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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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You mean "pay to win". D3 right now is play to win. Only way to really get gear is to play yourself.

I am fine with a trading middle ground but the AH had to go.

You're correct. I meant pay to win. I'm fine with a middle ground myself. I can see how the AH created it's own set of issues.

I feel like we went from one extreme to the other though.


I don't like that I can't give a piece of great gear that I no longer have need of to a friend.

Conversely I think trading items straight up would be awesome. Don't need gold or an AH, just allow item trading blizzard. It'll be very PoE like. Use Souls as currency or do straight item trades.

Tom Penny

I don't like that I can't give a piece of great gear that I no longer have need of to a friend.

Conversely I think trading items straight up would be awesome. Don't need gold or an AH, just allow item trading blizzard. It'll be very PoE like. Use Souls as currency or do straight item trades.

Pretty much this. Items and mats should be currency. The market will create itself.
1) CA Fire
2) CA Fire
3) CA Fire
4) CA Fire
5) CA Fire
6) CA Fire
7) CA Fire
8) CA Fire
9) CA Fire
10) CA Fire

I like that the top 10 wizards have SOME variation in the skills. Wave of force, meteor, blackhole... these are all pretty viable. But the items are all clearly designed around sheet DPS.

For other people, that site is the only measurable competition currently available for Diablo 3. I just like using it as a damage calculator.

The Cowboy

I don't want the AH back. It created some really bad game design. I would be happy with some sort of limited trading, even if it's among friends that have been on your list for a while (and keep gold BoA). Trading with friends is what made Diablo 2 a lot more fun for me. I loved giving stuff away, and I loved getting stuff to try on a brand new character.

Feeling helpless against RNG can lead to some serious frustration.
I recon it should be friend/clan trading, and that you have to be friends/in a clan for at least a week before you can trade to each other.
The AH was a bad move in how it was setup, but i actually think what we have now is almost as bad (not as bad, but almost), because we went from being able to trade far to freely, to having a very limited means of trading that only happens for a tiny timeframe within group members.

D3 had a stupid system that dealt with trading (AH), and Blizzard replaced it with a stupid system (2 hour trade window with group members).


Are you sure about that?

Top DPS Monks on Diablo Progress (Elemental DPS as that's more relevant than sheet DPS ranking):

Just comparing the elemental DPS numbers to the actual numbers I've seen on screen watching videos of high level paragons with great equipment play, even elemental DPS seems to vastly underestimate how much, er, damage per second is being put out. I'm not sure what the numbers (elemental or sheet) are actually supposed to mean since they don't seem to reflect anything about actual gameplay.


Just comparing the elemental DPS numbers to the actual numbers I've seen on screen watching videos of high level paragons with great equipment play, even elemental DPS seems to vastly underestimate how much, er, damage per second is being put out. I'm not sure what the numbers (elemental or sheet) are actually supposed to mean since they don't seem to reflect anything about actual gameplay.
I don't put much stock into these DPS rankings either but the point was brought up that the people on Diablo Progress have different builds/gear for classes when that is not really true.

If two classes are all using the same basic resource spender to deal damage... something is wrong. All Monks are using LTKs and all DHs are using Cluster Arrow... this is not a result of what items they have or their rankings on sites... it's a pure class imbalance.
Just comparing the elemental DPS numbers to the actual numbers I've seen on screen watching videos of high level paragons with great equipment play, even elemental DPS seems to vastly underestimate how much, er, damage per second is being put out. I'm not sure what the numbers (elemental or sheet) are actually supposed to mean since they don't seem to reflect anything about actual gameplay.

it's just sheet dps x elemental dps percentage x elite dmg percentage , it's more meaningful than sheet dps since sheet dps doesn't show the latter two
(diabloprogress doesn't even take setbonusses into account either)

Earthquake barb v0.9 (missing 3 key pieces to be at 1.0 :p)

I decided to give t6 hellrifts a go after making some changes to my gear (hadn't tried it at all on barb since I went fire) , and HOLY shit
I can just zerg through it in under a minute... kill the elites before the timer ends mister cursed chest? Sure! hammermash spawned? 8seconds and he turns into a loot

I've been wasting my time doing this on my DH when I need gold

With the changes to passives and my gear I'm also extremely tanky in t4 in groups, the only thing I'm still scared of is multiple arcane beams and multiple explosions, finding the arcane absorb necklace would open up t5-6 to me (I have no double unity to abuse sadly)


You're correct. I meant pay to win. I'm fine with a middle ground myself. I can see how the AH created it's own set of issues.

