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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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6 piece IK, Bul Kathos set and Bastion of the will handles T6 pretty well.
Lol with the help from two other set bonus? Both of which aren't a cakewalk to get. That doesn't really qualify as handling t6 just fine. If you had the waste set bonus with nothing else you eat t6 for breakfast. IK on its own is garbage.


Or skull grasp + SoJ or something like that
6p IK + bul kathos just stomps T6 rifts, it's better than 6p wastes + 4p ik for farming imo (just for the movement speed and free 10 fury/sec)

Why on earth wouldn't you do 6pc wastes with bul kathos set instead? there's no way at all IK + bul kathos is better. You do not need the 4 pc IK bonus with Wastes for what we're talking about.
Have fun, it's much more relaxing than wiz
Went from monk to wiz and was amazed how more relaxing it is.
And now I'm on my barb and it's just a cakewalk.. damn
Playing monk is so stressful in comparison to anything
Oh really? I was planning to roll a monk after my DH. Got my work cut out for me I guess, but I love a challenge. What's so stressful about it? I basically know nothing about any class but DH.
Why on earth wouldn't you do 6pc wastes with bul kathos set instead? there's no way at all IK + bul kathos is better. You do not need the 4 pc IK bonus with Wastes for what we're talking about.
Perma WotB = crowd control that doesn't affect you, and some more bonus move speed
Ancients clean the shit you leave behind you
Oh really? I was planning to roll a monk after my DH. Got my work cut out for me I guess, but I love a challenge. What's so stressful about it? I basically know nothing about any class but DH.

It doesn't "flow" as well. You're pretty much spamming spells and jumping all around the place, etc. On the other side barb just whirlwinds everywhere without giving a fuck, casting WotB when it's up.


Bull on a Donut
Why on earth wouldn't you do 6pc wastes with bul kathos set instead? there's no way at all IK + bul kathos is better. You do not need the 4 pc IK bonus with Wastes for what we're talking about.

yah ik is pretty trash, it's a pretty good feeling clearing some t6 rifts in under 45s with 6pc wastes + BK, better than ik in pretty much every way, for speedfarming and pushing.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Or skull grasp + SoJ or something like that
6p IK + bul kathos just stomps T6 rifts, it's better than 6p wastes + 4p ik for farming imo (just for the movement speed and free 10 fury/sec)

Lol with the help from two other set bonus? Both of which aren't a cakewalk to get. That doesn't really qualify as handling t6 just fine. If you had the waste set bonus with nothing else you eat t6 for breakfast. IK on its own is garbage.

Why on earth wouldn't you do 6pc wastes with bul kathos set instead? there's no way at all IK + bul kathos is better. You do not need the 4 pc IK bonus with Wastes for what we're talking about.

Perma WotB = crowd control that doesn't affect you, and some more bonus move speed
Ancients clean the shit you leave behind you

It doesn't "flow" as well. You're pretty much spamming spells and jumping all around the place, etc. On the other side barb just whirlwinds everywhere without giving a fuck, casting WotB when it's up.

Interesting discussion.

My barb is currently running 6pc IK. I'm missing the helm but I'm using the 2-hander from IK to get the set bonus, and I can only steamroll T4. T5 gives me moderate difficulty and T6 is still beyond my reach. That said my rings are not ideal and a few of my set pcs aren't great rolls either, ideally I'd like to replace some pieces with better rolls. If I could get the IK helm and couple it with Bul Kathos and better rings then I'm sure it would get me to T5 if not T6.

While the Wastes set might be better from a min-max point of view, I do enjoy whirlwinding all over the place with limitless fury and permanent ancients who mess shit up tough. I find it fun. I do have four pieces of the Wastes set in my stash though, maybe if I get the rest of it I'll try it out.


I'm running 6 piece IK with only another 2 pc of wastes to buff rend (haven't been able to find enough pieces for the full 6) and it's alright for T6. Being able to spin into the middle of groups then rending them is pretty good. I was able to do GR 34 solo, but I wasn't pushing too hard (just trying to get a gem to 25), so I'm hoping I can push a little higher. I have both bul-kathos swords waiting in the wings but I need the IK belt first so I can swap out the weapon without losing the 6 piece bonus.

