So I played Destiny again last night, been awhile since I last played, got burnt out and the lack of new content just made it hard to return to it.
Crimson doubles I guess was fun but every match was a sweaty, now I guess my game is off as I have not played the game in a while. I got 2 shaders within 20 minutes then I stopped playing. Me and my friend both said, nope destiny still lacks new content of value and it didnt draw us back in as i had hoped it would. I love destiny, I´m a year one player, have over 1500 hours invested in this game, hell its the only game i played since it came out, well up until the Closed Beta for The Division.
Anyway, this got me thinking. If this is what bungie had in mind with their 10 year plan of destiny, then I feel they are going to lose most of their playerbase. The new DLC is just not arriving fast enough. year Two have been very slow and they need to speed things up.
Hopefully Bungie are neck deep in D2 production to be released very soon and have shorter time between DLC´s. I think people will just move on to something else if not. They also need to move onto next gen completely and I guess they have done that with D2?
I love Destiny and I want to be immersed once again, the gun play and control is just so good but at the moment it´s not pulling me back in with these new timed events or PVP.
Bring me good news fellow gaffers, tell me the future will be brighter. or maybe its time to go out and get myself a girlfriend and do something else with my life haha.