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Diablo III: Reaper of Souls |OT2| Enchantress: Look! More hidden loot!

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After posting that google doc I am getting e-mail requests for permission to make changes to it. I linked to wrong thing, probably should have linked the original one instead of my saved copy.

For those who want to save it and use it go here then go file make a copy, it will save it your personal google drive.
I can't get a decent Accursed Visage to save my life. Gambled 4 now and none of them have vitality. Like, that's all I fucking really need on it - the other stat can be rolled away. But I literally can't use it unless it has vit because I'd lose 30%+ toughness coming off my current ancient blind faith.

And it's a big choke point too, since getting that final piece lets me drop RoRG and look for the other half of Focus/Restraint.


Whoa whoa whoa, you still have to get me a wastes set and ok belt to go with the wep you gave me already. Slow down bro

Get Blizzard to give me credit for my M6 GR40 clear first QQ

I can't get a decent Accursed Visage to save my life. Gambled 4 now and none of them have vitality. Like, that's all I fucking really need on it - the other stat can be rolled away. But I literally can't use it unless it has vit because I'd lose 30%+ toughness coming off my current ancient blind faith.

And it's a big choke point too, since getting that final piece lets me drop RoRG and look for the other half of Focus/Restraint.

bro hit me up tonight i'll get you an accursed visage.. whatever that is

J. Bravo

Got 4pc tals and 4pc dmo. Just need two more of each to get 6pc bonus with rorg. Dmo seems like it would be pretty awesome with full bonus.

Also got meteor boots so hoping for tals over all else.

And 55 paragon levels, 97-152.

All thanks to the lovely group that ran 35s for a couple hours. Especially to Edison, those last two were a struggle lol


Get Blizzard to give me credit for my M6 GR40 clear first QQ

bro hit me up tonight i'll get you an accursed visage.. whatever that is

Did you not get credit for it or did you just not do 3 yet? After I did it with nats I was super pissed cuz it didn't pop and I thought it hadn't counted it, but really I'd just forgotten to do the 40 with maras since I knew I could and just hadn't yet. Maybe you forgot to do it with the full IK set or someting?


Seek victory, not fairness
Yeah that eek guy sure is great!

We just need to edit this old Adventure Time GIF to show Jake gaining levels continuously as he goes:


Anyone getting disconnected from games randomly? I just lost a L30 GRift key and this is the second d/c. I'm not even lagging other than the 2 seconds before it kicks me out of the game.


I keep gambling for ancient BK's and kadala isn't giving me anything. And the IK 2hander won't drop so I can't break GR44 :\

Funnily enough my raekor pieces are all ancient except for the chest, and I have a good ancient furnace and shit ton of wards. Might as well just go raekors lol.


Did you not get credit for it or did you just not do 3 yet? After I did it with nats I was super pissed cuz it didn't pop and I thought it hadn't counted it, but really I'd just forgotten to do the 40 with maras since I knew I could and just hadn't yet. Maybe you forgot to do it with the full IK set or someting?

I didn't get credit for it. Opened my inventory afterwards thinking I wasn't wearing full mara but I had 6 pc no rorg. Fucking bullshit!
Gotten up to GR37 twice now (passing 35 and 36 keys), but I keep getting stuck there. Either bad enemies or a bad rift guardian. Things that seems to spite a Demon Hunter. First one had something like 3 reflects damage packs in a row which is just ugh. Or just the harpy things that shoot the orange projectiles of doom. And bosses with a teleport insta-gib. If everything aligned even moderately well I could definitely do it.

Oh and the dead zone of damage between 75% (passive) and 59% (from my DML) is frustrating as well on the rift guardian. Once it dips below 59% it's gibbed in like 30 seconds, but I gotta make it there first.


That was me the other night in eeks trail of tornadoes and chaos.

Yup, same here last week or so.

Eek helped me out tremendously in getting some decent gear for my Barb.

Sadly, I myself am not a monster of tornadoes and chaos yet.

Rather, I've got a crazy Fem Barb furiously charging into groups of everything with a CotA harem just murdering everything that looks at me the wrong way (or just cleaning up after me).

Now if I can can get this damn Tasker rerolled to get some Crit, they'd be even more murderous.
I swear, the game's been trolling me mad hard when it comes to rerolling gloves.


ok, so what is the current most popular wizard build?

They are in a good place right now - Tal'Rasha's, Delseres and a Talsere mix are all doing very well and able to hit greater rifts at level 45 at least. I presume firebird still works, its just not used because its so insanely tedious by comparison to a screen full of meteors or slow time fields... :).

I just found a Wand of Woh and a Serpent's Sparker from the same rift so now completely torn on what to use!


