How to join the US GAF community
Add yourself to the roster spreadsheet:
- Click "Quote" for this post and look in the edit window for the link after this line. (hidden with an email tag)
- Copy/paste that into your browser, scroll to the bottom of the list and add your GAF name and battletag. (If you don't remember your tag numbers, just include the first part and we can add the numbers for you after)
Make the join request while in game:
1. Click the clan/community icon at the bottom right (or press shift+O)
2. Click the "Find" button at the bottom under "Communities", then type GAF in the box that says <Filter>. Click Search on the bottom right.
3. Double-click the "GAF" community that appears. It will change to say "Pending Request". The officers get a notification at this point, check the spreadsheet to verify you and then approve.
4. After the request is approved, you'll get an invitation. Accept that and you're in.
Enable the chat.
It starts out red (not connected)
Click the red icon and it'll turn green, which means you're connected. (It also says "Entered GAF community chat" in the chat window).
It now remembers this setting, so this only needs to be done once.
Other tips and tricks:
- If you want to see who's on, type /who
- If you hold shift and click someone's name in chat, it says their character name, paragon level, class and their torment level if they're in game. (Same info that's in the community roster window)
* If you're getting a link in your chat box instead of the expected status message, make sure your chat isn't in typing mode (hit Esc to clear it)