Does your light level matter when decrypting exotic engrams? I keep getting 290's when I'm 303.
Have to be 311 to guarantee 310 exotics
Does your light level matter when decrypting exotic engrams? I keep getting 290's when I'm 303.
Does your light level matter when decrypting exotic engrams? I keep getting 290's when I'm 303.
Does your light level matter when decrypting exotic engrams? I keep getting 290's when I'm 303.
Once you hit LL 301 they will decrypt at 310 approx 40-50% of the time (RNG can be streaky)Does your light level matter when decrypting exotic engrams? I keep getting 290's when I'm 303.
Yes, between 300 and 310 there is only a chance of getting a 310 exotic.
Must be 311+ for guaranteed 310 exotic.
Need to be 311+ in order for them to decrypt into 310.Does your light level matter when decrypting exotic engrams? I keep getting 290's when I'm 303.
Need to be 311+ in order for them to decrypt into 310.
Anyone up for the daily heroic? My PSN is Mumford730
Thanks for the games nami.
Drizz i'll just eat and i i'll be ready to roll.
Got all characters to rank 5 in IB, and I've never felt so empty. I'm not even a PvP player, but I grinded for the chance of high end loot, and feel like I've wasted my time. Tons of 310 shells, a 314 Ashraven, a 312 Finalla's Peril, a 311 Covolance's Duty (never heard of this scout before), and 2 316 ghosts. Nothing seems to be dropping post match; I've never seen anyone get boots. Lag and red bars everywhere; this was the worst IB yet for me.
I think the Super Cell has become my go to 6v6 Primary.
Got all characters to rank 5 in IB, and I've never felt so empty. I'm not even a PvP player, but I grinded for the chance of high end loot, and feel like I've wasted my time. Tons of 310 shells, a 314 Ashraven, a 312 Finalla's Peril, a 311 Covolance's Duty (never heard of this scout before), and 2 316 ghosts. Nothing seems to be dropping post match; I've never seen anyone get boots. Lag and red bars everywhere; this was the worst IB yet for me.
Got all characters to rank 5 in IB, and I've never felt so empty. I'm not even a PvP player, but I grinded for the chance of high end loot, and feel like I've wasted my time. Tons of 310 shells, a 314 Ashraven, a 312 Finalla's Peril, a 311 Covolance's Duty (never heard of this scout before), and 2 316 ghosts. Nothing seems to be dropping post match; I've never seen anyone get boots. Lag and red bars everywhere; this was the worst IB yet for me.
Fuck it. I just don't have it in me to quit. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad character trait, but whatever.
Dinosaur train is a go!
5 spots open!
Join on toddv360 psn
I'm just reporting every player in IB for bad connection, even my teammates.
Then sitting in a corner while they all kill each other with lag.
I'll join if there are spots left. PSN SonCometFuck it. I just don't have it in me to quit. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad character trait, but whatever.
Dinosaur train is a go!
5 spots open!
Join on toddv360 psn
Count me in as soon as I am done with my current match.Fuck it. I just don't have it in me to quit. I'm not sure if this is a good or bad character trait, but whatever.
Dinosaur train is a go!
5 spots open!
Join on toddv360 psn
Sorry I was AFK Todd! Had a minor emergency.
sat in a corner the whole match
had my super twice and got a few kills during heavy camp
320 ghost why thank you for your minimal effort, it's the bungie way
Todd, any room on the train? Booting up mah PS4 now
OH SNAP. DRIZZ(Igor and Biggy with him) PLAYING KRAFTY?!
Edit: 2 -2 now. Come on DGAF
YOOOOO! THIS IS GREAT! He's getting pissed off! Fuck em up team gaf!