Yep, what this guy said. Ji66a and I usually run VoG on Saturday Nights but ended up doing them last night.
PSN - W193D0UT
XB1 - WipedOut
Will add you on both now, but please invite me next time you run VoG on PS4!
Yep, what this guy said. Ji66a and I usually run VoG on Saturday Nights but ended up doing them last night.
PSN - W193D0UT
XB1 - WipedOut
Still looking for 1 moreNeed one more for trials!
I won't be able to play today, but I'd be down tomorrow for a couple of runs if my nephew is on to help.
Destiny is pretty dead on the xbox side. Only a good 4-5 people from dgaf that are regularly on these days. PS4 oth, there are a lot more.
I had to go on reddit, Bungie forums and lfg combined to find a 3rd last night.
Haha--has the Dragon's breath thing caught on? Ape and I ran a bunch of strikes with double bubbles, double wongs, and double breath.
Surplus+wongs+bubbles and Titans spec'd for orbs on heavy kill = profit.
I had way more fun than I expected outta strikes. And it all came down to the people, yup.
Sounds like a great way to cerebrate. Happy bday btw.I woke up a year older today
Time to celebrate bday by playing video games.
yo guys, sorry I missed you last night. Turned out I didn't have time to play but I'll be around today if you want to run a card sometime. Just let me know if some time(s) work well for you.
Happy BDay! I finally made the Thunderlord post just for this special occasion!
I was inspired by your posts, and also by replaying Halo. The Dragon's Breath skin was on a flamethrower back in Halo so I really like how they used that idea for the Year 2 version with the napalm effect. Seems like kinda the idea they were going for Year 1 except they didn't bother to make a new effect and just stole the closest pre-existing thing (solar nades). And it sucked because of that. But now it's cool in a silly way.
I was getting a hilarious amount of hit markers by Breathing on the tank during Shield Bros.
Things have gotten so stale that people are using Dragon's Breath now.
I've seen it all.
The Illuminati demands a Neo, Dan and Bear trials team.
If two Mercury capable people are up for a run in a little while I am game.
o_0 Who is this Dan person?
...TFW you forget about faction allegiance being required to wear your new exotic class item. Except you switched factions because obviously you want to level a different one now for that faction's exotic.
These are the paper cuts of Destiny's design. Fewer arbitrary requirements please.
You're just too good for the other team manI can't see the new Crucible (Control) match making lasting long if the last 5/6 games are any indication to how its going to go as every match has been a blow out
I can't see the new Crucible (Control) match making lasting long if the last 5/6 games are any indication to how its going to go as every match has been a blow out
You're just too good for the other team man
Which map was that? Looks like some people quit early. Was it one of those terrible large maps?
Does thorn need to be fully upgraded to be viable in pvp? Asking for a 'friend' who just got one from a legacy engram.
Does thorn need to be fully upgraded to be viable in pvp? Asking for a 'friend' who just got one from a legacy engram.
Does thorn need to be fully upgraded to be viable in pvp? Asking for a 'friend' who just got one from a legacy engram.
Thanks for the strike runs, Nami and Ape
Does thorn need to be fully upgraded to be viable in pvp? Asking for a 'friend' who just got one from a legacy engram.
Yeah I was trying for a nechrocasm since that might get pulled forward next patch. I'll play around with it I guess.A friend eh?
Yeah I was trying for a nechrocasm since that might get pulled forward next patch. I'll play around with it I guess.
Yeah I was trying for a nechrocasm since that might get pulled forward next patch. I'll play around with it I guess.
Nope you need the Crux from Crota, which is about the rarest exotic drop
Wait, that can drop from the legacy primary?
Is that so? Well that explains why I got a red death from the one I just impulse purchased. Maybe I should do Crota more.Nope you need the Crux from Crota, which is about the rarest exotic drop
Happy birthday dude!I woke up a year older today
Time to celebrate bday by playing video games.
My golden gun isn't killing people in trials. Three times I've hit people and seen it do damage and all it has done is taken their shield off them
More like a golden-shower gun, amirite?
More like a golden-shower gun, amirite?
Sitting at the Psion Flayers. Anyone need the Nightfall? Also, I want to kill the arc one last to try for the cloak.
Room for 1 more.Still have room?