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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Nooooo Dahbomb why did u change ur badass avatar! Was reading ur last few posts not realizing it was u lol

Anyway we can look to either lower the requirements a bit or have members fulfill all but one or a combination of sorts.

But I do agree that a certain set of requirements is needed.
Well it has only been 144 hours since the season even started, so I guess if you can spend a third of all your time playing Diablo, you can make it into the GAF guild.

I am going to add my name to the community sheet. Already in a clan with real life friends and enjoying what I've done in the season so far, very newbish to the Diablo world otherwise.


Seek victory, not fairness
OK, cool. The API does provide kill counts for monsters and elites for regular, hardcore and each season separately. I can build a little scanner program to fetch that and drop it into a local tracking database. No need for MrDaravon to check manually - thanks for the offer though.

Working plan for now is to at least get everyone into a clan. Will keep the community around as a common chat bridge.


OK, cool. The API does provide kill counts for monsters and elites for regular, hardcore and each season separately. I can build a little scanner program to fetch that and drop it into a local tracking database. No need for MrDaravon to check manually - thanks for the offer though.

Working plan for now is to at least get everyone into a clan. Will keep the community around as a common chat bridge.

That all sounds good, doubt there's really a better solution given the tools you have available. I'll be glad to keep the clan functions, and hopefully this will filter it down to the people that actually play. Looking through the roster, I still have no clue who many of the people in the clan are and don't ever recall seeing them online.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Well damn. Despite putting in over 200 hours since RoS launched I still wouldn't be worthy. Gaf clan too hardcore for me if this is what it takes.

I have over 150 hours played and I wouldn't qualify either, LOL.

Not to give you a hard time, but how is this possible with 200+ hours? Was most of this afking in town? ~18 isn't even T5. I'm already Para 100+ on seasons, that's just after a long weekend of playing (light playing during the week).

We aren't all min/max speed playing players, some of us just play the game and let it unfold before us rather than chase xp like a banshee. Seriously, I don't think some of you realize just how hardcore you actually play Diablo III.

Doesn't matter to me anymore, I'll stay in the chat channel and try my best to play with fellow GAFer's from there but I joined up with an old guild of mine from back in Diablo II. You guys are too hardcore for me, LOL.


We aren't all min/max speed playing players, some of us just play the game and let it unfold before us rather than chase xp like a banshee. Seriously, I don't think some of you realize just how hardcore you actually play Diablo III.

Not really... I mean blizz has consistently gone out of their way to funnel everyone into the same path when it comes to gaining XP and new loot. The way you play probably isn't that different than the way most other people play. Do adventure mode for keystones, do rifts for better gear. There is nothing particularly "hardcore" about that.

How much time you play the game is another story, but, that's not really what I am getting at here. I play the game and let it unfold before me as well, it's not like I'm doing anything special to cheat the system and gain XP or new gear faster.
I just had one of the most fun rifting night with Efficiel and Noktarian (if spelled correctly :| ).

We seriously got the sickest density in pretty much all the rifts. We took like 3-4 minutes in a bunch of them and the elite/champion packs were just lining up. That combined with Efficiel's Raekor set ramming everything into pieces was absolutely hilarious. One time he just kept on charging and his Maximus chain was stretching over the entire screen.

I seriously wouldn't be surprised if there's a mention of a density hotfix in the near future, though we were probably just lucky.

The rift meltening was real.


*AT LEAST Paragon 200
*Completed Greater Rift 25 or higher (groups or solo, doesn't matter)
Well, there goes my clan slot.

I play this game for at least 4-5 hours a day, and as a wizard, I just can't surpass GR 22 until I manage to change my gear and build into something completely different. However, I can still do T6 on solo (GR is hard, you know).

I don't think it would be fair to make THAT a clan requirement... You'd end up purging active people.


