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Did about 40 machines tonight, made 6 amulets and didn't get a single usable one, bah!
are you using any cold skills? or would you like to use any?
Looks nice. I really like the look of the female monk. Much better than the male I think.
Related - What's the best baseline lightning monk build without any sets?
I am an m6 cold sentry dh. Got 20% cold on bracers and 17% on Etrayu. So at first glance the amulet with cold is better, but the second one has a better passive. So it will depend on the situation and rift level i guess.
HAhkbsfdsfiffe9u2r9r23bge0n n23hb4 4n0m-o3
Is this sword any good? I don't play barb and I was thinking about just getting a soul for it.
That is a crusader sword that rolled 100% god tier. Do not nuke
Save a gift for it, make a baby crusader, and wreck the game.
Is this sword any good? I don't play barb and I was thinking about just getting a soul for it.
Thanks for the replies guys. I have a crusader but I have been running the stampede build. Is the condemn build better than phalanx stampede build?
Unless he really wanted to roll for 1% more CDR, I'd totally reroll secondary for reduced level on that thing. It would be the greatest weapon to have ever graced the low levels of this game.
HAhkbsfdsfiffe9u2r9r23bge0n n23hb4 4n0m-o3
Want...so so bad. I want those lots.HAhkbsfdsfiffe9u2r9r23bge0n n23hb4 4n0m-o3
Is this sword any good? I don't play barb and I was thinking about just getting a soul for it.
We'll see how short-lived this is. Got wrecked in GR32 though.
I feel it is now mandatory to get perma AC for greater rifts. I have it perma right now with the use of Leoric's Crown if you want to take a look:
I can clear 33s comfortably solo and have almost cleared 34s several times.
I would personally use any FOTF for Holy Shotgun instead of using the BOP. You can't effectively use BOP without the Season shield and Hellskull is great for using the Fate.
If you want some gear advice:
Get those shoulders up to 8% cdr
Get crit on Leoric's Crown (and put a max level Diamond in there)
Craft a pair of reapers with 20% holy and 6% crit
That belt is doing nothing for you in greater rifts. Get a Vigilante belt for 8% CDR
Socket a Mirinae
Try to get dual unity rings for solo if you haven't already
I feel kind of stuck as a new crusader. It feels like a waste to optimize for any of the builds that you can run before getting a 6p. I'm using a lightning hammers build but the damage is falling behind starting t4. Am I supposed to just bank my holy shotgun pieces until I get a full set and meanwhile make a fire set or something? The progression ramp doesn't really make sense to me, since there is such a huge gap between the playstyles of having the set or not.
That's exactly what I did, until I was able to use 6p Akkhan. I even used a Cindercoat with Roland's 4-piece and a Piro Marella for a while, which I think is more fun than the shotgun spec but not really viable damage-wise.
Is this sword any good? I don't play barb and I was thinking about just getting a soul for it.
I'm more amazed that I'm 7th since I've done literally one greater rift on my crusader.
Got 3 mara pieces on my seasons DH tonight so I'm pretty happy. Should be able to take T3 pretty easy now.
Yeah, Crusaders are lagging behind. Wrath starvation is a problem for me though.
2 player with SaxRussel:
3 player with SaxRussel and MercViper:
Need to find a 4th player... and somehow do GR41.
Both are great. Really good rolls. I only hope mine can be that good when I finally start making them.
It was great gaming with you last night. Apologies for not telling that I was using unity. Lol. Lotsa hugging the floor for both of us.
what in the blue hell are the drop rates for the flawless gems O____o
i have not yet gotten a single one yet
what in the blue hell are the drop rates for the flawless gems O____o
i have not yet gotten a single one yet
The topaz shortage, especially as an intellect user, is a real problem. :/
Got two new great RoRGs and I can't use one yet cause I ran out of gems to roll for a socket.
wut...... ;___; is that so...damnnnIts a craft item it doesn't drop, the highest that drops is Imperials.
Flawless gem? Are you max level? At max level you only get Marquise or Imperial (rarer), and you have to craft higher.
wut...... ;___; is that so...damnnn
sheesh....i need to focus on getting some builds now for t2 and t6 ^_^
i want that furnace ;_; and finally got my RoRG..but tempting to just fully wear the full firebird...get furnace..stone of jordan and unity ...and i'm good...kinda struggling a bit still....i have like one million blackthorne green drops ...giff me some other green DIABLO GODSSSS
Any advice on what to run before I get 6p Firebird? Currently have 4 pieces and running a Disintegrate + Black Hole fire build with a Devastator and Firebird's source.
Is this sword any good? I don't play barb and I was thinking about just getting a soul for it.
All the top barbs are using Maximus these days. Don't know what to tell you bro
I found a really nice SOJ but rolling for a socket has been a nightmare so far. This is what it looks like now. Should I just stop thinking about it? Especially with the dearth of souls and gems in Season I run straight to the Enchanter as soon as I've got enough for a roll and nothing.
If you can stack fire damage you can try out the fire mirror hydra build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haus-lPFmzA
I have +86% fire dmg using fire legendaries: Cindercoat, Magefist, Maximus, Stone of Jordan and Mara's Kaleidoscope with +fire dmg (though as you can see right now I'm using a decent Ouroboros I just dropped yesterday). Here's my gear: http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Beru-1678/hero/12308663
The good about this build:
- Fairly easy to gear for; you don't need Firebird, and if you don't have many legs, just reroll fire dmg on rares
- Really fun (complete mayhem on screen, covers a huge area)
- Melts down mobs
The negative:
- Squishy time: I die easily on T4
- Unreliable zoning because of fire twisters
- You'll run out of AP all the time if you're not careful. That is because...
Can be a negative or positive:
- Requires lots of moving around
- It's a very active/engaging playstyle. It requires a lot of concentration because of constant AP depletion, on-screen clutter and cooldown-based skills. Twisters deplete your AP in no time and move all over the place, Mammoth Hydra is hard to see because of all the fire everywhere, and Black Hole, Mirror Images and Frost Nova all have cooldowns and need to be used with the right timing.
Personally I love the build, especially in multiplayer, but I suck at it. I suck at managing my skills. I cast hydras too often, never know when to cast Frost Nova, I forget to cast Mirror Image, I constantly run out of AP - that's WITH Cindercoat - and I die.
Again, you should give it a try, it's a completely different playstyle from the cookie cutter builds (including older builds like Tal Rasha and frozen orb). It makes the wizard fresh.