plenty of people would carry you for free
Yeah, I'd be happy to if you see me online and need a hand.
plenty of people would carry you for free
If I were to start playing again, what would I need to be brought up to speed on?
I haven't played since shortly after the DH's sentries were buffed. My duder:
I also have this Wizard but he's not very good.
I have no idea what legendary gems are or how to get them. I also have no idea what GRifts are.
You and me both buddy.Still haven't found a Ramaladni's gift yet. >:|
It's impossible for me to get Tasker & Theo. Almost 10k shards spent on trying to get them, nothing but magefists and marauder as far as the eye can see.
Edit: Did find myself a new better Etrayu earlier, so that's nice.
Taskers are supposed to be very rare, for a DH getting one is a HUGE upgrade.
Also that's a super nice Etrayu.
Can you reroll the 4th primary to 8% elite dmg on a sunkeeper and then add a ramaladni's socket for a potential max of 38% elite dmg? I ask bcause I just rolled my sunkeeper about 30 times and never saw elite dmg come up once...
Can you reroll the 4th primary to 8% elite dmg on a sunkeeper and then add a ramaladni's socket for a potential max of 38% elite dmg? I ask bcause I just rolled my sunkeeper about 30 times and never saw elite dmg come up once...
Can you reroll the 4th primary to 8% elite dmg on a sunkeeper and then add a ramaladni's socket for a potential max of 38% elite dmg? I ask bcause I just rolled my sunkeeper about 30 times and never saw elite dmg come up once...
150+ mil and over 100 rolls for damage to show on my Flying Dragon and luckly for me it was 10%
Got Ice Climber to drop on my monk and they rolled Int and Witch Doctor skill /fail
icic.Are you sure that is his grift gear? Looks like T6/lower grift farming gear. His follower is literally built for Bane of the Trapped abuse, but he's using Bane of the Powerful, which is worse than trapped in higher grift levels because it doesn't do anything vs. the rift guardian, but is superb in T6 rifts and lower range grifts. If he was just running T6, Maximus might be the best weapon for that difficultly because the fire chains are relevant and usable (which they more or less aren't at grift 34 or so and above) and he doesn't need the extra damage vs. elites at that difficultly since they die to fast to his dps already.
Also, he's using pinpoint armor instead of Force Armor on the Energy Armor rune, not running Unstable Anomaly, and at the same time as those not using a String of Ears. That loadout is actually going to die to white mob melee in a heartbeat in grift 40.
99% sure that's not his grift gear. The reason why a superb SK+source (note the word superb there, a bad SK is still bad) is slightly better than Maximus on higher grifts (I've tested both) is that for the way you play, elite kill time is everything. White mobs die as a side effect of the big AoE damage you produce while killing elites, and you more or less herd white mobs around behind you until you get to the next elite pack, kill everything, then keep moving.
So I equipped my stashed firebird set on my wiz who i haven't touched since 2.1 was released, and wow. That shit is amazing now indeed.
Now my wiz need alot more toughness tho.
Acquiring earthen might faster than raekor's at this point. Might end up being a leapquake barb for awhile.
I have two of those things. Can I trade you one for a Unity? lolwelp, the rng gods must've heard my cries about a unity. had one drop last night finally. so half way there. of course i still need the follower can't die thing. so i guess a 3rd of the way there.
I tried Raekors and just didn't like the playstyle. It just feels very clunky to me. Haven't gotten around to trying earth set yet, even though I have the pieces in my stash.
I really prefer using IK set, even though I know it's not the best.
Yeah, this one's just too good. I don't think I'll be replacing the Cameo except with a better one I may pick up later.Welp, I'm up to 21 million per try to reroll my Bombadier's quiver. Highest I got was 13% sentry damage. Not sure how much more I want to try rerolling it...
On the other extreme end though this happened today...
what the hell is a vault?
Vitality is your only choice here. Or using a Ramaladni.
Anyone wanna look for vaults? Like goblin hunting runs?
That's what I was thinking, thanks.
Had never heard of a Ramaladni. If I reroll the Vit now for a socket then get a Ramaladni in the future, can I reroll the socket I had and then use the Ramaladni? I'd really like the crit bonus right now![]()
That's what I was thinking, thanks.
Had never heard of a Ramaladni. If I reroll the Vit now for a socket then get a Ramaladni in the future, can I reroll the socket I had and then use the Ramaladni? I'd really like the crit bonus right now![]()
Don't use a Gift on it to be honest, unless you have extra. The damage roll on it is fairly low, I'd just roll Vit into a socket and use it until you found a better one. Gift is rare enough you shouldn't be using it on a 2h with 1532 top end damage roll.
Wow...tried multiple times to beat GR34 on my monk and failed. Often due to poor density, but also due to not being able to take down the RG in time.
On a whim I switched from MoS to MoC Annihilation. Blazed through GR34 with 4 mins to spare so figured I'd try GR35. Got a fantastic rift with tons of elites and spawned the RG on floor 1! RG was Stonesinger, a toughie for melee classes, but I moved to a doorway where only one of his clones could get through at once and beat him with 2 mins and change to spare. So pumped right now![]()
Hey all, I'm playing a Barb in season. First timer. I got a Maximus, better than the rare I was using before. Pretty sure I should enchant to get a socket, but not sure what stat to drop. I'd really appreciate any advice. I've gotten some other gear with fire skill increase, not sure how much that matters. Seems to stack nice, been trying to use fire skills.
My current gear -
The sword -
Thanks in advance!
Man I don't know how you would have enough toughness to survive GR35 without MoS or MoH. MoC Annihilation is great for speed run throughs and damage boost but it's squishy as hell.Wow...tried multiple times to beat GR34 on my monk and failed. Often due to poor density, but also due to not being able to take down the RG in time.
On a whim I switched from MoS to MoC Annihilation. Blazed through GR34 with 4 mins to spare so figured I'd try GR35. Got a fantastic rift with tons of elites and spawned the RG on floor 1! RG was Stonesinger, a toughie for melee classes, but I moved to a doorway where only one of his clones could get through at once and beat him with 2 mins and change to spare. So pumped right now![]()
im doing something wrong. i feel like i do absolutely no damage
im a level 7 paragon doing 80k crit with a wizard
You probably just have shit gear.
Wow...tried multiple times to beat GR34 on my monk and failed. Often due to poor density, but also due to not being able to take down the RG in time.
On a whim I switched from MoS to MoC Annihilation. Blazed through GR34 with 4 mins to spare so figured I'd try GR35. Got a fantastic rift with tons of elites and spawned the RG on floor 1! RG was Stonesinger, a toughie for melee classes, but I moved to a doorway where only one of his clones could get through at once and beat him with 2 mins and change to spare. So pumped right now![]()
Man I don't know how you would have enough toughness to survive GR35 without MoS or MoH. MoC Annihilation is great for speed run throughs and damage boost but it's squishy as hell.