We aren't all min/max speed playing players, some of us just play the game and let it unfold before us rather than chase xp like a banshee. Seriously, I don't think some of you realize just how hardcore you actually play Diablo III.
To be fair, I've never explicitly paragon farmed either (even on my main). I got all those paragon levels just farming act 1 bounties for RoRG and doing T1-T3 rifts.
Well, there goes my clan slot.

I play this game for at least 4-5 hours a day, and as a wizard, I just can't surpass GR 22 until I manage to change my gear and build into something completely different. However, I can still do T6 on solo (GR is hard, you know).

I don't think it would be fair to make THAT a clan requirement... You'd end up purging active people.
I think the point is so that the clan isn't filled with people asking to get them to level 70 or what the best way to level up is. Those type of questions are nice for a community, but if your clan is filled with those people, then you'll still never be able to find a group.

A little harsh requirements for sure, but I understand the sentiment.


Guys the requirements for clan are always subject to change based on volume of clan.

Too many people in clan? Requirements get more stringent.

Too few people in clan? Requires are relaxed.


Guys the requirements for clan are always subject to change based on volume of clan.

Too many people in clan? Requirements get more stringent.

Too few people in clan? Requires are relaxed.
We have like 12-15 active members in the clan, and I'm one of them.. I'd be the most active user to be removed, which kinda suck for me.

But I'm just a Junior Member so I guess it's fair. :v


About ten bounty bags, zero legs. The hype is dead.
Play on T6?

I just got 4 RoRG on my shitty Wizard by farming with my Monk (out of 10 bags). One of them was pretty good.

We have like 12-15 active members in the clan, and I'm one of them.. I'd be the most active user to be removed, which kinda suck for me.

But I'm just a Junior Member so I guess it's fair. :v
Don't worry someone like you won't be dropped. We are still working out the details on this.

I like the idea of tracking people with Elite kills as long as it tracks in Seasons as well.
About ten bounty bags, zero legs. The hype is dead.

What torment are you farming in? I farmed T6 4x and got a leg each time. 2x bracers, 1x mace, 1x RoRG (lacklustre).

I'm on the lookout for an RoRG with either a socket or crit chance (hopefully 5.5% and higher).
Not to give you a hard time, but how is this possible with 200+ hours? Was most of this afking in town? ~18 isn't even T5. I'm already Para 100+ on seasons, that's just after a long weekend of playing (light playing during the week).

Could I ask how you progress up to T5/6 so quickly? I'm about paragon 150 on my non season and 50~ on my season hero and on both I am sort of stuck around t1-2. For my non season I play wiz and have looked through forums and reddit for builds, worked up a couple set pieces and can manage grift 16-17 easily enough but I don't seem to be able to make the right decisions/find the right legs to push me any further.

If you don't mind could you describe some of your thought process/decision making as you go from T1 capable to T6+ capable?


Don't worry someone like you won't be dropped. We are still working out the details on this.
Sorry, and thank you. I just got kinda worried.

Also, I'm happy Raticus is so calm and kind on this. I've seen enough internet to know that all those disagreements/various opinions would lead to anger, at least some passive aggressiveness. You guys keep impressing me with your very civil disagreements. :3


Could I ask how you progress up to T5/6 so quickly? I'm about paragon 150 on my non season and 50~ on my season hero and on both I am sort of stuck around t1-2. For my non season I play wiz and have looked through forums and reddit for builds, worked up a couple set pieces and can manage grift 16-17 easily enough but I don't seem to be able to make the right decisions/find the right legs to push me any further.

If you don't mind could you describe some of your thought process/decision making as you go from T1 capable to T6+ capable?
Don't try to get end game gear immediately. Use a build that's based around the drops you are getting. Get a bunch of lightning elemental damage but think lightning builds suck? Who cares, you can still do T4 easily with a good lightning build. Use those pieces to your advantage until you get the end game ones that you want.

For Wizards, always value the tri-fecta over vitality (this may change in GR35+, not sure). Almost always value +elemental damage instead of attack speed.

