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Dating Age |OT$6| Just ask her out already

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Do women still put I'm not interested in playing games in their profiles? Back in the day, that was a sign they weren't talking to multiple people or at least not interested in doing so if /when they found someone they liked..

Some would just straight up tell you if the first date went well that they weren't talking to anyone else and thinking about deleting the app/ their account. I'm kinda hoping it's still a thing so I don't feel so old.
Do women still put I'm not interested in playing games in their profiles? Back in the day, that was a sign they weren't talking to multiple people or at least not interested in doing so if /when they found someone they liked..

Some would just straight up tell you if the first date went well that they weren't talking to anyone else and thinking about deleting the app/ their account. I'm kinda hoping it's still a thing so I don't feel so old.
This is what happened with the girl I'm dating now after 2 dates. Except she didn't have a description at all back then. Just like me, she was looking for something serious that would hopefully last.
This is what happened with the girl I'm dating now after 2 dates. Except she didn't have a description at all back then. Just like me, she was looking for something serious that would hopefully last.

Yeah, that was another one used too. My soon to be wife (I should just starting saying wife) used that one on tinder, but that was when it was in a transitional phase between hookup and more serious dating app.

How did that go? Did it find a balance between the two?
Anyway, I'm sorry I bothered you all this weekend. It won't happen again.

Can't speak for others, but this annoys me more than the other posts. No need to think you're bothering anyone, it's been a fun weekend checking the thread to see if he's replied.

You really need to stop seeing yourself as a nuisance or feel that you're bothering others.
Yeah, that was another one used too. My soon to be wife (I should just starting saying wife) used that one on tinder, but that was when it was in a transitional phase between hookup and more serious dating app.

How did that go? Did it find a balance between the two?
Well according to her, Tinder was just a pool of folks looking for something casual and regardless of what was on her description, she would only get people like that, or weirdos/creepy dudes. She said I turned out to be the only "normal" person she matched with, which led to us going on our first date.


Can't speak for others, but this annoys me more than the other posts. No need to think you're bothering anyone, it's been a fun weekend checking the thread to see if he's replied.

You really need to stop seeing yourself as a nuisance or feel that you're bothering others.

I am a bother, obviously, from some of the backhanded comments here. I just don't want to annoy anyone and I feel like I annoy everyone.

And anyway, he didn't text, he's not interested, so there's zero reason for me to bring it up here again. So I will just go back to watching and commenting sometimes on other people's posts.
Hope I'm not being too obtuse, but the amount of ass you pull simultaneously: you must have/gone through a rainbow concoction of STDs/STIs, no? At least the mainstream ones.

I knew a guy who was so deep into promiscuous sex, he just stopped going to the CDC and just gave blood every month or so, his motto? "If my blood is healthy enough to give away, I am still good to fuck." ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I got tested a few weeks ago and was clean. Got my third Hep A/B shot, too, so I'm fully vaccinated there.

The CDC does STD testing on your scrub friends, in the middle of fighting global pandemics?

Lol, I don't think it's a teenage thing! Maybe so.

Well, when you're 38 like me and sex isn't some magical thing, it becomes part of the "getting to know you". I can't imagine committing with someone and then finding out the sex isn't good. In fact it kind of happened a few months back. Not really her fault or mine, but we just weren't compatible there.

You probably are annoying her if you are sending those kinds of messages. Send her something interesting or worth talking about.

I'm no Zackie but I get checked every month or two if I'm having sex.

You are in far more danger than me, bro

Do women still put I'm not interested in playing games in their profiles? Back in the day, that was a sign they weren't talking to multiple people or at least not interested in doing so if /when they found someone they liked..

Some would just straight up tell you if the first date went well that they weren't talking to anyone else and thinking about deleting the app/ their account. I'm kinda hoping it's still a thing so I don't feel so old.

I'm not interest in playing games. Haven't touched one in forever, tbh. Sad!

Anyway, I'm sorry I bothered you all this weekend with stuff about me and my weirdness. It won't happen again.

Naw, if people were pissed, they wouldn't reply. Keep doing your thing. Don't listen to that goofball.
I got tested a few weeks ago and was clean. Got my third Hep A/B shot, too, so I'm fully vaccinated there.

