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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Had the Vyr chest which I've gambled a whole lot of shards for drop on my WD for some reason. Not a minute later I found Jade Harvester pants as well. You almost had me going game, was about to switch back to my Wizard. Very funny

Alls I need now are the boots and chest and I'm in there.


Well after looking for a Stone of Jordan for ages, one finally drops for my DH. Yay! Except it's physical instead of fire :( but it's a very good ring nonetheless. I tried it with my fire build instead of my unity but it didn't really add enough dps to warrant using it over the unity. If it was fire, certainly.

However, on a bounty run for frags (in T2 no less), what dropped from an elite mob? A Maurader's chest. Woo. Now I have all 6 pieces. So I decided to try a physical build now that I can drop the RRoG.

So I replaced some items:

Cindercoat->Maurader's carapace
RRoG->physical SoJ
wrist->20% physical wrist
amulet->18% physical amulet (though lacking the crit damage)


End result is pretty good. I did my T4 Ghom test with only sentries. My normal fire build kills him in 22-23 seconds. I cleaned his clock in 15 seconds with the physical build. Of course the 40% elite damage had something to do with that but still.

Running T5 rifts is even smoother than it was with fire. Granted I sorely miss the reduced resource cost from the Cindercoat but my pets and sentries do more damage than ever. Physical adds to all my dps now except the normal entangling shot damage.

All I need is a better amulet. If I can get that 80%+ crit damage back I'll be a monster. Lost 150k sheet dps but that's largely the amulet.


Yaaaaaaay I'm finally in the TF club! Mumei donated a decent int one my way on Friday, and then last night I got a 2400 dps strength monster. It seems even better than my Darklight (only 2000dps) but I'll probably give it to my barb and turn him back into a lightning-WW build. He would be set if I could just gamble/find some hexing pants already!


Well after looking for a Stone of Jordan for ages, one finally drops for my DH. Yay! Except it's physical instead of fire :( but it's a very good ring nonetheless. I tried it with my fire build instead of my unity but it didn't really add enough dps to warrant using it over the unity. If it was fire, certainly.

However, on a bounty run for frags (in T2 no less), what dropped from an elite mob? A Maurader's chest. Woo. Now I have all 6 pieces. So I decided to try a physical build now that I can drop the RRoG.

So I replaced some items:

Cindercoat->Maurader's carapace
RRoG->physical SoJ
wrist->20% physical wrist
amulet->18% physical amulet (though lacking the crit damage)


End result is pretty good. I did my T4 Ghom test with only sentries. My normal fire build kills him in 22-23 seconds. I cleaned his clock in 15 seconds with the physical build. Of course the 40% elite damage had something to do with that but still.

Running T5 rifts is even smoother than it was with fire. Granted I sorely miss the reduced resource cost from the Cindercoat but my pets and sentries do more damage than ever. Physical adds to all my dps now except the normal entangling shot damage.

All I need is a better amulet. If I can get that 80%+ crit damage back I'll be a monster. Lost 150k sheet dps but that's largely the amulet.

What finishers do you load for your sentries for physical?
I'm definitely on a long break from D3. Do I have to leave the clan manually or can someone just remove me in order to make room for anyone that might want in?


What finishers do you load for your sentries for physical?

Using Cluster Arrow: Shooting stars, Sentries with impaling shot and Multishot full broadside. I think the Cluster Arrow: shooting stars might be a little less damage than the loaded for bear counterpart but I'm also using ballistics again for more rocket damage which I think affects the rockets from Shooting stars.

The multishot rune seems really good. It just straight increases the damage to 460% weapon. The piercing shots from sentries seem good too though I may try the chains. Having 4 sentries out will mean a lot of chains.


Using Cluster Arrow: Shooting stars, Sentries with impaling shot and Multishot full broadside. I think the Cluster Arrow: shooting stars might be a little less damage than the loaded for bear counterpart but I'm also using ballistics again for more rocket damage which I think affects the rockets from Shooting stars.

The multishot rune seems really good. It just straight increases the damage to 460% weapon. The piercing shots from sentries seem good too though I may try the chains. Having 4 sentries out will mean a lot of chains.

Nice ill try those out. I read the %CA dmg works on sentries shooting them and Im dumping fire gear like you did so would love to go all phys.

I dont think the chain ones shoot anything. I tried them and was wondering what was wrong, not sure if I was bugged.


Found a build defining item on my Crusader this weekend: Schaefers Hammer


Finally came to accept the fact that my blessed shield build would no longer take me past t3 or so, so I rebuilt around the hammer and it is SO MUCH FUN.

Between the proc on the weapon and the proc on the Thundergods, I can just walk around shocking things to death. Add the hammers and I melt t2/t3.