If you have crappy slots, always look to fill each slot from Kadala. You can quickly and easily get a somewhat decent leg, while not perfect, and roll into something good. It doesn't have to have a unique affix (I was using Gladiator Gauntlets until Firebird). Don't look for the perfect item in a slot if everything sucks. Spread the Kadala love around. Don't discount yellows either as you can cheaply reroll those into great stats.

I think the majority problem people have is that they get rushed to level 70 by friends or in a group and fail to actually learn the mechanics of their class. Leveling up is a great way to experiment with different builds and see how you can make something out of nothing.


You guys should watch some Kripparian VODs for the past week. He basically gets to T5/T6 level with DH in a matter of 50 hours. Of course it will take the average player at least twice that time but you can get a good insight into the playstyle and decision making you need to do in order to excel rapidly.


As far as what we are trying to accomplish with the Clan, here are some things that we expect from Clan members:

*Members be active. It doesn't have to be every day.... just playing even once a week is usually enough. This is probably the number one thing to have in a clan because right now the main problem is that the clan is filled with many inactive users that are taking away spots from active users.

*Members are regular players over a long period of time. The first cut off is activity versus inactivity... the second thing is regular vs irregular. Now of course we don't expect people to be playing hours every day but we also don't want users who skirt around "active" play by logging in once a month, kill 2 elites then not play for another month before the next purge. This is particularly a problem for the long time users actually where even though they might have a bunch of Paragon points, they have stopped playing the game almost completely. We also not looking for players who pop up when there's a new major patch, play for a week then never play again.

The whole requirement thing I posted up was just a short hand way of gauging player activity. If there was an actual in-game way to gauge player activity then there would be no need for all those requirements.
Well.....i was struggling.....

now i'm doing very good solo at t1 now

legendary gems....got 2...got that 1 gem that i like..just need pain enhancer and i'm set and just upgrade them to rank 25

i was struggling with my fire/flame build

so i switch all of them and my passives to cold/ice damage

and the CC for this build is insane...they can't get close to you unless they blink in or etc

damage wise don't know why it's doing so much damage than my firebuild...unless i do need the firebird set yet

well it seems i'm in the same boat as you guys now but on the lower torment and GR's

thanks to the gaf peeps who help me get here ^_^

time to get bounties
upgrade gems
get my aughild or firebird set (WHAT THE FUCK ,WHY IS KADALA ONLY GIVING ME RARE ..so unfair)

and get either a sunkeeper/firebird eye build or a furnace

also... again...kadala wtf


I think the majority problem people have is that they get rushed to level 70 by friends or in a group and fail to actually learn the mechanics of their class. Leveling up is a great way to experiment with different builds and see how you can make something out of nothing.

I agree. This causes real problems with your skill selection and early on before you are looking for specific items your skill selection is really your only way of increasing your damage output. Making sure all of your 6 active skills are contributing to the singular idea of your build is very important. You can pretty much reach torment 3 or 4 on any class with just generic legendaries as long as your build itself is strong.

I saw it happen all the time with barbarians at the start of the expansion. People thought the class was lagging behind the others, but, no the reality is people weren't making good skill choices. I was pretty constantly shaking my head in this thread when people were like barbs can't get past T1! while I was playing on T3 and T4 very easily. It was all little problems from what I saw. People using hard hitting AOE attacks like HoTA yet not using the bloodshed rune on battle rage (which causes each critical hit to do area damage to every nearby target), or people using WW and no other skills like rend or overpower to support its damage. Just changing some skills around can make a huge difference sometimes. It is an incredibly important part of lower gear levels. On my seasonal barb early on at 70 I was switching out a lot of skills and runes just to find the combo that gave me the best results, way before I even started going after the gear I wanted.


Seek victory, not fairness
Don't try to get end game gear immediately. Use a build that's based around the drops you are getting. Get a bunch of lightning elemental damage but think lightning builds suck? Who cares, you can still do T4 easily with a good lightning build. Use those pieces to your advantage until you get the end game ones that you want.

