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Destiny |OTForever29| The Season Finale


lol i probably would have done the same. the new supers don't look that great IMO. Why would i want to throw Hammers in Mayhem when I can just Golden Gun everyone?

The way it happened in game though just had me cracking up. All these void arrows and hammers flying around and then one guy who can't shake the habit emerges from behind a box swinging his arc blade. I'm still dying.

I think Mtashed realised that with no Felwinters like shotguns on the field he basically had free reign to wreck with his arc blade, and he ended up coming top for his team in that match iirc.

It was honestly predictable and it was even pointed out by the Planet Destiny guys that a coordinated team of 6 Blade Dancers or Gunslingers will be impossible to play against in Mayhem, the mode is literally a Hunter's wet dream.

Because you feel the need to lie to yourself and say that Titans can be relevant in high level PVP?

All I had to do was take a look at the Sunbreakers skill tree to break that delusion lol, Ocean and X-Frame explain why below

That's where they shine though. Skating and using Shoulder Charge makes them the fastest and most maneuverable class when played at a high level.

What limits their PvP appeal is the lack of a ranged super, a grenade with tracking or proximity damage like Arc/Fire bolt, and a terribly useless melee. I don't think it's strictly about the movement itself, but rather the lack of compelling abilities on the skill tree.

Bladedancers have: QuickDraw (best PvP perk), a one-hit melee (technically from the back only but it's easy to one shot with a side stab), and a melee where they retain control over their grenade, move super quickly, gain 2x health. They can also go invisible and use their super at a (short but useful) range with Razor's Edge.

Gunslingers have arguably the best PvP super: long range, precision, and will multi kill grouped targets. They have a long distance melee. Interesting grenades, buffs to weapon stability, aerial domination with their tight precise jumps...

Sunsingers are beast. Superburn grenades with proximity tag, Viking Funeral for ridiculous health buff, melee with instant shield and long range, crazy OP super.

Voidwalkers have blink, a long melee which feeds them health, tracking grenades, a ranged super...

Titans' PvP handicap is not a "oh add Blink and there's parity" deal. The entire perk tree is lackluster for PvP compared to the other classes. No Buff on melee hit, no tagging grenades, no skill tree buffs to ADS speed or stability or DoT damage, nothing.

Some great players like Unstable or AEGabriel can wreck with a Titan, but these guys would wreck with anything. Player skill aside, the Titan ability tree just doesn't do anything to help your PvP game.

Here is a great post on the Destiny sub-reddit regarding class balance when it comes to Titans from Pwadigy:

"I'm sorry, this thread is downright wrong.

any PvP player can tell you that anything outside of Sunsinger and bladedancer aren't competitive. Yes, there is one good player who runs striker and does well in tournaments, AEgabriel. And there are very, very, very, very few void-walkers and gunslingers. Defender Titan has not done well in any competitive tournament.

I'm talking players who are so good, that they only play good players in sweaties. All of them are blade-dancer and sunsinger. Except one striker Titan (He uses Titan skating and shoulder-charge for mobility, others have tried this, but the learning curve is so high compared to reward that it doesn't work out).

Bolt grenades are objectively more competitive than other grenades. They are more versatile.

Flame-shield is the best melee, hands down. Mechanic for mechanic.

this kind of thread is bad for the PvP community
It's blatant misinformation.

Any time you have variation that is not horizontal, you will have something that is better than another. If the composite parts do not offer enough horizontal alternatives, but are instead merely vertical lessers, then the entire whole is lesser.

Likewise, tit-for-tat, the classes are not equal.

High-level PvP (best against best) stabilizes on versatility. If a grenade can do more consistently with less interfering input from another player, it is a better grenade.

Most players aren't familiar with this kind of play, as this game has no custom lobbies. But I'm talking about the kind of play where even trip-mines and Lightning grenades end up being too inflexible.

In case you were wondering, the competitive showing in tournaments looks approximately something like this:

45% Bladedancer
45% Sunsinger (note: ram is generally forbidden in competitive matches)
4% Voidwalker
2% Gunslinger
4% Striker
Pub-stomping is entirely different (6v6 lists). But when you distill the game down to the best, you have only a couple classes that maintain flexibility.

This is what we call a meta, and there is room in our meta for a decent Titan class. Bungie just has to give it a few more competitive options

Please, don't be another player suggesting that everything is equal with vague arguments like "each has their own strengths and weaknesses." This is merely pandering to an ideal that we think should be true. In reality, we can objectively compare the classes. We have a subreddit for this called /r/crucibleplaybook[2] . And we generally look at this stuff in more detail.
The general consensus on classes is as follows:

Blade-dancer: Competitive grenade. High mobility. Decent Melee. Best Possible side-perks (QD). Solid Super

Gunslinger: No competitive grenade. Decent Mobility. Decent Melee. Underwhelming side-perks. Best Super

Void-walker: decently competitve grenade. Decent Mobility. Strong Melee. Decent Side-perks. Decent Super

Sunsinger: Best Grenade. Low mobility. Best Melee. Solid side-perks. Decent Super.

Striker: No Competitive grenade. Highest Mobility. Bad melee. Bad side-perks. Decent Super

Defender: No competitive grenade. High speed, low mobility. Bad melee. Bad side-perks. Bad super.

Side-note: Supressor grenades are bad. they are easy to blink and move out of. Also, effectiveness with and against a super is the last thing you look at when analyzing a sub-class.
EDIT: soz @ OP for tanking this thread, I had Ram and flame-shield."

