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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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I'm sure once season paragon rolls over, a few folks here will shoot right past 600.

Yep this is me haha. As of right this second once the season ends my non-season paragon level will be 613. Will only go up from here obviously. I'm at the billion xp mark per level which should be every ~4 levels giving me a level non-season.

Fire COTA with TnT and Immortal King 4 piece do a ton of damage.

Sadly you have to give up so much to run with that. But yeah, it is quite a bit of damage. Even without TnT fire ancients can basically solo T6 as you sit afk.

I think the biggest problem with IK right now is that we don't really have the tools to make a proper pet build which is what a setup like that really needs. We aren't a natural pet class like WD so even if you run IK you aren't really using abilities that make your pets better, you are using abilities that make your character do more damage. Your pets are just sort of there.

It annoys me because the solution is so fucking obvious. Just remove the cap on the seasonal barb weapon (or make it something way higher) and suddenly you have a reason to run IK + TnT. Using the rune that makes ancients give you fury each time they hit combined with TnT gives you more fury per second than you can spend which would allow you to spam HoTA which would give you a steady stream of pets that would benefit from having TnT. I'm not saying the build would be a GR 40+ build, but, it would still be pretty solid and make that not a waste of a weapon on the loot table.


Wow. I haven't played since release-ish, it's a completely different game now. I love it.

Could I get an invite to one of the GAF clans? Gadeil#1368 :)


Just a few questions about goblin vaults, I hope someone is able to answer.

If I max out the gold find with my Paragon Points, will I notice a big difference from if I don't put any points in gold find?

What would the difference be (estimated) on T6 by using a level 25 Hoarder gem, compared to not using one?

I understand if none of you have been able to experiment with this due to the rarity of the portal spawn. At least I hope someone could give me some kind of answer regarding the Paragon Points (since I have no gem yet).

Another question that might be hard to answer:

How many vaults have you gotten by farming?
(How many gobs did you kill, or where did you run/how many resets, etc)?

I guess I just want to know if it's worth "farming" for this or just left it happen by itself.


Just a few questions about goblin vaults, I hope someone is able to answer.

If I max out the gold find with my Paragon Points, will I notice a big difference from if I don't put any points in gold find?

What would the difference be (estimated) on T6 by using a level 25 Hoarder gem, compared to not using one?

I understand if none of you have been able to experiment with this due to the rarity of the portal spawn. At least I hope someone could give me some kind of answer regarding the Paragon Points (since I have no gem yet).

Another question that might be hard to answer:

How many vaults have you gotten by farming?
(How many gobs did you kill, or where did you run/how many resets, etc)?

I guess I just want to know if it's worth "farming" for this or just left it happen by itself.

Without Paragon points I'm sitting at 2100% Gold Find on T6. Adding 50% through Paragon puts me at 3k%. I'd say it doesn't make much of a difference.

I haven't actually used the Hoarder gem at T6 ever, I had made roughly 60M running it while I was at T3 for a couple of days then removed it because once I had transmuted enough flawless royals money became useless (that is until I went back to gemming for Wizard and DH now ;) ). My main point is upgrading the gem is unnecessary, unless you want X amount of money NOW (and tbh, since GRifts drop no gold at all you'd get more money just running rifts with Hoarder for the same amount of time).

As for farming it, I only did bounties in all acts, which gave me a really low chance (only seen it 3 times, 1 being off season). Some people run the Act 3 zones but I find that boring as fuck.

Edit : With rank 0 gem at 2100% Gold Find a pack of 10 kazra in the Northern Highlands dropped 190k gold. It's a very rough estimate but there you go.


Hipster Princess
Getting hoarder really does end all gold problems.

Haven't even been trying to farm and have made about 55mill since it dropped power leveling and speed running T1 rifts.


fucking FINALLY :O D: :D :p 350+ hours first one lol bask in its shittiness..


fucking FINALLY :O D: :D :p 350+ hours first one lol bask in its shittiness..
Wow, I've had at least double of each of them by Paragon 200. Unfair how it works for some - those Leg potions are super important, compared to the shitty why-the-heck-is-this-still-here basic potions. lol
I've gotten like 12 potions. The real question is why is it so hard to get a good roll on gloves and amulets :(.

Hope we get a season 2 date at blizzcon, ready to move onto crusader (or fem barb if barb gets some sweet changes).


damn, eye of etlich is the real deal.

huge mitigation of damage from range.

Now I need String of Ears for melee damage too.


