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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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More than anything I'm excited to see what future class and legendary item changes they make over the course of the PTR. Bring me more datamines!


No point in me playing at all until the patch is out. Not even a point to farming, since I'll be starting a fresh seasonal character and won't have access to all that. Blizzard pls gibe patch


What concerns me about those solo leaderboards is that Blizz will look at them, see monks at the top, and assume "monks are fine" while completely ignoring the fact that they're using a gimmick build based around the 3 rarest weapons in the entire game.

Every single one of those monks is running stacked CDR for near 100% uptime on SSS and Serenity, for close to 100% immunity to everything.

Every single one is running Rimeheart and FoA, with Furnace on switch for RG's.

Every single one is running some combination of the same 6 skills and same 4-5 passives (some run Guardian's Path for dodge while others use Resolve)

Not one of them has EP on the bar. All are applying it via the new Madstone that casts EP on each target hit by SSS (which is why all are using Fulminating Onslaught rune on SSS for max coverage)

If Rimeheart was removed every one of those monks would instantly be unviable, and I can't see how a monk could get past around level 35 with their skills as they are now, or even with their skills in 2.1 form.

My highest solo so far was 27. I could maybe get to 28 or 29 I think, but it's pretty sketchy at that point as I still get one-shot with 1200 AR, 19k armour, 350k hp.

I'll play around with other builds tonight as I have a pair of 98% dmg Depth Diggers, but last time I tried that on a regular T6 rift it was way slower than my Raiment/jawbreaker spec and I took a TON more dmg, so I can't see it being more viable, even with TF/Odyn now being buffed by +lightning dmg.
as far as I can tell Blizzard is concerned about more builds being viable. In the past they'vr look at what skills are and aren't being used and adjusted accordingly.


Seek victory, not fairness
Oh wow, they put the EP-on-SSS affix on a single item? I was totally expecting that to be a set bonus.

This scenario is a good example for why monks are such a tricky class to tune. A few things change and suddenly monks are bonkers OP.


So apparently even the top 2-4 person groups on PTR rifts are ALL running zdps specs. Even the barbs/saders/WD's are running zdps and Rimeheart.

Makes sense really, as no other weapon is a viable option once enemies get into the billions or trillions of HP.

When a bunch of characters with under 300k dps are the only ones to have hit tier 100 you'd think that would tell Blizzard that you need to do more for increasing difficulty per tier than just increase HP/dmg on enemies. Still though...even if they changed it by having elite/champ enemies spawn with ALL possible affixes it'd still get negated by perma-serenity/sss anyway.

Not sure what other options there are, other than removing Rimeheart from the game or changing how it works. Which would make me sad as I have one, but it really is for the best I think.


There isn't really much of a parameter to increase difficulty outside of increasing HP/damage and MAYBE increasing affixes. Increasing affixes is going to create even more clutter on screen.

And yea of course Rimeheart will get changed.
I still haven't found a fist of az or a rimeheart

My monk is almost pigeon holed into a fire build because that's the only gear I find for him.


Fare thee well Rimeheart, I barely knew ye. Didn't seem to kill as fast as an Utar's or TF on my cold barb, and my monk equipment is too junky for him to survive long enough to shatter anything.


Fare thee well Rimeheart, I barely knew ye. Didn't seem to kill as fast as an Utar's or TF on my cold barb, and my monk equipment is too junky for him to survive long enough to shatter anything.

I didn't even find one :( Only piece of gear I needed for my monk.


I think I log on when most people have already gone to bed.

Yeah, my sleep is kinda messed up right now and I've been mostly logging on at like 2 and 3 in the morning. Usually no one around.

Fare thee well Rimeheart, I barely knew ye. Didn't seem to kill as fast as an Utar's or TF on my cold barb, and my monk equipment is too junky for him to survive long enough to shatter anything.

Also for what it's worth you just use a bunch of crafted gear anyway. It's extremely easy to gear up a shatter monk assuming you have the rimeheart.


Seek victory, not fairness
Exploding Palm is doomed:


Congratulations to these folks!

I will echo the sentiments of others - this is why we have PTRs. A huge thank you to everybody who has been helping us test rifts thus far. Our internal testing team identified a number of skills and items to keep an eye on and Exploding Palm, Rimeheart and the Furnace were all on the list. The dedicated players on the PTR have shown what is possible when the game is stretched to the limits.

We're looking to make changes to Exploding Palm in the next PTR patch. Of the three (Exploding Palm, Rimeheart and the Furnace) we feel this is the biggest offender. It's not clear if Rimeheart is as offensive if you're not able to further transfer the resulting damage onto elite monsters via Exploding Palm.


I play at night with a buddy. We are always looking for T6 Rift players.

But yea the clan is pretty dead right now. It's rare to see more than 3-5 people online at a time.
I'm on the ptr when I play now.

I'll log on and join the T6 fun on my barb if you want
How do they change exploding palm without fucking up the new Madstone, the fist of az etc etc.

I'm curious how they think they can re-work the skill.


