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  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
  • Start date


So he is a shonen anime main character?

So he is a shonen anime main character?

Idk I've never watched anime so I have no idea what that means.

I like Evie, she kicks hard. Too many women wrestlers wear kick pads and then throw strikes that look like ass.

Not in 2014 there aren't. There's Shibata, Ishii, Goto and old dudes like Masa Funaki and Kanemoto. Ishii's one of the best proponents of that style at present - I personally prefer Daisuke Sekimoto, but he doesn't have the stage that Ishii has, or the quality opponents.

What the fuck, every post intermission match on a NJPW show has a strike battle. Usually every match on the card has one at some point. AJ/Okada had a strike battle. Tanahashi/AJ had a strike battle. Tanahashi/Nak had a strike battle. They all have strike battles. Every Nagata match has a strike battle. They're everywhere in NJPW.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Unmentioned Data West 2014 awards:

Prettiest man wrestler of the year:

Fuck you, Sunny

So ugly. Just imagine that face on your dick. Always and forever Prettiest Man Wrestler of the Year in 2014 is Kota Ibushi.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Marufuji's banner year highlights


Best Booking decision

  • Ziggler last man standing survivor series so that the crowd is actually cheering for the face team.
  • Brock beats Cena in Squash match at Summerslam
  • Bryan at Mania
  • Cesaro winning battle royal at Mania
  • Stardust and Goldust winning belts

Worst booking decision
  • Protecting Cena at Night of Champions
  • Turning Mark Henry Heel instead of big show after Hell in a Cell
  • Ambrose not winning at Hell in a Cell
  • Only paying Brock to do 4 shows a year.
  • Cesaro post Mania
  • Daniel Bryan not winning Royal Rumble
  • Booking Batista to win rumble and win belt as a face.(Not Batista's fault)
  • Midcard belts jobbing

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I forgot, actually. AJ/Naito was my MOTY, easily.

Close! I gotta go with AJ/Suzuki. Everything was excellent. AJ's one of the best of the year. Corny as it is, he's been phenomenal all year. It's obvious he wanted to work his ass off and was given the means to do so.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Nakamura/Shibata and Shibata/Tanahashi are up there too. Shibata/Tanahashi because it was one of the most Japanesest wrestlingest match ever with 'fuck you i'ma slap the piss out of you. i respect you' ending.


Fuck Naito. He and Ishii can get lost on an island, pal. Maybe they can take Adrian Neville with them and have endless triple threats that no one will see.

Oh, by the way, I remember reading you were going to raffle for the rumble or something, but cash was a bit tight? If you have a paypal, I'd be willing to chip in a little ($5 or $10 maybe?) ? I'm sure some others could spare some change so you don't have to pay for it all by yourself. It's a community thing. Should be by us for us. : ]


How can people be hyped for a new Assassin's Creed game when it's only been like two weeks since they released the most broken mess in the franchise? What balls to announce the new game after they've just come out and cancelled the season pass because they're so incompetent.

This announcement is on the same day they release another game with the same microtransaction model as Unity and also has apparent server issues. The short memory of Ubisoft marks would make Vince salivate.
Unmentioned Data West 2014 awards:

Bumper of the year: Kotaro Suzuki HM: Bork

Double Team of the year:

Comedy spot of the year:

Pretty lady wrestler of the year:

Prettiest man wrestler of the year:

Fuck you, Sunny

Comeback of the year: Brother Yasshi as Brother Yasshi.



I'm not sure where the FACT thing came from

May 21st episode of NXT when Neville beat Hawkins. Tyson Kidd came out and started ranting. He would end every single of his sentences with 'FACT!'

Let me hit you with some facts. I have been on RAW. FACT! I have been on Smackdown. FACT! I am a former WWE Tag Team Champion. FACT! And I'm one of the few people breathing that has had a Wrestlemania moment in front of 75,000 people. FACT! I want that feeling back. And NXT, and that title, are my launching pad to getting it.

Then Neville started ranting. As he would finish off his sentences, the crowd would yell 'FACT!'. It only blossomed from there.
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