've never been a "nice guy". I'm extremely introverted and surly to most people. I constantly have what I believe women call "resting bitch face" and I have zero patience for dumb things or things not pertaining to my well being.

Her previous statement contradicts your own assessment.

However she just revealed to me that what attracted her to me in the first place was the surly asshole I portray to everyone else and she wants me to be mean to her sometimes.

From someone that says they always pick the wrong guys?

She says she is turned on by the fact that I'm a dick. That she really likes that side of me

So she can get attention from it later on.Exactly when you start being a dick is when she'll turn it round on you and say "I didn't mean it like that!"

I truly believe she is the woman for me but is the mythical idea of "the one" indeed a myth? If not then how do you know.

There is no such thing as "The one" Just the person you meet at that time who is compatible with you.

This woman has potential emotional time bomb written all over her, do you want to put 4 kids through that drama? Where you are right now is that you are "Loved up" and it's easy to overlook all the obvious pitfalls when you feel like that. It won't last and once the early romantic days pass on to everyday life that's when all these faults come to the front.

Exactly the same thing happened with my brother and I called it then, and it became true. First time I met her and I knew how she ended up with my brother. "You're a really nice guy, everyone before was mean to me except you" That relationship lasted about 2 years, they had a kid and that woman did nothing with her life, sat around, not working, manipulating people into doing things for her, feeling sorry for her.

You can't fix people like that, enjoy it while it lasts, checks in the post and don't get trapped by "lets have one of our own".


So I met my squish at the club the other night with all her friends and everyone is so hypersexual. it made things really awkward because she wanted to make out with me and i'm like "you can touch my leg i guess"


Bunch o text

Here's something to think about, regarding "the one" - if it exists, then the people before 1900 had no shot of finding it. Their dating radius was limited to blocks; what percent of the world population is that? And yet, despite the impossibility of finding "the one", the human race has thrived.

Here's an article someone posted in this thread (or an earlier thread), about dealing with these gray areas of relationships - https://markmanson.net/fuck-yes

So I met my squish at the club the other night with all her friends and everyone is so hypersexual. it made things really awkward because she wanted to make out with me and i'm like "you can touch my leg i guess"

Squish = asexual crush. Just in case anyone else besides me had no idea.


There's this single mom (my own age) who I sync pretty well with. She's fun, attractive and we have a lot of same interests. The kid is still just a baby and the father apparently took off some time ago.

I don't mind kids themselves, but any experienced insight what to expect? I haven't dated any single moms before.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
She's definitely pregnant. She's not 100% sure about keeping it yet, but tbh I think she will.

Also, I need to correct some things that I fabricated as to not to get judged too hard. This is the girl from last time that couldn't stop talking to her ex, I ended up giving her another shot because she's none stop said she regretted talking to him. She's since cut him off completely, and promised to keep it that way. I didn't want to tell yinz because I feel bad not taking your advice and walking away.

So we've been seeing each other this time for about 1 3/4 months, but total it's actually been about 5. With a one month break in between. She said she told me that part about religion because she wasn't sure what to do, and she knew she was pregnant for about a week before that. She didn't want to make me commit to it, and freaked out.

I had a couple moments freaking out this weekend, but honestly I think this will work out well. The only problem we had last time was her ex, and she's not seen or talked to him since we got back together, and now she has the added pressure of a baby together, and she knows that talking to him will put unneeded stress on everything.

I'm fairly optimistic, but that's who I am.

Don't hate me too much for lying pls.

As for Ray Wonder, congrats dude, don't let this be a stressful or a negative life experience... I donno about your age or financial situation, but take it in stride, it's an amazing thing to create life, I hope she's a good woman and ends up being a decent mother... Don't half ass this dude, do your part as well and be a great father... Trust me, most men want a child sooner than later, even if they don't admit to it, this may seem a bit too early for you and unexpected, but think of it as an "early arrival" ...Be a good dad ( again) and hopefully you and the girl work it out!!

Thanks, I have been thinking about it. At 27, I'd still be a fairly young dad. I'm already stepping it up, and NeoGaf might be one of the sacrifices I end up making. Not cut it off completely, but since I post at work, and I think a few raises would help, I think I need to slow down on it. As well as get a ton of overtime.


There's this single mom (my own age) who I sync pretty well with. She's fun, attractive and we have a lot of same interests. The kid is still just a baby and the father apparently took off some time ago.

I don't mind kids themselves, but any experienced insight what to expect? I haven't dated any single moms before.

You will always be second fiddle to the kid. If that doesn't bother you, and you're okay with being around the kid, I don't really see a problem :p

She's definitely pregnant. She's not 100% sure about keeping it yet, but tbh I think she will.

Also, I need to correct some things that I fabricated as to not to get judged too hard. This is the girl from last time that couldn't stop talking to her ex, I ended up giving her another shot because she's none stop said she regretted talking to him. She's since cut him off completely, and promised to keep it that way. I didn't want to tell yinz because I feel bad not taking your advice and walking away.

So we've been seeing each other this time for about 1 3/4 months, but total it's actually been about 5. With a one month break in between. She said she told me that part about religion because she wasn't sure what to do, and she knew she was pregnant for about a week before that. She didn't want to make me commit to it, and freaked out.

