Seth C said:
He was thinking that maybe he could pretend to be a singer. He's not though.
There's a reason he doesn't do the Anthem. Every time he sings for a Pistons game, it's "America the Beautiful" and not the national anthem.. :lol
This game is in the bag for Detroit. Spurs went on a big lead and lost it, they won't get another chance.
But it worries me about Detroit's play in SA. They need to explode in this 2nd half and win by 10+, then they go into SA with 3 solid big wins. If this is a close win SA will come out huge in game 6.
Sheed still sucking this series. This year they will win despite him, not because of him. Tayshaun is getting played unusually well by Manu all series, tough for him, I thought he could really go off in the finals.
I'm kind of stunned the Pistons aren't pressuring so much this game like in 3 and 4. They need to lay on the full court pressure. They started to do this at the end of the 2nd, so hopefully it will carry through. No excuse for the lax play in the first 18 minutes though.
btw, first to 65 wins!