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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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I'll have to rewatch it, but I feel like I remember Tanahashi vs. Shibata being a really standout match. The staredown during Tanahashi's entrance was outstanding.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Overall I still feel pretty good about the voting but a couple of things bug me.

As much as I liked NXT last year New Japan probably should have been number one. I'd be surprised if it isn't this year.

Bo as best new gimmick ist just dumb.

Reigns as most improved just shows how protected he was within the Shield. We were all tricked. He really got exposed once he had to do singles matches.

I feel like we might see a repeat of underutilized performer this year.
Gotta take into account more people did watch nxt and did not watch NJPW though. It's still a niche. I was happy to see the G1 take event of the year, it's a lock for this year's event/ppv of the year too.


For me, so far, with about 8 more matches left on Bootaay's WWE list (plus whatever happens at the next COTC and TLC):

  1. HHH/Bryan
  2. Bray/Bryan
  3. Sami/Cesaro
  4. Team Cena vs Team Authority
  5. Shield/Evolution 2

HHH/Bryan is pretty comfortably number one to me. Sami/Cesaro and Bray/Bryan are pretty much interchangeable. I think I'm still comfortable listing Bryan has WWE performer of the year even having been gone since May. Cesaro would have been it if he hadn't had his fall from grace.

Outside of WWE, my favorite match was AJ/Okada from night 1 of G1. But all the main event guys matches were awesome. AJ/Tanahashi. AJ/Suzuki. Tanahashi/Shibata. Okada/Nak. Last year I for sure had Nakamura as best performer outside of WWE, but I think I'd have to go with Okada this year. But I love that coked up swaggy mother fucker.

That's a good list for WWE stuff.

Also I would probably not feel uncomfortable at least nominating AJ for best outside of WWE. Getting out of that TNA shit hole might also qualify him for comeback of the year right? ;)

Gotta take into account more people did watch nxt and did not watch NJPW though. It's still a niche. I was happy to see the G1 take event of the year, it's a lock for this year's event/ppv of the year too.

True. I might have even voted for NXT. I don't remember. Still I think overall NXT got worse this year while New Japan basically kept going strong.


I vote myself as most improved WrestleGAF talent of the year

I like this list. I'm kind of surprised Shield/Wyatts isn't on here but I can't complain about any of the choices you have in there.

Team Cena vs Team Authority is probably in my Top 5 as well simply for the rise of Ziggler.

Shield/Wyatts got way over hyped. Nothing really happens in it. The fans are super into, though. If that same match was on a Raw in Corpus Christi, no one would have cared. The first Shield/Evolution match is very similar. It's the elimination match that was super dope.

That's a good list for WWE stuff.

Also I would probably not feel uncomfortable at least nominating AJ for best outside of WWE. Getting out of that TNA shit hole might also qualify him for comeback of the year right? ;)

Really a toss up between him, Okada, and Nak for me.


I don't see how anyone could be considered more improved than Rusev this year. He might be my pick for WWE MVP for 2014.


Apart from the usual bullshit ("we listen to the audience" and "only Cena grabbed the brass ring") it was a nice interview.

It's cool to see Vince and Stone Cold interact more casually and their chemistry makes it entertaining.

It also shows,again, that WWE's problem is so much their large ideas and concepts but the day to day execution. The gigantic team of writers, the over saturation of the product and the misguided way they make part timers seem more interesting at the cost of the rest of the roster.

I wasn't expecting them to address Punk but it was nice of Vince to apologise, insincere or not.

It was more entertaining than Raw that's for sure.


I don't see how anyone could be considered more improved than Rusev this year. He might be my pick for WWE MVP for 2014.


Rusev is great.

Oh most definitely. Not even a contest. The only person I'd put in the running next to him for most improved is Charlotte. Who I would definitely put as the top female wrestler of the year as well.

Charlotte is a good dark horse candidate here.

Shield/Wyatts got way over hyped. Nothing really happens in it. The fans are super into, though. If that same match was on a Raw in Corpus Christi, no one would have cared. The first Shield/Evolution match is very similar. It's the elimination match that was super dope.

I don't agree with it, but I'll respect it!
*Puts on Cena hat*

I agree with you on Shield/Evolution 2 though.


I don't see how anyone could be considered more improved than Rusev this year. He might be my pick for WWE MVP for 2014.

Oh most definitely. Not even a contest. The only person I'd put in the running next to him for most improved is Charlotte. Who I would definitely put as the top female wrestler of the year as well.


Rusev was boring and lame in NXT. Then he came to the main roster and a fire got lit under his ass somewhere, he gradually became awesome.


One thing I wished Stone Cold pressed Vince on was to specify what exactly has changed in the times to warrant so many writers. Quite a few instances of "times have change" without explaining what that meant or justifying a change.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Most likely for my performer of the year
• Naomichi Marufuji
• Daisuke Sekimoto
• Jun Kasai(in a completely different way from everyone else in here)
• Tetsuya Naito(who always seems to be on here)
• Tanahashi(while I'm still sick of the guy, 2013 and 2014 proved he's one of the best of all time with his match quality)
• Shibata
• AJ Styles. Which is mind blowing to me considering how fucking bland I found him for the past 6 years.

WWE guys just usually don't work enough matches for me to include them unless it's like Cena(and that's not happening) or Bryan or something.