The CDC does STD testing on your scrub friends, in the middle of fighting global pandemics?
Where I'm from Sexual Health Clinics are part of CDC. I don't have scrub friends.

It's good that you're protected from Hep A/B
I still wouldn't want to be anywhere close to women you've been with though, than again, that's not how it works does it?

Anyway, I'm sorry I bothered you all this weekend with stuff about me and my weirdness. It won't happen again.

This is a strange thread, I've come to learn that in my short time here, far from an actual Dating advice thread... It's full of odd regulars who think they are God's gift to dating or understanding the opposite sex, but the amount of favoritism and weird prejudice blurs any sound discussion or advice... People just telling you what you want to hear for ten pages is a perfect example of that. I just speak my mind, I have nothing personal against you, my comments as "back handed" as they may sound, they are there for sarcasm. Please don't feel offended.

If I have to be honest with you, maybe you should be more true to yourself and ask yourself what you really want from any human companionship ( male or female)

You're not interested in sex, which makes me ask why you want a platonic relationship with men specifically, especially newly engaged men you happen to work with. You're really cornering yourself there in a tiny corner and making your options very, very limited.

I think in your case you should look into men who share your hobbies, interest and humour first, before looking if they are taken and not interested in sex etc.

I have a very close female friend who's happily married for over nine years, she has a child, we get together for lunch sometimes, we try to make it happen even though we both have very busy lives, living across town, but when we get together our lunch breaks go for three hours, we get in trouble returning back to work, why? Because we have so much to catch up on, so much to talk about... She shares my enthusiasm of certain TV Shows, video games, Sony, MS etc, we chat for hours, and laugh at stupid things, we also talk about (mostly gossip) about ex coworkers and brainstorm ideas of writing shows with certain type of characters, she knows about GAF and sometimes I show her certain threads for the laughs... the point is we are friends because we both get excited about the same stupid things, and thus it makes our friendship effortless and easy.

I guess what I am saying is, you should look into a similar type of person in your life to be friends with, find someone that gets your jokes and laughs and who is preferably isn't freshly engaged and has lots of other sht goign on in their life. Maybe look into dudes who have been married for a while, if you feel like you're a lot more comfortable with "taken" guys.

Just this goofball's two cents.
Where I'm from Sexual Health Clinics are part of CDC. I don't have scrub friends.

It's good that you're protected from Hep A/B
I still wouldn't want to be anywhere close to women you've been with though, than again, that's not how it works does it?

As long as you're in the Western hemisphere, you're safe... For now. Until I relocate to Eastern Europe and Portugal next year.


Naw, if people were pissed, they wouldn't reply. Keep doing your thing. Don't listen to that goofball.

Well there's nothing to talk about with respect to me now anyway, so it's all good.

By the way, didn't you mention you were coming to town in April a while ago? It would be nice to meet another GAF legal person lol. As long as it's not too weird.
Well there's nothing to talk about with respect to me now anyway, so it's all good.

By the way, didn't you mention you were coming to town in April a while ago? It would be nice to meet another GAF legal person lol. As long as it's not too weird.

I fly to Vancouver April 30! I'll be there for a week before my Alaska cruise with the family.

You won't get laid out there though so he'll still be fine.

This isn't even my final form, bro


Eh... probably won't. I'm just going to forget it all, I think. Talk to him at work, that's it :/

This is why it's wrong to ever pretend that a guy might be interested in me lol. It sets wrong expectations and now I'm kind of sad. I really should know by now.


Don't you dare give up!!!!!!

*fist bump*
Well, when you're 38 like me and sex isn't some magical thing, it becomes part of the "getting to know you". I can't imagine committing with someone and then finding out the sex isn't good. In fact it kind of happened a few months back. Not really her fault or mine, but we just weren't compatible there.

Hmm, to me, it always has the potential, it's intimate and powerful.
I don't really see not being with someone else, over what... 2-3 weeks as a commitment lol. And I'm commitmentphobic.

Now to be clear, if it's just about hooking up, then whatever. I guess I compartmentalize those as two separate things.

Of course also I don't do a lot of online dating, I'm extremely lucky with my work and friend base, I work with a ridiculous amount of truly beautiful women, have a similar friend group and get introduced to friends of friends on the regular.

So in that sense it's rare for me the person is a total stranger and we already have some relationship. God bless the EU.

