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Destiny |OT39| Tainted Love

Last resort. All have the same perk. It's not so great.
Ah thanks, but yeah like igor said it's great for trials and CD when you want to make those clutch rounds, especially on a sniper because it gives you QuickDraw and snapshot without the actually perks. It's helped me get out of some sticky situations before.


Figured out why my ELO is staying low despite going flawless two weeks in a row.

Well, Ape, if you want your ELO keep climbing, keep playing with me. Guardian.gg makes ELO adjustments based on the team's average ELO, not individuals. So with our team, my ELO is artificially higher and thus & I don't climb and yours is lower and you get credit for beating teams that your individual ELO is actually higher than. This is apparently why Mudaro's ELO is so high. He finds the lowest ELO guy he can and does carries of them.

More evidence that #s don't tell the whole story.

My services are available later, high ELO players.... ;)

Yeah I'm not getting one of those. PvE player here.

Could have fooled me, Mr. Crimson Doubles
What perk would you want? It would probably have to be pretty situational and weak for Bungie to include it IMO.
Wolfpack rounds =P

Serously, almost anything would be better than the nothing we got. Other than chasing numbers there's no incentive to doing the HM raid. It was such as disappointment after both VoG and CE had unique drops for HM.
Wolfpack rounds =P

Serously, almost anything would be better than the nothing we got. Other than chasing numbers there's no incentive to doing the HM raid. It was such as disappointment after both VoG and CE had unique drops for HM.
They do technically have the extra thing that lets them do bonus taken damage, except the raid is like 75% Hive and 25% taken. VoG weapons had a perk that actually affected the raid with the oracle bonus damage. In my opinion cocoon should have been a extra perk like the taken damage thing and just give us two normal perks.


Snapshot & Hidden Hand are god roll perks.

Which Longview scope is it? Please say SLR10...

It's SLR20: I didn't know Longview came in two different versions until I looked this up in the Armory. I'm guessing the SLR10 is preferable?

That's fairly decent, hidden hand and snapshot are what you want on a "perfect" sniper, but last resort is more of a perk for trials and tacsys ain't terrible but it's definitely no shortgaze or ambush. The only thing that matters though is how you like it. If it feels just right for you then use it, if you don't like it, get rid of it.

When I do use snipers, I usually just go with Ambush or Shortgaze when they're available (e.g. on the quest 1KYS), so I'm unfamiliar with these. Last Resort is probably wasted on someone with my PvP "skills", though. I like Snapshot, and Hidden Hand can only help, so I think I'll keep this for the moment and try the scopes out to see which one I prefer using.
I was kidding about doing carries before. That was a fluke. This is how my carry business would go:

Figured out why my ELO is staying low despite going flawless two weeks in a row.

Well, Ape, if you want your ELO keep climbing, keep playing with me. Guardian.gg makes ELO adjustments based on the team's average ELO, not individuals. So with our team, my ELO is artificially higher and thus & I don't climb and yours is lower and you get credit for beating teams that your individual ELO is actually higher than. This is apparently why Mudaro's ELO is so high. He finds the lowest ELO guy he can and does carries of them.

More evidence that #s don't tell the whole story.

I play with you because you're positive and solid! I don't care about Elo. I just care about winning!
They do technically have the extra thing that lets them do bonus taken damage, except the raid is like 75% Hive and 25% taken. VoG weapons had a perk that actually affected the raid with the oracle bonus damage. In my opinion cocoon should have been a extra perk like the taken damage thing and just give us two normal perks.
I'm talking normal vs hard rewards. Both have the bonus taken damage perk.

There is literally no difference in the harrowed and non-harrowed items other than the color and light range.

Adding an extra perk for the harrowed versions was the least they could have done. They did that for adept versions of the trials weapons items so why couldn't they do it for the raid?

stay gold

It's SLR20: I didn't know Longview came in two different versions until I looked this up in the Armory. I'm guessing the SLR10 is preferable?

