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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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I can't say I love the crafting mat change. Aside from spending 50 hours just farming Born's, it was something to do. It gave me a goal to work towards, an activity to do. Without it it's just rift rift rift.

They could have just trivialized drop rates, made them very high.

Can't complain that much about it though, I guess.
Finally at least got my 4 piece Marauder's going on my DH, my DH used to be.


Now my DH is.



I can't say I love the crafting mat change. Aside from spending 50 hours just farming Born's, it was something to do. It gave me a goal to work towards, an activity to do. Without it it's just rift rift rift.

They could have just trivialized drop rates, made them very high.

Can't complain that much about it though, I guess.

After crafting 10 reaper wraps, 15 aughild chests, 20+ aughild/born shoulders, 10+ born swords and barely getting a handful of usable items... I'm ok with the change. It would've taken me forever to get enough mats for all those crafts and I mainly only farmed mats in the mat farming community.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
I haven't played in a few weeks and I haven't been keeping up on D3 news, but has there been any info on ladder seasons yet? Like details and timeframe?



Question guys, is this SOJ good enough that I can reroll the element to make it flexible for whatever build I have? Or should I roll the crit damage higher or the intelligence (shame for bottom of the barrel intel roll, but I feel the extra 85 intelligence isn't gonna be as useful)

I'd think rerolling the element would be ok. The extra 15% crit damage would be nice but I know from experience that rolling crit damage on a ring can be extremely frustrating.


INVIS posted a video of a T6 run in 5:30* as a monk with the rainment set.


* your mileage may vary

Saw that vid - pretty impressive for sure. Wonder what his average clear time is like because that rift was VERY conducive towards long range dashes with jawbreaker.

I'll have to hit up Kadala to try to get some OWE matching pieces of that set as only one of the pieces I have right now could really be rolled to physical, and it's the helm where I'd prefer to run EotS anyway :/

Also, you may know the answer to this:


Does that really mean that if I'm running 16x9 aspect ratio (I'm running 1920x1080 resolution) that my jawbreaker range is the entire freaking screen? And that if I want to do a vertical dash that it is absolutely impossible to proc the jawbreaker 30-35 range charge refund?


Seek victory, not fairness
Nah, the axis on the bottom is labelled based on the horizontal distance, not where the circles are intersecting the bottom of the screen, so it's not that bad.
(edit: had to look at it for a while, but the numbers on the bottom are representing the X axis value at that intersection point based on the projection. Same for the sides. It isn't the radius)

This is roughly the 35 yard radius: (no fancy perspective projection for a proper fit)


16:9 definitely has an easier time than 4:3, and you'll bump into the UI trying to dash down.


Nah, the axis on the bottom is labelled based on the horizontal distance, not where the circles are intersecting the bottom of the screen, so it's not that bad.

This is roughly the 35 yard radius: (no fancy perspective projection for a proper fit)

16:9 definitely has an easier time than 4:3, and you'll bump into the UI trying to dash down.

Ah, gotcha. I was misinterpreting the chart.
No down dash is a bit of a bummer, but I can work around that.

Off to Kadala to find some usable Raiment pieces I guess...


Keep in mind that you'll want matching OWE resists on those pieces (shoulders roll AR so those are a freebie) as well as a jawbreaker to take advantage of the free DS charges.

If you have all that though, have fun!

Well, I've only got two pieces of the set, and they aren't perfect (i.e. I can roll for OWE OR one of the main stats), but I was playing my Barb on T3 previously and only had one piece of the Earth set...so I'm really in the same place: farming T3 efficiently, trying to get set pieces.

I've got decent gear on my Monk: TGV, SoH/Odyn, Strongarm's, and SoJ/RoRG, so I've got a good base to work with as I aim for my set pieces and Jawbreaker.

My Monk was my first love character, so now that efficient T6 farming is doable, I think it's time to go back.

I just wonder what piece I should forgo since I have my RoRG...maybe chest or shoulders or helm and replace my Strongarm's with Aughild's?


I just wonder what piece I should forgo since I have my RoRG...maybe chest or shoulders or helm and replace my Strongarm's with Aughild's?

So far I've seen both shoulders for Aughild and helm for EotS. Invis was running EotS in that vid, but then he has really strong gear elsewhere so could afford the hit to vit/life% from not running Raiment helm.
Well, I think my Barbarian has passed my Crusader both in terms of fun and ability:


Found an Odyn Son last night which put me up to 81% lightning. Then I realized I had a Strengh pair of Hexing pants and that it works with Whirlwind (although there is a bug that makes you have to walk first then whirlwind for it to count).

