Did some level 38 grifts with some GAF clan members. That is some bull shit. We were pretty geared up, and I was dying a fair amount. So basically, does it just come down to paragon levels to get further?
Blizzard pls
Just a few questions about goblin vaults, I hope someone is able to answer.
If I max out the gold find with my Paragon Points, will I notice a big difference from if I don't put any points in gold find?
What would the difference be (estimated) on T6 by using a level 25 Hoarder gem, compared to not using one?
I understand if none of you have been able to experiment with this due to the rarity of the portal spawn. At least I hope someone could give me some kind of answer regarding the Paragon Points (since I have no gem yet).
Another question that might be hard to answer:
How many vaults have you gotten by farming?
(How many gobs did you kill, or where did you run/how many resets, etc)?
I guess I just want to know if it's worth "farming" for this or just left it happen by itself.
I don't know how people do it on HC. There are people who did and completed grift level 38/39.38 is really tough, most builds will get killed instantly by a fair amount of attacks. 38+ mostly comes down to not getting hit very often, hence the dominance of DHs hiding behind sentries and Crusaders shooting horses from a distance. Barbs can handle it a little better if they can keep ignore pain up 100% of the time.
But no, paragon levels aren't going to make that much of a difference. If you're running a decent build and have good equipment, the main differentiating factor is just going to be rift density and layout. Just pray you don't get Exarchs and Winged Assassins.
you need zdps monk and/or wd to help cc probably
What builds are WDs running for crowd control? Addling Toads would be in there, I suppose.
The monk CC seems like it relies on short-duration effects which quickly fall under the minimum required duration with the CC resistance mechanic. Is anything working for perma CC these days?
Yeah BBV uptime is important because the other 2 classes are usually DH and with BBV you can get them to 4.15bp using 2h bows which makes up for monk and wd doing almost no damage.Yeah, seriously. Someone dedicated to crowd control is really powerful for GRs in group play. I've been running my monk as zDPS when I do GRs with my friend and it makes a huge difference. Azurewrath/Frostburn/Sledgefist offers a pretty crazy amount of CC, not to mention the whole thing where you can become immortal now thanks to how much CDR you can get in 2.1.
I want to do it on my witch doctor instead but it looks like a SMK is really important for full on support (I assume to keep BBV up as much as possible) which I have still never seen somehow after hundreds of hours playing the class.
Everyone getting Furnaces in this thread. Must leave quietly...
got a ps4 and was gifted the game. general ps4 question. does the disc ever stop spinning when running the game? it's pretty noticeable. granted i've only played it for 5 minutes.
Feel free to add me (anyone) for rifting/bounty runs/whatever! Most of my friends play on a different timezone so I almost always feel lonely in-game. :<
Had little help from a blue post in Bnet forums, but no fix yet.
Furnace or no, at least I can still make progress:
Now I can finally see why everyone is complaining about Jailer so much, lol. Even with double unity, it takes off like 70% of your health pool.
GR39 seems impossible right now. Maybe I need to start pylon farming for it to be doable.
I was going to type up a post complaining about never getting m6 helm which would allow me to use T+T. Sure enough, Kadala finally gave it up last night.Spent 450 shards and got a Rhen'ho and a SMK. Guess complaining on GAF really does work.
Soooo... I managed to get my account "muted" and can't get the mute off, friendlist is gone and I can't chat or read any chat in game (lol)
Anyway, if any of you EU GAF clan members happen to read this, that's the reason why I haven't been talking. (if an officer happens to read this could you please set it as note that I'm muted)
Spent 450 shards and got a Rhen'ho and a SMK. Guess complaining on GAF really does work.
Asked about Furnace and Kadala gave one up 150 shards into my night, still excited about it.
Where do I sign up for the furnace crew?)
Soooo.. what exactly did you do to get muted? People don't get muted for no reasons..
Asked about Furnace and Kadala gave one up 150 shards into my night, still excited about it.
Where do I sign up for the furnace crew?)
Spent 450 shards and got a Rhen'ho and a SMK. Guess complaining on GAF really does work.
Coming back after ~3-4 week break with Destiny and some other stuff. I caught up on the 2.1.1 patch notes, anything else of note happen or is that it? Also now that it's been live for a bit, are people feeling that Kadala is overall better now (like they claim) or no?
Crusaders, what gems are my priorities?
Coming back after ~3-4 week break with Destiny and some other stuff. I caught up on the 2.1.1 patch notes, anything else of note happen or is that it? Also now that it's been live for a bit, are people feeling that Kadala is overall better now (like they claim) or no?
Even if it was worse though, the amount of shards you get now is just crazy, close to 200 for mid 30s GR and even if you can't solo there it's pretty easy to reach in a group.
Maybe a little better, but not a huge difference. Certainly less trips filling up your inventory with yellows and coming back to her over and over. And welcome back! What did you think of Destiny compared to Diablo? Seems like a pretty divisive game, but I don't have any interest in it.
Depends on the build. Mirinae for shotgun/condemn (or anything holy really). I run stampede, so I use Gogok of Swiftness for extra CDR, Pain Enhancer for the DoT, and Bane of the Trapped since the aura and horse stuns ensure everything takes extra damage.
TY sir, Ill have to focus on bane and pain gems since I am pony also. I am at already 58% CDR without Paragon I should use something else for the Gogok?
Destiny is a weird fucking game. It's core gunplay and movement are great and it can be fun to explore the world, but there's a million other things wrong with it. That one review that called it a "beautiful mess" is pretty spot on. I enjoy it, but at the same time I wouldn't recommend it to most people. It's bizarre. In any case I achieved most of what I wanted to do in the game for right now, but more importantly I was still slumming it with some friends on the 360 version since I don't have a PS4 yet, and since none of that progress will carry from 360 to PS4 (360 to X1 and PS3 to PS4 carry over) I can't bring myself to grind any further on it really.
It was pretty much my group's party chat/social game, so I enjoyed what I got out of it. I think some of their decisions are intentional, but I already predict that like Diablo 3 Destiny will be a game that will be greatly improved with patches and more content down the line. In 1-2 years I think it'll be a significantly better game, at least hopefully.
TY sir, Ill have to focus on bane and pain gems since I am pony also. I am at already 58% CDR without Paragon I should use something else for the Gogok?
I've pushed aside trying to get a good Hellfire Amulet for now. Grinding for keys that aren't 100% drops at T6 is boring and aggravating. The actual Uber fights are always fun, it's just a shame you have to do something so monotonous to get to them..
Always play in a group (i tend to get a lot of multi key drops in a group)
Always have one player in said group that is insanely fast... like a crusader with 100% steed uptime
I can do all 4 keywardens (find and kill) in about 5 minutes
Destiny is ass and deserves to get lit up by the playerbase. Almost as bad as launch D3.
Is it possible to get 100% steed uptime? you'd probably need the maximum amount of cooldown right?
A few of my friends are REALLY into Destiny, but can't voice why. Off-topic, but would you mind going into some of the weird fucking things wrong with the game?
It's great that I can now tank through T6 but my fucking fingers using up spirit is hurting. What a stupid fucking build.
Don't worry, most people are just trolling at this point.What is this black magic...?