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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Had fun with the legendary gems while the servers didn't lag out. So far they're all working fine aside from placeholder art/buff icons. Will be sad when you can't socket them into chest/legs lol. They are the kind of change/fun the game needs. As a WD, having conduit gem was amazing for just running through trash.
I'm hoping there are some crazy combos coming up with the legendary gems that make these weird changes make more sense.

I won't hold my breath. They just can't seem to do anything well with monk. The first couple of weeks of RoS were fun, but all of the fun builds were made irrelevant after t3-4. Here we are at 2.1 patch and it looks like more of the same, but with a giant nerf to our only skill that scaled. Pre ROS nirvana build was the last time I had a lot of fun with the class WHILE still feeling powerful.

I play 4 classes and two of them are sliding further and further back. If I hadn't rolled a DH to go with my WD, I would be really bummed right now.

Edit: they clearly don't want tempest rush to be capable of being up indefinitely. Bu bye low level farming builds.
Not sure how I feel about those Wizard changes.



Seek victory, not fairness
Ah, good, they reset the leaderboards. Here's how things stack up at the moment:

DH 34
WD 33
Wiz 32
Crus 30
Barb 29
Monk 26

Not a ton of data in there yet.


Ah, good, they reset the leaderboards. Here's how things stack up at the moment:

DH 34
WD 33
Wiz 32
Crus 30
Barb 29
Monk 26
About as expected really.

Surprised at Wiz being that high but then against I haven't seen them in action with the new Fire set. I would've expected DH/WD/Cru to be top 3.


Seek victory, not fairness
About as expected really.

Surprised at Wiz being that high but then against I haven't seen them in action with the new Fire set. I would've expected DH/WD/Cru to be top 3.

Not many people can make games right now, so I expect the picture may look different tomorrow. INVIS was in there for the monks though, so I don't think they'll bump up much.

I tried out Tempest Rush: Flurry and the stacks build up about 5/second. I burn 150 spirit in 2 seconds though.
Haven't played in a while. Is the new patch on live now? The one with greater rifts (?) plus a crapton of DH buffs?

Nope. I don't think we will see it live in another month or two. 2.1 is coming in hot and feels a bit incomplete. They still haven't tested seasons but I don't know if they are intending to test that our or not on PTR.


Checking in as I plan on playing again once 2.1 drops... But did Monk rise to power in my absence? Did I miss the short period of Monk dominance?! If so... god dammit.

With one build that required a very specific (rarest weapons in the entire game) gear set, yes.

That's now been nerfed to oblivion.


Not often, it may hit $30 on Black Friday or something... but Blizzard games pretty much never drop. You can't do some odd jobs or sell something on ebay for $10? Or Amazon mechanical turk?


Damn some of those legendary gems are borderline OP.

The lvl 50 effects are prety crazy and worth so much more than CC or CD


At 30 spirit a tick? Epiphany?

Some of the guys on reddit have managed it. Cost still scales with attack speed, so assuming 1.15 aps using a daibo (which you'd need for the regen) which would be zero ias on gear it's going to cost 34.5 spirit/sec.

Epiphany 20/s, Daibo 5-6/s, Air ally, Circ Breathing/Chant, Ex Soul, Laws of Seph helm for top-ups along with air ally active I think it'd be doable with enough CDR.

I'm very interested in trying that new flurry rune paired with Sunwoku set. At 34.5 spirit/sec just from TR that's a Sunwolu proc every 2 secs or so, and once you get those 100 stacks that's a massive aoe explosion.

People have already tested and reported 1-shotting RG's on T4 with Flurry
Some of the guys on reddit have managed it. Cost still scales with attack speed, so assuming 1.15 aps using a daibo (which you'd need for the regen) which would be zero ias on gear it's going to cost 34.5 spirit/sec.

Epiphany 20/s, Daibo 5-6/s, Air ally, Circ Breathing/Chant, Ex Soul, Laws of Seph helm for top-ups along with air ally active I think it'd be doable with enough CDR.

I'm very interested in trying that new flurry rune paired with Sunwoku set. At 34.5 spirit/sec just from TR that's a Sunwolu proc every 2 secs or so, and once you get those 100 stacks that's a massive aoe explosion.

People have already tested and reported 1-shotting RG's on T4 with Flurry

Hmmm. So doable but not easily attainable. I have the diablo which reduces CDR for SSS. It's got an extra 8% CDR on it too. I want to make a build with it.


You probably still want the Mad Stone helm then. 3000% weapon damage is still no joke (or if you use Impending Doom it's even higher).

I really hope that +% Exploding Palm damage, +% element damage and +% elite damage applies to both the DoT and explosion now. Or at least someone should at least bring it to Blizzard's attention.