I have some pretty good items for this build, but there are definitely some that need improved, like replacing my Jekangbord. Really fun so far, though.


Nice ill try those out. I read the %CA dmg works on sentries shooting them and Im dumping fire gear like you did so would love to go all phys.

I dont think the chain ones shoot anything. I tried them and was wondering what was wrong, not sure if I was bugged.

Hmm.. you may be right about the chains. It seems like it could be very potent if they were firing normally as well. They should still use the hatred spenders though. Going to be hard to gauge.

I'd still kill for a real dps parser in this game - training dummy, logger, anything. Ghom only tells you so much.


Marauder 4 set bonus + Magefist + Cindercoat is awesomesauce. I think I may be skipping the 6 set.

Currently looking for Nat's boots and Slayer so I can get the 3 bonus for that also.


Marauder 4 set bonus + Magefist + Cindercoat is awesomesauce. I think I may be skipping the 6 set.

Currently looking for Nat's boots and Slayer so I can get the 3 bonus for that also.

The maurader 4 set bonus is great, but the 6 set bonus is beyond awesome. Imagine 4 more you, firing Cluster arrows alternated with multishots with no hatred cost. It's worth losing 20% fire damage from magefist. It's even potentially worth losing the cindercoat for it with the right rings (I'm playing around with that right now).


hey guys, asking again; can someone invite me to the/a GAF guild? if not, could you direct me to the thread/person where I can request one? these PUGs are brutalizin' me. BT: KYGB#1998


hey guys, asking again; can someone invite me to the/a GAF guild? if not, could you direct me to the thread/person where I can request one? these PUGs are brutalizin' me. BT: KYGB#1998

I think the 'main' guild is full, but we can check on it. Might be time for some purging to make room again.

As for improving pugs, I'd recommend joining communities. I frequently group with the Crusaders community, Rift Runz, and Bounty Runs communities and usually find good groups. Highly recommended over normal public games.

In fact, I usually can't even get a GAF group going so I'll just do those.


As for improving pugs, I'd recommend joining communities. I frequently group with the Crusaders community, Rift Runz, and Bounty Runs communities and usually find good groups. Highly recommended over normal public games.

ahh, I'd totally forgotten about the communities thing - thank you!


GAF has seemed a little lighter in games recently. The thread is a lot quieter too. Maybe legendary drop buff losing steam a bit.


Gearing my alts now. I know I haven't been posting as much, but that's mainly because I have been playing in my free time. Still hooked at the moment.


GAF has seemed a little lighter in games recently. The thread is a lot quieter too. Maybe legendary drop buff losing steam a bit.

Yea, it's been a little quieter. I think there was a surge when we started the new guild and folks didn't want to be left out, but we're back to being pretty quiet for the most part.

Gearing my alts now. I know I haven't been posting as much, but that's mainly because I have been playing in my free time. Still hooked at the moment.

I've been the same. Playing a lot and posting little. I should post more though, if only to show off loot!

everyone completed their sets.

No we haven't! That hurts...


There's generally only around 10 people online in the GAF clan in the weekdays whenever I come online, and half of those appear to be away or RIFing so yeah we need another purge considering we have 150 members. We also need some way to figure out who isn't going to be active after they join, for example I see a lot of guys who are less than plvl 100 and even a couple who don't have a level 70 yet, and 0 paragon level.


I still only post at work because why internet when I can play games while at home? And still playing everyday... I don't even remember the last time I've played a different game. Not since Dark Souls II, I guess.

I've also been working on my alts, DH is getting decent!
There's generally only around 10 people online in the GAF clan in the weekdays whenever I come online, and half of those appear to be away or RIFing so yeah we need another purge considering we have 150 members. We also need some way to figure out who isn't going to be active after they join, for example I see a lot of guys who are less than plvl 100 and even a couple who don't have a level 70 yet, and 0 paragon level.

Not all of us can play during the weekdays. I work M-F 9-5.

J. Bravo

I work 8-4 m-f and I am busy after work with other obligations. Not to mention I'm out of town for the next week. And on weekends I'm usually out as well. So I don't get to play as much as I'd like 😞
i work the same hours and still play daily at least a few hours.

Right, I'm just saying that we don't necessarily need another culling just because whatever time of the day this particular guy is on only has only 10 guys online. He also specified weekdays, as opposed to weeknights (when I'm online).


Right, I'm just saying that we don't necessarily need another culling just because whatever time of the day this particular guy is on only has only 10 guys online. He also specified weekdays, as opposed to weeknights (when I'm online).

Tomāto Tomäto. I play at night on weekdays.