Seriously, making goofy builds out of what I have has been one of the most fun parts about the seasons for me. Fear my leonine bow + knockback impale combo!


Well I'm pretty sure I still meet the qualifications. Over 200 paragon and my very first greater rift started me at 25? I may be confused on that though. I haven't really dug into the greater rifts too much.

Unfortunately my wife and I just had a baby so my playtime has been limited. I'm slowly getting back into it. It has sucked since I played a lot since RoS came out and played with a bunch of gaffers on a regular basis but I understand that active is the most important thing. Going to see if I can up my playtime soon but if not I won't be upset over getting purged.


Starting to gear up my DH with M6 pieces. What kind of stats should I look out for? Do top-end builds stack elemental damage %? What about CDR and skill damage? How should I prioritize them?
So where's the point where Monks should stop trying to go for higher toughness and get more damage instead? Because right now I'm getting 42 million sheet toughness with Sixth Sense and Harmony.


Starting to gear up my DH with M6 pieces. What kind of stats should I look out for? Do top-end builds stack elemental damage %? What about CDR and skill damage? How should I prioritize them?
You want Marauder Shoulder, Pants, Boots, Chest, Helm. Then you want Tasker and Theo gloves. If you don't have those then you can use Magefist on Gloves and go Fire build.

Marauder runs all Elements potentially. Cold is the best IMHO as it offers good balance of CC and damage. Physical, Fire and Lightning are all capable of clearing GR40 potentially. You want element damage on Amulet and Bracer, element on SOJ if you run groups otherwise Unity with socket.

Defensive Stats wise you get what most other classes do. You want Main stat, Vit, All res on armor pieces. Dex gives armor so on stuff like Belt you can get like Life % or Life Regen as your 4th stat instead of Armor. On Shoulders and Quivers +% Sentry damage is a must and on Helm + Boots Cluster Arrow damage is a must. You can get Sentry damage on Chest but IMO you lose out on a lot of toughness if you do.

Offensive stats are harder to juggle. You basically want EVERYTHING except Resource Cost reduction and Area damage. CDR you want until you have around 25-30%, after that concentrate on other stats. You want to read up on attack speed break points for Sentries and you should be getting attack speed ONLY when you can achieve the next highest breakpoint. Of course you want crit chance and crit damage but you also need socket in jewelry for gems. Generally speaking though I prioritize crits over everything, then attack speed and then CDR.

Gems : Bane of Trapped is best in slot for Marauder especially for Cold Marauder. Bane of Powerful is good, Poison one is good (for groups), Enforcer is good too. Distance = Damage gem I have heard mixed things on so use at your own discretion.

Bow choice is also very peculiar for Marauder. You pretty much want a Bow that has a good effect. If you are using Lightning or Cold then you want to invest in the the new bows that give Element damage and then use Ramalandi's gift on them. A well rolled Kridershot is also excellent for this build. Calamity is good too, the new Fire 1Bow is not too bad either but you need to think hard about what Bow you want to use the Gift on. Until you have one of these Bows, use the crafted Arcane Barb or your Legacy Manticore (new one sucks, no point in using it). Attack speed does matter for bows now and you have to do some calculations for break speeds in order to see which weapon will give you actual more DPS (and that is very hard to judge in my experience). We had a giant discussion on this a few pages back, you can feel free to look at it.

Passives: For Cold Marauder Cull of the Weak and Ballistics are a must. Ambush is good for lower T6 and lower content but for higher GRs its not recommended. Custom Engineering is not recommended for T6 or lower but for higher difficulties it's required. 4th passive usually comes down to Steady Aim, Awareness or Archery. Awareness no one will use T6 or lower but in GRs 35-40+ it is almost necessary because that one death save can make the difference between pass or fail of a Rift.

