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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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So can you get legendary gems on any GR level? Was randomly thinking about how going into seasons we're going to be very under powered again and the second we hit max level most of us probably won't be able to make it very far into a GR, but, legendary gems could probably be a really nice early power boost, especially if we're in mostly yellow gear. Assuming they're easy enough to obtain.
Yeah you can get Gems on any GR level.

They are really, really easy to obtain.


Man that's kind of weird, given how powerful some of the gems are it seems like getting some asap is to your advantage.
I honestly thought the Gem acquisition rate was rigged in PTR so that they could get them in the hands of the player quickly for testing purposes. Turns out that was their intended rate of acquisition all along.

And yeah you should get Gems as soon as you hit lvl70... no reason not to.

Discussion came out today while playing with GAFers that Blizzard should add T7-T8 for regular Rifts as well. Right now T6 is a joke in 2.1. Would make Ubers more difficult as well and they can up the rate of acquisition of materials for T7-T8.


I dunno, I guess it just depends on what T6 really feels like after all these buffs and how many builds can potentially go past it. Cause the more difficulties they add the less builds become viable and we end up in the same situation we are in now. At least in the 2.1 system you can use a bunch of different builds for T6 farming but still have the chance to optimize the hell out of a class in a super specific manner to reach the higher GR ranks.

I think I like that approach a bit better to be honest.


What is gr?

Greater Rifts, the feature being added next patch (hopefully next week).

Timed rifts that just get harder and harder each time you clear one within the time limit (15 minutes). Since it goes on basically forever (relatively speaking) it eventually gets harder than the highest difficulty (T6).


T6 is 24-25 GR. Everything beyond that is difficulty that is "uncharted".

GR 30 feels like T8. I have not gotten past GR35 but from the looks of it, GR 40 is equivalent to T10.
101 minutes left until I'm in. or...how about no.

Edit: apparently 101 minutes was too optimistic.



Sooo Im gonna want to get an invite to the new GAF guild if there is room because Im currently in the GAFMAX overflow that everyone left.

How do I do that? Do I need to PM someone? Im Cipherr#1757

Edit: Is it GAFO?


How to join the US GAF community

Add yourself to the roster spreadsheet:
- Click "Quote" for this post and look in the edit window for the link after this line. (hidden with an email tag)
- Copy/paste that into your browser, scroll to the bottom of the list and add your GAF name and battletag. (If you don't remember your tag numbers, just include the first part and we can add the numbers for you after)

Make the join request while in game:
1. Click the clan/community icon at the bottom right (or press shift+O)
2. Click the "Find" button at the bottom under "Communities", then type GAF in the box that says <Filter>. Click Search on the bottom right.
3. Double-click the "GAF" community that appears. It will change to say "Pending Request". The officers get a notification at this point, check the spreadsheet to verify you and then approve.
4. After the request is approved, you'll get an invitation. Accept that and you're in.

5. Enable the chat.
It starts out red (not connected)

Click the red icon and it'll turn green, which means you're connected. (It also says "Entered GAF community chat" in the chat window).

It now remembers this setting, so this only needs to be done once.

Other tips and tricks:
- If you want to see who's on, type /who
- If you hold shift and click someone's name in chat, it says their character name, paragon level, class and their torment level if they're in game. (Same info that's in the community roster window)

* If you're getting a link in your chat box instead of the expected status message, make sure your chat isn't in typing mode (hit Esc to clear it)

For those who looking to join the community.


Seek victory, not fairness
Sooo Im gonna want to get an invite to the new GAF guild if there is room because Im currently in the GAFMAX overflow that everyone left.

How do I do that? Do I need to PM someone? Im Cipherr#1757

Edit: Is it GAFO?

Long story short, we're going to use the GAF community instead of doing the overflow clan thing this time around. I remade it a while ago to clear out randoms, set it to require approval and now we have all verified folks in there. I added you on the roster sheet already, so just request to join when you get a chance.

Here's the post with the hidden link to the roster:
How to join the US GAF community

We're asking everyone in the clan to join the community as well, to help make sure it works for everyone. Waiting until a week after 2.1 before removing anyone from the clan.

Edit: managed to get on and accept pending invites. By the way, I'm making backup copies of the spreadsheet as I go.
Verified a few more of the missing ones. Boatoh = macklelol



Script kids DDOSing the Battle.net servers. Might be going after PoE and League of Legends servers too. All of which are having problems.