Forever Platinum
They are in a good place right now - Tal'Rasha's, Delseres and a Talsere mix are all doing very well and able to hit greater rifts at level 45 at least. I presume firebird still works, its just not used because its so insanely tedious by comparison to a screen full of meteors or slow time fields... :).

I just found a Wand of Woh and a Serpent's Sparker from the same rift so now completely torn on what to use!

I've done 45 with a tal's build and a delsere build, current dels gear on my profile right now: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/procarbine-1133/hero/60254319

My serpent sparker isn't ancient and my tasker is awful for the tals build, and my dels here is far from optimal as well. Pretty good spot atm, dels is the more fun build for me.


lol damn dat luck I quit for the day but decided to play a few more games... got Sunwuko gloves a better cindercoat, 2 innas chest lol. All I want last season though was a innas chest and torch now I have all of the innas and its terrible.. I also got 6 Flying Dragon's and not one torch last season. -_- but still pretty happy with my monk soo far.. I haven't been lucky at all with my barb though :/
its crazy how you can play like million games for the items and in two rifts I got everything I've been waiting.. still need that Flying Dragon though. It didn't even take but like 10 forgotten souls to fix them.. feelsgoodman


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Wow, the last few days of D3 for me have been a milestone.

I've been playing since launch, I have hundreds of hours in the game, and my non seasonal paragon level is 139. I have four characters at 70 but have never gotten higher than GR16 and my best character can only handle T3 comfortably.

Until now that is. In the last few days my S3 barbarian has rocketed into greatness. I now have an ancient legendary Wrath of the Bone King, I'm wearing 2pcs Wastes and 4pcs IK, I'm wearing three legend gems (Trapped, Poisonous, and Pain Enhancer), and just last night I had both Focus and Restraint drop for me. A lot of my pieces aren't ideal stats wise but they are serviceable. And whappah, suddenly I'm capable of doing bounties and rifts at T6, for the first time ever! I almost tear through it honestly, with only the occasional nasty elite pack giving me enough trouble to die once or twice.

I've not done a GR yet with this new gear as I've been playing mulitplayer games for the past two nights, and now last night for the first time I played my first ever multiplayer T6 rift run. What an eye opener that was, Holy Shit some people are crazy geared in this game. We were running T6 rifts like hot knifes through butter last night, I think I gained like 30 paragon levels! My two week old S3 barb is now at a higher Plevel than my two year old non seasonal account, LOL. All kinds of crazy. I also learned that at T6 blues and yellows are mostly ignored, theres no time for that stuff, you only bother picking up legendaries and set pieces.

Honestly the game gets so much more fun at T6 IMHO. Tonight I'm going to drop into a GR and see just how much higher I can climb now. My S3 barb already broke my previous GR16 record as I got up to GR23 over the weekend with him. I have no idea where I'll top out at now!

Here is a link to my barb as he is now, any advice for improvements would be appreciated as I'm in all new territory with this barbarian beast!!!!



Wow, the last few days of D3 for me have been a milestone.

I've been playing since launch, I have hundreds of hours in the game, and my non seasonal paragon level is 139. I have four characters at 70 but have never gotten higher than GR16 and my best character can only handle T3 comfortably.

Until now that is. In the last few days my S3 barbarian has rocketed into greatness. I now have an ancient legendary Wrath of the Bone King, I'm wearing 2pcs Wastes and 4pcs IK, I'm wearing three legend gems (Trapped, Poisonous, and Pain Enhancer), and just last night I had both Focus and Restraint drop for me. A lot of my pieces aren't ideal stats wise but they are serviceable. And whappah, suddenly I'm capable of doing bounties and rifts at T6, for the first time ever! I almost tear through it honestly, with only the occasional nasty elite pack giving me enough trouble to die once or twice.

I've not done a GR yet with this new gear as I've been playing mulitplayer games for the past two nights, and now last night for the first time I played my first ever multiplayer T6 rift run. What an eye opener that was, Holy Shit some people are crazy geared in this game. We were running T6 rifts like hot knifes through butter last night, I think I gained like 30 paragon levels! My two week old S3 barb is now at a higher Plevel than my two year old non seasonal account, LOL. All kinds of crazy. I also learned that at T6 blues and yellows are mostly ignored, theres no time for that stuff, you only bother picking up legendaries and set pieces.

Honestly the game gets so much more fun at T6 IMHO. Tonight I'm going to drop into a GR and see just how much higher I can climb now. My S3 barb already broke my previous GR16 record as I got up to GR23 over the weekend with him. I have no idea where I'll top out at now!

Here is a link to my barb as he is now, any advice for improvements would be appreciated as I'm in all new territory with this barbarian beast!!!!