I feel like we went from one extreme to the other though.

To be honest at this point I'd settle for being able to use some sort of torment-only blood shard like currency to be able to gamble for torment only items (namely set items). I actually feel like gambling is a nice middle ground since it allows you to target specific items for a build (which I've had amazing success with at this point for all 6 of my characters) but the problem is so many builds outright require or at least benefit from having a bunch of set pieces that it is 100% RNG if you will ever see them or not.

Two and a half weeks ago I got my first piece of my Leap Quake set, two days ago I finally got a second piece. Who the fuck knows when or if I will ever see a third piece. Where as in that same 2 and a half week time frame I got the entire charge set and IK set (and multiples of some of those pieces). More importantly to my point: in those 2 weeks I've spent roughly 16k more blood shards (been averaging about 1k a day). If I had just some way to gamble for my set items there is a good chance I'd actually be done with that set now.


Junior Member
I fucking hate Corrupted Angels, Anarchs and those alikes that summon meteors with huge AOE with little cooldown, AND with the power of teleport.


I think my biggest problem is just a lack of fun items. There isn't really a reason to substitute out an optimal piece of gear of whatever build you're running with.

Sure, you are pretty lucky if you do have those end game pieces, but then what? Grind for paragon points? I don't enjoy rifts enough to keep running rifts for the sake of it. Hopefully with the next patch, things change a little as bounties can be a nice change of pace sometimes.


This is the one I use for solo play. For group play, I swap out Andariel's for Tal's helm, Cindercoat for Tal's chest, and Unity for RRoG. Leaves me with about 12.3m toughness and allows me to tank virtually anything in T5. I haven't found a T6 group yet.

Lightning procs with TF, Frost procs with Cold Snap, Fire procs with everything, and Arcane procs with Black Hole. Probably the most fun I have with group play.

I can understand that. I was waning a few weeks ago until I got a Maximus, that changed my item layout and my playstyle entirely, I had a lot of fun with it. Would like to see more build change items like that.
(diabloprogress doesn't even take setbonusses into account either)

It does! I don't think it takes the RoRG into account, but it does include set bonuses.

From mine:

Profile DPS: 947,614.00
Corrected DPS: 1,149,673.15
(with set bonuses)

If they did start imimenting a trade system, would you guys want smart loot to be modified to drop more stuff for different classes?
I would be torn on that. There's a lot more to consider. Would they allow items from Kadala to be traded? Because I definitely wouldnt want to get items for other classes when I'm trying to target a specific item for MY character. Then again, Kadala is there to alleviate RNG frustration. Adding trading back in would almost make her overkill.


Generally, it's Wave of Force for AoE and the Cooldown Meteor or Meteor Storm for the generic spender. You're better off just using MM for Elites rather than relying on a spender for them.

This. Given how fast you can cast Magic Missile and how much damage it deals, I feel like the only one thats worth taking a short break to use between Magic Missiles is Meteor w/ Molten Impact. Meteor Storm is to random with its impact locations and overall damage and Wave of Force could be good if you use animation cancelling, but it requires you to get pretty close.
I can understand that. I was waning a few weeks ago until I got a Maximus, that changed my item layout and my playstyle entirely, I had a lot of fun with it. Would like to see more build change items like that.
I was in almost that exact boat. I wanted a Maximus since RoS launch, and after a few hundred rifts I finally got one.

Maximus is AWESOME.


I found some Death Dealer pants. They work fine for me now, but I think they're going to harm in future difficulty levels for my monk.


Got the Raekor set and Strongarm bracers... finally something different other than lightning WW. That said I would like the IK gloves or belt to finish that off.


