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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT| Once again! The Sound of HAMMERS is GLORIOUS!

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Good rift runs today with GAFMAX, especially right at the end of the last run when my heart skips a beat seeing a legendary chest armor drop and it's my second Goldskin today.


Not feeling the Monk at 70. New Ability seems a bit weak compared to what other classes got.

Fire rune is the only one that is near what other classes got/have. Buuut it isn't even that great. Yeah if you gear up and get like 40-50% fire damage it'll be really good but you could say that about any other classes' skills.

What I really don't get is why monk sets are so bad. Most of them only boost like 100% weapon damage if you do something really specific.

My main problem with epiphany is that it does things similar to other skills monk already has but not massively better and not good enough to give them up since it is a CD skill. For example I can TP around almost like dashing strike but it isn't up nearly enough to drop dashing strike. Kind of weird. Just makes me feel like I had another skill slot for monk even more.
Yeah, I'm looking and thinking and reading and thinking. I'm hoping it's because the content is still 'fresh' and hasn't had a time to settle into any real pattern or design, but I'm not sure. Just feel a little meh towards the Monk right now. Will probably fall back to Barbara.
Oh man.. Adventure mode and bounties with rifts are evil. Just one more hit blizzard!!

Love it.

Quick qiestion I picked up a legendary ring and it's special is. "All damage taken is split between the wearer of this item"

Can anyone explain this to me?

Edit: someone else would also need the same ring for that to work correct?


Yeah, I'm looking and thinking and reading and thinking. I'm hoping it's because the content is still 'fresh' and hasn't had a time to settle into any real pattern or design, but I'm not sure. Just feel a little meh towards the Monk right now. Will probably fall back to Barbara.

I like how wiz and WD got skills to suck things in and hold them. Yeah they don't last particularly long and they're on CD (wiz one is fast as shit though) so you can't spam them like cyclone strike... but WD and Wiz eDPS is INSANE compared to monk and the time that shit gets sucked in is all they need to focus the entire group down. Meh..
I like how wiz and WD got skills to suck things in and hold them. Yeah they don't last particularly long and they're on CD (wiz one is fast as shit though) so you can't spam them like cyclone strike... but WD and Wiz eDPS is INSANE compared to monk and the time that shit gets sucked in is all they need to focus the entire group down. Meh..

haha yeah, I usually play with a Wiz and they use Blackhole all the time, which really helps me on Monk. Agree with you on the a lot of repeated skills on the Monk too.


So, I just finished up Reaper of Souls. (End spoilers and various other end thoughts follow)

So, I loved 80% of Reaper of Souls. With the initial release of Diablo 3, I thought Act 2 and 3 were kind of blah and Act 4 was alright, but I absolutely loved Act 1. Of course, there wasn't much to do in Act 1 after one had finished it, which sucked. So it was left to just running through an act which was only just "alright," which was rather boring, and one of the reasons why I hadn't really touched the game since last May (the other reason being my stroke right around that same time. But, the blah feeling of the later acts was the main reason why I hadn't really picked it back up this year).

I absolutely loved the feel of Act 5 though. It was pretty much exactly what I was looking for out of Diablo 3, and am going to enjoy very much being able to spend a whole bunch of time with this act.

Also, it goes without saying that the drops are now much better. It's nice not getting useless stuff 98% of the time. And, the weapon I ended up using through Act 5 was one I picked up in Act 1 Normal (since I was stuck playing through Acts 1-4 again due to having reset quests). Also love being able to re-roll a selected stat, definitely a very nice feature.

So, the things that I didn't like?

First, the ending. Alright, there was some resolution with Adria - you killed her, she's dead, good. But, other than that. It's like, you kill Malthiel, Tyriel appears, and it's like "Oh, hey, where's the Soulstone?" "Ah, it's broken" "Darn, looks like Diablo's on the loose again" And then end. It's like they didn't plan out the ending at all (other than wanting Diablo to be back to set up an eventual Diablo 4). But, it was just done in the most drab and boring way imaginable really, and without any real meat to it. Just kind of "Alright, game's over, but Diablo's loose again. See you again next decade."

The other thing I didn't like? The auction house being removed.

Yeah, I know, most people rejoiced over that. And, granted, a good part of my sadness at losing it is that I made what I paid for the game back, plus a couple of times over (didn't make a ton on it, but still, a nice little profit). More to the point though, there was just really no reason for it. Their supposed reason - to allow them to improve the loot - they could have done with keeping the auction house, that was just a convenient excuse to satiate all the complaining. But, really, the auction house was a huge addition to Diablo 3, and losing it really hurts.

Yeah, there's still reason to play after hitting 70 (I'm still only 68 at the moment). The new mode and challenges and all of that (which I haven't even started on yet, so take that for what it's worth). But after a certain point it will just kind of hit how Diablo 2 did for me, and make me wonder what the point of continuing to play for marginal improvements in gear when I'm already slaughtering everything. Sure, ladders, whatever else, great. But, you know, making money off the game was pretty nice, and it sucks to lose that.

