I was just about to head in to continue working on this thorn bounty, add atone1382 if you'd like some company.
Man I love TG but releasing that major patch right before a move and right before a huge DLC...prob should've waited lolI know this won't fix the problems with TGD not showing the new HoW engrams, but you can revert to v2.1.4 by deleting the app's cache and data. Then when you reload, it will give you an option to upgrade to the latest version. Select Ignore, and the older version will be used.
The author of TGD moved this weekend, and was, as you can imagine, overwhelmed.
If you think about it, it does make sense that it would be glimmer. From what we seen the enemies in PoE don't reward glimmer, so this could make up for it.
Man I hope it's glimmer LOL. I'm sorry but you people are insane for farming for shit you don't even know what it is for.
By that logic I shouldn't be playing Destiny at all and its RNG system.
SOOO keep farming brothers
Thanks for the runs earlier. Will be getting a solid group together tomorrow for VoG chest farming. 6 man squad. I'll shoot you an inv if you're on.By that logic I shouldn't be playing Destiny at all and its RNG system.
SOOO keep farming brothers
I'm such shit at Crucuble. I swear I'm never going to get these 500 void points for Thorn.
Camp heavy spawn with a void machine gun and void shotgun. You're just completing Thorn, who gives a shit if you win or lose.I'm such shit at Crucuble. I swear I'm never going to get these 500 void points for Thorn.
I feel like keys are beyond RNG right now, they're a complete question mark. At least with the rest of the shit you know what you got a chance for. I have this buddy on FL, he's going mad over not getting any keys, been farming since yesterday nonstop. He doesn't even know if they're any good haha.
At around 13:00 Destin begins to talk about the keys. He states that they're used for the end chest after you beat the prison of elders.
Basically, let's say you beat the final boss on Level 34 PoE, he drops a Treasure Key and after, you go into a room with a big chest. You open the chest using the key that just dropped for you and you get you're rewards (Legendaries, Exotics, Etheric Light etc). Now let's say you run Level 34 PoE again, when you beat the boss a 2nd time he won't drop a Treasure key this time, however if you have one in your inventory, you can use that key to open the treasure chest at the end when you get to it.
In case you're wondering, you can only use one key per run. You can't use all 5 keys at the same chest
So yeah, farm the hell out of those keys. You'll need them.
thanks for the raid everyone. templar still kicks my ass and jumping puzzle as a warlock blows. but everything else was business as usual.
got corrective measure (first time) and my previous love again
Evidentally IGN revealed what the keys do?
Evidentally IGN revealed what the keys do?
I think you can buy mostly buffs for Trails of Osiris.
I wonder if maybe they will give the option to buy gear of weapons with the coins.
Evidentally IGN revealed what the keys do?
So yeah, farm the hell out of those keys. You'll need them.
3) What're the fastest ways to get materials to level up your gear now? I'm level 28, but I'd like to reach 30+ ASAP
Ugh so you can only use 1 key per run. I can't see myself running it multiple times each week on three characters considering I would already run all three challenge modes normally since they all have separate rewards.
Yeah and you get a key per run anyhow @_@
Although it comes to question, there was a reviewer I guess? Someone who played and said he opened 3 chests in one run....
Evidentally IGN revealed what the keys do?
Evidentally IGN revealed what the keys do?
It sounds like you only get a key once (probably once per lockout between difficulties).
Nice to see you got the Vex! How did you lose the Epic Raider trophy though? Trophies shouldn't be deleted even if you delete your character right?thanks for the raid everyone. templar still kicks my ass and jumping puzzle as a warlock blows. but everything else was business as usual.
got corrective measure (first time) and my previous love again
Nice to see you got the Vex! How did you lose the Epic Raider trophy though? Trophies shouldn't be deleted even if you delete your character right?
IGN also said that the old raids were going to drop HoW exotics at one point which has been proven to be false... This might be true but I don't take IGN to be 100% confirmation at this point.
This would essentially make weekly lockouts irrelevant. We can all have twenty Etheric light in the first week.
Evidentally IGN revealed what the keys do?
So yeah, farm the hell out of those keys. You'll need them.
IGN also said that the old raids were going to drop HoW exotics at one point which has been proven to be false... This might be true but I don't take IGN to be 100% confirmation at this point.
This would essentially make weekly lockouts irrelevant. We can all have twenty Etheric light in the first week.
Camp heavy spawn with a void machine gun and void shotgun. You're just completing Thorn, who gives a shit if you win or lose.
Get a fusion rifle. The most decent one on sale is THE CALMING, solid by the FWC faction, I think. A FR will give you a fighting chance against most weapons.
But the only real way to get better is to just keep on playing.
Evidentally IGN revealed what the keys do?