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Destiny |OT7| "In the Garden of Suros" by I. Ron Banner

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Is there a trick to using Death from Above? I was trying to get the aim to happen all day but my Titan just slams straight down as if I didn't have the perk.


Anyone up for VoG raid in normal mode tonight at 8:30PM Pacific Standard Time? Would prefer a minimum of level 28 but a couple 27's should be ok. I have been 3 times total but a little iffy at the labyrinth. Veterans and rookies welcome. Looking to complete it less than 2 hours (may cheese Atheon if everyone is ok with that). With Xur selling Ice Breaker and such, hopefully it will be a good run.

My PSN is dacalo

1. dacalo (28 warlock)


Re: Ice Breaker

It's the best pve gun in the game and you are doing a disservice to your raid team not having one.

It makes special ammo obsolete. It has great range, highest impact sniper (read DAMAGE), and it regens ammo.

Any boss fight is better with it. It's also invaluable when learning an encounter become you don't worry about ammo.

Just buy it.
Damn. It took me two matches and my buddy one.

Sorry, don't mean to rub it in. lol

Yeah I can see how if you're good at it, it'd be easy as hell. Rub it in all you want though I don't even care lol. I'm just glad it's done. I'm just not a pvp gamer. Most likely because of how terrible I am at it. I'd manage to get up to +13 or +14 and boom have a shitty game or 2 and be right back down to 1 or 2. Then finally the last 4 matches or so were on maps that go well with a shotgun which is about the only way I was ever getting kills aside from my super.


Ugh, I can only hold two regular bounties at a time. #FirstTowerProblems

I feel like a lot of these accomplishments would feel grander if we got a glimpse into the full force of each faction.

Like, how many more Black Garden Hearts are there out in the universe, or how many more Cabal Commanders exist; does taking out one really do much. The Hive thing sounds super ambiguous too. They were channeling power but do we ever see what they were using this power for? Was it to send those Seeders down to earth or what?

The game does do a generally poor job of conveying how big these accomplishments are but it does attempt to do so by relaying to you early on that we're in The Last City, The Darkness that nearly wiped us out is returning and us few Guardians, made with the last bit of Light that the Traveler had are the only hope left. Dinklebot explains when you grab your ship that there are very few ships left in general and even fewer that are capable of long distance space travel. So we don't exactly have a huge force capable of taking on all these enemies, who don't appear to us to be waning in the least. The also reinforce the idea that the Player Character is particularly special in the Moon mission where you find another intrepid Guardian has been killed by the overwhelming Hive forces, while you survive and defeat that (presumably) same force.

As for the specifics of showing rather than telling... it would definitely deliver the message behind the overwhelming odds more clearly by doing so. However Bungie has decided, for whatever reason, to go with the mysterious approach. Think Lost rather than V. It's a more difficult task to try to take on really.

Can't leave us hanging like that. Could you spoiler tag it? I've done the raid, and with all of the bizarre terminology, I couldn't make heads or tails of anything.

I'll do my best. Some of this was discovered from Grimoire enteries, some are theories from other forums and some my own guesses from playing the Raid. As far as I understand it...

Basically a Guadian named Kabr discovered that The Vex were plotting something inside The Vault. He got together with 5 other Guardians (whose names are on the weapons and armor you get within the Vault) and tried to stop the plot. The Plot, which is pretty confusing, is basically The Vex trying to re-write reality with them inside of all of it, controlling it. Reality basically being a program, they're attempting to take it over like a Virus. To that end the bosses inside of the Vault are acting as processors, increasing the power of the Vex so they can rewrite reality with their will. In fact, the entire interior of the Vault is all of time and space at once. Past, Present, and Future.

Kabr and his Raid Group try to defeat them but they're overwhelmed one by one. Kabr is the only one who escapes but he's left changed somehow (I think the Vex have basically successfully infected him). He sends warning to other Guardians and attempts one last time to defeat The Vex himself but his Ghost is taken or destroyed and with the last of his strength he kills a Gorgon and hammers out a Shield with it's body and infuses it with the last of his Light. This becomes The Relic. It's the only thing in the Raid that stabilizes time-space in an area (the bubble) and weakens The Vex's control within that area.