Uhm, so I always thought elective mode just let you shuffle the buttons around, and you could still only use one skill from each category.

I just learned otherwise a few minutes ago. This changes everything.

150 hours of play time and I had no idea about this, it will be like a new game.


Holy saturation and sharpening batman

Ive also spent 400 hours and just found one yesterday, then 10 mins later found another.

Wow, I've had at least double of each of them by Paragon 200. Unfair how it works for some - those Leg potions are super important, compared to the shitty why-the-heck-is-this-still-here basic potions. lol


yup two games later I got another one guess its leg pot day... also DEEM with just 360 shards..


damn, eye of etlich is the real deal.

huge mitigation of damage from range.

Now I need String of Ears for melee damage too.

Keep in mind that those affixes are still bugged and don't actually work vs many of the effects that they are supposed to work on.

More info here




Uhm, so I always thought elective mode just let you shuffle the buttons around, and you could still only use one skill from each category.

I just learned otherwise a few minutes ago. This changes everything.

150 hours of play time and I had no idea about this, it will be like a new game.

I cant imagine playing 150 hours without knowing that :p


Uhm, so I always thought elective mode just let you shuffle the buttons around, and you could still only use one skill from each category.

I just learned otherwise a few minutes ago. This changes everything.

150 hours of play time and I had no idea about this, it will be like a new game.


Still incredibly dumb they hid it in the options.


On the search for a Flying Dragon I go. Pretty sure I salvaged one about 150 Paragons ago not knowing what it was...

I don't think it's too rare, I've found 2 in the past 2 days. Weird thing is I got them both from doing bounties lol. Was farming for a dex rorg. Actually the really funny/weird thing was getting the first one and the EP fist weapon from the same elite pack lol.
Just a few questions about goblin vaults, I hope someone is able to answer.

If I max out the gold find with my Paragon Points, will I notice a big difference from if I don't put any points in gold find?

What would the difference be (estimated) on T6 by using a level 25 Hoarder gem, compared to not using one?

I understand if none of you have been able to experiment with this due to the rarity of the portal spawn. At least I hope someone could give me some kind of answer regarding the Paragon Points (since I have no gem yet).

Another question that might be hard to answer:

How many vaults have you gotten by farming?
(How many gobs did you kill, or where did you run/how many resets, etc)?

I guess I just want to know if it's worth "farming" for this or just left it happen by itself.

I can't answer to the gold find question I'd assume that it would be between 1-2k gold per mob (if it exploded in gold). From memory a decent pack of monsters nets around 400-500 gold, and I haven't noticed much difference from respeccing to gold find, maybe like 10-20k at most.

As for the farming vaults question, I farmed every morning for about 1-2hrs (doing both towers in act 3 and the moon cave in southern highlands act 1) and my rng was pretty bad. I saw goblins often on both floors of each tower and ended up getting 1 vault after about 7 days farming. On the other hand I found 4 or 5 rainbow portals which annoyed me more than anything because it meant that gob couldn't spawn a vault portal.

The best way to farm portals is doing something like split bounty runs and having 1 person do the act 3 towers while everyone else does the bounty run of the preferred act. I found more vaults while joining split bounty runs than farming by myself. It's all worth it once you get that gem though, when you're low on money just speed run a few regular rifts or find areas with swarms of weak mobs and watch the gold rain in.

May the RNG be with you.


Welp, I think I dun goofed.
I keep having the "Imput Limit Reached" error, so I went to Bnet forums and did:

Now my sound is fucked up, sounds awful, I think I disabled some critical stuff.

Help pls


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Staff Member
Just a few questions about goblin vaults, I hope someone is able to answer.

If I max out the gold find with my Paragon Points, will I notice a big difference from if I don't put any points in gold find?

Yes, is a 50% more.

What would the difference be (estimated) on T6 by using a level 25 Hoarder gem, compared to not using one?

Normal mobs pulls are around 3-4m with the gem. Without gem 200k+-

If you mean inside the vault, i never killed mobs.

With gold find T6 is around 200M gold.

I understand if none of you have been able to experiment with this due to the rarity of the portal spawn. At least I hope someone could give me some kind of answer regarding the Paragon Points (since I have no gem yet).

Another question that might be hard to answer:

How many vaults have you gotten by farming?
5 Vaults

(How many gobs did you kill, or where did you run/how many resets, etc)?

I guess I just want to know if it's worth "farming" for this or just left it happen by itself.

Around 30 games per portal, the first one was the first gob i killed.

It all depends on luck.



Hey guys, what should I reroll my furnace?

