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they probably don't want to over expose him.

i mean how many times can you see a guy brogue kick another guy before you get tired of it?
I just remembered, what the hell was the story behind Ziggler not getting the WHC back after Del Rio beat him? That match was super good. The double turn was great. Then...I can't remember exactly what happened but Ziggler never really got payback. Something about a concussion? Why would they just abandon the idea when the matches were really good.

Ziggler/Del Rio is the best Del Rio. Those two are great together. It's a shame they had that one really great match but all the others were just filler matches and they never had another that did anything storywise.
Who fell off worse than Sheamus? He used to be right up there with Orton and Cena for a while. Ever since Del Rio left, he has nobody to feud with. Did he get injured again or does he just have nothing to do at the moment? If he's not injured, it's sad he couldn't even get on team Cena and friends.

He did get legit injured in that Big Show match. They should've had him turn heel after Mania to feud with Bryan or Cesaro or somethin

I just remembered, what the hell was the story behind Ziggler not getting the WHC back after Del Rio beat him? That match was super good. The double turn was great. Then...I can't remember exactly what happened but Ziggler never really got payback. Something about a concussion? Why would they just abandon the idea when the matches were really good.

Ziggler/Del Rio is the best Del Rio. Those two are great together. It's a shame they had that one really great match but all the others were just filler matches and they never had another that did anything storywise.

Apparently, he never got it back due to him being not great backstage or on social media about it. I personally disagree that burying him was the right move for that, considering how unover ADR was. His rematch ended with AJ running in and attacking ADR. preeeetty dumb
they probably don't want to over expose him.

i mean how many times can you see a guy brogue kick another guy before you get tired of it?

About as many times as you can see someone get their attitude adjusted, jack


Also, after seeing some gnarly Harper big boots, Sheamus' Brogue kick looks SO bad.

He did get legit injured in that Big Show match. They should've had him turn heel after Mania to feud with Bryan or Cesaro or somethin

Ah, okay. I guess that's why they just put another ginger in his place on team Cena at Survivor Series.


Who fell off worse than Sheamus? He used to be right up there with Orton and Cena for a while. Ever since Del Rio left, he has nobody to feud with. Did he get injured again or does he just have nothing to do at the moment? If he's not injured, it's sad he couldn't even get on team Cena and friends.
Big show injured him by chucking him onto his surgecialy repaired shoulder

Wow that's hardcore! Was Cena running heel at this point? I assume Bray was laid out after that. So much could have gone wrong there.

They beat the Brother and long time tag-team of Golide and Starry, but lose to a team that was thrown together at the last minute, which ultimately ended up losing anyways.

I have no clue what they're even doing with these guys. Who can they possibly even feud with?

They'll end up jobbing for J&J Security by the end of the year, Nidia can run interference of course.

Or maybe they actually have a solid 'overcoming adversity' booking for them, which would be nice to see.


just like that time big show threw Ziggler and injured Wade


I remember the night it happened, looked painful as hell. Wade did not like that at all.
Wade lost a WWE championship push because of that.

Big Show cost him millions because of that.

All you need to know about the big show is what undertaker said about him.


Only reason he got over in WCW was because they knew how to book a giant better than Vince.
Hmm I better check to see if there's any news since I last che----

oh no.

Oh No.

Please no.















WWE did a stretcher job on Jerry Springer.

If you want to see if a guy is injured for real look to see if he rolls under the ring or doesn't squeeze a refs hand.

I hate stretcher jobs. Id rather see somebody bladed and bleeding like crazy than have their body tied to a board for fear they might die.


just like that time big show threw Ziggler and injured Wade


I remember the night it happened, looked painful as hell. Wade did not like that at all.

Ziggler could've gotten real fucking hurt and wade sacrificed himself to help. In the process, he lost out on a World Title run and didn't get to finish his Orton feud which was pretty hot at the time.

Wade and Cody are two guys who are over due for a fucking world title run. I mean a real one, not CENA BEATS YA AT THE NEXT PPV, KID.

Cody was RED HOT after Money in the Bank and the stuff with him, his family, and The Authority should've been bigger than it was. That was a money feud right there. Imagine all the old timers they could've drawn to the show in some parts of the US.

Barrett has some shit luck

Yeah and bad booking.


Ziggler could've gotten real fucking hurt and wade sacrificed himself to help. In the process, he lost out on a World Title run and didn't get to finish his Orton feud which was pretty hot at the time.

Wade and Cody are two guys who are over due for a fucking world title run. I mean a real one, not CENA BEATS YA AT THE NEXT PPV, KID.

Cody was RED HOT after Money in the Bank and the stuff with him, his family, and The Authority should've been bigger than it was. That was a money feud right there. Imagine all the old timers they could've drawn to the show in some parts of the US.

Yeah and bad booking.
That's always been big show.

He is fucking soft and has no fucking athleticism anymore.

Every match of his is 60% rest holds.

For as fucking boring Cena is and for How much he has tied up creative big show has done more damage to the brand just in the way he works.