I'd really like to try Wastes, I just need those pieces to drop. You gotta work with what you get, lol. I'd like to ultimately try 6 wastes, with 2 IK to keep the perma-ancients if it all works out. I can't remember how good my bul kathos rolls are but hopefully the set bonus makes up for it if they're mediocre.


Friends and I are getting back into this game tonight by making new characters in Season 3. We haven't played since right before the first season started. Anything major we need to be aware of? Also, who's at a better place currently - monks or crusaders? I remember Monks were underwhelming back in the summer.
So I had quite a bit of fun with this 2.2 patch and new season but I think I'm calling it quits now after many hours and just too much grind and little variation towards the end (expected of course).

I gotta say I really love the new goblin type additions, quality of life improvements concerning material pickup and the addition of (or changes to) more legendaries with unique effects.

I'd like to see a bunch of improvements though. QOL changes for item pickups were nice, but not enough yet. I honestly don't even want to interrupt the, these days insanely fast, gameplay pace clicking on little icons/items on the field constantly. Why wouldn't I just pick up all the crafting materials (esp. if I already have them in my inventory already!)? Why can't I just 'absorb' them automatically, and from a large range please? Yeh, picking up stuff is a trademark of the series but it's contradicting the actual gameplay, which is vastly more important. I wouldn't mind picking up legendaries and other regular items, though... or actually... just give us the option already Blizzard. Just do it. Allow me to set a filter. We're already moving into that direction anyways and for good reasons. I just wish we wouldn't have to wait 10years to get there.

Singleplayer vs Groups

That reddit thread provides enough examples, but the gist of it is, if you want to be even remotely competitive and rank anywhere close to the top in the leaderboards, you'll need the inversion of my itemdrop luck or simply play in a group.

Unfortunately our old, regular EU GAF clan wasn't that active outside of an early burst and so I couldn't really team up with anyone. I also simply prefer solo play at times. However, your effectiveness is perhaps 1/10th of 4 man groups. You'll be left behind in the dustdevils of that Wrath of the Waste set this one Barbarian assembled fully not 10 hours into the game because he ran with a 4 man Barb group.

Now in general I don't mind a minor, albeit still substantial advantage for group play. But currently the discrepancy is just so large, you can't help but feel the inefficiency crawl up your leg in solo play.

Then there's the good old power creep and balance thing. It's difficult to do well and for how many hours I got out of this season alone again, done well enough. But so many items with seemingly fine and fun effects are just turned useless. I only played Barb this season and while I did get to enjoy Leapquake and Raekors/Furious Charge on my way to Wastes, that was it then. Wrath of the Wastes (+ IK for high GRs but not really speedfarming imo, BK wins there) just seems to be rather far ahead of the former two, especially Leapquake. Raekors may be nice in groupplay but eh, single it just lacked the single target damage for GR bosses. Now, even if all sets were viable you'd still be missing out on a lot of slots. With just wastes that's a guaranteed 5 slots gone for one set. Add Furnace, Bul Kathos or IK weapons and it's looking even more dire.

I dunno, the whole 'sets' are just so far above concept has many strong points but also flaws. Getting 'there' and having major jumps in power can be cool. The effects themselves tend to feel really awesome as well. Yet, in the end it substantially cuts into buiild diversity. Then again, maybe it doesn't. Maybe without set items there'd still be the 1-2 true builds. It's just kind of an impossible balance to uphold.

Stash space. Just fucking increase it by a lot and give us more appropriate tab icons too. I played exclusively a Barbarian and yet somewhat ran out of space where I ended up throwing away things I might have used yet. I'm not even just a bad hoarder, it's simply that, for all you know, a Convention of Elements with IAS may be more useful than your current one down the line, when you do the math and realize you could hit another breakpoint. Elemental damage alone means you'll likely end up with a lot of bracers. Just give me a HELL lot of stashspace and slightly improvement management, too. I'll take "database size" arguments as a non issue. Problems with their current implementations etc., sure, but if well done I can't imagine even 100 stash tabs would really amount to issues. Either way, in a lootgame I wouldn't want to be constantly bothered with removing genuinely potentially useful items.