Yeah...SLR10 is a shortrange scope like Ambush/Shortgaze. It has 0.5x more zoom in exchange for the most aim assist.

This is by far the worst thing about year 2. What should be an exciting drop for you is somewhat ruined because of 1 perk column. It absolutely mystifies me that people are againt rerolling.
I'm talking normal vs hard rewards. Both have the bonus taken damage perk.

There is literally no difference in the harrowed and non-harrowed items other than the color and light range.

Adding an extra perk for the harrowed versions was the least they could have done. They did that for adept versions of the trials weapons items so why couldn't they do it for the raid?

They kinda went lazy this time around for the Raid weapons

seeing as they all have the same damn perk. Be original Bungie, fuck.
It wasn't even lazy. They fully intended to make boring weapons.

Something about loadout variety.

oh yeah

now that you remind me it was something along the lines of 'fuck you our raid weapons will be boring so that you aren't forced to pick one over the other'**

**approximate reason given


Yeah...SLR10 is a shortrange scope like Ambush/Shortgaze. It has 0.5x more zoom in exchange for the most aim assist.

This is by far the worst thing about year 2. What should be an exciting drop for you is somewhat ruined because of 1 perk column. It absolutely mystifies me that people are againt rerolling.

Oh well, just my luck...

Sadly, this is probably the best drop I've had in Year 2 as far as perks go: RNG has not been on my side since TTK dropped. Like I said before, I'll give it a run out to see which scope I'm most comfortable with.
Yeah...SLR10 is a shortrange scope like Ambush/Shortgaze. It has 0.5x more zoom in exchange for the most aim assist.

This is by far the worst thing about year 2. What should be an exciting drop for you is somewhat ruined because of 1 perk column. It absolutely mystifies me that people are againt rerolling.
Well the issue with rerolling weapons is....everyone would have the same exact weapons + perks, thus making every single other perks pointless to have. But same time useless perks are useless perks. It's a issuse overall.

Either way everyone uses almost the same scout rifle, sniper rifle, etc. might see a few variations.
Ape requested an epic post for me earning my passage to the Lighthouse for the first time without an *. Here it is:


The passage to the lighthouse is the story of guns. The guns that got me there and the guns I got there. It's also the story of people.

I've been to the Lighthouse 4* times. Been carried twice. Earned it twice, though cheated from visiting once.

My journey to the Lighthouse began with a failure. With finding a random streamer willing to take me, but trying double carries. He wasn't successful, and he berated me for using Mythoclast, for being slow on shotgun blasts. But I watched with envy as he took others that day. And as members of DGAF posted "M E R C U R Y B O Y Z" and screenshots of Adept weapons. But then the gospel reached me by way of a pilgrim.

I decided was going to go to the Lighthouse, but not before I did everything I could to help earn it. I'd need to be carried, I knew, but I wouldn't be dragged. So I started reading Crucible Playbook and reroll guides. I planned out my build. The first step was the longest, because I would never go to the dark side and use Thorn. I needed to find my Hopscotch Pilgrim. 80 strikes and it dropped for me. "It's a long road. Enjoy it." was never more apt. I found my Her Benevolence too. I was ready.


"It's a Long Road. Enjoy it."

I treasure my Hopscotch Pilgrim because it's the gun that I used to go the Lighthouse with Dr Drizzay & Rubenov. I sent Drizz a polite PM introducing myself and asking if he did carries, or even would just take me on a run and teach me some things. He messaged me back late on a Monday night asking if I was available right then. I feverishly replied "YES" and entered orbit. We used our Mercy on win 7. Our last win was 5-4, and man, was it was tense. This was was my first introduction to sweaty PvP. I did well, but Drizz and Rubenov were the stars obviously. Having teammates that talented took the pressure off and allowed me to play at my best. Drizz reflected that while raids are hard, they're a fixed challenge and can be solved. Trials couldn't be be solved, never be on farm, and hence its appeal. I remembered that.


