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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Good NJPW news to wake up to. Will be checking this out and putting Boots' how-to in the OP, because goddamn yall ask a lot of previously-asked questions.

I'm tired of people calling the Styles Clash dangerous. It's also dangerous to dive out of the ring with a suicide dive. It's also dangerous to give someone a brainbuster. If you're not a GOOD ENOUGH wrestler to know what to do on someone's FINISHER, then you'll have problems. That's all. Sick to death of it.

That being said AJ should change it just to shut everyone the fuck up because goddamn yall.


No One Remembers
I have a friend going to this Raw who's sitting 8 rows from the ring. Do you think he'd get kicked out for a sign that says "Staphanie McMahon?"

100% he'd get it taken away.

I'm curious to see how the crowd reacts. There's three possible ways the fans could handle the situation:

1. Be silent the entire night.
2. Don't show up.
3. Be loud and chant cm punk, staph infection, etc.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I have a friend going to this Raw who's sitting 8 rows from the ring. Do you think he'd get kicked out for a sign that says "Staphanie McMahon?"

If you're clever, make one that says Stephanie McMahon then add a mark to make it Staph when the show is underway. And get kicked out.


Vylash, you really think they can squeeze The New Day in on an already packed 3 hour Raw Supershow!? Golly gee, I hope so.

they're already promoted for tonight, and my friends at World Wrestling Entertainment would never lie to me


Just chiming in to say I think Styles should stop using the Styles Clash as well.

It's too risky of a move for a move that doesn't even look that cool in the first place.


So not worth it
I'm tired of people calling the Styles Clash dangerous. It's also dangerous to dive out of the ring with a suicide dive. It's also dangerous to give someone a brainbuster. If you're not a GOOD ENOUGH wrestler to know what to do on someone's FINISHER, then you'll have problems. That's all. Sick to death of it.

The problem is more that it's easy to botch because your body reacts a certain way to the move and it's the exact opposite of what you're supposed to do to not break your neck. Yes, it's not AJ's fault that it happens. Yes, it does happen frequently that someones instincts take over. Nobody was shitting on AJ Styles over it, I think.


NeoGAF's smiling token!
I'm tired of people calling the Styles Clash dangerous. It's also dangerous to dive out of the ring with a suicide dive. It's also dangerous to give someone a brainbuster. If you're not a GOOD ENOUGH wrestler to know what to do on someone's FINISHER, then you'll have problems. That's all. Sick to death of it.

That being said AJ should change it just to shut everyone the fuck up because goddamn yall.
The issue is the instinctual reaction and the move sucks anyway.


So not worth it
This is going to tank faster than Adam Rose

It's a Smackdown act, evidenced by the "New Day debuts at Raw next week" promo, followed up by debuting on Smackdown instead...

That tells you exactly how much WWE is behind this, already.


Styles Clash should be retired because it's a stupid move first and a dangerous move second.

It's a Smackdown act, evidenced by the "New Day debuts at Raw next week" promo, followed up by debuting on Smackdown instead...

That tells you exactly how much WWE is behind this, already.

I still hope this is somehow a reverse Brodus Clay swerve. But it wont because, as Phil said, Vince is out of touch. So instead 3 wrestlers who I personally think are legit talented are instead going to be stuck with some bizarro Men on a Mission gimmick.


Sounds like Austin is going to ask about CM Punk

WWE.COM: What is the one thing you want Mr. McMahon to have to answer on your live podcast on WWE Network?

AUSTIN: Nothing is off limits. There’s a line that I won’t cross, but that’s for my standards — nothing that WWE has told me. There are many things I’d like to ask him. I’d like to know what’s going on with CM Punk. I’d like to know how Daniel Bryan’s health is. I’d like to know whose idea it was in Atlanta [that made me] take my ball and go home in 2002. I reacted the worst way possible, but I want to know who came up with that masterpiece of an idea. Guys like me come along very seldom in the wrestling business. You can count ’em on a couple of fingers.


This is the first thing on the network that I'm interested in seeing. I might get the network just for this tonight, then cancel it next month.
After literally just signing up and browsing NJPW World for a minute, I'm going to state for the record that I will see you never again, WWE Network
The problem with the Austin interview is that no matter what he asks, Vince will remain a politician. He can't go into "Bret screwed Bret" mode or go on a diatribe about Punk because he has shareholders to answer to. So while it's nice that Austin will press him, Vince will wiggle his way out of saying anything meaningful.
Went to Saturday's Tag League show in Kagawa and took some (shitty) photos with my phone. Crowd were pretty quiet for the first few matches but got a lot more lively once Nakamura,Okada and Naito showd up.

A few things of note from the event.

- Nakamura was probably the most over guy on the roster.

- Naito seems to be getting more support from the crowd compared to the last time I saw him in this area.

- Japanese women seem to love Tanahashi a great deal and Japanese guys sure love Maria.

- Bullet Club merch was selling way more than any other from what I saw.

- Rob Conway is like a poor man's Buff Bagwell.

- AJ's botch on Kojima looked pretty awkward but he seemed alright afterwards. Took another Styles Clash right after it.

- Tenzan is pretty intimidating up close. Even when he's cutting through the fans in the lobby of a gym wearing nothing but his pants.

Awesome pics!
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