My gf is from the French Caribbean. I'm not meeting her in Dublin with out it.


? There isn't anything to give up on as it was nothing in the first place.

You said: "This is why it's wrong to ever pretend that a guy might be interested in me lol. It sets wrong expectations and now I'm kind of sad. I really should know by now."

I don't want you talking down about yourself like that.


Of course! Show me that good poutine. Vern took me to terrible poutine when I met him in Beijing.

Leeness took me to some chocolate place. Was much better than Chinese poutine. Or any poutine for that matter. Also a steam powered clock. Pretty dope. One other thing, she's super weird and you'll wanna escape after like 20 seconds
not really, you are fine Lee :p
You're all friends in my book.

Consider yourselves friend-zoned.


I went a successful date today and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again this Wednesday. She was a bit too flirtatious for my liking but I'll see what that meant after I make my move.

I'm disappointed that I didn't meet her sooner because I'm planning on asking someone out in one of my classes Tuesday and it feels weird thinking about two different girls. I mean she could decline but I hope she doesn't. I'm not really into dating multiple people so I hope this works itself out somehow.


I went a successful date today and I'm really looking forward to seeing her again this Wednesday. She was a bit too flirtatious for my liking but I'll see what that meant after I make my move.

I'm disappointed that I didn't meet her sooner because I'm planning on asking someone out in one of my classes Tuesday and it feels weird thinking about two different girls. I mean she could decline but I hope she doesn't. I'm not really into dating multiple people so I hope this works itself out somehow.

yea I hear you! I have been talking to multiple girls online (which almost never happens) and there might be some potential meet-ups...but I already find it's exhausting....maybe I got back to the game too fast lol (Just broke up with someone of 9 months 1.5 weeks ago lol), and I should just not date for a while


Anyone have tips for keeping first date topics more light and fun? I have a problem where while I can crack witty comments to help keep it playful, I gravitate towards boring topics. It's even worse if my date wants to move in that direction herself. Help?

I could also use tips on improving my storytelling abilities.


Leeness took me to some chocolate place. Was much better than Chinese poutine. Or any poutine for that matter. Also a steam powered clock. Pretty dope. One other thing, she's super weird and you'll wanna escape after like 20 seconds
not really, you are fine Lee :p

Zackie, I can take you to the chocolate place, or poutine, and the silly steam clock or whatever.
Anyone have tips for keeping first date topics more light and fun? I have a problem where while I can crack witty comments to help keep it playful, I gravitate towards boring topics. It's even worse if my date wants to move in that direction herself. Help?

I could also use tips on improving my storytelling abilities.

Talk about fun things you've done with friends. Bring up funny stories based off those topics. What boring topics are you trying to avoid?


Talk about fun things you've done with friends. Bring up funny stories based off those topics. What boring topics are you trying to avoid?

Pretty much anything that ends up being interview-y rather than in the moment or light. Sometimes, but not always, this ends up being work, family, school (if she's grad/PhD), or minutae about their/my life.
Hey gaf, my ex and I broke up about two weeks ago, and I have a question for y'all.

I still care about her as a person and would like to attempt to be friends with her. I'm wondering when the best time to contact he after the breakup would be to see if something like this could work out.

Our breakup was very clean, no fighting or anything, we didnt have any huge personal issues with each other, she just lost the feeling I suppose. Like I said it's been about two weeks, and we had been going out for about two months. We haven't spoken at all since the breakup. What do you guys think?


Hey gaf, my ex and I broke up about two weeks ago, and I have a question for y'all.

I still care about her as a person and would like to attempt to be friends with her. I'm wondering when the best time to contact he after the breakup would be to see if something like this could work out.

Our breakup was very clean, no fighting or anything, we didnt have any huge personal issues with each other, she just lost the feeling I suppose. Like I said it's been about two weeks, and we had been going out for about two months. We haven't spoken at all since the breakup. What do you guys think?

You know her better than we do. I'm friends with most of my exes, but all became friends after breakup after different times and due to various circumstances.
Hey gaf, my ex and I broke up about two weeks ago, and I have a question for y'all.

I still care about her as a person and would like to attempt to be friends with her. I'm wondering when the best time to contact he after the breakup would be to see if something like this could work out.