Tons of fun with all that lightning.

I'm jelly. My Odyn Son, the only one I've found, was a complete pile of crap.
Anyone playing currently that wouldn't mind assisting a fellow with some power leveling? Got my Crusader and Barbarian up to level 70, but would really like to get my Wizard and/or Witch Doctor up there ASAP as well (in their low 50's). Don't feel like taking the back roads to get there.


Anyone playing currently that wouldn't mind assisting a fellow with some power leveling? Got my Crusader and Barbarian up to level 70, but would really like to get my Wizard and/or Witch Doctor up there ASAP as well (in their low 50's). Don't feel like taking the back roads to get there.

If you havent found someone, you could try rift it forward. Doesn't matter if you didn't help killing the RG, youll get tons of exp anyway.
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww love the new patch.
Logged on this morning and did a rift, set gloves and natalya's 1h xbow drops. Then in a bounty run afterwards a SOJ.

Probably just luck but wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Almost cracked 1mil character sheet damage (profile page lies).

Now if I could only get a RRoG to drop :(


New vid posted. Same spec. No pylons/shrines. 4:21 clear:


Fair to say that monks with BiS gear can now compete with other classes in terms of dps finally.

That's fast but that's pretty much a rift of a bunch of real weak trash mobs and he exploited the fact that DS can move around the map really fast so he killed 450 trash mobs in 4:21 which isn't that impressive IMO.

It looks like towards the end he managed to kite a couple of the elites together to kill them which would only work on a map as open as this one. If he got any other map he'd have to just skip those elites pretty much.

And for those wondering he triggers rift boss at 3 mins and it takes him a minute and a half to kill it.

Overall the playstyle is very unmonk-like. I would've rather seen a buff to spirit generators and forget about all this set nonsense. As-is, maybe this can work in high torments but it 1) doesn't look very fun and 2) killing 450 trash mobs in 4:21 isn't that impressive if you actually watch the video.

Any other class could've cleared that map in under 5 mins including killing all the elites.


Overall the playstyle is very unmonk-like.

IMO that is just a reality of having a focus on sets/items that make specific abilities really OP. I agree with the statement but I don't think it is unique to Monks really. Leaping into a group of mobs to leave an earthquake then sitting afk for 6-10 seconds until the next set doesn't feel very much like a Barbarian to me, laying down a sentry that shoots hatred spenders while sitting afk and occasionally hitting smoke screen when you're in trouble doesn't feel very Demon Huntery to me, putting some dots on a guy then hitting one button to kill them doesn't feel very much like a Witch Doctor to me either. This is just the Monk's version of that.

I mean I still enjoy these builds for the most part but I'd be lying if I said it was more fun then stuff like classic WW (before rend became popular) or the bell spam Monk build pre 2.0. I wish I could play those builds in the current game with rifts/bounties.


Seek victory, not fairness
It looks like that would be annoying to play for more than a few minutes. Tons of repetitive full screen mouse movement which needs to be accurate, long quick eye tracking during ports... Kind of like WW barb without the flow.
Yeah I don't like these gimmicks either. I wanna lay the smackdown myself. Relying entirely on the damage your skills pump out, T6 is still a pretty tough ask.

Completing a set doesn't really lend itself to what feels like a natural progression. My DH was doing T4 running out of hatred all the time, complete Marauder and I don't have to spend any hatred at all unless I want to feel like I'm contributing. I don't think the devs really sat down and thought of what each class would look like at each Torment, what their options are and how the could potentially move forward.


It looks like that would be annoying to play for more than a few minutes. Tons of repetitive full screen mouse movement which needs to be accurate, long quick eye tracking during ports... Kind of like WW barb without the flow.

Flow. That's the word I was looking for.

Yeah the worst part is probably the lack of flow. Monk was all about timing skills that synergized together to do cool things and feel cool. This is trying to maximize spamming a single skill that is jarring and requires full screen mouse movement.


Just ran a t6 rift with 6 piece rainment and a jawbreaker...Was very annoying in a low density rift. Best thing is probably just to ignore groups unless you can ping pong back and forth. Was only really dying when I'd dash into blowing up effects cause I just click the edge of the screen. Had to do a lot of running around, momentum is always up at least. But hey, it's t6 capable, my gear isn't the best but in a high density rift i'm sure I could pull off 10 mins.