Actives: Companion, Sentry (Spitfire or Polar Station are the two best options), Multishot, Cluster Arrow are the 4 required slots. The 3rd Hatred spender people flip among Elemental Arrow, Impale and Chakram. I personally prefer Impale because of the stun rune but if I had Kridershot I would use Elemental Arrow easily (Ball Lightning, Fire and Cold shots are good options). The 6th active is almost always going to be a defensive skill and there are two options here: Smoke Screen and Vault. For the longest of time I preferred Smoke Screen because it allowed me to escape certain death situations and break out of CC stuff. However due to GRs I have vastly preferred Vault for the mobility because you can shave off previous seconds using Vault as a mobility skill. At higher GRs a Smokescreen won't save you from getting one shotted by Jailer so it loses its efficacy in that regard.

Hellfire Amulet benefits DH greatly although you can get away using stuff like Blackthorne Amulet + Belt combo or a godly Flavor of time + String of Ears/Witching Hour. For the highest of high GRs... Arcane Immunity Amulet is IMHO best in slot because it protects you against Jailer which on higher GR is an insta kill. 2nd best immunity amulet is Lightning to protect you against Thunderclap (the one that spawns right on you and starts hitting instantly, it is also a quick killer).

So where's the point where Monks should stop trying to go for higher toughness and get more damage instead? Because right now I'm getting 42 million sheet toughness with Sixth Sense and Harm
That point would be now.

Ideally damage should always be a top priority in this game unless you play Hardcore. 42 million toughness is IMO too much for a Monk. I can do mid 30 GRs with my Monk and she only has 11-15 million toughness (depending on passives and skills, what regular gems I select etc). That's because I have insane healing thanks to fast attack speed + Life on hit, LPSS and Mantra of Healing shield spam. At higher GRs life sustenance becomes extremely important for melee classes.


Thanks for the detailed response. I will probably run with Cold as it's my favourite element and it's not too viable on my main which is a Wizard.

Why is Bane of the Trapped best for M6? It triggers on Chilled enemies?

Currently using a Windforce but going to be praying for a Kridershot, I guess.


Yeah it triggers off of chilled enemies. And the Polar Station rune of Sentry applies Chilled effect by just being on the target (so other element variants can use it to get the effect of Cull of the Weak/Bane of the Trapped).

Sentries don't proc Windforce anymore.


Wait. High level DHs don't use primary skills? So unless they have Kridershot, they just lay a Sentry, fire off a few CA or Multishots then just kite around waiting for Hatred to regen itself naturally?


Wait. High level DHs don't use primary skills? So unless they have Kridershot, they just lay a Sentry, fire off a few CA or Multishots then just kite around waiting for Hatred to regen itself naturally?
Yes pretty much. The Companion fills up Hatred a little bit on Activation and most M6 DHs also run Reaper Wraps.
I like how the community chat has been active since I joined it. Even if your not in the official clan you still have a way to group or communicate with each other.

Finally got my season DH to 70 and the Paragon levels are going quickly now. The damage on DH's scales quickly. I feel like I'm already doing more damage than my other characters with way less paragon levels. Should I really start looking into healing or toughness or just keep going for damage? I'm going to jump into torment since I've been rushing through master in parties. Still getting great drops in master though.
That point would be now.

Ideally damage should always be a top priority in this game unless you play Hardcore. 42 million toughness is IMO too much for a Monk. I can do mid 30 GRs with my Monk and she only has 11-15 million toughness (depending on passives and skills, what regular gems I select etc). That's because I have insane healing thanks to fast attack speed + Life on hit, LPSS and Mantra of Healing shield spam. At higher GRs life sustenance becomes extremely important for melee classes.

Hmmm. Care to give a detail response for Monks like you did for DH? I hear things about Flying Dragon but I haven't gotten it yet. Is the full set of Thousand Storms worth it? I think I'm torn right now between going towards a daibo build with the increased spirit regen, etc. and dual wielding and trying to go for a lightning build.