Also the way you use EP has been changed. You now want to use it on the weakest enemies first. Before you would use it on mid HP enemies to blow up both low level and high level enemies with it.

I can see a few T6+ viable Monk builds.

Raiment Lightning Dashing Strike/SSS build: SSS now has a Lightning rune so does EP. I would maybe consider using Mad Stone with a Lightning SSS + Lightning EP.

Sunwoko Holy WoL build : Use the new Daibo that makes WoL cost a lot less and use Holy rune. Stock up in Spirit regen and just spam WoL. Combine with EP SS rune for more damage and spirit. WoL will proc the Sunwoko extra nuke and taunt.

Tempest Rush Flurry build - Has potential but have to see it used before saying anything.

EP is still a usable skill but you can't have zDPS Monk anymore. It's a shame because that allowed usage of items/affixes that people normally instantly salvage like St. Archew gloves.

Also does anyone know how Fist of AZ works now? It says 100% damage increase on EP but is that just 3000% + 100% or is thay 6000% damage (doubling it at 100% increase)? Because if it's the latter Impending Doom can hit for 12000% weapon damage!


You probably still want the Mad Stone helm then. 3000% weapon damage is still no joke (or if you use Impending Doom it's even higher).

I really hope that +% Exploding Palm damage, +% element damage and +% elite damage applies to both the DoT and explosion now. Or at least someone should at least bring it to Blizzard's attention.

Also the way you use EP has been changed. You now want to use it on the weakest enemies first. Before you would use it on mid HP enemies to blow up both low level and high level enemies with it.

I can see a few T6+ viable Monk builds.

Raiment Lightning Dashing Strike/SSS build: SSS now has a Lightning rune so does EP. I would maybe consider using Mad Stone with a Lightning SSS + Lightning EP.

Sunwoko Holy WoL build : Use the new Daibo that makes WoL cost a lot less and use Holy rune. Stock up in Spirit regen and just spam WoL. Combine with EP SS rune for more damage and spirit. WoL will proc the Sunwoko extra nuke and taunt.

Tempest Rush Flurry build - Has potential but have to see it used before saying anything.

EP is still a usable skill but you can't have zDPS Monk anymore. It's a shame because that allowed usage of items/affixes that people normally instantly salvage like St. Archew gloves.

Also does anyone know how Fist of AZ works now? It says 100% damage increase on EP but is that just 3000% + 100% or is thay 6000% damage (doubling it at 100% increase)? Because if it's the latter Impending Doom can hit for 12000% weapon damage!

+elem and +elite work for sure. +ep is still just the DoT. I've seen people reporting hits up to 400m with FoA. FoA basically just deals up to double the dmg done, so yes, potential 12k%


Yes I just confirmed it myself actually while you typed that.

My zDPS Monk's Strong Spirit EP explosion hit for 10 million without FoA. With it it was hitting for 16-19 million (I only have a 85% damage rune).

So yes it basically doubles the explosion of EP.

EP is still a very good skill.

Also for those wondering like I was how the Arc lightning of the new Lightning EP works... it's basically like having a two for one EP. You mark one target with EP and it then also applies EP on another target. Not as bad as I thought it was although Impending Doom, Flesh is Weak and Strong Spirit look to be the front runners (Essence Burn being the worst out of the 5 thus far).


I just made a make shift Cold Tempest Rush Flurry build on the PTR.



Fist of Az and Azurewrath. Cold damage and increased damage to EP.

Crimson Belt and Boots. For CDR. Boots have Tempest Rush affix on them.

Asheara Pants and Gloves. For toughness.

Aughilds Shoulders and Chest. For toughness and some damage.

Cold Andariels for damage (for now, don't use it for this build you need a socketed helm for CDR) I recommend Law of Seph for the Blinding Flash free Spirit.

Cold Amulet. Cold Reapers Wraps for Spirit regen.

RROG and Cold SOJ. Unity if solo which is what I am currently running.


Epiphany - For Spirit regen and toughness as this build is really squishy

Sweeping Wind - Cold or Holy (to freeze enemies in place while you do your Tempest Rush or Holy for more Spirit regen) OR Blinding Flash with Law of Seph

I recommend Law of Seph + Blinding Flash but if you don't have that then you can use Sweeping Wind

Air Ally - For Spirit Regen

Mantra of Healing - Circular Breathing : For Spirit regen

Exploding Palm - Strong Spirit (if you have the Spirit regen to keep TR going then I HIGHLY RECOMMEND Impending Doom as it synergizes well with the Cold damage build. The damage is pretty nuts when it comes to clearly out trash mobs)

Tempest Rush - Flurry. The bread and butter of this build.

Air Ally - For Spirit regen.

Passives - Transcendence, Beacon of Ytar, Exalted Soul, Chant of Resonance

Impressions on this.

