Thank you for replying,
I agree with you, while I liked what I played and there is a lot of things I would like Bungie to take from this but most importantly is the seamlessness of the world. No more jumping into orbit just load again to go somewhere else, please.
and dynamic weather...
I also agree, as much as I love Destiny, I want the Division to eat some of its lunch, Bungie have shown a staggering amount of complacency.
But for the division, I see what you mean, its much more tactical in nature and human bullet sponges seems to be the only remedy to increasing the difficulty.
But for me, after 4 hours or so of The Division, I just didnt feel special, the guns felt like your standard military fare, no classes to differentiate yourself from other Agents, no grand over-arching plot or mythos...and I dont like being stuck in New York's over-cluttered grid system of samey apartment blocks...
its a blast with friends, which is always a good thing