Look at that fucking star shit on Rowan from last night. Dude could have fucking lost an eye, cracked skull, concussion, or worse be dead just because that fatso was too lazy to hold onto the steps.
Ziggler could've gotten real fucking hurt and wade sacrificed himself to help. In the process, he lost out on a World Title run and didn't get to finish his Orton feud which was pretty hot at the time.

Wade and Cody are two guys who are over due for a fucking world title run. I mean a real one, not CENA BEATS YA AT THE NEXT PPV, KID.

Cody was RED HOT after Money in the Bank and the stuff with him, his family, and The Authority should've been bigger than it was. That was a money feud right there. Imagine all the old timers they could've drawn to the show in some parts of the US.

The handling of the Rhodes Bros was so dumb after they won the belts. Their story ended there, and then they just jobbed to everyone. And now they're heels, because they need people to wrestle the Usos. Although, I think they could easily set up a Cody Rhodes return and subsequent WM match between the brothers
that will never ever happen
Wow that's hardcore! Was Cena running heel at this point? I assume Bray was laid out after that. So much could have gone wrong there.

They'll end up jobbing for J&J Security by the end of the year, Nidia can run interference of course.

Or maybe they actually have a solid 'overcoming adversity' booking for them, which would be nice to see.

Nah, the steel steps are Cena's thing. HHH has a sledge, Sting has the baseball bat


Cena uses stairs.

I really hope this leads to J&J being a thing. I loved Noble, and I was never really a fan of Joey's ring stuff, but he always seemed like a really nice guy. There's also a neat story about him and Punk in Punk's DVD.

Here's a tumblr gif set that covers the gist of what I'm talking about;


Joey's turned himself around, and like I said, always came across as a great guy. Happy he's got another chance on TV.
Nah, the steel steps are Cena's thing. HHH has a sledge, Sting has the baseball bat


Cena uses stairs.

I really hope this leads to J&J being a thing. I loved Noble, and I was never really a fan of Joey's ring stuff, but he always seemed like a really nice guy. There's also a neat story about him and Punk in Punk's DVD.

Here's a tumblr gif set that covers the gist of what I'm talking about;


Joey's turned himself around, and like I said, always came across as a great guy. Happy he's got another chance on TV.

Cena using the stairs is symbolic of the locker room hierarchy of today. You think you'll get over and start elevating up to the top of the stairs then BOOM, Cena appears, takes the stairs off your feet, then throws it at your face, never to get up again.
Ziggler could've gotten real fucking hurt and wade sacrificed himself to help. In the process, he lost out on a World Title run and didn't get to finish his Orton feud which was pretty hot at the time.

Wade and Cody are two guys who are over due for a fucking world title run. I mean a real one, not CENA BEATS YA AT THE NEXT PPV, KID.

Cody was RED HOT after Money in the Bank and the stuff with him, his family, and The Authority should've been bigger than it was. That was a money feud right there. Imagine all the old timers they could've drawn to the show in some parts of the US.

Yeah and bad booking.

People were all for that Cody/Sandow feud after the Rhode Scholars split due to Sandow betraying Cody to win the case. Which ultimately lead to Sandow being completely shit on by Cener, which ultimately lead to Sandow's terrible impersonations, to where he is now, thankfully in a better place. Sandow is another missed opportunity. And Cody was probably the most over in his entire career at that point. How look at him, both he and Sandow are in tag teams where they're just a clone. : (
Man I started watching some clips of Ronnie Garvin and he was crazy. He didn't care who he fought. Horseman, Savage, etc

E: Ninja, wasn't the Funkasaurus sort of Akeem 2.0?
Would Akeem the African Dream work as a gimmick in 2014?

Would Akeem the African Dream work as a gimmick in 2014?

Judging by how WWE books black people these days?



I think he'd fit in JUUUUUUST fine..

Cena using the stairs is symbolic of the locker room hierarchy of today. You think you'll get over and start elevating up to the top of the stairs then BOOM, Cena appears, takes the stairs off your feet, then throws it at your face, never to get up again.




Man let Shane recreate ecw because him and Dunn were sick of the chants.



I still like the my idea of a new nation of domination with Shamus as a member and the rest of the group tries to tell him he isn't black without saying "you're not black"


I really want to murder Miz everytime his dumb face pops up as a talking head during any of these WWE Network programs.

Fake Ass Mike Mizanin


Ziggler/Del Rio is the best Del Rio. Those two are great together. It's a shame they had that one really great match but all the others were just filler matches and they never had another that did anything storywise.
Him and Sheamus were also really good together. But booking had them wrestling every month on PPV and it always ended the same way. Why would anybody care about the heel in that process? Or the face, for that matter.

The Ziggler thing ended up being him going against BIg E and AJ with Kaitlyn at SummerSlam that year. A total waste. ADR defended the title against Christian for a one match 'feud'. So essentially they wasted four guys for practically nothing. Del Rio holds onto the strap until Cena comes back and beats him with one arm.
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