Legendary Recipes... just fuck those things in a season kind of setting. Having to wade through disappointing recipe drops until you finally got em all every season is tiresome. Even with that new green goblin type it's still annoying enough for a legendary drop to turn out to be a mere recipe.


Interesting discussion.

My barb is currently running 6pc IK. I'm missing the helm but I'm using the 2-hander from IK to get the set bonus, and I can only steamroll T4. T5 gives me moderate difficulty and T6 is still beyond my reach. That said my rings are not ideal and a few of my set pcs aren't great rolls either, ideally I'd like to replace some pieces with better rolls. If I could get the IK helm and couple it with Bul Kathos and better rings then I'm sure it would get me to T5 if not T6.

While the Wastes set might be better from a min-max point of view, I do enjoy whirlwinding all over the place with limitless fury and permanent ancients who mess shit up tough. I find it fun. I do have four pieces of the Wastes set in my stash though, maybe if I get the rest of it I'll try it out.

WotW still lets you WW around but you just do it way faster and kill things a lot quicker. I'm not sure how people are coming to the conclusion that 6pc IK is better than 6pc wastes.


Ran a couple low 50s GR yesterday on my DH. Jailer is really frustrating at those GR, cannot get into range for RoV without getting one shot by the affix.


Seek victory, not fairness
It doesn't "flow" as well. You're pretty much spamming spells and jumping all around the place, etc. On the other side barb just whirlwinds everywhere without giving a fuck, casting WotB when it's up.

This is one of the reasons why Tempest Rush:Flurry was so good. The game gets significantly easier when your character is continuously moving without having to stop to attack - you're just automatically dodging all those mortars and arrows due to curving movement, and affixes like plague/arcane/descrator don't have time to pile up in the same area and turn it into an unworkable mess. It's pretty much the only reason I was able to keep up with Eek on T6 with my newbie monk and survive as much as I did. I imagine the Nat's set with strafe enjoys the same kind of benefit.

When using bells or spirit generators, running a simple rapid fire macro to spam your left clicks while a button is held is a big quality-of-life improvement - you don't have to worry about clicking on the enemies precisely any more and you just progressively mow through the crowd, either moving or attacking as necessary depending on what you're currently moused over. In theory (cough).

I'd much rather have that be the default behaviour for left-clicking instead of the current lock-on behaviour (although that has some benefits for enemies that like to jump around a lot).


Not bitter, just unsweetened
6 pc IK is shit

6pc WofW + IK is basically an amazing rift party/GR build
6pc WofW + BK is an amazing solo rift build

WofW IK build grants you 40% DR from set, 50% damage boost AND immunity to CC from WotB as well as perma fury or 50% DR from the ancients

Yes you aren't going to be doing things as fast but you're a tank dealing a massive amount of damage


I almost used something g like this for my GR 40, but I don't think I quite have the CDR to pull it off without using the obsidian ring for my cooldowns, so I went with that instead.

I'd have to look at the numbers but I wouldn't be surprised if he's right, strafe damage is shit compared to your RoV damage. Between the actual skill and the belt, RoV hits for billions while strafe maybe hits like 20mil for me or so? I forget exactly, but it doesn't compare at all.

How do you clear GR40 with nats or M6? I can't seem to clear shit fast enough with M6 :/


How do you clear GR40 with nats or M6? I can't seem to clear shit fast enough with M6 :/

M6 I dunno what to tell you, it was easy as shit. Had like 5 mins left, and I forgot to change my prep rune to the hatred restore one so I was low on hatred the whole time.

Nats, get lots of CDR, spam billion crit RoV to victory. I only beat the timer by like 10 seconds, but I had like 4 deaths on one floor to a bunch of shitty reflect damage packs, plus a couple random deaths that wasted a ton of time.


After getting my best friend into D3, I have suddenly got my love for it back. Have all my classes at 70 now and slowly learning rifts and getting set items. Finally started down the road for my Wizard Inna's set. 2 bits so far! :D


Unburied, goats and stonesinger in a cave ;_; but it was a 48. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Took 8mins to finish. Would have done a 52 with this rift. Godddamit.


Here's something new for the demon hunters - solo GR55 in the season with Nat's and Focus+Restraint.