Our breakup was very clean, no fighting or anything, we didnt have any huge personal issues with each other, she just lost the feeling I suppose. Like I said it's been about two weeks, and we had been going out for about two months. We haven't spoken at all since the breakup. What do you guys think?

Did she say she'd like to be friends or did it just end?

If it just ended, I'd say go ahead and bring it up this week,but can you deal with her dating other people? This isn't a way to try and stay in her life right? You actually want to he friends?
Did she say she'd like to be friends or did it just end?

If it just ended, I'd say go ahead and bring it up this week,but can you deal with her dating other people? This isn't a way to try and stay in her life right? You actually want to he friends?

She said she wanted to be friends yeah, which is something I would like as well since I think she's a genuinely cool person who Id like to think I can care about in a non romantic capacity

I just don't know if I'm over her yet, I want to talk to her to see if I'm ready to be friends but I'm not sure how long to wait

You know her better than we do. I'm friends with most of my exes, but all became friends after breakup after different times and due to various circumstances.

Well I know she also wants to be friends I'm just not sure when to contact her again
Anyone have tips for keeping first date topics more light and fun? I have a problem where while I can crack witty comments to help keep it playful, I gravitate towards boring topics. It's even worse if my date wants to move in that direction herself. Help?

I could also use tips on improving my storytelling abilities.

Honestly just do more things. visit more places with friends, go to more gigs, drink and take drugs (not weed), the stories will come.

The last bit might be bad advice.


Well I know she also wants to be friends I'm just not sure when to contact her again

Do you think you could listen to her complain about the people she's having sex with and be totally okay with it? Not envious or feeling cuckolded? If you can answer "yes", you've found a good when.
Do you think you could listen to her complain about the people she's having sex with and be totally okay with it? Not envious or feeling cuckolded? If you can answer "yes", you've found a good when.

Yeah that's good advice thanks

I don't know if I'm quite there yet
She said she wanted to be friends yeah,

Well I know she also wants to be friends I'm just not sure when to contact her again

Be careful, lot's of women say they want to be friends after a breakup only as a way to extract themselves from the relationship easily. When you actually try to be friends with them, they are not available or responsive.

Also consider this, would your new girlfriend really be happy that you are still friends with your EX?

Just my 2 cents, I'd focus on getting a new girlfriend before initiating a friendship with your ex. I think its too soon.

Moose Biscuits

It would be extreamly painful...
Honestly just do more things. visit more places with friends, go to more gigs, drink and take drugs (not weed), the stories will come.

The last bit might be bad advice.

Would you recommend doing that sort of thing even if you're not really interested, if just for the stories?
I was at this music festival in the middle of summer once, dance music, what you call edm in the states. I was coming up having a great time.

Beside me there was this guy, I'd say in his 40's looked everyday of it. A real party warrior type probably been doing this since the 90s. He wasn't the tallest or biggest guy. Some boisterous 20 y/o girls push into him from behind. "Fack off" he says in south London accent. The concert was in Dublin.

I turn to him and ask are you from "Sarf Landaan" in my strongest accent. Yeah mate sarf landaan innit. The two of us devolve into mimicking the accent. "Fack off you slag" "You facking cunnnt!" Etc and laughing.

Then I turned to him and said, wait we're you at such and such a festival last year. He said he was. I turned to him and said we had the exact same conversation at that festival as this one. Oh Fack your right he says and we dance on into the night.

- So regardless of the quality of that story or if you find it humourous, that's some which happened to me, only because I went out and was social.

The second Festival I agreed with a few days notice.
The first one, I had a half hour, was in work and a friend showed up. With a tent saying, hey we got room for one more.

My point is be spontaneous and you'll get yourself what your looking for.


Should anyone care, girl texted back saying she wasn't ready for dating yet. I told her I understood and I thanked her for being honest. Saturday night she texted me to ask what I was doing that night. I was DJ'ing at the afterparty of an event I organised so I couldn't reply immediately. When I did, she replied telling me she was already at home and that she'd love to see me spin some records one day. Have been texting since then.

This girl's all over the place. Red flag waving, alarms are ringing, lights are flickering, escape shuttles have been powered up, I've got one foot in the shuttle and I'm almost ready to abandon ship. She's just so damn cute and freaky.
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