Yep, Titans have huge problems in PvP, the lack of a ranged super was just the tip of the iceberg, and it's the only thing that the Sunbreaker Titan has going for it. It has no bolt grenade(Bungie why?!), it still has the shitty Titan T-Rex melee and hilariously, every single one of it's ability modifiers is related to it's super(seriously, look at that fucking skill tree).

Bungie literally made the Sunbreaker a one trick pony and built the class completely around Hammer of Sol, something which makes no sense since you only get to use your super 2-3 times a match for 10 seconds at a time, so for the remaining 9 and a half minutes of a match the Sunbreaker is essentially fodder. Breaking down the Sunbreaker this is what he is;

Sunbreaker: No Competitive grenade, High speed and low mobility like defender due to lack of shoulder charge, bad melee, bad side-perks, decent super.

I guess you can call the Sunbreaker a sort of improved Defender :p. I hope that Bungie change up the class a bit by the time TTK comes out and they give it firebolt grenades and a melee range increase perk or something. Then again unlike the other new subclasses the Sunbreaker has remained relatively unchanged since its E3 build so Bungie must be really happy with it.


Bungie, well, Luke Smith and Noseworthy, have said that old "kits" are getting tweaked too. Maybe the dominant traits of Quickdraw, Firebolt, and Blink are getting hit with a bit of a nerf.

I think that was talked about briefly on the Game Informer podcast that just went up a few days back.
i'll paint myself blue like the Queen's brother and stand outside Bungie's studio doing the Awoken dance if they nerf Bladedancers and Sunsinger's out of the top tier.

it's time for a new meta. Fuck quickdraw, fuck bolt grenades, fuck blink, fuck the Ram, fuck everything about PvP since December.
it's time for a new meta. Fuck quickdraw, fuck bolt grenades, fuck blink, fuck the Ram, fuck everything about PvP since December.

I can't wait for the Meta PVP change.

9/08 can't come quick enough.
sweet thanks.

damn, poor guys look really tired.

lol Luke

Enjoyed watching that a lot. I liked the sort of mention of that 'coins of three' gambling mechanic with Xur. He didn't call it that but I think that is it's name based on something else I read. Basically gambling coins (three I guess) to increase the chances that your next ultra kill will drop an exotic.

Not spending ANY more coins until TTK :)


AEGabriel on Twitch. He's streaming right now if you want to see the only competitive Titan and how he moves.

Man... this dude is legit!

Funny thing is that I thought catapult was the titan jump that skaters use, but it turns out that the increased control jump is what they use.


Bungie, well, Luke Smith and Noseworthy, have said that old "kits" are getting tweaked too. Maybe the dominant traits of Quickdraw, Firebolt, and Blink are getting hit with a bit of a nerf.

I think that was talked about briefly on the Game Informer podcast that just went up a few days back.

They said that going back and looking at the old kits was something they wanted to do in future balance patches, but for the moment the only things we know for sure getting changed about with 2.0.0 is Blink and maybe the Defender Bubble, though Luke wasn't 100% sure about that.


Mrs. Harvey
It's just like the storyline. Hunters and Warlocks kick butt in regular crucible but against the Hive and Fallen, Saladin and his goons took care of business.
Bungie, well, Luke Smith and Noseworthy, have said that old "kits" are getting tweaked too. Maybe the dominant traits of Quickdraw, Firebolt, and Blink are getting hit with a bit of a nerf.

I think that was talked about briefly on the Game Informer podcast that just went up a few days back.

I listened to this podcast and was pretty underwhelmed with the response about Titans. Basically Noseworthy said 'hey, sun breaker is awesome! - that hammer doe!'

The impression he leaves is 'there! fixed titans'. The reddit analysis of the titan is pretty much bang on. Where it's most broken to me though is melee. It should be absolutely true that when a bathrobe class (warlock) goes up against a refrigerator class (Titan), the titan should be able to flatten the bathrobe guy with melee. Nothing else makes sense. Warlocks should be very squishy in close quarters. Isn't this the entire reason they have all these great ranged capabilities?


Looking to get a HM Crota group together! We can run it three times if people want to.

1) Zocano
2) Evilkalamari
3) Slammin_hammon
4) lightsaberut
5) ruthlesbarbarian
6) jeartal


Since there's been some PvP conversation going on:

Warbulletproof (Sunsinger)
WtfisPoshy (Bladedancer)
AEGabriel (Titan)

Are all streaming on Twitch right now if you wanna look at movement / positioning / whycantidothat
Anybody want to try to take a first timer through Skolas? I'm a lvl 34. I can't use my mic right now (too late at night), but I've heard it can be done without. Anybody willing to help me get my last triumph?

PSN: ShinigamiFrost


Since there's been some PvP conversation going on:

Warbulletproof (Sunsinger)
WtfisPoshy (Bladedancer)
AEGabriel (Titan)

Are all streaming on Twitch right now if you wanna look at movement / positioning / whycantidothat

Yep, the 3 best players of their respective classes, go and watch them if you want to learn.


So glad raid won't be open for the first week. Gives me time to soak in the dlc :)

I really would love to see DGAF be one of the first to complete it. I wonder who our best teams are. And I wonder if there is a way for the rest of us who aren't that good to still help our teams get through faster.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
I would watch any of those streams if I wasn't so into Stormlight Archives Book 2. Loving the book so far.
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