Frankly, though, aside from some UI issues, Diablo 1 is still my favorite in the series. And yes, I have played through it within the past year, so it's not all just based on memories. Oh, and Diablo 3's story can go fall in a pit - I'm just going to pretend all that stuff with Adria didn't happen, and she's still good in Diablo 1, so I'm happy.

So, yeah, that's my thoughts having just finished the game.
I agree about the ending. I was really excited for the end boss but was let down. I do love the removal of the auction house. It had no place in this game IMO. If you're only 68 and destroying everything try torment and you won't lol.
Since I have more than enough toughness on my Wizard, I'm going to keep on doing Torment I rift runs until my DPS isn't such a shit. I had Malthael at ~10% health before the poisonous clouds killed me on Torment I, so i'm making it a personal goal to be able to breeze through that fight before attempting Torment II (so on and so forth).


Finally, mission for 1 million damage (buffed with glass cannon, force weapon, sparkflint) complete
(+28% arcane orb, +14% cold, Blackthorne 4 piece)

With higher difficulties I swap the gloves and run with 983k dmg and 6.4m toughness, but this is the perfect T1 farming gear so far.

Also got a Stone of Jordan to drop today, though I only put that in for boss fights (too hard to break the 4 piece Blackthorne for elite fights).

Level 70 chest pieces are seriously lacking...


A gazillion hours later, I'm still unable to find a single set piece for my Crusader. Although RNG has gifted me with several crappy Letany rings and even a Barb set belt (a class I probably will never play ;D).

Oh well, at least I can keep getting fun one-shooting elites at low torment with chain Condemn.



I do love the removal of the auction house. It had no place in this game IMO.

Considering all of the off-game 3rd-party trading/auctioning/etc. (both for gold and real money) that went on with Diablo 2, why would you say that?
Also consider that, before eBay cracked down on it, items were even being auctioned off on eBay with Diablo 2.

Quite obviously there was significant demand for this sort of thing with Diablo 2 - which is why it was put in with Diablo 3.
The removal of the AH won't eliminate people doing stuff like that, it will just clutter up chat again, and move things back onto 3rd-party websites again.

Is it really more enjoyable to spam chat with "xyz for sale or trade!" or just salvage any item which doesn't have a couple of green stats without even giving it a second thought?


A gazillion hours later, I'm still unable to find a single set piece for my Crusader. Although RNG has gifted me with several crappy Letany rings and even a Barb set belt (a class I probably will never play ;D).

Oh well, at least I can keep getting fun one-shooting elites at low torment with chain Condemn.


What item gives you chain condemn?
Am I missing something within the skill tree?


What item gives you chain condemn?
Am I missing something within the skill tree?

This beauty.


Works better with Unleashed rune. Also, extra Condemns are only triggered on mobs surviving the first explosion, so it only shines against elites or big whites. When you manage to hit a tight pack with it, gif happens.


This beauty.


Works better with Unleashed rune. Also, extra Condemns are only triggered on mobs surviving the first explosion, so it only shines against elites or big whites. When you manage to hit a tight pack with it, gif happens.

Oh shi-
Crusaders are almost not mediocre with that.


This beauty.


Works better with Unleashed rune. Also, extra Condemns are only triggered on mobs surviving the first explosion, so it only shines against elites or big whites. When you manage to hit a tight pack with it, gif happens.

Interesting... I got one of those that rolled like garbage today (no stats except Attack Speed), and I blew it up. Hope I can get a good one.
My WD has about 170k damage, which is nice since I'm using Spirit Barrage with Well of Souls rune.
Well the damage for Master is nice and I dont find mtself struggle too much.
I'm thinking about moving to Torment since I dont get useful equips.


Sometime right before launch day in this thread, I recall someone was talking about Greater Horadric Caches. It was supposed to be a bigger version with more items... where are those from?


So, I now have 4 legendary shields at 70, all four worse than my rare dps wise. Are legendary shields bugged? All four of them also have less block value than my rare as well.

Updated with pics and stat changes when comparing legendary shields compared to rare one. Rare one already had strength on it when it dropped, just rerolled to try to get it higher.

My Wizard. I have had horrible luck w/ legendary drops and i cant seem to replace my Ice Climbers or Witching Hour.


Using an Arcane build with +32% Arcane skill damage.
So... I talked with Blizzard representives on live chat and explained him that I had great deal on Collector's Edition and I bought although I already pre purchased.
He gave me a code of RoS insted and it was great.
I opened up my email and saw automatic mail from Blizzard says that I over wrote the standard edition in collector's edition saying that I deserve another code.
I'm thinking about selling it but I'm really afraid I'll be accused of fraud.
What do you think?


war of titties grampa
So... I talked with Blizzard representives on live chat and explained him that I had great deal on Collector's Edition and I bought although I already pre purchased.
He gave me a code of RoS insted and it was great.
I opened up my email and saw automatic mail from Blizzard says that I over wrote the standard edition in collector's edition saying that I deserve another code.
I'm thinking about selling it but I'm really afraid I'll be accused of fraud.
What do you think?
Raffle it to GAF. Make them do something good for it. Lol
Does it take a while for the Crusader to feel "right" to anyone else. I love the class and all, but it just feels "off" to me right now. I can easily solo Torment 1 with my Monk, who has about the same Damage as my Crusader, and less toughness, but I'm having more trouble with the Crusader. Is he really this dependent on gear?