Wait. High level DHs don't use primary skills? So unless they have Kridershot, they just lay a Sentry, fire off a few CA or Multishots then just kite around waiting for Hatred to regen itself naturally?

I got a quiver that made Chakram generate 4 hatred so Kridershot isn't really necessary. M6 uses the bombardier quiver though.


Fuck me, just finished tier 33 solo with 21 seconds left. Really didn't think I was going to make it when he spawned, but me having 5 sentries sure helped. :p


Hmmm. Care to give a detail response for Monks like you did for DH? I hear things about Flying Dragon but I haven't gotten it yet. Is the full set of Thousand Storms worth it? I think I'm torn right now between going towards a daibo build with the increased spirit regen, etc. and dual wielding and trying to go for a lightning build.
Raiment set sucks now in comparison to SWK 4 piece set. Raiment can still do T6 and early 30s but SWK Monk is what will get you those mid to high 30 ranks.

Since SWK set is the best that means Monks are forced into using Daibo. And there are really only 4 Daibos with an effect that is worth a damn:

Daibo that makes Tempest Rush gain Tailwind rune (not that useful unless you want to clear Bounties really fast)

Daibo that makes Wall of Light do more damage and cost less (resource cost is kryptonite to SWK set and WoL does half the damage of a single SWK proc)

Daibo that makes SSS do more damage and have less cooldown (SSS is a support skill and is only good with the Madstone Helm. It's a usable Daibo for this ability but SSS on skillbar takes away from an optimum SWK set up IMHO)

Daibo that makes you attack twice as fast (best in slot for Monks right now because it allows you to generate spirit really fast for SWK proc spam. Also allows you to proc stuff like the Smite gem and Gogok gem since you are attacking very fast)

Now on to the actual build. There are two main SWK builds that people run.

Eye of Peshkov build

Crudest Boots build

Before I talk about the differences I will talk about the similarities:

Both of these will be stacking Holy damage because the synergy that the element provides with this set and the skills even the Smite gem which scales with Holy damage.

Both builds maximize Spirit gain and attack speed. Life on hit is usually a must too.

Both use Epiphany Desert Shroud because without it, it's very hard to survive high level GRs.

Both use Way of Hundred Fist Holy rune that stacks 60% DoT damage each activation as the main Spirit Generator skill. With Flying Dragon you can get 4 attacks per second which means 240% addition DoT damage on top of what the skill is doing. It's also used because it has a high proc rate compared to the other spirit generators.

Both use Sweeping Wing Holy rune for the additional AOE damage, the Spirit regen but most importantly for the Spirit dump. SW costs 75 spirit per activation which is EXACTLY the cost required to proc SWK. As SW has no animation for its activation, you can spam this move very fast in conjunction with Mantra to get multiple SWK procs per second.

Both use Golgok of Swiftness and Smite gem. Smite gem does a ton of Holy damage on proc which will be proccing a lot in combat and synergizes with the fast attack speed plus holy stacking theme of the build. Golgok of Swiftness makes your fast attack speed build EVEN faster which means more spirit regen and the secondary effect allows for more uptime on Epiphany and Air Ally if you have it.

Both use Flying Dragon for the fast attack speed bonus, Depth Digger for the extra damage to Spirit Generator (as the build requires you to be attacking non stop with your Generator), Gloves + Shoulder SWK.

Passives: Both generally use Seize the Initiative and Alacrity to boost up speed.

Now the variations.

The Eye of Peshkov build REQUIRES the SWK Amulet which is difficult to get the proper rolls on and thus is the rarely used build of the two (I have a decent SWK Amulet and thus I use this build). The reason it requires the SWK amulet is because this build also requires the Eye of Peshkov helm which greatly lowers the CD of Breath of Heaven.

