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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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Tried a higher level GR for the first time solo. Horse spec is really good.


And #489 overall!


Played in a random pug tonight and got someone 3 pieces of Firebird for their Wizard alt in under an hour. I even held back some loot, lol.

Wish I could get String of Ears or The Furnace...


Yo DH Gaf, which follower is the best ?

I'm seeing alot of Templars but haven't found a legendary relic for him. :/

I'm playing season btw.


I will do some tests of Depth Diggers + Ice Climbers vs Blackthorne Pants and Boots.

I have wanted to do this for quite some time but I in fact don't have good Blackthorne Boots and Pants. That's because I salvaged my decent ones from before for some reason. Once I get them I will put it to the test.

I feel like the damage would be around the same overall but it will come down to whether you prefer some toughness increase + damage increase against Elites or whether you prefer the Frozen/Jailer immunity. I personally would prefer the Blackthornes + Witching Hour/String of Ear combo myself but just barely.

In any case the damage from Depth Diggers is not insignificant, it has repeatedly shown to have an impact on DPS. With 4 attacks per second you are looking at an addition 800% weapon damage increase per second.

I know it's a little unorthodox, but I'm actually running CS - Wall of Wind instead of Dashing Strike, which means that I went to Illusory Boots as a means to escape bad waller scenarios(as those were the only times I was really dying). It's hard to imagine going away from those boots now.

I don't know where I stand on Blackthorne's belt + pants yet, as I somehow still don't have the pants, but I have a feeling that I'll be using String of Ears/WH and DDs when all is said and done.

Also, STILL don't have a Flying Dragon(or any halfway decent diabo)! =(

I'm currently at GR 27, but I haven't really tried to push further.



Yo DH Gaf, which follower is the best ?

I'm seeing alot of Templars but haven't found a legendary relic for him. :/

I'm playing season btw.

Because of his heal I stick with him since I am fairly squishy. I do have his relic though. Also got one for enchantress but haven't used her in forever.


Yo DH Gaf, which follower is the best ?

I'm seeing alot of Templars but haven't found a legendary relic for him. :/

I'm playing season btw.

Because of his heal I stick with him since I am fairly squishy. I do have his relic though. Also got one for enchantress but haven't used her in forever.

Same, I use him for healing. I also equipped a Thunderfury on him which has been doing wonders so far. Probably not the best weapon but it's cool to look at!


Tried asking earlier but I'll ask in a more conscise way this time:

If I'm a M6 DH, is it worth to use a 2h xbow if I can't reach the 2.84 bp with sentries?


I have been making a page of all the easter egg items in Diablo 3. I am sure my list is not complete yet and it would help if anyone could mention some I may have missed!


Thanks! Scroll down, I think some of them are pretty cool. Especially the reference to Aqua Teen Hunger force, one of my favourite shows.

Cool, never seen the Murlocket before.

Here is one more, if you want to add it:

http://us.battle.net/d3/en/item/logans-claw (X-Men's Wolverine)


Same, I use him for healing. I also equipped a Thunderfury on him which has been doing wonders so far. Probably not the best weapon but it's cool to look at!
I also use Kormac with the All Skills relic + Thunderfury. It's just too good support and the TH is the best weapon for him since the chain lightning applies his slow as well.

Eirenna's skills could be useful as well, especially the AoE chicken, but I haven't found an All Skills relic yet.

Lyndon is just terrible.


Grats! I would probably need some luck to clear a 33 on time. (Zombies + Stonesinger pls)

The first 3 floors were pretty tense, low density and crappy A4 enemies. Then I got a Panda Fortress full of boggits and crushed it. I really need to find a Unity to not get killed so quickly.


Slowly getting better, now my seasonal DH is at P52 and I can farm T3 comfortably now, getting there m8s.

Found some Depth diggers with 99% dmg to resource generating attacks, pretty sweet.
Also found the gem that adds a socket, I am saving that one for the right weapon.

Having a lot of fun lately, good patch.


Rolled my first Hellfire Amulet yesterday. No CHC, CHD, or Socket on it. Oh well, keys are easy/fun to get and organs drop 100% now so no biggie.