This is why The Relic is such an integral part of the Raid. The Vex destabilizing Time and Space is what makes the bosses nearly invulnerable and significantly increases the power of the lesser enemies. The Relic does significantly more damage to every enemy within the Raid than regular weapons and can protect anyone within it's bubble when that is activated.

The nearest I can tell, The Templar is the defensive system. It works in conjunction with The Oracles to either kill you outright or erase you from existence (being Marked by an Oracle is basically being Marked for Deletion). Once you defeat The Templar, you need to navigate the Labrynth of Gorgons, who function similarly to The Oracles except they're networked to each other which enables them to erase the entire raid nearly instantly. I believe this is why killing a Gorgon removes their ability to kill the entire Raid when they spot someone. Breaking one link destroys their networked power. Once past the Labyrinth is the jumping puzzle which adds and removes platforms from existence as a last security measure keeping you from reaching Atheon, which who I believe is the CPU created to boost The Vex power.

When you first enter this last area, there are 3 Gatekeepers to kill. Except, it's actually only one but he exists in the Past (Green/Venus room), The Present (the room as you entered it), and The Future (Brown/Mars room). Killing The Present Gatekeeper unlocks The Past and Future portals, each of which hold a Past and Future version of The Relic. Activating the portals creates the Conflux which appears to be the key (like a physical password entry) to gaining access to Atheon. Once you've gained access, Atheon throws The Relic to The Past and Future, then emerges in The Present and tries to kill you physically, like The Templar. He also utilizes Oracles to mark you for deletion. So he teleports half the Raid to the Past or Future, and activates a series of Oracles. From here on out it's pretty self explanatory. Grab the Relic, kill the Oracles before they can Mark you, and re-emerge in the present and use The Relics power to kill Atheon. After so much time, he sends The Relic to the Past or Future and the cycle continues.

By destroying Atheon, you disrupt The Vex's ability to control Time and Space within the Vault and stop them before they can re-write reality.

That's my perception of it anyhow. It could be wrong in places but I believe that's the general gist of it. Apologies for the wall of text. ;/


Move your left stick forward, also you have to have a bit of momentum jumping up.

So you can't do it at the peak of lift?

The game does do a generally poor job of conveying how big these accomplishments are but it does attempt to do so by relaying to you early on that we're in The Last City,

That's one of my bigger issues with the game. The Last City never feels threatened at all throughout the course of the story. The Hive and the Fallen seem content just chilling out in Old Russia.
Have to say, the Raid is really well designed. Just finished it again today with what's quickly becoming my main raiding group, and we did really well. Me and another guy got temporarily lost in the Gorgon's Maze and still managed to get out without them seeing us, it was amazing. :lol


it's kinda... weird looking.

guess i'll scratch that off the wishlist

I love Hard Light. Fully upgraded it's a beast, bullets richocheting everywhere.


I got Pocket Infinity and Bad Juju going on right now, but I might just drop Bad Juju to be honest. The Gunsmith needs to hurry up and sell rare Fusion Rifles.

The Tower tab on Bungie.net can show you the Gunsmith stock and refresh timer if you want to make it easier on yourself.


Going through this game as a low level is rough.

Anyone know how much XP needed per level? All I can find is how much light per level above 20 but no numbers on the lower ones.


Gold Member
Would you guys recommend a specific guide or anything like that for a raid virgin. I want to get in a group this weekend but I've never tried it and id like to have some clue what to do.

28 Titan
The game does do a generally poor job of conveying how big these accomplishments are but it does attempt to do so by relaying to you early on that we're in The Last City, The Darkness that nearly wiped us out is returning and us few Guardians, made with the last bit of Light that the Traveler had are the only hope left. Dinklebot explains when you grab your ship that there are very few ships left in general and even fewer that are capable of long distance space travel. So we don't exactly have a huge force capable of taking on all these enemies, who don't appear to us to be waning in the least. The also reinforce the idea that the Player Character is particularly special in the Moon mission where you find another intrepid Guardian has been killed by the overwhelming Hive forces, while you survive and defeat that (presumably) same force.