It's using the knockback rune on RoV, but for groups I imagine another rune and something other than strongarms for the bracers would be fine.

Yeah I was telling people how Nat's was really strong and not just a speed farm set at lower levels.


M6 I dunno what to tell you, it was easy as shit. Had like 5 mins left, and I forgot to change my prep rune to the hatred restore one so I was low on hatred the whole time.

Nats, get lots of CDR, spam billion crit RoV to victory. I only beat the timer by like 10 seconds, but I had like 4 deaths on one floor to a bunch of shitty reflect damage packs, plus a couple random deaths that wasted a ton of time.

I don't have a bombardier's rucksack so maybe that is a problem :\ I was using custom engineering but even with 3 sentries out I couldn't really kill that fast. I'm assuming you're just using 5pc w/ rorg?


I don't have a bombardier's rucksack so maybe that is a problem : I was using custom engineering but even with 3 sentries out I couldn't really kill that fast. I'm assuming you're just using 5pc w/ rorg?

6 with focus/restraint. I used nats/obsidian for that build


6 with focus/restraint. I used nats/obsidian for that build

Huh interesting. Didn't realize F+R worked well with M6. I'm assuming I need the rucksack for 500% bonus though otherwise I probably can't clear it, right? I tried w/ DML and multishot as my spender but it didn't work too well


Huh interesting. Didn't realize F+R worked well with M6. I'm assuming I need the rucksack for 500% bonus though otherwise I probably can't clear it, right? I tried w/ DML and multishot as my spender but it didn't work too well

A rucksack would be a huge damage boost yea


Any reason you are wasting shards on Marauders gear?

GR40 with legacy sets. I finished Raekor and IK. My options now are Nats, M6, Shadow (LOL) or Leapquake. I tried leapquake but it takes me ~13 mins to spawn RG so I don't think I can clear it. There aren't a lot of optimizations I can do to speed it up either. Maybe if I can try battle rage crit explosion w/ ancient spear boulder toss and some kind of fury generation with leapquake/IK6 pc but I'm kind of skeptical as to whether or not it'll add enough DPS.

M6 seems like the easiest way to get it.


GR40 with legacy sets. I finished Raekor and IK. My options now are Nats, M6, Shadow (LOL) or Leapquake. I tried leapquake but it takes me ~13 mins to spawn RG so I don't think I can clear it. There aren't a lot of optimizations I can do to speed it up either. Maybe if I can try battle rage crit explosion w/ ancient spear boulder toss and some kind of fury generation with leapquake/IK6 pc but I'm kind of skeptical as to whether or not it'll add enough DPS.

M6 seems like the easiest way to get it.

Is that one of the season achievements? That sounds painful.
Just dropped for me, what would you guys roll that life per hit to?



For wizards using hydra you want IAS without a doubt. You want to be hitting the break points that shift your hydras into overpowered mode, and you need 7% IAS on your weapon to be doing that.
I'm playing adventure mode on torment 1 and I can't find a vendor that sells potions. Anyone know what the deal is?

They got removed in the last patch.

From 2.2 Patch Notes:

Regular health potions have been removed from the game
The health potion slot on the action bar is now a Bottomless Heath Potion that will heal you for 60% of your maximum Life
The functionality of Legendary potions is unchanged
Man My DH needs to get ancient parts of Ue but at the same time i have not gotten my F/R's .. And how the blue hell are DH's peeps critting for a billion wtf


40+GR and Reflect Elite for a DH is just nope.

Really need a Calamity for that Marked for Death bonus. Would help a tonne I think.
Reflect is not really that bad, just need to start timing your hits. If they haven't reflected for a while stop hitting because it's coming. Main issue are jailers and those damn thunderstorm things. You need to stay off the screen for those. Calamity is nice but not anything that will make a huge difference. An ancient crossbow will hit harder per hatred spent than anything else, use that. It will be fast white mobs that kill you more..
Reflect is not really that bad, just need to start timing your hits. If they haven't reflected for a while stop hitting because it's coming. Main issue are jailers and those damn thunderstorm things. You need to stay off the screen for those. Calamity is nice but not anything that will make a huge difference. An ancient crossbow will hit harder per hatred spent than anything else, use that. It will be fast white mobs that kill you more..