"Drizzay was very excited for me, what can I say."

We landed at the Lighthouse with only a few hours before reset. Osiris' treasure chest held a Solar Scholar. I took a ton of screenshots and basked in the glow of the treasure and the Mercurial sun before logging off, not knowing when I'd be back. My Scholar scout rifle is the tangible memento of that first run.


"More generous than Skolas. My first Adept weapon."

Year Two came with announced changes to Trials. No longer could you hope to slip by on a random string of easy wins. Year Two's Lighthouse would be guarded by a final boss. I despaired of ever getting to the Lighthouse as those who did frequent carries hesitated. Nevertheless, DGAF members showed their outstanding skill. I asked Rubenov if he could carry me to the Lighthouse for Year 2. I wanted that Emblem and I wanted to take video of landing on Mercury (something I screwed up in Year 1).

Rubenov partnered with JustGotWicked to carry me. I was in full "try hard" mode, but I barely contributed. We played 7 games and didn't lose a single round. It was entirely sweat free. And that was no surprise because Wicked and Rubenov are some of the most talented players in the world. My treasure chest this time had quite fittingly, the Year Two scout, Inward Lamp. Each time I look at it, I remember my time playing with the players ranked #8 and #26 in Trials.


"The Year Two Scout to match my Year One prize"


Year Two may have created gatekeepers for the ultimate victory, but it also introduced bounties. Bounties created a way to play Trials without the intense pressure of winning everything. So I played with all kinds of folks. I played with LT, MutenTurtle, SentinalPrimus,Toast, Kadey, Manny, Ape and many more DGAFers.

I was addicted. I grew to love the pressure. The slower, more deliberate pace. The teamwork that I loved in raids.

Two times stand out. Playing with LT on a Doctrine week and learning about his love of Auto Rifles. He sang the praises of the Counterbalance Doctrine of Passing that he quested for. I chuckled at him for wanting an auto rifle. Oh, LT. But I guess it stuck, either that time or in the other weeks playing with him.

I also remember joining Ape for a bounty run, that turned into an 8-1. We were so close! Our second card was even sweatier, but Ape said I had it in me to go the Lighthouse without a carry. I remembered that, and so a few weeks later, after I got a Counterbalance Doctrine, I hit Ape up for a run.


"A gun as lethal as my Hopscotch"

With Namikaze as our 3rd teammate, we played on a Saturday afternoon while my daughter napped. On our 7th win, I got disconnected by a Quail error, but Nami & Ape were not deterred. They won their 2v3 with a Strength of the Wolf. I hope Shaxx was impressed, because I sure as hell was. So when I rejoined them, I had a loss on my card & didn't realize that we were facing a final boss. The ELO of the other team was 500 points higher than me, but without the pressure, I shone. I went 10 kills - 6 deaths, even earning a Wrecking Ball to win the match. I felt good and then I saw that Nami & Ape had achieved the Ultimate Victory. What?! In disbelief, I joined them in orbit (and then awkwardly was asked to leave so they could visit Osiris' hideout). This is when Ape got his Grail, his own Counterbalance Doctrine, Adept, no less. I didn't mind I didn't get to join them. I now knew I could be flawless* too. Well, there was that damned asterisks next to my Flawless*, but no matter. I knew I'd be back.

So the next week, I had an evening free, and Ape needed a run and Igor too. A few sweaty games, but we blitzed our way to our first final boss. We took them to 4-4, dragged all the supers out of the other team, but lost in the end, to a team with a player ranked #80. Mercy used, we faced a new final boss, but they were no match. Igor and Ape were great teammates, and I pumped my fist as we landed in the Caloris Spires, victory in hand.


"His glowing eye"


"Osiris deemed me worthy of this Adept weapon."