More realistically Blizzard is probably being affected by Charter DNS being down/totally fucked right now, there's a thread in OT about it. Nationwide there are huge issues and sites/services being effected.

I was able to get on Diablo fine, but getting crazy consistent lag like I've never had before on the game, not even going to bother.

Edit: Interesting, looking around online a couple of folks who seem to actually be in the know are implying that LiquidSquad is the cause but because they're DDoS'ing Charter and not any of those companies specifically, but as a result they're all affected. Seems crazy if true.
Damn I've been gone all afternoon being social and riding the bikes around. I was super excited to come home and fire up D and I see this.

Dare I try and play anyways? Is this affecting Blizzard servers directly or is this if you have Charter you're fucked thing?
More realistically Blizzard is probably being affected by Charter DNS being down/totally fucked right now, there's a thread in OT about it. Nationwide there are huge issues and sites/services being effected.

I was able to get on Diablo fine, but getting crazy consistent lag like I've never had before on the game, not even going to bother.

Edit: Interesting, looking around online a couple of folks who seem to actually be in the know are implying that LiquidSquad is the cause but because they're DDoS'ing Charter and not any of those companies specifically, but as a result they're all affected. Seems crazy if true.

Just made it through 1 rift. Then DC'd again. Sigh.


Damn I've been gone all afternoon being social and riding the bikes around. I was super excited to come home and fire up D and I see this.

Dare I try and play anyways? Is this affecting Blizzard servers directly or is this if you have Charter you're fucked thing?

Blah, same here. Had to wake up early and go to an all day class, got home and did all the work around the house, reformatted my computer with Windows 8.1 (kind of hate it so far), and then installed battle net/Diablo just to run into this. I didn't even have Chrome installed yet! Hope it's better tomorrow.


Damn I've been gone all afternoon being social and riding the bikes around. I was super excited to come home and fire up D and I see this.

Dare I try and play anyways? Is this affecting Blizzard servers directly or is this if you have Charter you're fucked thing?

It's affecting Blizzard (and other sites/services) directly. I see no harm in trying it out, I probably wouldn't recommend doing rifts though unless you don't care about potentially losing rift fragments if you get DC'd. Maybe try running bounties or something?


Hey GAF, so I really want to play Diablo 3/Reaper of Souls and I'm heavily torn between PC and PS4.

My PC can easily handle it, is superior to the PS4 - however...is it really gonna cost me $80 for Diablo 3 with Reaper of Souls on PC?

I'd rather avoid paying an extra $20 and I feel that's kinda forcing me to play the PS4 version.

For context: I'm aware of the Best Buy deal tomorrow featuring both for $20, but the only Best Buy stores nearby are filled with people I used to work with and to make a long story short, I'd rather just purchase the game digitally.

Nevermind Update: Just tried adding Diablo 3 to the cart at Blizzard's website and wouldn't you have it? They offered both for $60. Why on Earth do they not advertise this sort of thing?


Nevermind Update: Just tried adding Diablo 3 to the cart at Blizzard's website and wouldn't you have it? They offered both for $60. Why on Earth do they not advertise this sort of thing?

That's weird.

I was honestly kind of surprised because with WoW anyway usually when a new xpac comes out they slash prices on previous ones like crazy. Figured Diablo would be similar.

But yeah, if you did buy the PC version you're just in time for a new patch. Will probably come out tuesday.
Well today ended up pretty bountiful. Shout out to Kadala, who today saw fit to hook me up with:

4x Firebird Sources
3x Triumvirate Source
3x Chantodo's Force Sources
2x Mirrorball Sources (1 missile, 2 missile)
Ball of Hate Source
Light of Grace Source
The Occulus Source
Firebird Shoulder
Firebird Boots
Firebird Hat
Tal Rasha's Hat

...and I think maybe another random leg hat and boots that I immediately scrapped because reasons. If Kadala isn't treating you right, learn how to talk sweeter to her.

So in the last 2 days, I've collected 6 of the Firebird set pieces (everything but the chest, which I wasn't looking for), a decent SoJ, and my first RoRG. Pretty good 2 days. I think all I really have left to get between my primary classes (Wiz, DH) is that Rucksack quiver and...then I guess it'll be time to start using shards to try for Kriders and Wands of Woh.

ty for the rifting help and re-roll suggestions, GAF!