I'm curious to see some more of the changes when they roll out another version to the ptr now that we know some more stuff is changing. Not sure if it was mentioned here, but there was a blue post that agreed the current intended change to firebirds was pretty shitty so they are going to take another run at it (though didn't say if it would be next version or not). Also just saw the latest blue post about barbarian stuff and they are finally going to make the furious charge animation better (as it's always been really buggy with all runes active) and are changing Vile Ward to have an orange affix for FC.

Make me curious if many other old legs with no special effect will get updated before this patch actually comes out (outside of the ones they announced already).


Neo Member
Havent played in quite a while. maybe since a couple months after RoS dropped.
are Barbs fun to play yet? They seemed incredibly nerfed compared to basically any other class I played. Also had less interesting unique gear too.


That same monk hit tier 100 on the SOLO monk leaderboard too :eek:

I just cleared tier 28 solo which was a new high for me. That's playing a regular Raimentbreaker spec (I did switch to Furnace for RG though)


Enlighten me, why are the mobs so low on HP when we see them? The rift boss had like 1% HP only (and that was in the thousand of billions anyway)

What I've heard is that the game can only display 999b hp.
RG has way more hp than that, so it shows as if it is low on health when it is really 999b / howevermany trillion hp it actually has


I know this isn't the proper thread for console Diablo III discussion but this particular thread is much more active, and I feel this piece of news is relevant enough to warrant this post here. Recently, a blue has responded to concerns the UEE may not get content patches in the future and the response is, in my opinion, a bit worrying.


We're still working out all the details regarding if and how Ultimate Evil Edition will be supported post-launch (e.g. will we patch the game after it ships? if yes, should we only patch to fix bugs and address critical game issues, or should we patch in new content as well? at what frequency should we patch?), so we don’t have an answer for you right now. That said, I can confirm that UEE will ship on all platforms with all updates included up to patch 2.0.5, and that there will likely be a “Day 1” patch to add in patch 2.0.6 content, too.

As we move closer to ship and finalize our post-launch patching plans, we’ll be sure to keep you updated. Great question, though!

I know this may seem a bit preemptive because it isn't set in stone, but I'd like to let everyone know now so we can show we really want support for future patches.


What I've heard is that the game can only display 999b hp.
RG has way more hp than that, so it shows as if it is low on health when it is really 999b / howevermany trillion hp it actually has
That's fucking hilarious.

Mobs have more HP than the game can fathom.


I just saw the post about Rimeheart/Furnace/EP post above me, not sure why I missed it before.

Basically what people have been saying for a long time. It's pretty obvious Blizzard didn't design the GFRs to be completed past 50 so anything that can go further is too good.

It's interesting though that they consider EP to be the "worst offender" out of them all but to me 2 weapons that any class can use are a bigger problem overall. I have always said that EP is the best skill in the game if mob HP is high (if mob HP is very low then EP is not good at all).

As to my guess on how they will fix EP... they will simply make every rune work similar to Essence Burn where Essence Burn doesn't scale off of mob HP and just causes an explosion. They will probably make the explosion do a ton of damage but of course it will never compare to scaling off monster HP. They would then have to also remake the Fist of Az weapon because there would be no point in reworking EP if they kept Fist of Az as is.


I'm so confused on the difficulty from seeing that video. Is the area in the video incomplete (with regards to difficulty vs level of Rift) or is that person just extreeemely powerful? I see that he's p909 (probably 1500 by now) on the PTR, and assume that it would be extreeeeemely hard to get to where he is?

If he gains levels that easily, wouldn't it mean the difficulty should be incapable of humans to survive, or is this a PTR fault? (Yeah, I read about the HP display in the posts above, so I'm still wondering.)

Haha, I just can't fantom that video.


I'm so confused on the difficulty from seeing that video. Is the area in the video incomplete (with regards to difficulty vs level of Rift) or is that person just extreeemely powerful?

The explosion from Exploding Palm deals 50% of the mob's HP damage as an aoe on death (up to 100% HP with a special fist weapon) and there is a sword that has a chance to insta-kill any frozen white mob (and it procs a lot through a specific ability and area damage procs). It basically means monster HP is irrelevant since you are one shotting a couple of mobs who trigger a chain reaction that kills everything else. As long as they can find a way to stay alive they can realistically keep going up ranks forever.

It's interesting though that they consider EP to be the "worst offender" out of them all but to me 2 weapons that any class can use are a bigger problem overall. I have always said that EP is the best skill in the game if mob HP is high (if mob HP is very low then EP is not good at all).

I think it's considered the worst offender because of group games. Regardless of your gear a monk with EP will contribute more in a group game then anyone else, pretty much always. Furnace isn't as broken because there aren't many builds that can actually make great use out of it anyway (I think monk and jade WD are it really, endgame barbarians don't use any attacks except for EQ which is shitty for furnace, DH can't even equip it, and crusader builds are too dependent on their flails, similar situation with wizards for wands and sources). I do think Furnace is still a problem, but it's not really a huge problem since it's only "broken" with a couple of builds.