I had a couple moments freaking out this weekend, but honestly I think this will work out well. The only problem we had last time was her ex, and she's not seen or talked to him since we got back together, and now she has the added pressure of a baby together, and she knows that talking to him will put unneeded stress on everything.

I'm fairly optimistic, but that's who I am.

Don't hate me too much for lying pls.

Thanks, I have been thinking about it. At 27, I'd still be a fairly young dad. I'm already stepping it up, and NeoGaf might be one of the sacrifices I end up making. Not cut it off completely, but since I post at work, and I think a few raises would help, I think I need to slow down on it. As well as get a ton of overtime.

Jesus fucking Christ

Hi folks. What's the etiquette on asking someone out where they work? I've always felt it was bad form, yet I find myself leaning towards doing it anyway. Just looking for opinions

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
You will always be second fiddle to the kid. If that doesn't bother you, and you're okay with being around the kid, I don't really see a problem :p

Jesus fucking Christ


Ok, we don't have to do this type of thing. lol. It's mine, but I'm going to get a paternity test anyways.

She doesn't talk to dude. I hang out with her friends, and her friends are friends with her ex, and they say he hasn't even been around them. He's been doing his own thing apparently.


Hi folks. What's the etiquette on asking someone out where they work? I've always felt it was bad form, yet I find myself leaning towards doing it anyway. Just looking for opinions

Generally a bad idea, but if you want to, usually just giving them your number or something and being a bit discreet about it makes it so it's not overly awkward for the worker, and puts the ball in their court so that they don't have to say yes or no at their job... which depending on how much of assholes the coworkers/management are, can cause problems.


Double post because I have to use IE at work, ew

Ok, we don't have to do this type of thing. lol. It's mine, but I'm going to get a paternity test anyways.

She doesn't talk to dude. I hang out with her friends, and her friends are friends with her ex, and they say he hasn't even been around them. He's been doing his own thing apparently.

Hey now, just making sure. The timetable's kinda sketchy. But you're getting a test, that's all that matters, really.


You will always be second fiddle to the kid. If that doesn't bother you, and you're okay with being around the kid, I don't really see a problem :p

Yeah that's a given of course. I thought about it and going out might be a bit more difficult with her parents living in another town, etc. but on the other hand I don't mind evenings at home.

Other thing is, people I know will assume I've done a Ray Wonder (sorry Ray) if they see us together and will rush to congratulate me, but whatever :p
Holy crap Ray. Are there any more small details like this one that you are leaving out? I went from being slightly worried to really worried for you now.

Ray Wonder

Founder of the Wounded Tagless Children
Holy crap Ray. Are there any more small details like this one that you are leaving out? I went from being slightly worried to really worried for you now.

That's fine, I'm not actually worried at all. People make mistakes, and she's shown that I'm important enough to her to cut him off 100% for me.

Hey now, just making sure. The timetable's kinda sketchy. But you're getting a test, that's all that matters, really.

When we go to the doctors we'll see. If she's under 6 weeks pregnant, I'm pretty much 100% sure it's mine.


That's fine, I'm not actually worried at all. People make mistakes, and she's shown that I'm important enough to her to cut him off 100% for me.

When we go to the doctors we'll see. If she's under 6 weeks pregnant, I'm pretty much 100% sure it's mine.

Is this the same girl that didn't wanna see you anymore cause you were not religious?


Well for those that remember my dalliance a while back with someone that was (and I knew was) in a relationship:

At the weekend someone I had met via Tinder, but it turns out has a common interest with me and so we see each other about a bit, ended up back at my place after a lot of drinking. And in my bed the next morning tells me that there's someone else and she is only just beginning to realise how much she likes him.

So either this is karma getting me back or this is what I do now, attract people already in relationships.


Well for those that remember my dalliance a while back with someone that was (and I knew was) in a relationship:

At the weekend someone I had met via Tinder, but it turns out has a common interest with me and so we see each other about a bit, ended up back at my place after a lot of drinking. And in my bed the next morning tells me that there's someone else and she is only just beginning to realise how much she likes him.

So either this is karma getting me back or this is what I do now, attract people already in relationships.

Second girl doesn't sound like a person in a relationship.


Well, sounds like I Ray Wonder'd myself fellas.

You got a girl pregnant? Or she lied to you about religious differences to break up? Or you lied to us about a previous relationship ending?

I'm not clear on what "Ray Wondering" is anymore


Friends - I can't into Tinder. What the fuck do I do to stand out among a million thirsty motherfuckers with my matches?


You got a girl pregnant? Or she lied to you about religious differences to break up? Or you lied to us about a previous relationship ending?

I'm not clear on what "Ray Wondering" is anymore

First one, looks like it anyway. We've talked abortion before and she was emphatic that she would get one if she got pregnant right now. Fingers fucking crossed she meant that.


I had my second date with Dreamcast Lady. She lured me with pizza and drinks.

I also had my first ever vodka mixed drink (i barely drink at all, i've made maybe like 4 whole cans of alc lifetime to this point). Man I felt warm after drinking that.


She's coming over soon to talk all this over plus I'll be getting results of the second test to confirm if it's for real. Completely unrelated, I am drinking on a Monday night.
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