That is awesome! I was actually in a similar boat as you (was pushing T4 with my off-season wiz, was never able to complete much in regards to sets), and in the same way I got quite lucky with set drops this season to get my Barb to out-of-control levels. I think playing a bit more multiplayer (and being carried for a little bit) definitely contributed to the jump start. The scary thing is I can still see tons of room for improvement even though T6 is entirely manageable now.

The amount of XP you get in T6 and the higher level greater rifts just completely outclasses lower difficulties by a huge amount. I am closing in on P200 and I think my off-season heroes are sitting around 131 only (which includes both previous seasons combined!)

Sets really do make that much of a difference. I shouldn't be surprised because the bonuses are so good, but it's uncanny how you go from struggling through T1-T2 to annihilating T6 when you finish off one big set.


I've done 45 with a tal's build and a delsere build, current dels gear on my profile right now: http://us.battle.net/d3/en/profile/procarbine-1133/hero/60254319

My serpent sparker isn't ancient and my tasker is awful for the tals build, and my dels here is far from optimal as well. Pretty good spot atm, dels is the more fun build for me.
Any tips for my Wiz?:

Think 39 is the highest I've managed to solo on any of my characters. I did a 41 in a group.
I'm constantly getting freezes while doing rifts/greater rifts, but only since today. Did anything happen yesterday? It's happening on both my desktop and on my laptop.


Forever Platinum
Any tips for my Wiz?:

Think 39 is the highest I've managed to solo on any of my characters. I did a 41 in a group.

First you need Meteor damage on both your helm and boots, if you ever find another good nilfur's you should roll off the ms before other things, very easy to just pick it up with paragon points. Next I would switch your electrocute over to surge of power just to keep yourself topped off a little easier.

From here there are a ton of effective ways to play tals, check out the leaderboards. I would advise that you try to fit in arcane dynamo, it'll give an easy boost to your hydras, and maybe take out the poison gem for a defensive one for the time being. I've really enjoyed Gizzard, but people use esoteric as well.


What the hell did they do to Orluz in this patch? He's gone from being really annoying to flat out utterly ridiculous. He has a breath attack that is deadlier and far longer than Diablos, he casts wall just before it so you can't move, he teleports and swipes at you, and he splits into multiple versions which seem to do damage and body block you from escaping his breath attack.

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong but he seems far, far harder than any other rift boss by a long way.
What the hell did they do to Orluz in this patch? He's gone from being really annoying to flat out utterly ridiculous. He has a breath attack that is deadlier and far longer than Diablos, he casts wall just before it so you can't move, he teleports and swipes at you, and he splits into multiple versions which seem to do damage and body block you from escaping his breath attack.

I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong but he seems far, far harder than any other rift boss by a long way.

He's really lame. Sometimes incredibly easy and sometimes hard depending on his AI. He's great when he just constantly tries to breath attack without cloning.


10 IK pieces on my 1 hour run earlier and 0 wastes.


What's the best Raekor build? I got the 5 bonus now and might as well use that while waiting for 2 more wastes to drop.


I love playing seasons except for one thing. I feel like I always have the worst luck with Unity. I'm at 264 (I know its nothing insane) but I have a Barb and Crusader that can both do GRift L40 but I have yet to find a single Unity. I just want to be able to progress, why does this ring hate me.


I love playing seasons except for one thing. I feel like I always have the worst luck with Unity. I'm at 264 (I know its nothing insane) but I have a Barb and Crusader that can both do GRift L40 but I have yet to find a single Unity. I just want to be able to progress, why does this ring hate me.

If it makes you feel better, most builds aren't using it now anyways


"If it makes you feel better, most builds aren't using it now anyways"

He plays a barb. Barb needs unity for higher grift

Nope, not WW barbs. Focus + Restraint is where it's at.

Finding 2 unity and the right relic for your follower which makes them immortal isn't exactly trivial either. Unities are rather easy to get, the relic on the other hand...


Bull on a Donut
Nope, not WW barbs. Focus + Restraint is where it's at.

Maybe for t6 and 35-43ish GR speed farming, but have you pushed to 50ish with FnR? Seems close to impossible without the perfect rift.

Like someone above said, crusaders seem to be having the same issues--want to use FnR, but it just turns you into a glass cannon past 45. Playing a DH as an alt (first time since vanilla) and it's so refreshing not giving a shit about survivability. Going to get 1 shot at Gr 35, 45, 55, doesn't matter so just go straight damage yolo.

This is why blizzard's balancing is good for solo GR's but completely broken for groups. My ranged alts feel like they have close to limitless damage potential, but are balanced around getting 1 shot. My melee have to consider survivability and so are completely handicapped damage wise when it comes to pushing GR's.
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