Surprisingly good at clearing out trash mobs even at T6. Tag a few mobs with EP then just start doing Tempest Rush. EP can normally clear out a pack of mobs pretty easily along with the additional damage from Tempest Rush.

The damage from the Tempest Rush is pretty insane when you release it however there are some caveats to this:

*The AOE of the explosion is very small and disappointingly so. You want to position yourself so that you release the explosion on top of a monster who has an EP tagged so that you can set up a change reaction of explosions.

*You can be interrupted out of your TR channeling rather easily. Jailer is one that pretty much destroys this build if you don't have Serenity.

The main problem with this build is that it struggles in tough elite packs. It's a very squishy build, you need to have your toughness up to snuff when you are going into crowds and building up your TR charges.

With further optimization this build can be quite insane.
Got a chance to fail without DCing (requires you to fail past 15 minutes in a GRift and then kill guardian). Here's the upgrade chance at Greater Rift 31

It upgrades 1 rank. Repeat Grifits 1-30+ over 50 times to gain that 2nd ability!

Mini-Conduit 500% -> 550%


Thx for posting that dahbomb. Madstone is another helm option for more ep coverage. Requires sss tho.

Epiphany gives immunity to jailer too. Maybe try Borns over Aughild for more cdr?

Sad to hear the aoe is so small


Yeah the AOE is really small and the visual effect is the same for that Legendary Belt that causes an AOE explosion when you pick up the red orb.

I could definitely try Borns and I have it as well but you become really squishy. You die really fast with this build if some how you are caught without Epiphany - Desert Shroud up.

I would use Mad Stone if you used the Cold SSS and you got the Cold EP (Impending Doom). I am not sure what EP it would apply if you don't have any EP equipped. Really though you want Impending Doom, the damage is nuts. At times it feels like I am playing the old school EP! (only at T6, build starts to fall off at mid 20 GRs).


Not bitter, just unsweetened
Got a chance to fail without DCing (requires you to fail past 15 minutes in a GRift and then kill guardian). Here's the upgrade chance at Greater Rift 31

It upgrades 1 rank. Repeat Grifits 1-30+ over 50 times to gain that 2nd ability!

Mini-Conduit 500% -> 550%

so mini conduit would be doing 3000% damage at level 50?!


Upgrade chance thing is very very interesting. I thought you would just be able to upgrade to the level of your highest rift, but instead the higher the rift the higher the upgrade chance?
And also they fixed multiple keys in a party. Before patch, you'd get 3 of the same level key in a party of 3 but now everyone only gets 1.


Anyone want to take a look at my current DH with the typical Marauder 6 (5) piece build? Looking for advice on improving it.


*Shoulders - Roll Companion damage into Sentry damage. Sentries do way more damage than Companions.

*Helm - Place a Diamond in your Helm rather than a Topaz. The CDR will help you have more up time on Companion buff (and allow you to top up on Hatred more often).

*Amulet - Change IAS into Physical damage.

*Reapers Wrap - Get a new Reapers wrap where you can get both Crit chance and Physical damage.

*Quiver - I would try to roll that Vitality into either Sentry damage or Cluster Arrow. It's hard to roll Quivers though.

*Boots - Ideally you would want Cluster Arrow on your boots as they do more damage than Chakram.

*Pants - You don't need more damage on Entangling Shot, it barely does any damage any way. Change it for a more defensive affix like + Armor.

*Passives - I would switch Cull of the Weak for Perfectionist. Damage isn't an issue with the build it's surviving.

*Gloves - Tasker and Theo are fine in this situation but know that the attack speed bonus isn't that dramatic on Sentries.

*Chest - I would roll that Vit into All Res.

*Gems - You need to replace those Emeralds with Diamands (in chest, ring and pants) if you want to survive in T6.

*Belt is fine, I would just try to get a Harrington/Witching Hour as they are superior.

Active Skills - I would personally replace Entangling Shot with Multishot (Physical damage rune) and replace Vault with Smoke Screen - Lingering Fog. I don't like the delay on Vault and I feel that the Smoke Screen saves me from a bunch of stuff in the game (like frozen, jailer etc).

You will realize that you won't have a Hatred generator and that is perfectly fine. The Reapers Wrap and passive regeneration from the Bat companion combined with the active component of Companion on activation gives you free Hatred. You are never going to be attacking that often either... your Sentries will be doing most of the damage. You are just going to be kiting around placing Sentries, activating Companion and occasionally firing shots. Having triple Hatred spenders means your Sentries will be dishing out more Hatred spenders. Normally people just choose Multishot + Cluster Arrow but I have had success with Multishot + CA + Impale (in your case Chakram instead of Impale). There is some complicated math involved in break points regarding 2 vs 3 Hatred spenders.
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