As for the specifics of showing rather than telling... it would definitely deliver the message behind the overwhelming odds more clearly by doing so. However Bungie has decided, for whatever reason, to go with the mysterious approach. Think Lost rather than V. It's a more difficult task to try to take on really.

I'll do my best. Some of this was discovered from Grimoire enteries, some are theories from other forums and some my own guesses from playing the Raid. As far as I understand it...

Basically a Guadian named Kabr discovered that The Vex were plotting something inside The Vault. He got together with 5 other Guardians (whose names are on the weapons and armor you get within the Vault) and tried to stop the plot. The Plot, which is pretty confusing, is basically The Vex trying to re-write reality with them inside of all of it, controlling it. Reality basically being a program, they're attempting to take it over like a Virus. To that end the bosses inside of the Vault are acting as processors, increasing the power of the Vex so they can rewrite reality with their will. In fact, the entire interior of the Vault is all of time and space at once. Past, Present, and Future.

Kabr and his Raid Group try to defeat them but they're overwhelmed one by one. Kabr is the only one who escapes but he's left changed somehow (I think the Vex have basically successfully infected him). He sends warning to other Guardians and attempts one last time to defeat The Vex himself but his Ghost is taken or destroyed and with the last of his strength he kills a Gorgon and hammers out a Shield with it's body and infuses it with the last of his Light. This becomes The Relic. It's the only thing in the Raid that stabilizes time-space in an area (the bubble) and weakens The Vex's control within that area.

This is why The Relic is such an integral part of the Raid. The Vex destabilizing Time and Space is what makes the bosses nearly invulnerable and significantly increases the power of the lesser enemies. The Relic does significantly more damage to every enemy within the Raid than regular weapons and can protect anyone within it's bubble when that is activated.

The nearest I can tell, The Templar is the defensive system. It works in conjunction with The Oracles to either kill you outright or erase you from existence (being Marked by an Oracle is basically being Marked for Deletion). Once you defeat The Templar, you need to navigate the Labrynth of Gorgons, who function similarly to The Oracles except they're networked to each other which enables them to erase the entire raid nearly instantly. I believe this is why killing a Gorgon removes their ability to kill the entire Raid when they spot someone. Breaking one link destroys their networked power. Once past the Labyrinth is the jumping puzzle which adds and removes platforms from existence as a last security measure keeping you from reaching Atheon, which who I believe is the CPU created to boost The Vex power.

When you first enter this last area, there are 3 Gatekeepers to kill. Except, it's actually only one but he exists in the Past (Green/Venus room), The Present (the room as you entered it), and The Future (Brown/Mars room). Killing The Present Gatekeeper unlocks The Past and Future portals, each of which hold a Past and Future version of The Relic. Activating the portals creates the Conflux which appears to be the key (like a physical password entry) to gaining access to Atheon. Once you've gained access, Atheon throws The Relic to The Past and Future, then emerges in The Present and tries to kill you physically, like The Templar. He also utilizes Oracles to mark you for deletion. So he teleports half the Raid to the Past or Future, and activates a series of Oracles. From here on out it's pretty self explanatory. Grab the Relic, kill the Oracles before they can Mark you, and re-emerge in the present and use The Relics power to kill Atheon. After so much time, he sends The Relic to the Past or Future and the cycle continues.

By destroying Atheon, you disrupt The Vex's ability to control Time and Space within the Vault and stop them before they can re-write reality.

That's my perception of it anyhow. It could be wrong in places but I believe that's the general gist of it. Apologies for the wall of text. ;/

That all really makes a lot of sense. It really is a shame that they couldn't have made this a little more transparent... Two quick questions:
What makes you think Venus is past, and Mars is Future? Are there clues in those areas? I never stopped long enough to look around. Also, how do the Vex sacrifices play into this, and why do you die if there are too many of them?


Finally had a chance to play around with the Ice Breaker. What an awesome gun. Top notch sound design too!
There are so many quality of life improvements I love about the Icebreaker: No special ammo synths needed, never needing to reload and switching immediately to primary to keep attacking, never being screwed after using up all ammo, etc.
Okay, I have no idea how to cheese the Priest. Waiting at the beginning DOESNOT work (a fellow gaffer can back me up here) and under the walkway DOES NOT really work either. So how the fuck do you chesse him?