Wasn't really all that fun though, I only really used DS and just did a crap ton of mouse movements. My Jawbreaker is also 34 yds, which i'm not sure if that's bad or not. Good thing I also have a furnace for the RG, takes off 70% of its hp in about 10-15 secs, other wise the fight would take forever when there's nothing to ping pong back with. It's a good step in the right direction though, still wish they'd rework the 4 piece part. Saw Druin's post about Monkey Kings Garb still feels terrible, but haven't tested it myself. Anyone try that out yet? Monk still needs some work, but it's at least it's something.


Completing a set doesn't really lend itself to what feels like a natural progression.

100% absolutely agree. Something that really bothers me about the 2.0 game is that you aren't really finding a build you like and then working your way up through the difficulty levels with it by finding new gear. I mean you kinda do it up until around T4 or so but really you are just playing it until you find the "game breaking" items needed for T6.

Flow. That's the word I was looking for.

I feel like that is how pretty much all the classes worked in the past (At least the ones I played which was primarily WW Barb, pull Monk, and CM wizard). Now, instead of focusing on the synergies of 4 or 5 of your skills and timing their effects you're just hitting one or two buttons that do a lot of damage followed by some longish downtime. Just not really as entertaining or fun. I mostly blame the shitty resource generation of primary abilities in the current game.


The DS play style is definitely interesting.

As-is, maybe this can work in high torments but it 1) doesn't look very fun and 2) killing 450 trash mobs in 4:21 isn't that impressive if you actually watch the video.
It's 10000x more fun than doing the same vac into Exploding Palm that we have been doing for 2 years now. I welcome this new playstyle.


Agree with all those comments about gimmicky builds, but at least monk actually has one now. One that doesn't require insanely rare gear anyway.

Found a second unity tonight and holy crap is that combo strong. Dashed into the middle of 3 A5 champ/elite packs along with a bunch of other A5 stuff and didn't even dip below half health. This was T5 - will have to give T6 a go again I think, though I suspect it'll be slow going without a SoH.


Yeah it is nice that the monk has a spec/gear set that once you get 6 piece you're automatically t6 capable. Like how on my DH once I had the 6 piece mara's I could jump straight into t6 without any other great gear (not the most efficient of course). But I agree with other's posted here that most classes get locked into 1 or 2 builds for t6 based on a set bonus. I enjoy playing the lightning-WoL-wyrdward/vax-SW build, but still not really possible to t6 that play style without the BiS type gear. But at least the new set bonus makes jawbreaker good again, now how about they fix every other monk weapons too? Only a handful of good weapons, and most don't have monk specific effects. TF/SoH/Odyns are pretty good for any class. And here's to hoping they add a passive for making 2 handers viable, c'mon blizz!
Speaking of the 6 piece Mara set bonus. Do the sentries only gain dmg to your hatred spenders through +Sentry dmg? Or can they also gain dmg for the cluster arrows they fire from your +Cluster Arrow dmg.


Speaking of the 6 piece Mara set bonus. Do the sentries only gain dmg to your hatred spenders through +Sentry dmg? Or can they also gain dmg for the cluster arrows they fire from your +Cluster Arrow dmg.

They get cluster dmg, times fire damage, times sentry damage I believe.


Speaking of the 6 piece Mara set bonus. Do the sentries only gain dmg to your hatred spenders through +Sentry dmg? Or can they also gain dmg for the cluster arrows they fire from your +Cluster Arrow dmg.

They get +sentry and +cluster. +cluster obviously only applies to the CAs, the +sentry applies to everything they do, including the hatred spenders.
That DS style of play isn't my thing either. Could be a fun distraction, but it looks too hectic to be anything more than that long term. I don't think DS works well as a main attack. It's more of a complimentary skill. Having a set make it a OP doesn't change this IMO.

A set that makes the bell OP, LTK or another spirit spender OP would have been better IMO.


My ideal change for Monk set would have just been to embrace them as the class that actually does the generator -> spender loop at end-game. Make the 4pc something that buffs generators (e.g., for every point of Spirit generated by a Spirit generator, deal 1% more damage for 6 seconds, stacks up to MaxSpirit#) and the 6pc something that buffs spending Spirit of any kind (e.g., deal X% Weapon Damage when ever you use a primary spender and/or varies depending on which spender used).