The reason you want BoH on your skill bar is because one of the runes gives your Spirit generators a ton of extra Spirit regen which is ideal for this build. This item allows you to have BoH's buff at a 100% uptime which means you will always be generating that additional Spirit.

This leaves the Boot slot open which you can fill with Blackthorne combo with Belt or Ice Climbers. Belt you can use Witching Hour/String oF Ears plus Ice Climbers or Blackthornes. Chest and Bracers I personally use Aughilds for the 3 piece bonus. All are solid options.

The Crudest Boots build uses that item and combines it with the Air Ally skill. This gives you a ton of passive spirit regen and gives you a ton of spirit on activation. This allows you to have any belt you want with Depth Diggers. The skill Breath of Heaven is replaced by Air Ally, the rest is mostly the same.

For both builds either Mantra of Salvation - Agility is used or Mantra of Healing - Time of Need. This build involves spamming of SW and Mantras thus you will have near full uptime on them. Spamming MoH gives you the shield however I have seen that the shield becomes less and less effective at higher levels. The Mantra of Salvation gives you a nice All Res increase and the dodge change is really nice for higher GRs where not having to get hit by one attack is a big deal (when one or two hits can generally kill you, if you dodge a couple of hits in between it allows enough time to sustain yourself with heals). The only caveat to Mantra of Salvation is that you need a ton of LoH where as the MoH one you can get by pretty easily without a ton of LoH.

Slight variations to both builds. The 6th skill that is used is Dashing strike - Radiance for even more attack speed. But really this skill is used to get out of tight spaces and to move through GRs quicker. This skill is the most flexible of this build:

People can replace DS with Cyclone Strike and pair with Strongarm Bracers to get more damage from the knockback effect.

DS replaced with Serenity for a ton of survivability. Preferred skill of Hardcore players.

Inner Sanctuary for more damage/toughness.

Blinding Faith for more damage and CC (This build actually lacks in CC against Elites so this is IMO not a bad choice at all)

The 4 passives that are generally used are Alacrity, STI, 6th Sense and Beacon of Ytar (these are the ones I use). You can have Harmony in there if you want, Trascendance or the cheat death passive for GRs. Guardian's Path also a decent choice.

As of this post the #1 Monk uses the Peshkov build, here is his profile:


It's very similar to my own and of course the Mantra he uses for high GRs is not Annhialation, it's either Salvation - Agility or MoH - Time of Need. Epiphany also is Desert Shroud for higher GRs.

Here's a profile of someone using the Crudest Boots build:



You basically Dashing Strike into a group, turn on Epiphany, start auto attacking and start mashing Sweeping Wind and Mantra. If you have the Peshkov build you also use Breath of Heaven as soon as its off cooldown (as you will have 100% uptime on it) or use Air Ally when you are low on Spirit if using Crudest Boots build.

Stats to stack:

Pretty much every offensive stat you want except Resource Cost reduction. DO NOT PUT ANY POINTS INTO RCR in Paragon points... even prefer Gold find over it if you have like 600 paragon points. Try to find the nice balance but I prefer Crit and attack speed over CDR (the CDR to achieve is decent uptime on Epiphany).

3rd gem option:

The two I listed are required but if you happen to find a godly Amulet you can try to use other gems as well.

I think Pain Enhancer, Bane of Powerful and Taeguk are all fine choices.

Last thing I will say is that you of course want Ramalandi's Gift on your Flying Dragon and the 4 stats you want on it are:

Life on Hit
+% Damage


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Dahbomb plz... avatar...
My Maximus I got today:


Used the socket item to make it real good. Still kind of a low int roll but what can you do.

Just need Firebird's gloves (since I can't use the source now) and I will have the most glorious fire build.


My Maximus I got today:


Used the socket item to make it real good. Still kind of a low int roll but what can you do.

Just need Firebird's gloves (since I can't use the source now) and I will have the most glorious fire build.

Can I see your build? I got two of those and some unrolled Firebirds items I've been saving up~
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