I think it's hilarious how salty people who got the Ice Breaker before Xur sold it are.

"Waaaaaahhhhh, I was the one who put in the luck time, it was all of my luck skill that got me that weapon, I should be the ONLY ONE who can have it!!!"

People are embarrassing.

That's how exotic weapons should work. Either Xur shouldn't exist, or guns should cost like 100 coins.


Okay, I have no idea how to cheese the Priest. Waiting at the beginning DOESNOT work (a fellow gaffer can back me up here) and under the walkway DOES NOT really work either. So how the fuck do you chesse him?

you have to use the ramp under the walkway as a shield


Junior Member
Okay, I have no idea how to cheese the Priest. Waiting at the beginning DOESNOT work (a fellow gaffer can back me up here) and under the walkway DOES NOT really work either. So how the fuck do you chesse him?

Triple jump hunter you can cheese the beggining area.
There are so many quality of life improvements I love about the Icebreaker: No special ammo synths needed, never needing to reload and switching immediately to primary to keep attacking, never being screwed after using up all ammo, etc.

I haven't used it yet, but I can see this as being huge. I'm always torn between making sure I have a fresh clip ready to go, and just switching quickly to finish something off. Most of the time I'll switch to primary, finish them off, switch back to sniper, reload, switch back to primary, reload. Then there are the times I forget to switch back and reload the sniper...ugh.
That all really makes a lot of sense. It really is a shame that they couldn't have made this a little more transparent... Two quick questions:
What makes you think Venus is past, and Mars is Future? Are there clues in those areas? I never stopped long enough to look around. Also, how do the Vex sacrifices play into this, and why do you die if there are too many of them?

They're both on Venus, I think. One in the present, one if the future.


I think it's hilarious how salty people who got the Ice Breaker before Xur sold it are.

"Waaaaaahhhhh, I was the one who put in the luck time, it was all of my luck skill that got me that weapon, I should be the ONLY ONE who can have it!!!"

People are embarrassing.

What makes a gun exotic or rare if every dummy has one?

Might as well just sell everything at the store at this point.

Xur should not exist in this game. Why should I spend my time doing strikes and nightfalls over and over if i can just wait a week to buy all the good guns and armor?

It's a joke.


all those fucking shards. you bastard. Please tell me how?

Well, I've only spent a handful. Maxed out an exotic and the boots I got in the raid. I figure it's best to save the shards for the raid gear to make the climb to 30 easier instead of spending them on regular legendary gear.

-Do the daily chapter on the highest level each day for 2 shards or 2 energy.

-Do public events. Random chance to get a shard, plus first completed event gets you a package from the postmaster which I believe can also contain a shard.

-Nightfall (I got something like 12 shards as a reward this week).

-Dismantle legendary armor you receive from classes you don't play.


I haven't used it yet, but I can see this as being huge. I'm always torn between making sure I have a fresh clip ready to go, and just switching quickly to finish something off. Most of the time I'll switch to primary, finish them off, switch back to sniper, reload, switch back to primary, reload. Then there are the times I forget to switch back and reload the sniper...ugh.
I agree 100%. I hate the times when I forgot to reload my sniper ammo and switch to an empty clip. I don't think I can replace the icebreaker with another exotic. I've had it for a couple hours and am already used to that convenience.


Yeah, doesn't work. I get fucking sniped by the fallen and crushed by the servitor.

If you tuck yourself deep enough the Fallen Sniper can't hit you but you do need to take him out eventually cause he'll hit you when you try to get shots on the Priest.

As for the Servitor, I just saved heavy and special ammo to burst it down.
If you tuck yourself deep enough the Fallen Sniper can't hit you but you do need to take him out eventually cause he'll hit you when you try to get shots on the Priest.

As for the Servitor, I just saved heavy and special ammo to burst it down.

I mean, we beat the Nightfall and Weekly, but damn if that shit wasn'tthe most frustrating crap ever. Thx for the replies.
What makes a gun exotic or rare if every dummy has one?

Might as well just sell everything at the store at this point.

Xur should not exist in this game. Why should I spend my time doing strikes and nightfalls over and over if i can just wait a week to buy all the good guns and armor?

It's a joke.
Are you serious?
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