It's better to invest those shards into a new character than to try to get Kridershot/Wand of Woh via gambling. By the time you get those weapons through gambling you will have geared 2-3 characters for T6 instead.


Yeah gambling for weapons, especially those two is a fools errand. Unless you literally have every single class with fairly optimal armor in all slots I would never recommend gambling for weapons or jewelry. Even if you never intend to play those classes you're better off gearing them for a slim future possibility then essentially throwing away shards.
Understood. Maybe I'll work on my poor Crusader and Monk. They really are poor and I like those classes. And I've been stacking WD items since April but haven't cared enough to get him from 60 to 70.


Seek victory, not fairness
Updated the instructions with two more screenshots.


Open the Communities window to accept:

(invitations only last for 9 days, so make sure you do this step in time)

There are 8 outstanding invitations where I've approved and people just need to do this part.
So Rat, what's the functional difference between a clan and a community? I noticed you don't get cool features like seeing what items have dropped for a community member like you do in a Clan (which makes sense considering you can have thousands in a community). I almost feel like that was part of what made the clan experience fun, so that will be missed. Seeing nice items drop kinda encourage you to press on for "one more rift". But other than that, I can't really think of anything of semi-value being lost.


Seek victory, not fairness
Yeah, that's one of the downsides, but easily mitigated. People can just link anything good.

With the max 100 people in a single chat channel at once, there would be an annoying amount of item spam if everything was automatically shown. Imagine trying to talk about strategy and then you get two pages of people ID'ing everything at the book and have to scroll back up to see what the other person said. This way it's filtered a bit.

Some other downsides include:
- no quick join (just post LFG messages)
- no member notes for the who's who (maintained via the roster spreadsheet)
- once we get over 150, we can't view the roster in the game menu any more since it only shows officers. (spreadsheet, /who and shift+click)
- no tag over your head

The benefit is that everyone can get in one big group instead of being split into overflow clans. (e.g. 3 clans who see 25 people on vs one community who sees 75)
We also don't have to evaluate people for positions, so it's much easier to administer and people can just get in even if they only play an hour a month or whatever.


Perhaps one way to encourage the use of the community is to ask members to chat in the community chat instead of clan chat. The downside of that is that there's a 100? limit in each community chat "room" so if there are somehow over a 100 members online at the same time then people will miss out on conversations.


Seek victory, not fairness
Yup, it's 100 as far as I know. I think we'll get close to that number but won't go over it most of the time, especially after the first week or two.

I think clan chats actually do this too, it's just usual to get more than 100/150 online.


Seek victory, not fairness
I'll do the first season, but I'll probably stick with regular play after that unless there's an exclusive legendary I really care about.


This is probably the last set of PTR rankings that will be posted:

Class........| #1 | #10 | #50 | #100 |
Demon Hunter | 41 |..39 |..36 |..36..|
Crusader.... | 40 |..37 |..33 |..32..|
Wizard...... | 39 |..37 |..35 |..34..|
Barbarian....| 39 |..36 |..33 |..31..|
Monk........ | 38 |..36 |..33 |..32..|
Witch Doctor | 38 |..35 |..32 |..31..|

Monks no longer the worst class in the game!


Seek victory, not fairness
Raticus you have to invite me again. I don't have the invitation anymore because I might have pressed the wrong button.

Hmm, looks like you got the right one, it shows you in the roster in game - just check in that communities window to enable the chat the next time you're on, should be good to go.

Just figured out I can send community invitations to offline clan members by shift-clicking with chat open and then right-clicking the link. I get full options there which I didn't have on the roster. There's a limit on how many I can have pending at once though. Can't max it out or people would be blocked from requesting invites, so I just added a few.


I'm curious to see if it goes live with the current situation where you can get full party immunity with two crusaders. I expect probably not, but they're short on time.


I just ordered both games and they should be coming in soon. Just a few questions that I'd like answered:

- Is it good solo, or should I pester my friends to buy it while it's on sale?
- Any way to tighten up the graphics at 1080p? Anti-alising, downsampling, etc. I'm on an AMD 7850 if that makes any difference
- Any settings I should have on/off?
- Can I screw myself over w/ my build if I don't know what I'm doing?
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