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DEmasked DElayed DS DOomed



DeMasked has officially been delayed until 2005. Which quarter of 2005 is unknown, even to Chad. It will be done when its done.

Chad had this to say "Introducing a new concept is never an easy task. Instead of launching the first phase of demasked with limited functionality, we are focusing expanding the scope of our licensee relationships and overall distribution platform. This will allow for increased consumer reach and product functionality. Although demasked will still be a gradual deployment, in terms of functionality, this news gives us the opportunity to convey much more about demasked and it's unique experience upon launch."

However, he couldn't go into details what DeMasked would do for the online community, since revealing it would put him and his newly found company in danger of people looking to steal his spotlight.

Launching weak would allow someone else to pick up on our momentum, and that is something that has been cause of concern since certain companies have taken interest.

I'm not really surprised after they missed their mid-October "reveal" date. They hype lost it's momemtum for me a couple of days after their first little clues.


I am shocked, shocked!

DEmasked? More like DElayed OMGLOLAMIRITE

Hey, at least we Nintendo fans can have a running vaporware joke, ala Duke Nukem Forever. Hey Chad, !EPYH TA KCUS GNIKCUF OUY


Why DS Doomed ?

I don't understand why DS would be doomed 'cause DemaSked service is delayed...
DS will sell out quickly and when demasked will be out, it will increase DS sales...
There are such good and various games on this system that it will be a huge success...even if DemaSked is delayed and sony's PSP is cheaper than everybody thought.



What's the bet it's simply tunneling software? Which would be awesome, yes, but Christ, Chad needs to get over himself and his 'teh revvolushionary' shtick.


no it will not be tunneling, that's sure...
Chad has stated several times that it's not this way...


i don't care about PSP at all.
games that interest me are on DS...
don't judge the success of a system only on its price...it's ridiculous...

You buy Coca Cola cause you like its taste not because it's cheaper than fatfat cola...isn't it ?
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