Either way, I am absolutely loving this expansion.
Sometime right before launch day in this thread, I recall someone was talking about Greater Horadric Caches. It was supposed to be a bigger version with more items... where are those from?

In beta they came from the rift guardians. Removed in favor of them just exploding with loot ala other bosses. So they don't exist in the live game.


i'm sitting here with my 30 million condemn crits and my 3 maximus with shit rolls waiting for a blade of prophecy to be able to one shot 4 player t3+ elites. why can't i get this shit to drop?


Does it take a while for the Crusader to feel "right" to anyone else. I love the class and all, but it just feels "off" to me right now. I can easily solo Torment 1 with my Monk, who has about the same Damage as my Crusader, and less toughness, but I'm having more trouble with the Crusader. Is he really this dependent on gear?

Either way, I am absolutely loving this expansion.

Part of it may just be a bad build but, yes, they're pretty gear reliant. Getting some CDR% and using Zealous Glare to help with the Wrath generation really does a lot for the class in general. My Crusader is around T3/T4 geared for group stuff but T1 is still my comfort zone for clear speed with her, though, so it's always going to be kind of slow-ish.


My Crusader is still baller without a shield. Come at me bro!


According to my profile i have obtained 2484 blood shards and i just now got my first legendary from gambling. And of course it wasn't an upgrade.
I'm just reposting as my Barb is useless and I really would like to enjoy the game with the Barb just like I did with D3 vanilla.

"Okay guys I need major help...my Barbarian is bloody weak, I mean he can do decent damage, but my skill set sucks and he is so slow compared to the other classes.

I know I must be doing something wrong,can someone explain what items need to go and what stats and which ones to replace with?

I loved the Barb in the original D3 until the patch 2.0 hit, now even on bloody normal it is so bloody slow to kill things unless Whirlwinding+Rending...however fury is always run out.


I want to main Barb but so far he is putting me off the whole game,my monk,dh and wizard are blazing through, even on expert and Master(Though a bit slower there).


I'm just reposting as my Barb is useless and I really would like to enjoy the game with the Barb just like I did with D3 vanilla.

"Okay guys I need major help...my Barbarian is bloody weak, I mean he can do decent damage, but my skill set sucks and he is so slow compared to the other classes.

I know I must be doing something wrong,can someone explain what items need to go and what stats and which ones to replace with?

I loved the Barb in the original D3 until the patch 2.0 hit, now even on bloody normal it is so bloody slow to kill things unless Whirlwinding+Rending...however fury is always run out.


I want to main Barb but so far he is putting me off the whole game,my monk,dh and wizard are blazing through, even on expert and Master(Though a bit slower there).

Use War Cry with the Charge rune and Unforgiving. Solved all my fury issues. Don't even need primary skills if you have enough reduced cooldown.


If you want to Whirlwind spam as a barb you need to swap to Wind Shear, it really makes a huge difference in sustainability.

There are two BASIC barb builds you can go for: Hammer of the ancients (walk up and hit mobs to build fury, and use a spender to dump it, very basic) type builds, or the WW/sprint/avalanche build. The second one is more gear dependent and you need to pull lots of mobs quickly, it's good for rifts. Avalanche, Warcry with charge, sprint, WW/wind shear, Wrath of the berserker, and you need the passives that give you extra fury for avalanching and stuff too. Basically, you don't build fury with anything except for Wind Shear, Avalanche, and War Cry. If you run dry you dun goofed.
Use War Cry with the Charge rune and Unforgiving. Solved all my fury issues. Don't even need primary skills if you have enough reduced cooldown.

If you want to Whirlwind spam as a barb you need to swap to Wind Shear, it really makes a huge difference in sustainability.

There are two BASIC barb builds you can go for: Hammer of the ancients (walk up and hit mobs to build fury, and use a spender to dump it, very basic) type builds, or the WW/sprint/avalanche build. The second one is more gear dependent and you need to pull lots of mobs quickly, it's good for rifts. Avalanche, Warcry with charge, sprint, WW/wind shear, Wrath of the berserker, and you need the passives that give you extra fury for avalanching and stuff too. Basically, you don't build fury with anything except for Wind Shear, Avalanche, and War Cry. If you run dry you dun goofed.

I will take that into account, fury is my biggest obstacle at the moment, anything that helps in that regard is welcome.

Thanks guys,just need to sort out my item issue and I should be sweet,oh well need to do a lot of tinkering.


I really hope they fix linking to your profile, hard to gauge what to say when some things don't even show up as being enchanted.
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