Just throwing something out there, but what about password protecting trades? Like before you trade with someone, you both type in a password to finalize the trade. Could be a decent deterrent for would-be hackers.
I still think they should allow you to add three people to a trade list that can only be changed every so often. Any item you get automatically binds to those four accounts, trade back and forth infinite times, but those people can't trade the items you gave them to anyone else and vice versa. This would allow you to have a nice small group of players that you want to be able to trade with frequently.


Just throwing something out there, but what about password protecting trades? Like before you trade with someone, you both type in a password to finalize the trade. Could be a decent deterrent for would-be hackers.
Add the option to "unlock" at the enchantress for two hours at the cost of two forgotten souls.



Dat feeling


Just throwing something out there, but what about password protecting trades? Like before you trade with someone, you both type in a password to finalize the trade. Could be a decent deterrent for would-be hackers.
That wouldn't effect anything. What they are scared of is all the bots running rampant and selling those items to others. While the script does the run, the botter can still enter such a password himself after finding a buyer.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Get your shitty DH to 70. Save up some shards with your main character. Log onto your DH and dump some shards into bows. Shouldn't take much to satisfy the needs of a follower.

I thought we could get any kind of weapons from shards? Like, even a Wizard could get a Bow from 2h weapons, or a Barbarian could get a wand from 1h weapons. Was that true, or was it fixed in a recent patch?
I thought we could get any kind of weapons from shards? Like, even a Wizard could get a Bow from 2h weapons, or a Barbarian could get a wand from 1h weapons. Was that true, or was it fixed in a recent patch?

As a DH, I MOSTLY get bows. I get other weapon types as well, but if I specifically wanted a bow, I'd go on my DH.


Yeah, DH is really shit in terms of builds.

It's not quite as bad as the chart makes it look. Physical > fire at high torment but you won't see physical builds at the top of the chart because they don't have as many elemental damage items as fire, hence fewer ways to buff elemental elite DPS. Items like Tasker & Theo or Sash of Knives give massive DPS increases without showing up in an elemental elite DPS calculation.
Are you guys running bounties on a low difficulty to run through them quickly? I have been doing them at T1 (all I can do safely right now). Wondering if doing them on normal would give better results seeing as I could do them a lot faster.


I'm really hitting a wall, I find myself actively hating the game at some points, which is a new feeling. Almost every leg drop, I don't really even get any hopes up at all, just quick identify, scan and trash. I'll still play some I think, just in the morning before work or other short bursts. I'm definitely done w/ the half day play sessions though, just too much RNG and too hard to get the few things I still actually want.
See this is what blizzard needs to get right also why 60-70 should have been 10 times as long it just doesn't take long at all but yeah shame the first two weeks was fucking amazing and was soo fun I play but yeah finally got my Cain pants last night and other than getting two amazing rings or an ammy my monk is done she can barly do t2. Don't really wantto play a wiz its such a chesse class got it to 60 and never played it again looks like its back to barb soon still need to get crusader to 70. Blizzard needs to hurry with that patch


I don't put much stock into these DPS rankings either but the point was brought up that the people on Diablo Progress have different builds/gear for classes when that is not really true.

If two classes are all using the same basic resource spender to deal damage... something is wrong. All Monks are using LTKs and all DHs are using Cluster Arrow... this is not a result of what items they have or their rankings on sites... it's a pure class imbalance.

Oh, I wasn't disagreeing with the argument you were making; it was just an unrelated aside.


Are you guys running bounties on a low difficulty to run through them quickly? I have been doing them at T1 (all I can do safely right now). Wondering if doing them on normal would give better results seeing as I could do them a lot faster.

I usually run bounties with one of the split farming groups you can find listed in communities. They generally run through them on normal difficulty and it'll take like five minutes to complete all the bounties in an act. I find my legendaries per hour are generally higher on normal runs since you're just blowing through everything aoeing on the way, but you lose out on imperial gems, gold, xp, and torment only set pieces, so it's definitely a trade off.


What is something good that I can roll from Kadala for a pet build WD.

I have the Homoculus Mojo, so i was thinking gloves for Tasker & Theo
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