Problem is I was already doing a difficulty pretty close to my limit(whether thats skill or gear holding me back I am not sure), so the time lost trying to deal with the reflect pretty much ended the run for me anyway. Probably could have handled it better but i've not had to deal with reflect almost taking 50% hp in one shot before lol.

Is that why everyone crafts a barb? I did try that the other day and after 10 or so crafts I was completely dry on white mats. Yet I have 10k yellow, makes sense!


Problem is I was already doing a difficulty pretty close to my limit(whether thats skill or gear holding me back I am not sure), so the time lost trying to deal with the reflect pretty much ended the run for me anyway. Probably could have handled it better but i've not had to deal with reflect almost taking 50% hp in one shot before lol.

Is that why everyone crafts a barb? I did try that the other day and after 10 or so crafts I was completely dry on white mats. Yet I have 10k yellow, makes sense!

With DH you need to move a LOT. Kiting is everything in solo play, it is quite hard to do efficiently and really only watching how the top guys do it mixed with experience gets you there. After a certain point, around late 40s some mobs just become too much of a chore to deal with, e.g anarchs. Perffect mobs are slow moving melee, but goats are also good because their spears are fairly easy to dodge. You can post your gear and we can say if it is gear holding you back or just need to keep at it for a bit.

and yeah, that is why people craft arcane barbs. You can keep crafting until you have a nice one. The average damage range on a crossbow is very tight, so every shot hits hard.
With DH you need to move a LOT. Kiting is everything in solo play, it is quite hard to do efficiently and really only watching how the top guys do it mixed with experience gets you there. After a certain point, around late 40s some mobs just become too much of a chore to deal with, e.g anarchs. Perffect mobs are slow moving melee, but goats are also good because their spears are fairly easy to dodge. You can post your gear and we can say if it is gear holding you back or just need to keep at it for a bit.

and yeah, that is why people craft arcane barbs. You can keep crafting until you have a nice one. The average damage range on a crossbow is very tight, so every shot hits hard.

Alright cool, thanks. I have been trying to watch Gaby play the UE set but everytime he is streaming its group play at the moment.

Here is my current setup. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/VWdrewzBie-6802/hero/60194106

Not a huge difference but I guess since im capable of doing it solo I should probably level my gems to 30 before trying to push past my current best agani(42).


Alright cool, thanks. I have been trying to watch Gaby play the UE set but everytime he is streaming its group play at the moment.

Here is my current setup. http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/VWdrewzBie-6802/hero/60194106

Not a huge difference but I guess since im capable of doing it solo I should probably level my gems to 30 before trying to push past my current best agani(42).

You should level your gems as high as you can yeah. Those all res gems make little difference, just go green and add more dps. The main issue I see is that your quiver is bad. You rolled it wrong, should have put in +12disc into secondary.

Other than that I personal prefer Arsenal rune, but I've seen some people use the phsyical rune. How are you finding resouce use without bat companion? Witching Hour!

Use intimidate on your templar, regen is not that useful for DH and put an ess of johan on him.
You should level your gems as high as you can yeah. Those all res gems make little difference, just go green and add more dps. The main issue I see is that your quiver is bad. You rolled it wrong, should have put in +12disc into secondary.

Other than that I personal prefer Arsenal rune, but I've seen some people use the phsyical rune. How are you finding resouce use without bat companion? Witching Hour!

Use intimidate on your templar, regen is not that useful for DH and put an ess of johan on him.

I've never tried Arsenal TBH, I will give it a shot. Hatred hasn't been too bad, but I have put points into it instead of Dex. Maybe I should try remove the points from Max Hatred and go Dex instead.

Do want a witching hour, haven't got one yet. Will keep the ess of johan in mind if I ever get one.

Apprecaite the help.


They got removed in the last patch.

From 2.2 Patch Notes:

Regular health potions have been removed from the game
The health potion slot on the action bar is now a Bottomless Heath Potion that will heal you for 60% of your maximum Life
The functionality of Legendary potions is unchanged

Oh... that's cool I guess. I thought I had just run out and was searching everywhere. Thanks for the info!

Cleared Caldeum bounties so now move onto the next area I reckon. The wizard class in this game is really amazing.
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