This seems neat but eh?


Love playing D3 while watching GB end of days live shows, wish that there's more.

I was quite fond of listening to hockey games + D3... until the Penguins completely blew it and lost to the Rangers. But yeah, the GB E3 shows are always fantastic. I save them for the work day though.
My ideal change for Monk set would have just been to embrace them as the class that actually does the generator -> spender loop at end-game. Make the 4pc something that buffs generators (e.g., for every point of Spirit generated by a Spirit generator, deal 1% more damage for 6 seconds, stacks up to MaxSpirit#) and the 6pc something that buffs spending Spirit of any kind (e.g., deal X% Weapon Damage when ever you use a primary spender and/or varies depending on which spender used).

This seems neat but eh?

That would be cool too. I agree our style of play should be focused around the generator spender loop. One of the reasons I'm not stoked on this DS build. It in no way plays into that loop.


That would be cool too. I agree our style of play should be focused around the generator spender loop. One of the reasons I'm not stoked on this DS build. It in no way plays into that loop.

I'm not really sure what makes Monks so special that they should absolutely be focused on that style of play. Demon Hunter, Barbarian, Crusader, and Monk all are set up in the exact same way (generators then spenders) and all 4 classes have absolutely shitty generators.

I don't think every build should be focused on generating your resource then dumping it (because this limits the amount of builds possible and makes builds feel too similar), but, it should be an option for every single one of those classes. As it is now all of them are so bad at generating that the best options are to get away from that loop. I really don't understand why every generator doesn't generate like 4-5x more resource than it does now.


My ideal change for Monk set would have just been to embrace them as the class that actually does the generator -> spender loop at end-game. Make the 4pc something that buffs generators (e.g., for every point of Spirit generated by a Spirit generator, deal 1% more damage for 6 seconds, stacks up to MaxSpirit#) and the 6pc something that buffs spending Spirit of any kind (e.g., deal X% Weapon Damage when ever you use a primary spender and/or varies depending on which spender used).

This seems neat but eh?
Yeah I kinda liked where they were going with the Mystic Rhythm. It's just that the down time in between using Spenders makes it so that Monks can't compete with the other classes.

I wish attack speeds were faster in this game...


I'm not really sure what makes Monks so special that they should absolutely be focused on that style of play. Demon Hunter, Barbarian, Crusader, and Monk all are set up in the exact same way (generators then spenders) and all 4 classes have absolutely shitty generators.

Because they're the only class that doesn't really have a way to circumvent it and they're already most designed around the loop. Considering how Nirvana works anyway, the generate -> dump loop fits them the best compared to other classes.

To be fair, part of that logic was also when their generator / spender values were a bit closer too.

I really don't understand why every generator doesn't generate like 4-5x more resource than it does now.

I feel like generators in general aren't really great in terms of design. The generator / spend loop feels awful because you're doing 25% or less of your damage for longer periods of times. Just is an unfun design for the most part.

Monks got to get around it just because their attacks feel more fluid and it seems more natural on them; they always felt more as the auto-attack combo sort of class. At least, that's how I always felt about it. Hence why I figured if they were going to adjust the sets, it would design towards fully improving their generate / spend loop instead of helping their generator-less or non-spender builds (e.g., Rimehart, TR, or the no-gen Fire build).

Yeah I kinda liked where they were going with the Mystic Rhythm. It's just that the down time in between using Spenders makes it so that Monks can't compete with the other classes.

I wish attack speeds were faster in this game...

Yeah, that's also why I figured this kind of bonus would be with something to keep generators around otherwise they become another no-gen class.


I feel like generators in general aren't really great in terms of design. The generator / spend loop feels awful because you're doing 25% or less of your damage for longer periods of times. Just is an unfun design for the most part.

As stated before, Mythic Rhythm was a step in the right direction towards making the generator/spender loop worth it, but I think they need the spenders to just hit a lot harder if we're going to go this route. Spending 2 secs generating spirit for the big Wave of Light, should feel gratifying if the monk has the go through this "loop". Make the set bonuses increase the damage of our spenders by a truck ton or something. I'd like to see a Pillar of the Ancients thats 30 yards wide, and does triple the damage (already love the skill).

Edit: Or more likely, just summon 3 wave of lights per cast? Crusaders get 3 beams, why can't I have 3 pillars?
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