I wonder if we can give members the permission to apply a note to themselves (there is a way to add a note to your name in the roster, right now it is your GAF name) where we can say something like:

All members must update their note at least every x days/weeks or you will be purged. Basically implement the 'last online' timestamp that Blizz won't give us.

That way, every couple weeks, we can clean house until things settle.


Right, I'm just saying that we don't necessarily need another culling just because whatever time of the day this particular guy is on only has only 10 guys online. He also specified weekdays, as opposed to weeknights (when I'm online).
By weekdays I mean across the whole day, I check in several times across the day for some quick runs. The only time I would miss is when I'm sleeping which is around US west coast mornings which is when there wouldn't be many players anyway. Even on weekends there are at most 30 people when really there should be at least 50.


Seek victory, not fairness
There's generally only around 10 people online in the GAF clan in the weekdays whenever I come online, and half of those appear to be away or RIFing so yeah we need another purge considering we have 150 members. We also need some way to figure out who isn't going to be active after they join, for example I see a lot of guys who are less than plvl 100 and even a couple who don't have a level 70 yet, and 0 paragon level.

Yeah, even the most dedicated folks have slowed down. It's natural in this kind of progression structure.

... Basically implement the 'last online' timestamp that Blizz won't give us. ...

That wouldn't be effective on its own. People would log in to do the obligatory weekly note update to keep their membership alive without actually playing.

I've been working on options and the only way to do it effectively for a clan is to manually do an inventory spreadsheet of the Paragon levels of each player each week and boot people who go too long without progressing. The last updated times that show on profiles aren't reliable. That low-level player people mentioned shows it was last updated May 30.

All things considered, I think switching to using the GAF community is a better option until they increase max clan size (if they ever do). It'll split people up into different channels if over 100 are on, but there aren't quite enough people that we would run into that problem I think. We lose the roster, quick join and item drop messages, and the ability to set notes with member names. On the other hand, people wouldn't have to deal with being shuffled out all the time. It can still be effectively restricted by setting it to invite-required and maintaining an external who's who list and blacklist.


Yeah, even the most dedicated folks have slowed down. It's natural in this kind of progression structure.

That wouldn't be effective on its own. People would log in to do the obligatory weekly note update to keep their membership alive without actually playing.

I've been working on options and the only way to do it effectively for a clan is to manually do an inventory spreadsheet of the Paragon levels of each player each week and boot people who go too long without progressing. The last updated times that show on profiles aren't reliable. That low-level player people mentioned shows it was last updated May 30.

All things considered, I think switching to using the GAF community is a better option until they increase max clan size (if they ever do). It'll split people up into different channels if over 100 are on, but there aren't quite enough people that we would run into that problem I think. We lose the roster, quick join and item drop messages, and the ability to set notes with member names. On the other hand, people wouldn't have to deal with being shuffled out all the time. It can still be effectively restricted by setting it to invite-required and maintaining an external who's who list and blacklist.

You might be right. I've been trying to avoid this because I like the Clan functionality, but until they give us more features, we are probably stuck with using a community.

I hate how you can't autojoin community chat on login. I feel like many wont even bother leaving chat mostly dead.

Actually, now that I think about it, Paragon level is something that the public API allows. Perhaps I could whip something up that checks the roster (roster would have to be kept in a list somewhere since that data isn't available) but it could check and store paragon levels perhaps.

Could also be used to make some cool clan leaderboards.... hmmmmm


I'm hitting the "get to T4, stop getting upgrades" wall on my WD.

If I could find a good weapon (SMK or Rhen'ho) or a new belt (Kadala isn't putting out a Harrington's or WH) I could go up to T5.

I'll still play but it's slowly getting more discouraging. Seasons would bring my interest up to 100% again since I'll be playing a class I haven't played before.


All things considered, I think switching to using the GAF community is a better option until they increase max clan size (if they ever do). It'll split people up into different channels if over 100 are on, but there aren't quite enough people that we would run into that problem I think. We lose the roster, quick join and item drop messages, and the ability to set notes with member names. On the other hand, people wouldn't have to deal with being shuffled out all the time. It can still be effectively restricted by setting it to invite-required and maintaining an external who's who list and blacklist.

To be honest I'm not sure it's needed currently. I feel like the game has been out long enough now that we can be more surgical about it. If you follow this thread regularly you should be noticing that it is only every couple of days that someone is asking to join the clan. We should realistically be able to boot a person here and there and make room for any new people. Just looking at the roster quickly I can see a handful of people that honestly shouldn't be in the clan, wouldn't be hard to find more if we dug deeper.

That said I think expecting like 50 people online at a time is asking too much, I feel like the game is just at that point now where a lot of people have moved on to other games. I don't actually expect to have a full 150+ active people until another expansion (as while the patch will probably give a small uptick I don't think it will be much nor do I expect it to be long lasting).