Main damage to another element so I can get EE as well?
or area damage to +% damage?

I also have a rgift in stash ready to use, I just need to make sure I'm making the right choice. Thanks all!



Hey guys, what should I reroll my furnace?

Main damage to another element so I can get EE as well?
or area damage to +% damage?

I also have a rgift in stash ready to use, I just need to make sure I'm making the right choice. Thanks all!

Whoa...we're really lucky! You got it just after I did! Definitely roll away area damage!

Here's mine I got during our farming session.

edit: pic too big


The flight plan I just filed with the agency list me, my men, Dr. Pavel here. But only one of you!
Man I have been playing again recent since my brother got Reaper, and I just have no idea how to build my WD. I have like a bunch of pieces of loot for different builds, but not all the important pieces for any one build so I'm just this really ineffective mishmash of gear and skills.

Some examples of my gear:
Pretty much every legendary voodoo mask EXCEPT for Jeram
Rhen ho flayer
A few pieces of zuni and jade, but not enough for final set bonuses
phys damage SoJ
Very good pair of Magefists
Burning Axe of Sankiss
Every noteworthy legendary mojo (homunc/serpent/thing of the deep)

So I don't have cindercoat/fire dmg jewelry or mask of jeram, so neither fire-focused or pet builds are optimised at all. I have quetz so I've been running with both DoTs and the passive that makes them last forever, but without other pieces of supporting gear the damage on them is entirely unimpressive. I really like pet builds, but until I get either a Jeram or a Dagger of darts, my fetishes aren't particularly heavy hitters either.

Any ideas on how I can make the most of my current gear while I continue to farm for the missing pieces?

Oh, right, here's a link to my current setup. Feel free to tell me it's fucking awful and totally wrong, because I'd probably agree with you: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/Traum-1747/hero/52765743
Introduced my friend to greater rifts this weekend. Thunderfury dropped for his Monk on the 2nd run, and the legendary potion a few runs later...


Are Furnaces rollable from Kadala?

Should I farm gems in a lower GRift or do the highest I can over and over?

They are, but I advice against gambling for Furnace with Kadala. The gambling price is very high, and the Furnace drop rate is EXTREMELY low. It's one of the most rarest weapons in the game. The chance of getting it from Kadala is extreeeeemely low. It probably has happened with some before, but it is not likely to happen. Weapons drop way more often in rifts, so your chance of getting a Furnace from a rift is a lot more high. RGN is RGN, but it makes more sense this way.

Unless a weapons is the only thing left you need, I suggest you use your shards for only 25 shards items.

P.S. Kadala can give everything, except seasonal items (until they're rolled over when seasons end) and cache-only items (such as RoRG).


Are Furnaces rollable from Kadala?

Should I farm gems in a lower GRift or do the highest I can over and over?

Just do low level ones to collect the gems and then level them up until it starts getting to be a 60% chance, then bump it up a few ranks each time to keep the chance at 80-100% (at least until rank 25). Much faster that way. Once you have some gems around 30-35, even the higher level rifts will only give a 60% chance to upgrade, so that's the time you want to do them.


Did some level 38 grifts with some GAF clan members. That is some bull shit. We were pretty geared up, and I was dying a fair amount. So basically, does it just come down to paragon levels to get further?


Whoa...we're really lucky! You got it just after I did! Definitely roll away area damage!

Here's mine I got during our farming session.

edit: pic too big

YES! I remember you got that Furnace that same morning! I got it later on at night and I couldn't freaking believe it!

We're part of the Furnace™ club!


Did some level 38 grifts with some GAF clan members. That is some bull shit. We were pretty geared up, and I was dying a fair amount. So basically, does it just come down to paragon levels to get further?

38 is really tough, most builds will get killed instantly by a fair amount of attacks. 38+ mostly comes down to not getting hit very often, hence the dominance of DHs hiding behind sentries and Crusaders shooting horses from a distance. Barbs can handle it a little better if they can keep ignore pain up 100% of the time.

But no, paragon levels aren't going to make that much of a difference. If you're running a decent build and have good equipment, the main differentiating factor is just going to be rift density and layout. Just pray you don't get Exarchs and Winged Assassins.


Seek victory, not fairness
Did some level 38 grifts with some GAF clan members. That is some bull shit. We were pretty geared up, and I was dying a fair amount. So basically, does it just come down to paragon levels to get further?

The impression I've gotten is that after a certain point, toughness becomes irrelevant. You need to be out of range or immune.
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