Can someone clarify the whole breakpoint thing with DH sentry builds? From what I understand, sentry aps isn't linear, it just scales to specific aps based on a range of your pet aps (which is based on your aps and any +pet speed). But I'm confused with what the goal is.. do I need a certain APS/Pet APS? Am I silly for still using a 2h xbow?


Rolled my first Hellfire Amulet yesterday. No CHC, CHD, or Socket on it. Oh well, keys are easy/fun to get and organs drop 100% now so no biggie.

Man I wish keys were the easy part. A3 keys are my bottleneck. Got 8-12 of every other kind, but after going 0/30 (yes, I counted!) last night on T6 I had enough and went to bed. Stupid RNG


Just got Vile Wards and have the 5 piece Raekor's set bonus on my Barb... man, when there is mob density I just demolish everything. Saw a crit earlier today for 108 mil. Unfortunately, when there are only a few mobs or a single target my dps BLOWS. I've got bonus dmg to my HotA but it doesnt do much if I can't generate the fury :/


Man I wish keys were the easy part. A3 keys are my bottleneck. Got 8-12 of every other kind, but after going 0/30 (yes, I counted!) last night on T6 I had enough and went to bed. Stupid RNG

A3 is the easiest for me. RNGesus aside, it's a linear path that has no randomness to it. A1/A2, especially A2, suck so bad. Big open area with lots of randomness. I hate A2. I had 4 of each last night but was sitting at 3 for A2, took me 7 runs at T6 to get that last key. But yeah, 0/30 ouch.
I also use Kormac with the All Skills relic + Thunderfury. It's just too good support and the TH is the best weapon for him since the chain lightning applies his slow as well.

Eirenna's skills could be useful as well, especially the AoE chicken, but I haven't found an All Skills relic yet.

Lyndon is just terrible.

People used to use buriza+freeze chance amulets with the scoundrel's multishot ability in the past. Is that still a thing? One thing I am experimenting is using Bane of the Trapped with fire wizard kiting and I'm not sure if templar+thunderfury and ess of jordan is better than the old scoundrel setup for applying the movement impairment effect.


So far got a Lv70 Seasonal HC Demon Hunter and Barbarian, about to get a Wizard, and then I'm off to Monk and Witch Doctor! (My HC Crusader is non-Seasonal.)


Tried asking earlier but I'll ask in a more conscise way this time:

If I'm a M6 DH, is it worth to use a 2h xbow if I can't reach the 2.84 bp with sentries?

My understanding is as long as you stay within your current breakpoint when you switch to the 2H you should be alright. There's no reason to stack more AS if it doesn't get you into the next BP. If you have Taskers then 2.84 should be easy (~2.03 character AS assuming +40% low-end tasker).


RoRG is stupid easy to acquire now.

I literally just got it on my first farming run. Ez game.

It rolled with main stat, ias, cc, and loh. I think I'm going to reroll the loh for a socket. Then I need to figure out which sets I'm after. I've got two pieces of blackthorns, but id have to give up my depth diggers with +89% primary skill damage. Idk.
I always get shoulders SMH

It took me like 25 runs to see my first ring on T6 after the hotfix. So demoralizing. Eventually I hit a streak and got a good one with a socket (and then rolled the LOH to crit damage), but I wound up with like 250 rift tokens by the time I was done.


That too.

Also reading up builds is demoralizing. Seems like there are no wizard builds that can do GR 30+ that aren't Fire builds. sigh

You need to go outside the top 500 monks to find one that isn't Sunwuko too. Same with DH and M6. All classes have this issue, but supposedly step 1 was getting classes to have one build that is equally powerful. Step 2 is increasing that to multiple builds. Who knows when step 2 is happening though...


looks like with the RoRG I'll be able to get 4 piece inna's +3 piece blackthornes with little trouble.. I just need to get some lucky rerolls and maybe farm another piece of blackthornes because one I have now is kinda trash.
You need to go outside the top 500 monks to find one that isn't Sunwuko too. Same with DH and M6. All classes have this issue, but supposedly step 1 was getting classes to have one build that is equally powerful. Step 2 is increasing that to multiple builds. Who knows when step 2 is happening though...

Probably not during a season.


After fighting the urge for god knows how long, I finally crumbled and ended up buying RoS 2 days ago. Pretty fun so far. Running a seasonal 70 DH. Can I get an invite to the NeoGAF clan?