I got kinda burnt out on the game a couple weeks ago. Felt like I was just spinning my wheels and not really progressing. I tried achievement farming for a couple of days, but some of them were really grindy.

I'll be back in full force when ladders are live.


Seek victory, not fairness
Actually, now that I think about it, Paragon level is something that the public API allows. Perhaps I could whip something up that checks the roster (roster would have to be kept in a list somewhere since that data isn't available) but it could check and store paragon levels perhaps.

Could also be used to make some cool clan leaderboards.... hmmmmm

Most of that already exists with d3rockstars.com - they just need to add some sort of clan reporting.

For example, this slacker:

The battletags can be fetched using "add friend" and cancelling out of it afterward.


I'll be back in full force when ladders are live.

Everyone seems to be waiting for ladders to come out. Personally, as a working adult, ladders interest me very little. Mainly because I know ladders cater purely to the poopsockers and I just don't have time for that.


Kick ppl out of GAF clan cause they work most of the day, may have families they wanna spend time with or have other important things to do besides coming home to straight play d3?


I agree to kicking ppl out who have completely stopped playing though. Maybe like 2-3 weeks of not playing should be the time limit to kick ppl out?


Been spending some time on my alt monk ever since I found Rimeheart. Currently sitting around 71% CDR which is good for <4sec downtime on Epiphany. Happily, Serenity lasts for 4 secs, so I can have immunity to all cc effects 100% of the time.

Decided to spec him for zdps, so sitting at a whopping 130k sheet dps, but ~35m toughness, plus Rimeheart/Azurerath combo does allow me to solo some T6 content thanks to the shatter proc and EP. Mostly been farming legendary crafting mats, as anything further would require some tricked out followers with things like BK rings, furnace etc, just to help with solo elite encounters since Rimeheart doesn't do anything to them.

T6 rifts go INSANELY fast (<5 mins) when I get paired with some high dps classes.


Seek victory, not fairness
Kick ppl out of GAF clan cause they work most of the day, may have families they wanna spend time with or have other important things to do besides coming home to straight play d3?


I agree to kicking ppl out who have completely stopped playing though. Maybe like 2-3 weeks of not playing should be the time limit to kick ppl out?

Yeah, that's the core conflict. People don't want it to be enforced like a hardcore raiding guild because people have lives and other stuff they want to do, but if the standard's too low then we have about 3 clans worth of eligible people who would like to be part of it. The only way to have a lot of players online without requiring everyone to no-life it is with a bigger roster of players (community).

Oh well. For now I'll go through the profiles with d3rockstars history and clear out any people who have obviously moved on. I expect I can probably get 5 or 10.


I finally got my last wizard to 70. Each is a different elemental build. Now no matter what drops I can use it







...Is a very good idea.


Seek victory, not fairness
(zdps stuff)

Yup, that's pretty much the way to go for monks until 2.1. I started up a thread on the monk forums speculating on whether they could buff monks enough to make zdps obsolete. I don't see that happening without either some overwhelming offensive+defensive buffs or nerfing exploding palm into uselessness.


...Is a very good idea.

Yup, I plan to do the same thing for monks with one of each resistance for OWE.


Been spending some time on my alt monk ever since I found Rimeheart. Currently sitting around 71% CDR which is good for <4sec downtime on Epiphany. Happily, Serenity lasts for 4 secs, so I can have immunity to all cc effects 100% of the time.

Decided to spec him for zdps, so sitting at a whopping 130k sheet dps, but ~35m toughness, plus Rimeheart/Azurerath combo does allow me to solo some T6 content thanks to the shatter proc and EP. Mostly been farming legendary crafting mats, as anything further would require some tricked out followers with things like BK rings, furnace etc, just to help with solo elite encounters since Rimeheart doesn't do anything to them.

T6 rifts go INSANELY fast (<5 mins) when I get paired with some high dps classes.

So jealous.

I'm struggling on T6 with my Witch Doctor. I don't really get how the hell people are claiming to do under 9 minute rifts, because whenever I do rifts I get rifts that are filled with nothing but those teleporting meteor spammers, champion and elite rockworms that more or less one shot me, and those annoying little flies and the annoying little enemies that crawl on the ground that you can't see and ugh.

This rift (it's the one I'm on now that I've alt-tabbed to complain about) is about to take me twenty minutes and it is absolutely ridiculous.

Other Jade Doctors, how do you deal with rifts like that? It feels impossible because there are so many enemies that teleport, burrow, are primarily projectile users, or just naturally stand far apart from one another that it feels like I can never get anything solid going.

Oh, and Armored Destroyers. They've been falling on my head out of nowhere and one-shotting me. It just happened again. T_T
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