Osiris's chest held a Reflection Sum pulse rifle for me. I may not use it much, but I'll hold it dear for the time that Osiris deemed me worthy. I'll remember the gun that got me there, my Counterbalance Doctrine of Passing. And I'll remember all the people who got me there, Ape, Nami, Igor, LT, Drizzay, Rubenov, Wicked and more. That's what I really treasure about Destiny, the teamwork and the achievement. And these guns are the reminders of that.


I've certainly improved and I jokingly brag when I do well, but I still put my Trials skill level at "solid 3rd". But I do improve and enjoy playing with DGAF whenever I can. How can I not when this community has been so good to me?



I've spent a lot of the weekend at the Lighthouse. I land there and just enjoy my presence in that sacred spot. The soft twinkling of the medallions, the roar of the solar winds, and the somber tones of worship create a magical place. One that still feels like a myth, even as I stand in its halls. It's a funny feeling being there, because each time might be my last. Destiny's tag line is "Become Legend." Earning my passage to the Lighthouse was something that I first deemed impossible, but now I've done two weeks in a row. That feels legendary enough for me.


Thank you to each of you who helped me along the way.


P.S. I took all the photos in this post. If you want to see the big versions, head here.
But, in the case of sniper rifles, don't most people use the 1k anyway, lack of rerolling didn't prevent that.

That's true but there are a few caveats: the quest reward has a great roll especially for Trials, there are really limited high impact sniper options, plus you can play the Cryptarch lottery as a lame version of "re-rolling" weapons. I've gotten 6-7 other rolls of 1kYS but they haven't been very good and it costs 135 marks for a chance at any special weapon drop from the Cryptarch pool.


Last resort. All have the same perk. It's not so great.

I love the idea of an extra static perk, but not when the perk sucks. When I first read about this extra perk a few months ago I thought it was the one that regenerated health when critical, making each weapon kind of Red-Death lite. That perk still wouldn't be anything great, but better than what we got.

Someone made a mock-up of a VOG ghost if they ever brought up the LL. I like it.



I love the idea of an extra static perk, but not when the perk sucks. When I first read about this extra perk a few months ago I thought it was the one that regenerated health when critical, making each weapon kind of Red-Death lite. That perk still wouldn't be anything great, but better than what we got.

Someone made a mock-up of a VOG ghost if they ever brought up the LL. I like it.

Wow that looks amazing!


That's true but there are a few caveats: the quest reward has a great roll especially for Trials, there are really limited high impact sniper options, plus you can play the Cryptarch lottery as a lame version of "re-rolling" weapons. I've gotten 6-7 other rolls of 1kYS but they haven't been very good and it costs 135 marks for a chance at any special weapon drop from the Cryptarch pool.

Ya, that's a good point to make. Rawraurus kinda hinted at this as well, with so few useful weapons (or perks) people will naturally gravitate toward the useful ones. It's a game of minmaxing. I guess the best Bungie could do is create more useful guns and perks.

Also, good post, John, well done.


So aparently soon (in a few Salvage games) I'll only have to complete a flawless raid to be a Guardian Lord. What's the easiest way to do that?
Epic Post John!

"You can be my wingman anytime"

It was a lot of fun helping you get to Mercury in Y2! You're a damn good player!

Also, are you a writer in the side? Seriously.
Thats how i imagine the Thunderlord post saved in Drizzay's computer to be *dreams*

Also drizz what do you think of this roll i got from the cryptarch lottery? Ambush, triple tap (useless), rifled barrel and unflinching. Better than the quest one? Probably not right.

stay gold

Well the issue with rerolling weapons is....everyone would have the same exact weapons + perks, thus making every single other perks pointless to have. But same time useless perks are useless perks. It's a issuse overall.

Either way everyone uses almost the same scout rifle, sniper rifle, etc. might see a few variations.

I don't see a level playing field as a bad thing tbh. As it is now everyone uses the quest 1k/CT-D unless they get lucky enough to get a drop that gives them an edge over other players, it's no wonder y1 weapons are so prevalent among people who just want to play pvp.