Is simplicity's strength any good for monk? How is the heal on that? I'm a bit bummed out by taeguk. I lose stacks too easily and for most fights I'm not above 10 stacks which is less than 5% dmg increase. The toughness boost has ben negligible. Thinking about switching to either the bleed one (3% asi for every enemy bleeding??) or simplicity's strength for the 2% life heal per hit (would be around 20-50k hp/sec depending on FD proc)



Managed to get my second Unity last night, and its a winner!


Next goal is to get a better Hellfire Amulet, need to get CHD + Holy% +dex + socket on neck, with a decent passive. Currently hoping for one of the ones I have, or Beacon of Ytar, any other ones worth having? (Wish CDR showed in tooltips)

Shifty, the Agi gems were a huge improvement, thanks for the tip! Liked the Fists with spirit gen too, though it takes a lot longer to get the Golgok stacks now. Main reason for sticking with it was that I could drop BoH for Cyclone Strike, without a huge hit to spirit regen. Tossing up Freeze rune vs holy range one, thoughts?


Managed to get my second Unity last night, and its a winner!


Next goal is to get a better Hellfire Amulet, need to get CHD + Holy% +dex + socket on neck, with a decent passive. Currently hoping for one of the ones I have, or Beacon of Ytar, any other ones worth having? (Wish CDR showed in tooltips)

Shifty, the Agi gems were a huge improvement, thanks for the tip! Liked the Fists with spirit gen too, though it takes a lot longer to get the Golgok stacks now. Main reason for sticking with it was that I could drop BoH for Cyclone Strike, without a huge hit to spirit regen. Tossing up Freeze rune vs holy range one, thoughts?

Wow, sweet Unity! Probably want to roll off that CD for socket though. Either of those runes on CS would work.

@eek: Not really. Generator dmg sucks, even with Depth Diggers it'll be doing 10-15m vs 100-150m SWK clones.

My top 3 gems for SWK would be: Mirinae, Taeguk, Gogok. BotT would be in there at #1 or 2 if they ever fixed the dmg to work with procs
Can u link yours ? My wiz with a 6 set firebird and some decent gear and a serpent sprinkler can do t6 .. I jumped from t2 to t6 but i gotta kite though ... ;_;

If kiting in T6 as a caster class with low defense makes you sad, you'll cry doing GR30+. That's all you'll be doing (and it's really fun IMO).


Decided to use one of my two gift's on my Maximus:

I think that's a pretty solid one and should be worth it. Ghom test times are way faster than what I was using before.

I talked to a bunch of different Wizards, and it seems like the general consensus is:
serpent's+source < sunkeeper + source < maximus < furnace.

I'm not using my Tasker and Theo's anymore :(, but I think this should hold me over for awhile.
For shits and giggles I threw in the bane of the hoarder and put on my goldwrap too see which zone would yeild the most gold. Ruins of Corvus was quite hilarious, those little asshole scarabs that crawl over the walls resulted in a screen full of numbers and piles of gold. 1 million+ on larger packs. The entire run grabbed me over 20 million and it took around 7ish minutes to clear.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Now that i hit lvl 70 on my seasonal wizard, i dont see much point in continuing on it instead of my main. I mean, even my first lvl 70 legendary weapon on this guy was the season wand that removes the cooldown on teleport!


Is simplicity's strength any good for monk? How is the heal on that? I'm a bit bummed out by taeguk. I lose stacks too easily and for most fights I'm not above 10 stacks which is less than 5% dmg increase. The toughness boost has ben negligible. Thinking about switching to either the bleed one (3% asi for every enemy bleeding??) or simplicity's strength for the 2% life heal per hit (would be around 20-50k hp/sec depending on FD proc)

Simplicity's strength is shit, don't use it.

Top 3 gems for Monk are Miranie, Taeguk and Golgok. Period.


For shits and giggles I threw in the bane of the hoarder and put on my goldwrap too see which zone would yeild the most gold. Ruins of Corvus was quite hilarious, those little asshole scarabs that crawl over the walls resulted in a screen full of numbers and piles of gold. 1 million+ on larger packs. The entire run grabbed me over 20 million and it took around 7ish minutes to clear.
Is that better than clearing Halls of Agony skeletons? I'll have to do some tests tonight since I burned through all my gold on re-rolls.
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