Oh most definitely. Not even a contest. The only person I'd put in the running next to him for most improved is Charlotte. Who I would definitely put as the top female wrestler of the year as well.

Oh yes, totally. From the women's wrestling I have seen this year this is definitely the case. There might be better ones out there in Shimmer or something but I really don#t get to see that.


WWE MVP of the year goes to Randy Orton.

He made that shitty mitb match believable and roman reigns a household name.



Rusev is great.

Charlotte is a good dark horse candidate here.

I don't agree with it, but I'll respect it!
*Puts on Cena hat*

I agree with you on Shield/Evolution 2 though.

I just rewatched it so it is fresh in my mind. There is no substance to the match. It would have been a fun Raw main event, but it had a really hot crowd to make it memorable.
One thing I wished Stone Cold pressed Vince on was to specify what exactly has changed in the times to warrant so many writers. Quite a few instances of "times have change" without explaining what that meant or justifying a change.

I would've loved to have Austin pressure Vince into talking about why we haven't seen any black or asian champs in a long ass time.

Most improved character is the Miz, guy was unwatchable before the Hollywood gimmick and now I enjoy his character a lot, add Sandow and that is one of the most entertaining segments during every show.


WWE MVP of the year goes to Randy Orton.

He made that shitty mitb match believable and roman reigns a household name.

And we'll all have to suffer the consequences.

Also, can you really be a household name if barely anyone knows anything about the current WWE roster?


A couple of things I really wish Austin had asked about would be

- Why are all promos completely scripted now?
- The entire odyssey of Daniel Bryan, which just flies in the face of Vince's PR "it's not about what I want, it's about what the fans want" nonsense in so many ways.
- The midcard belts being booked into irrelevancy.

Just to see Vince's answers. I expect he'd just point to them changing WM 30's plan for Bryan as them "listening to the audience", and ignore the previous two years of their booking for Bryan.


GIF of the year is totally the RKO out of nowhere from orbit

Most improved character is the Miz, guy was unwatchable before the Hollywood gimmick and now I enjoy his character a lot, add Sandow and that is one of the most entertaining segments during every show.

Real talk - Miz did improve this year.
WWE MVP of the year goes to Randy Orton.

He made that shitty mitb match believable and roman reigns a household name.

I'd have to give it to Steph, honestly. She was pretty great in just about every segment she was in. But in terms of performers, I thought Seth had a pretty good year in all honesty.

Also, Rusev deserves to win something this year. He's been booked super well. I'm enjoying it before his comedy dance gimmick.


Most improved character is the Miz, guy was unwatchable before the Hollywood gimmick and now I enjoy his character a lot, add Sandow and that is one of the most entertaining segments during every show.

Miz is still shit. People only enjoy the matches because Sandow is incredible at the dumb shit they are making him do.
Miz's current character is basically the final form of his wwecw run when he had the sparkly fedora and cargo pants with the dirt sheet stuff


I'd have to give it to Steph, honestly. She was pretty great in just about every segment she was in. But in terms of performers, I thought Seth had a pretty good year in all honesty.

Also, Rusev deserves to win something this year. He's been booked super well. I'm enjoying it before his comedy dance gimmick.

Seth was great but for some reason he's not on my radar. I guess it's the fact I'm still mourning over the shield breakup...It's taking some time.

Rusev is a runner up though...


There should be an award for performer out to accidentally on purpose injure people

AJ Styles
Kofi Kingston
The Big Show
John Cena


HHH might be my performer of the year, honestly. It's kind of a "by default" win since there was no break out full time star this year - Ambrose and Rollins are probably the closest.

Steph is good but Steph kind of goes on repeat after a while. During the Bryan feud she was pretty much repeating the same promo every week. Hunter gave better promos and while he was only in a few matches this year, they were all legit. Hunter was also a gif machine this year.
Will there be a gimmick poster of the year?

Jobber of the year?

How about the chicken salad out of chicken shit award? That has to go to Sandow


HHH might be my performer of the year, honestly. It's kind of a "by default" win since there was no break out full time star this year - Ambrose and Rollins are probably the closest.

Steph is good but Steph kind of goes on repeat after a while. During the Bryan feud she was pretty much repeating the same promo every week. Hunter gave better promos and while he was only in a few matches this year, they were all legit. Hunter was also a gif machine this year.

HHH is maybe Most Improved of the year, but not Performer of the Year.

Looks like we found your alt!

Don't have an alt, just making a rib on Shonen anime.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Unmentioned Data West 2014 awards:

Bumper of the year: Kotaro Suzuki HM: Bork

Double Team of the year:

Comedy spot of the year:

Pretty lady wrestler of the year:
Prettiest man wrestler of the year:
Fuck you, Sunny

Comeback of the year: Brother Yasshi as Brother Yasshi.
I like Evie, she kicks hard. Too many women wrestlers wear kick pads and then throw strikes that look like ass.

There are a lot of people you can watch have strike battles that do everything better than him.

Not in 2014 there aren't. There's Shibata, Ishii, Goto and old dudes like Masa Funaki and Kanemoto. Ishii's one of the best proponents of that style at present - I personally prefer Daisuke Sekimoto, but he doesn't have the stage that Ishii has, or the quality opponents.


I don't think he should win but I'd like to see a token Tyson Kidd nom for Comeback of the Year.
He's earned that at the very least.
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