Bungie just needs to get better at making worthwhile perks so theres not 1 standard roll. Shotguns are ok in this regard, but then Bungie removes things like Kneepads in Y2 to give us less choice.
Thats how i imagine the Thunderlord post saved in Drizzay's computer to be *dreams*

Also drizz what do you think of this roll i got from the cryptarch lottery? Ambush, triple tap (useless), rifled barrel and unflinching. Better than the quest one? Probably not right.

Up for a few matches of Crimson Doubles?
I don't see a level playing field as a bad thing tbh. As it is now everyone uses the quest 1k/CT-D unless they get lucky enough to get a drop that gives them an edge over other players, it's no wonder y1 weapons are so prevalent among people who just want to play pvp.

Bungie just needs to get better at making worthwhile perks so theres not 1 standard roll. Shotguns are ok in this regard, but then Bungie removes things like Kneepads in Y2 to give us less choice.
You're right it's not a bad thing to even the playing fields. I think that's what Luke smith mention awhile ago. That's why bungie removed primary elemental weapons. I could be wrong haha.

It's hard finding a weapon balance in these type of games. Last 2 weapons meta was HCs and PRs and I have not played in a while so I have no idea what is the most used primary weapon now. Or did bungie finally find a balance between everything.


Great post John!
Likewise I'll never forget my 1st mercury.
3 guys who had never been before, squeezed out a flawless on thieves' den.
I was a thorn arcbolt grenade scumbag.
The other 2 guys don't even play Destiny anymore. =(

Deku Tree

Did HM VoG 3x and CE 1x last night. GG crew.

I think they did CE 2x more after I left, but it was time for me to go to sleep. Sorry that WipeOut still doesn't have a boost sparrow on PS4. I forgot how rare the grave robber drops from HM Crota. I take all the stuff for granted that I got after doing the raids over and over when they were fresh.

On the last VoG run ji66a beat Atheon while we were doing the second oracles, Sleeper is OP although we should have beaten Atheon easily in one rotation.

What loot did I get? Enough shards to do 3/4 of a faction rank up if I wanted. And two exotic shards. TBH I was in it for the fun.


Did HM VoG 3x and CE 1x last night. GG crew.

I think they did CE 2x more after I left, but it was time for me to go to sleep. Sorry that WipeOut still doesn't have a boost sparrow on PS4. I forgot how rare the grave robber drops from HM Crota. I take all the stuff for granted that I got after doing the raids over and over when they were fresh.

On the last VoG run ji66a beat Atheon while we were doing the second oracles, Sleeper is OP although we should have beaten Atheon easily in one rotation.

What loot did I get? Enough shards to do 3/4 of a faction rank up if I wanted. And two exotic shards. TBH I was in it for the fun.
VoG is still da best. Thanks for running with us it was a blast.

We ended up doing two more full CE, Still no graverobber or timebreaker. Did get dat fatebringer though. Need to do Skolas at some point for the grimoire and a etheric light lol.

I'm doing CE and VoG x3 every week until I get that damn thing. (Sparrow)
Need to do Golgy CM on my Warlock.
Have the Totems HM CP ready and would like to a complete Totems - Oryx run including Golgy CM. :)

Any takers?

1. j0hnny_385

stay gold

You're right it's not a bad thing to even the playing fields. I think that's what Luke smith mention awhile ago. That's why bungie removed primary elemental weapons. I could be wrong haha.

It's hard finding a weapon balance in these type of games. Last 2 weapons meta was HCs and PRs and I have not played in a while so I have no idea what is the most used primary weapon now. Or did bungie finally find a balance between everything.

It actually is quite balanced atm, every weapon type has at least 1 competitive option. I've even been told if I hang onto my Thesan gunsmith package i'll get a useable Fusion rifle!

It's just that some of the options are really hard to get. Exotics are easy to get now with 3oC, but the Legandaries, man, the low drop rates combined with bad perks heavily outweighing good ones can make it such hard (tedious) work to get the gun you want.
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