Rimeheart is just whatever, I could see it being a problem eventually where ice builds that still do great damage are at the top of the leaderboards, but you can't one shot elite packs or RGs anyway so you still are going to have to put out real damage to kill them.


I'm so confused on the difficulty from seeing that video. Is the area in the video incomplete (with regards to difficulty vs level of Rift) or is that person just extreeemely powerful? I see that he's p909 (probably 1500 by now) on the PTR, and assume that it would be extreeeeemely hard to get to where he is?

If he gains levels that easily, wouldn't it mean the difficulty should be incapable of humans to survive, or is this a PTR fault? (Yeah, I read about the HP display in the posts above, so I'm still wondering.)

Haha, I just can't fantom that video.
Don't worry about that video.

You are not supposed to be playing at that high of a Greater Rift.

The way the combo works is this:

Rimeheart - Frozen enemies have a 10% chance to instantly die. Only works on white mobs.

Exploding Palm + Fist of AZ - On kill EP deals damage equivalent to 50% of target's HP. Fist of AZ boosts that value to max 100% HP. This means killing a target that has 500 million HP will result in an explosion that does 500 million HP. You can buff the EP damage with Elite damage.

Frostburn Gauntlet - They are currently bugged. They basically make every attack do Cold damage (and Cold damage chills which Freezes opponent) of the Rimeheart which comes native with Cold damage. This means that the Physical DoT of EP actually is doing Cold damage and thus freezing the opponent (and you need them frozen to make them shatter aka insta kill). This also applies to your basic attacks like Way of Hundred Fist which has a very good proc coefficient and deals a DoT on one of the runes. So you basically just EP a white mob, auto attack it with WotF until it shatters.

In groups you EP a bunch of high HP white monsters and also EP the packs. You then Cyclone them all in making sure the white EP'd mobs are in range of the EP'd Elite pack... you just auto attack the white mob until it shatters and the explosion cascades killing everyone instantly. You can't take on Elites without other white mobs present.

You need a Furnace to take out the Rift Guardian solo because the build is useless against a solo RG. You might be able to pull a ton of mobs near it and EP them but its unreliable.

This build gives no fuck about the HP of white mobs. You can have a white mob with 999 trillion health and it will die instantly with 999 trillion health exploding as damage.. In fact the higher the HP the stronger this build gets relative to other builds. It should be noted that at higher levels you want cooldown reduction to have maximum Serenity up time to make you immortal, a key ingredient in surviving against mobs long enough to do your combo (otherwise they would one shot you if your Serenity is down). So not only does their damage not matter thanks to perma Serenity.... their HP doesn't matter either.


You need a Furnace to take out the Rift Guardian solo because the build is useless against a solo RG. You might be able to pull a ton of mobs near it and EP them but its unreliable.
Won't work in greater rifts since every mob despawns as soon as the RG spawns.


Won't work in greater rifts since every mob despawns as soon as the RG spawns.

Some RG's spawn adds, so with Rimeheart/FoA you could likely 1-shot the RG if you were lucky enough to get a RG who spawns adds.

The Korean monk in that video was using Shrine gloves with an empowered shrine to give him perma invulnerability via Serenity with no cooldown. That was the real issue. Not EP, not Furnace, not Rimeheart.

I don't mind the pending EP nerf (provided they don't kill it completely), but there better be a ton of monk buffs upcoming (and I'm not talking about the garbage we got in the 2.1 PTR as those suck.)

Looking at the monk leaderboard I had to go all the way to the 54th ranked monk before I found one who was using a build other than shatter. The highest level they cleared? 30.

Compared to 35+ for every other class
It's pretty embarrassing that mobs are scaling beyond the HP that the game intended to have that it bugs out.

MOAR HP/DMG aspect of the game is getting way out of hand and looks like a lazy aspect of their game design. Feeling underpowered? LETS DOUBLE OR TRIPLE THAT DMG! I'm guessing next expansion they will do what they always do in WoW and be forced to tone down the numbers or we will be hitting for billions of dmg.


Got a feeling Monks are going to become utter dogshit and I don't like it. Please Blizzard.

You should all upload videos of badly geared Monks on YouTube and convince Blizzard that the class is so bad, you can barely play it anymore.


You should all upload videos of badly geared Monks on YouTube and convince Blizzard that the class is so bad, you can barely play it anymore.

I just watched a vid of a monk doing a tier 25 greater rift. He barely got the RG killed before the timer ran out.

His gear stats?

1.3m unbuffed sheet dps, 90% fire dmg, 40% elite dmg, and boatloads of toughness and healing. Has ALL the BiS items for a fire monk. Average hits for his big spirit spender were around 20m.

I suspect any other class in the game with stats like those would absolutely blitz tier 25.


When Seasons come out I was thinking about dropping my DH main and rolling either Monk or Wiz, but I'm becoming more and more convinced Blizzard has no idea what the fuck they're doing with those classes. Depending on how long the PTR is they can still make major changes, but if 2.1 dropped on live tomorrow I'd probably just roll another DH. It's a shame really, Monk has always been in a weird spot and Wizards seem to be falling further and further behind every patch.
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